#I don't even use the term I'm defending I just think it's self explanatory
rikascream · 1 year
Here I go on a stupid rant:
People who have an attraction that is not by definition straight are gay. This can be a guy, girl, or any presenting gender. They are gay. They can also be queer.
If a guy is bi, he is totally allowed to STILL call himself gay. Because he still has queer attraction. I knew a guy in college who preferred to be called gay even though he still had attraction to some women. Nobody batted an eye. They didn't shriek at him "But you're bi!! Stop lying to people!!" because gay is a word equivalent to queer attraction. If he liked men AT ALL then he was called gay.
So by that logic, Women-identifying-people who have a queer attraction are lesbians. Right? Right. Same thing. If a girl likes girls, she's at the same time gay, queer, and a lesbian. She can choose any of these labels to suit her.
So if a woman realizes in some way that she is gay, she's a lesbian. Following me? Girl with queer attraction = lesbian. And, just like my friend in college, that means even if she has SOME attraction to boys, she can still identify as a lesbian. Especially if she believes that her attraction falls on the spectrum leaning towards women. She's allowed to call herself a lesbian.
But as soon as people find out that she has a small attraction towards men, suddenly it's "You're not a lesbian. You're bi. You're less lesbian than the rest of us. You are less queer and thus have more privilege and you are not welcome here."...
Tell me that ain't the most gatekeeping, stupid, hipocritical thing you ever heard?? First off, it's not their label, it is HER label! Next, why does her choice of label matter? She is still attracted to women, would still be able to find and date a woman, there's just a little wiggle room in her attraction. And it doesn't matter how much wiggle room because queer attraction is still queer.
You know what I think it is? I think it's terfy. There are people trying to regulate a word that they have no business regulating because they are trying to call many identifies unvalid. Especially if it involves someone trans. For example: a ftm trans person who has an attraction to women could call themselves a lesbian if they would like, and that makes terfs mad because they want to gatekeeper what a woman is when 1) it's a spectrum and 2) they are using the word lesbian as it defines a queer attraction. Even though they are presenting as a male, they could still consider their attraction queer. This is up for that person to decide, not gatekeepers on the internet. And if someone is mtf, terfs would argue they are not lesbian but straight, which completely misses the point that they can see their attraction as queer.
I also think it's misandry. I think there are lesbians who are lesbian because they hate men or believe that women are superior to men (This is something you can also see in terfs). So, when a misandrist lesbian meets someone who labels themselves as lesbian but has even the tiniest attraction to men, they get furious, pissed, angry. They feel betrayed and disgusted by it. I'm not saying they're in the right, but this is definitely how they feel and a reason someone would be so "Label Police" about things.
So when some poor soul decided "I want to express that I call myself a lesbian, but I am open to more, so I don't offend or make anyone upset when they find out I don't hate men," all hell broke loose. Because they decided to call themselves a bi lesbian.
And the terfs and misandrists hated that more.
I just think it's rediculous. You don't see gay men getting bashed for having a 5% attraction to women. You don't see gay men get angry when women call themselves gay like "THAT'S OUR WORD!!" (and if they do, they must be exhausting to be around).
So, let me explain it again. A lesbian is someone with a queer attraction, usually reserved for women and women presenting people but let's remember you can be genderqueer as well. It is a label to help you understand yourself. It can be just as flexible as the word "gay"
Like, fuck. I'm a married woman, I'm married to a man. I'm bisexual, a label I chose. When I'm experiencing a queer attraction, do I specify "I'm so bi?" no. I call myself gay. Sometimes I say "I'm such a lesbian right now." almost like language is flexible, ever changing, and meant to fit our needs.
So leave bi lesbians alone. If you really are a terf or hate men, at least they are letting you know exactly what they are all about.
Oh wait, I forgot, the reason why this is such a big deal in the first place is because those type of people live for pushing people down, gatekeeping, suicide baiting, harassing, and making a ton of noise so that someone will pay attention to them because they never got love as a child.
Why can't they be passionate about something that matters?? Like the environment? Helping poor people? Fixing inequality around the world? Maybe mental health???
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Hey I'm the one who sent the ask about Castiel embracing his dark side so he can heal and be co-parented by us. I like anon cause it's mysterious to you lol but I didn't send any real cascrit. I like how your blog is like a link to all corners of this fandom. Can't believe people hate Jack lmao. Casgirls maybe? There are Cas parents and Cas lovers
Oh yeah no worries.
I think I won't post the other anon just because I'd like to get off the babytrapping subject haha but I know you weren't really being serious about it. There were a couple anon messages trying to turn it in a different direction (not from you I think). There was also an anon who was upset and thought it was serious crit with the way we were joking about it and was defending Cas (but didn't want me to post). I think if people really want to discuss this genuinely, it could be a fun discussion for them, but with someone besides me because I don't have the motivation to say a lot to say about it haha. For me personally I don't think it holds up as genuine crit (and I don't think you do either) because that term has a specific meaning and I definitely don't think Cas has ever genuinely intended to babytrap Dean as like... a manipulation tactic to keep them stuck in a relationship. If there's a problem here, I think it looks more like Cas being really oblivious about the hangups Dean has developed about raising kids by the late seasons and just kind of thinking, "Oh! I remember that Dean is good with kids. I'll ask him to do this because I think I'm not good at it and he could help." Maybe someone wants to argue that that's its own problem and speaks to larger issues Cas and Dean have in terms of communication and understanding each other, but it's not babytrapping.
Jack hate is a real thing haha. Jack was actually a somewhat polarizing character while the show was airing. A lot of people really loved him, but there were a few things that created pockets of resentment in fandom:
Fans who loved Jack tended to infantilize him, which didn't sit well with other fans at all and lead to a lot of resentment for Jack, which is sad, because while fans (and occasionally Sam and Cas) infantilized Jack, Jack never infantilized himself. Jack (read: REAL Jack—not Soulless Jack) strongly believed in taking responsibility for his own actions. Jack bares similarities to all three of his "dads", and what he got from Dean imo is that relatively more uncompromising moral framework that's rarely swayed, and... the extra helping of guilt over your own human mistakes that comes with being a bit more uncompromising. (I actually like this about both of them).
Some fans resented Jack because they felt he was designed by the writers to undermine and even erase a lot of established canon about Dean and how he treats kids in order to turn fans against him. Prior to Jack's birth, Dean was pretty consistent in protecting kids and teenagers, whether they were monsters or not (ex: Bobby John, Jesse, Emma). This change in writing about Dean's outlook for many felt OOC or like a deliberate retcon, and there were many fans who did hate Dean over this entire period specifically because of this change and still do. They don't remember what Dean was like before and will wax poetic about how much Dean hates kids or dogmatically wants monsters to die which just... isn't accurate at all.
You have bronlies, who hate anyone who isn't Sam or Dean. Pretty self-explanatory there.
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Different, But Same
[Part 1 of my Tomgreg Analysis Series]
TL;DR - Shiv and Greg tend to mirror each other a long in the sequence of the story especially in regards to Tom. This is interesting as Shiv is Tom's romantic partner which the same relationship is echoed very strongly with Tom and Greg.
One of my most interesting observations in regards to the whole Tom/Shiv and Tom/Greg situation is how Greg and Shiv's narrative arc seem similar in regards to their relationship with Tom. However, because of certain reasons, the relationship that Tom has with Greg is more stronger despite the same narrative followed for Shiv as well.
I'm just having some fun here.
1. Initial Circumstances of meeting Tom
In S01E01, we see the circumstances in which Tom and Greg meet each other for the first time. Yes, with the volatile reaction that Tom has of "would you kiss me if I asked you? if I told you to?" (That is a whole another topic that I'll later delve into about shame and queerness in Succession) However, but the time Greg dejectedly stands at the door Logan's hospital cabin with uncertainty about his job at Waystar, S01E02, Tom makes an important offer to Greg. He offers to "look after" Greg in his time of need and help him.
Interestingly, later in the series, in an offhand comment, Shiv mentions how she herself was not in a good state of mind or in a stable position of life when she met Tom. [I don't recall the exact episode where this conversation takes place - but I'm pretty sure this happens]
Regardless, in different times of the show, Shiv depends on Tom to help her through stressful circumstances.
Tom is a dependable person for both Shiv and Greg through his emotional support as well as professional support for these people.
2. RECNY BALL Incident
In S01E04, the notable RECNY Ball takes place which is overshadowed by the fact that Tom receives papers about the Cruises Scandal from Bill. There are two people that Tom informs about the papers : his assistant, Greg Hirsch and his wife to be, Siobhan Roy.
This is one of the multiple instances where Greg and Shiv are placed in the same context for Tom.
When Gerri confronts Tom about the holding a press conference. However, (this is the point where the Tomgreg subtext becomes stronger) when Greg defends himself, Tom seems to believe him which ends up casting strong suspicion on Shiv. This is interesting as this takes place, weeks? days? after having met Greg for the first time and despite, fact that Tom is going to be married to Shiv, he doesn't trust her.
Greg's subordinate status to Tom and his disconnect from the Roys (the situation happens to be opposite for Shiv) is what makes Tom believe him in the first place. Tom has never felt secure in his relationship with Shiv because of his perceived inferior status. However, in regards to Greg, he's in a more balanced position (even superior to Greg) which is why he feels strongly about protecting Greg as well as is comfortable in his relation (though he expresses jealousy? at Greg's closeness with Kendall professionally later on).
He assigns the job of burning the papers to Greg which brings the both closer as they have a secret between them. (Even Shiv doesn't know about the papers until their wedding) Greg and Tom can trust each other to some extend because of the Cruises burning incident because if one of them reveals it then the other goes down. (This analysis does not currently take into account Greg revealing the papers at the press conference - by that point he's reached a position where he can reach out for things other than what Tom can offer him)
3. They both betray Tom as well as Logan
Shiv joins Nate professionally which leads her to not only later cheat on Tom despite their ongoing engagement, but it also brings her into conflict with Logan Roy as she decides to align herself with Senator Gil Eavis who is extremely anti-Logan. Her alliance with Nate causes strong jealousy for Tom wherein he asks Shiv about Nate (which also later is apparent with how Tom humiliates him later with the wine).
In a similar vein, Greg encourages Kendall during the night of Shiv's wedding with "things have to change here". And later on, not only aligns himself such strongly with Kendall that prompts Tom to ask him about it during Hungary and says "a girl can start to wonder."
Both of these alliances are detrimental to Logan as they challenge his place in the throne. However, Shiv's alliance with Eavis collapses easily due to difference in views. It would be interesting if the Kenstar Gregco alliance lasts longer due to the consequences that might result if they try to break apart as well as the blood bond which makes the link more stronger.
4. They both negotiate with Gerri using the Cruises Papers
Tracking on the fact that Shiv and Greg are the ones that mainly know about the papers. They leverage this information in a way that benefits them or creates additional favours for them.
This is initially seen when Greg rats out Tom's plan to do a new conference exposing Cruises to Gerri which is how she shuts him down quickly. This gives Greg a favourable opinion from Gerri, a proximity to the power of Waystar and benefits him even though it screws Tom over.
In a similar vein, Shiv does the same thing when she negotiates with Gerri, Logan's spokesperson, during her wedding night to stop the attacks on Eavis. She uses it to benefit the person she is working for.
This is a very small similarity, but is also another way they both mirror each other in the arc of the story.
5. A sense of moral superiority
Again minor point, but interestingly, both Shiv and Greg have a sense of moral superiority over not being as involved in the business and their sense of doing the right thing.
(This may later diminish as both get more and more stuck with the core of the business, but this is at like early S2)
Greg brings it up first when Tom brings him to ATN with his whole speech on "principles". Tom admonishes Greg with "of course, we're trying to do the right thing. We all are, so don't go talking about principles."
A similar thing repeats when Shiv admonishes Tom about Logan's decision to purchase Pierce. She makes a point about how terrible ATN is the fact that she needs to get proper news from a "respectable" source.
Both of them throw Tom's involvement with ATN as well as Waystar by a way of sticking to principles while being incredibly hypocritical themselves.
6. "Open Marriage"
This is self-explanatory for the most part, but at the same time, it's one of the biggest points for this mirror as well as for Tomgreg.
As mentioned before Tom feels a sense of inferiority with Shiv, which is why he is the more meeker one in the relationship. Which makes him accept the "open marriage" idea with Shiv even though he is essentially being cheated on the entire time.
However, in regards to Greg, the same inferiority does not appear. And by the time, the famous "I will not let go of what is mine" scene, Tom and Greg are friends to a bit. They go out for the ortolan scene (which has a separate analysis about physical hunger and queerness as well later - food metaphors are strong in Succession), Greg tells Tom about Shiv's cheating and Tom has brought Greg into ATN.
[These small things cement the relationship between them and show that Tom and Greg enjoy themselves outside the confines of Waystar which Tom and Shiv struggle with as seen in the case of their honeymoon]
However, Greg's use of "open marriage" causes Tom to not only express his anger, but provides a space to express the anger. He publicly declares how upset he feels that Greg wants to leave and interestingly, uses relationship specific terms like "break up" to talk about Greg's proposal. He repeatedly asserts that Greg is "his" and this brings in a context of jealousy with Kendall when Tom questions about Greg spending more time with Kendall later on in Hungary.
7. They both ask favours from Tom which put him in trouble with Logan
In the Hungary episode, both Shiv and Greg ask Tom do certain favours (In case of Shiv, it is for Tom to ask Logan about the Pierce deal and convey everybody's dissatisfaction. And in case of Greg, it is to hide that fact that he met with Pantsil from Logan).
Now, Tom has been clearly established as a strong sycophant in regards to whoever is at the helm of Waystar (conveying Kendall about Ewan coming to the board meeting as well as cheering on Logan when he announces Pierce) so the only way he would take a risk for a person is if he's close to them. This makes sense in case of Shiv as she is his literal wife, however, this comparison is interesting when we think about Greg in this context. Tom goes lengths to protect Greg to the point he is humiliated by the employees and his in-laws only which is huge as throughout the entire series Tom has simply been trying to fit in with the Roys to the point, he wants to change his last name after marriage.
8. Both are put in position where they are can be the successor of the company and in turn, can become Tom's boss
This happens mostly at the end of S2, but, the entire time Shiv is championed as the Successor by Logan Roy himself which makes Tom assume that he will later on succeed her. However, this is turned to the head when Shiv proclaims that she does want to run the company. In doing so, she will become Tom's boss which is disappointing to Tom because, it will only emphasis on his sense of inferiority as well as the fact that he cannot take care of her (because as established before he is the person that cares for people, especially ones that he loves).
A same dynamic emerges as Greg aligns himself with Kendall. This exponentially increases his chances of being the Successor (especially if Kendall drops out somehow either due to drugs or any other circs) which would also untie the two Roys. This would similar draw the same conflict Tom faces with Shiv as the successor.
Therefore, in bringing Shiv and Greg together again and again, I feel like it enhances the romantic subtext between Tom and Greg (as it literally swaps out the man's wife for his lanky assistant) as well as brings out a stronger comparison as Tom and Greg have done things to each other as well as for each other which ties them together more closely than Tom and Shiv.
Just imho.
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