rikascream · 1 year
I know my worth
I'm pretty
I'm sexy
But I'm unimportant and unimpressive to you
To you
I hate
I hate the fact that when I feel most beautiful I still cannot turn your head. I get two seconds, a word and then it's back to silence
Can I know love, in this lifetime? Can I be held gently like I deserve
I'm one woman but to someone I must be beautiful, why couldn't it be you?
Take your time on me
Appreciate me
And in return we could both be happier
But now I bask in your indifference
Unable to love myself
Unable to be myself
Unable to test myself
Hold me gently then hold me tight
Embrace me like I'm the light of your life
Whisper sweet nothings, promise me the world
You don't need to deliver it, just give me empty promises
I devote myself to you
All i need in return
Is to feel your love
Let me feel it
I feel abandoned
End me
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rikascream · 1 year
Is it too much to ask
To be told I'm loved
Even on days where I failed to do my best
To be told that it's okay
I still love you
You don't have to be perfect
Or will the words of my mother and father come true
I'm just a useless girl
Useless woman
Lazy and broken
By those who were supposed to love me
And when I came to you, you healed me
But now
I see their stare in your eye
Your love was conditional
And no matter what I do for you to make sure you know you are loved
I will not have it returned
No matter how much the moon pulls, the ocean will not embrace her
She will remain unloved
Cold and alone, watching the millions of lovers take their love for granted
Please tell me I'm enough
Please tell me I am loved
Or tell me that you hate me and I'll end it all
For youuuuu
I want to feel the kiss of the sun that is your love
But I remain cold
I pull the ocean towards me to feel a hint of your warmth
But it cannot reach me
We do not speak the same language
Are we not meant to be?
I write stories of love and longing and trust
But cannot trust that you will love me much longer
Please give me a sign that I am still the one
Please tell me it's ok
But if I tell you to do it, it hurts me more
How much pain do I have to show for you to see me
How much do I have to bleed
How much light must leave my eyes
I'm tired and the fault lies with me
Because I was never good enough for anyone
I wanted to be good enough for you
I did good for years but now my body has taken the toll
And all I ask for is your understanding and love
But the disappointment you see me with
How you wish I were at my best
When I'll never be there again
Let me know you love me
Or kill me yourself
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rikascream · 1 year
if capitalism didn’t exist what would your dream job be. btw if you say something like ‘engineer’ i’ll kill you
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rikascream · 1 year
Smoke weed every day idgaf
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rikascream · 1 year
adhd making you unable to do something unless it's enjoyable and depression making you unable to enjoy things make for a particulaly tasty combination and by tasty i mean its ruining my life
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rikascream · 1 year
maia arson crimew does it again, leaking 2600 PAGES of hateful emails revealing a (not-surprising) concerted effort to strip trans people -- not just children -- of their rights, all for a few extra votes. cohorts, of course, include every religious freakshow org you can think of
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rikascream · 1 year
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rikascream · 1 year
Oh no.
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rikascream · 1 year
I shouldn't be surprised that Republicans twists narratives around so bad they're unrecognizable, but I still am.
1) acting like democrats don't care that there is a disaster in East palistine that affects the environment??? I've heard about it since day one! And I've been spreading awareness and donating to help!!
2) not understanding what people mean when we blame trump: yes, we know he's not president right now, but do you know what he did while he was??? He got rid of Obama Era protections that would make the train companies FIX THE BRAKES. So yes, he is partly responsible
3) the white house DID contact Ohio to offer aid. The governor DENIED IT.
4) why are people mad at Biden and not, oh I don't know, THE TRAIN COMPANY THAT DECIDED TO BLOW SHIT UP???
5) "The government is trying to hide this from us" The only people who've tried to stop it is security from the train company. Literally arrested a news reporter as it was all going down. It's the corporation getting in the way, not biden
6) "Russia did more for Cher noble that us is doing for Ohio" yeah because I'm sure Russia magically fixed everything right away and it didn't take weeks if not months to handle that disaster. Shit takes time
7) the government didn't tell everyone the area was safe, the railroad company did!!! Shut the fuck up!! Put your rage in the right place!!! Go after the railroad company heads!! Support unions!!! Support workers rights!! Stop letting them get away with it!!
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rikascream · 1 year
So I'm on twt being a little shit and I see congratulations Joe trending. I'm like, okay, what did the president do?
First thing I see is this:
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Okay, cool! He did a good job, led a lot of really good ideas and plans for us. Great.
But what do the Republicans think he's done wrong? Get a load of this shit:
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Ah. Aaahhh... Ok. Where do I fucking begin?
Surging crime? I'm sorry, do you remember how many hate crimes happened under trump? If you cared about crime you would support programs that help people instead of supporting police killing people.
"Historic" flood of illegal immigrants: Idk if you understand this, but there are literally wars in other countries. I remember my mom being angry when the Honduran people WALKED to America, even with my Honduran friend who I went to college with explaining the severe corruption in his country and how people want better futures for their children. My mom complained they didn't do it the "right" way, like he did. My friend looked her in the eye and said "My family had the money to do that. These people have nothing because my country abandoned them."
She still doesn't get it, and that's fine. Here's something funny about that: those people are documented. The government knows about them, they came for a valid reason, they will pay taxes. And they're doing the jobs you won't do, like school custodian or garbage man, you know?? The jobs you're above???
Record inflation: more people not understanding how the economy works. Do you think Joe said "I want the dollar to be worth less!"? Fuck no, there's a war in the Ukraine and a Pandemic happening. And the first fucking point on the blue picture is the inflation reduction act: He did something about it!! Wtf do you want??
National security failures: You talking about the balloon? Lol ok. Trump himself is a national security failure.
Energy crisis:??? No? Joe wants clean renewable energy, if that hasn't happened its because your guys go against him
I'm gonna skip the ones I don't know much about (tho I doubt it's anything worse that what trump has done fucking hypocrisy) and go with the last one
Boys in Girls bathrooms... I want to pull this person by the ear to meet God. Seriously? Okay first, love the insinuation that this wasn't a thing before Joe. Next, show me the fucking proof that trans people going into bathrooms have increased rates of sexual harassment in bathrooms. And I'll fucking wait, you know why? Because it doesn't happen. Do you think if a guy wanted to be a sleezy creep and take advantage of a woman he's going to go through the effort of transitioning first?? No, no he fucking won't.
Just say you're a bigot. Announce to the world that your opinion doesn't matter. You obviously don't know what youre talking about and your talking points are so weak I could smell the bullshit right away.
Anyway Trans rights, congrats Joe Biden, fuck wars and bigots, peace and love to everyone
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rikascream · 1 year
save-scumming allows me to live out the fantasy of getting infinite chances to fuck up and try again with no one the wiser, and while having to come up with a new approach on the fly can also be fun and lead to good stories, sometimes I just wanna Get It Right, y'know?
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rikascream · 1 year
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Hi-Fi Rush
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rikascream · 1 year
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rikascream · 1 year
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hi-fi rush is a good game
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rikascream · 1 year
Me: I'm not a huge fan of cats.
Hi-Fi Rush: What if it was a robot cat?
Me: Nah.
Hi-Fi Rush: ...who plays air guitar?
Me: Eh.
Hi-Fi Rush: ...and knows martial arts?
Me: Go on . . .
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rikascream · 1 year
808 is just
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rikascream · 1 year
a scooby doo series set in community college where the gang is in a criminology class and end up in a huge debate on the first day of class that leads to them starting a podcast talking about local urban legends, only to realize things aren’t quite adding up and they go to investigate for ~journalistic authenticity~ and end up solving a real-life crime disguised as supernatural occurrences. this happens every week and they’re frequently featured on the school newspaper. they only have twenty listeners
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