#I don't hate you. I am criticizing your military and your government for the atrocities they are actively committing against innocents
It's hypocritical because I don't nearly see you reblog as many posts bashing the UK as the United States. My country is very sucky, and I don't really feel all that much patriotism for it, but I'm tired of people from European countries remarking "Oh the US is so terrible :/" when Europe is extremely racist as well. I remember you reblogging a post criticizing Tumblr for focusing on US politics- including US racism- despite 1/3 of the website being American. My country is bad but yours is too.
(2/3) If you reblogged nearly as much content stating that England or Europe is bad as opposed to “Here’s another reason why America sucks”, I wouldn’t have a problem. It’s frankly like when Northerners here say all the racism is in the South when they’re racist too and not above it (I’m from the North East, to clarify) What’s the point of constantly complaining about another country being toxic when England is STILL toxic? This false superiority doesn’t magically get rid of centuries of imperialism.
(3/3) It’s mostly that it seems heavily unbalanced- I will always reblog stuff that points out America’s faults, but I usually won’t do it for European stuff mostly because it’s not my continent and there’s no need to. Therefore why are you so keen on shining a spotlight on the United States so often? It just is unsettling and seems more hateful and trying to push blame rather than *actually* being progressive. Everyone knows the US is in a sucky state. Acting superior isn’t helping anything.
my favourite line of this absolute drivel is this: “I will always reblog stuff that points out America’s faults, but I usually won’t do it for European stuff mostly because it’s not my continent and there’s no need to.”
because like? i wish we had the sort of privilege that allowed us to think like this and only be critical of our own home country but this is blind and foolish and naive nonsense. straight up. this is childish at best, but nationalistic and insidious patriotism at worst … you are a global citizen, and you have a responsibility to make yourself aware of and be involved in global politics. and more importantly, given the topic of these asks, this is a fundamentally american issue. america dominates world news and politics, and the whole world has to care about you guys because you know what? you fuck up and it fucks the rest of us up. and yet you have the nerve to think you don’t have to care about european politics because it’s “””not your continent”””? wake the fuck up
ok anyway let’s get back to business. (for everyone following this, here’s the first part of this discussion to get you up to speed.) 
here’s the first thing: this was not a discussion about europe’s colonial atrocities or current political bullshittery. this was a discussion about the specific brand of american military imperialism that no other country in the world has. as someone kindly pointed out on the last ask, “in what world is [me] rightfully saying the us is a hellscape the same thing as me saying england is not”?  both can be true but britain’s historical imperialsm in no way erases america’s current “horrific military imperialism”
ultimately, american military imperialism is the #1 crisis we face as a planet at the moment. politics, poverty, war, famine, hero worship, violence culture, police states, (lack of) gun control, even global warming … all ties into this. sure, it’s not the only cause of all those things, but fuck, it’s a god damn mess. 
you say above, “I remember you reblogging a post criticizing Tumblr for focusing on US politics- including US racism- despite 1/3 of the website being American“ and doesn’t that just prove my point? you say 1/3 of tumblr is american, and that’s probably about right, but dare i remind you that there are 195 sovreign countries in the world? that doesn’t seem like proportional representation to me, does it? even if we were going by population and access to internet, we still shouldn’t have this much damn focus on american politics, and yet here we are b e c a u s e of america’s imperialism and self-centered cult of the personality nature and the fact american issues affect all of us. “””1/3″”” of this website being american is still the biggest demongraphic out there, by fucking far, because the other 2/3 by your own measure thereby consists of 194 other nations.
i talk about american issues for exactly this reason. most people on this website are american. most posts are made by americans. people talk about sociopolitical issues and if most people are american, most sociopolitical issues talked about are going to be american. it’s basic fucking maths, my dude. and this aside, every single person on this website is going to be effected by american issues, be they american or not, so not getting involved and giving them a platform is just close-minded and willfully ignorant?
moving on. in the next section you say, “If you reblogged nearly as much content stating that England or Europe is bad as opposed to “Here’s another reason why America sucks”, I wouldn’t have a problem.” and first and foremost, do you even follow me lmfao? i am heavily h e a v i l y involved in british politics and government, french politics, and the european union fiascos, and if you’ve been here a while, you’ll know i did thorough coverages of the general elections, i talked (and still talk) in depth about brexit and the follow through, i followed last year’s french presidentials, and my twitter is 24/7 up-to-date (at least on political satire lolololol). i have far easier access to british content on twitter, because, again, this website is toxicly america-centric to the extent that one hardly ever sees representation of any other country, for exactly the reason you proved above - apparently if it’s not your continent, you don’t have to care. have you ever considered that you’re just not paying fucking attention to politics beside your own, and therefore you don’t see it? yeah. 
next: “why are you so keen on shining a spotlight on the United States so often? It just is unsettling and seems more hateful and trying to push blame rather than *actually* being progressive”. first of all, i refer you back to above wherein one country’s sins does not absolve anothers. there’s no “pushing of the blame” when blame is a moronic concept to be assigning in the first place? the only country at blame for america’s current totalitarian policies is america at this point. 
“everyone knows the US is in a sucky state”. you would be surprised how ignorant people are of basic political theory and governmental procedures. you proved it yourself, saying you have no interest in the politics of countries not of your continent. it stands to reason that there are many people like you, from other parts of the world, who don’t know the ins and outs of america’s travesties. hell, you’ll find that a significant proportion of americans themselves have no clue about the comings and goings of their own country! how many americans knew that affordable care act and obamacare were the same thing. supposedly 65% of americans cannot name a single one of their own supreme court justices. two-thirds of americans apparently believe china owns at least half of the us national debt when a truer figure is 8%. and that’s just three examples. 
and lastly, here’s a thought to take home with you when it comes to your policing of my tone when it comes to my moral outrage regarding topics like this: “if you aren’t outraged, then you just aren’t paying attention“. goodnight and grow up.
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