#I don't have a cloverse tag do I
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
ca~mel~lia! do you and lady telanthera share any hobbies? if not, are there any that you've tried to pick up for the other? if so, how do the two of you usually enjoy them together?
Camellia: "I see that you have prepared a veritable array of questions, my liege. Very well; I shall answer each to the best of my ability, as always.
My lady and I do indeed share a number of pastimes, though not all. The one which we are fortunate enough to partake in most together would be reading - though, more precisely, it is often that my lady will take the opportunity to read her latest novels of interest aloud, should I happen to be preoccupied with other tasks yet still present in the room with her at the time. This, I believe, is her way of including me in the process, even whilst I am carrying out my duties. ..At her insistence, I have occasionally joined her in the impromptu recital of certain scenes, should she be re-reading ones I recall well enough to recite. Then, there was that additional instance of her practising a favourite song that typically features both a main vocal and harmony, one particular afternoon..
Ahem. In terms of acquiring any new hobbies as a result of the other, my lady has been quite graciously endeavouring to expand her palate of favoured teas as of late, and at each instance, has requested my assistance with preparation. Despite the array of different varieties she has tested by this point, none have truly seemed to satisfy her tastes - yet she has been persevering regardless, which is rather unlike her when considering her general reticence regarding meals. ..I suspect that part of this is due to what she perceives as the less strenuous nature of this task compared to other duties I may otherwise be engaged with, as well as perhaps the fact that it allows us a while to share together, usually away from many others.
Hm. If this has satisfied your curiosity, and is all which you require from me at this time, then I shall take my leave, my liege. However, as ever, please do not hesitate to call on me again, should you have need to once more."
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