#I don't have the best photoshop skills but here is something that I hope will make you smile on your special day šŸ’œ
fireworksgalaxy Ā· 7 months
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šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ for @raplinenthusiasts!
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Heyy, Iā€™ve been reading your wonderful one piece works for a while ā€” and I couldnā€™t stop wondering how are you actually doing those magnificent headers?
Likeā€¦ hello? The great quality, with additional 3D-alike details I could catch by my eyes? I got only Ibis Paint X on mobile, since Iā€™m only a young man that literally two months ago went on a life-time ā€˜adventureā€™ of living alone in a small apartment.
In short ā€” I got no money to pay for additional graphics/drawing programs, not yet at least
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing - I'm curious to know what's your favorite piece / part? Also I'm so happy you like my headers? Makes it feel worth it to spend time on them! :D
I have excellent news for you, I used a mix of Canva and Photopea. They're both FREE!
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I'll be explaining the process for making these two kinda? The full tutorial is below the cut, to be courteous to the other folks, hope you don't mind?
Though I am hearing that Canva has given people some grief. But Photopea is just *chefs kiss*
If you've ever used photoshop, Photopea is essentially a free photoshop, and it even has the automation tools! An absolute lifesaver when you have multiple layers you want to export (but that's for larger projects not this)
I'm going to assume you have basic knowledge of layers in digital drawing programs for this. If anything isn't clear: ask me, I'll clarify!
My General Process is:
Search for official art / images
bring it into canva / photopea
crop / arrange images to match the dimensions
select a thematic color that is associated with the character
separate the foreground from the background
mess around and test things until they work
Given "Louder than Words" is the latest one I've made, I'll start with the process for it.
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Dimensions: 3000 x 1055 px dpi: 96
Let's Get Crackin'
Alright let's grab some official art so we're not using any fanart without the artist's permission
I try to pick images that feel relevant enough to what I'm trying to make. For example: the image for the Matching banner shows the ASCE tattoo which is super important in that fic
2. Let's arrange them onto a banner where each individual image has the same/similar dimensions to the rest
That's probably part of why you like these. To a certain extent they have similar dimensions, so they have a uniformity that's pleasing to the eye! (It's not perfect because I threw perfectionism to the wind because this is tumblr not my portfolio) Tip: if you have 3 images and only 2 that have similar dimensions, and the 3rd one can't be cropped logically: but the one that's a different aspect ratio in the middle!
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3. lets arrange them in such a way that the borders all feel like they're the same/equal width/thickness
you might find that you have to shrink some images for this, that's fine.
ALTERNATIVELY: if you're going with one image crop it so it's just the relevant info and it matches the dimensions (3000 x 1055 px)
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We have our base! Now let's add some color, and direct the viewer's eye together!
4. pick out a color that you think matches your character / vibe - that color is going to be your background Given I'm making an Ace banner: orange is the color I'm going with
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I went and named my layers for this lol. The numbers represent the opacity, and they aren't important. I just kept changing the opacity until I liked the way things looks. But here's the secret to the 3D feel:
Motionblur (+ moving it about)
Separating the foreground and background and dulling out the background.
I'm going to show you my process so you can see the effects, but first let's give you some quick skills:
//------- Select Similar
magic wand -> select something -> right-click -> select similar This works best when you have high contrast images (like manga panels that are black and white). You can select the black or the white areas. Depending on what works better for you. TIP! Invert selections with ctrl + i Say you know that you want to select everything but Ace's face in the second panel. Select his face with the magic wand then ctrl + i, and that's the only thing NOT selected
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TIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, please, please, duplicate your original image and work on the duplicate layer. This helps you SO much. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIP! Check your selection tolerance! This could be why too little, or too much is being selected.
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//------- The Move Tool
Shortcut key: v While the move tool is active, you can nudge the stuff on whatever layer with your arrow keys Shift + arrow key = 10 px move (generally)
//------- Layer Locking
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1- Layer Blending Mode (see Overlay vs Multiply vs Normal) for how this can affect results) 2- Opacity: how see through it is / isn't 3- Lock Transparency (it's the little checker board) 4- Lock Layer (looks like a lock) 5- Lock icon that appears when anything on the layer has been locked More on 3 Lock Transparency: You can only paint on / modify what's on that layer. You CANNOT add anything to any area that is already transparent Here's a demo of what you can do with this power:
Here's the original Image - notice how it's just the lineart with a transparent background.
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It's powerful: abuse it
//------- Overlay vs Multiply vs Normal
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I think seeing this is the best way to visualize how different modes can affect the color.
Back to the Tutorial
Please play around with the opacity slider to figure out what opacity works best for you on the multiple different layers we're about to make / work with. It's up to your own style to figure this out. Next: please feel free to not follow all of it. Add more layers, add less layers, take the base principles and go wild! :D
5. Separate the lineart from the background and save it as a new layer 6. Duplicate it and set it to overlay, or set it to overlay immediately
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7. Duplicate that lineart layer twice and set the blending mode to overlay 8. lock transparency on the top one and change it to be a dark grey 9. Apply motion blur to both:
Main menu bar -> Filter -> Motion Blur I made it so that the grey layer was blurrier than the black layer
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10. More them around a little to give it a "3D effect" as you called it.
It creates shadows under the lines - I was aiming for an effect similar to chromatic aberration (chromatic aberration is a valid way to add punch to your stuff too!)
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So this is what things look like now - painful, but let's keep going
11. Duplicate the ORIGINAL / BASE lineart layer, that you DID not apply motion blur to -> set the blend mode to multiply (reduce opacity for it to actually take effect)
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okay that's less painful here's what the layers look like right now:
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let's bring more focus to Ace's face, and push the background farther away:
12. Use the magic wand tool to quickly select large areas of the faces / focal area / foreground and the lasso tool to refine things
TIP! Hold shift + click -> add to selection Hold Alt + click -> subtract from selection
13. On a new layer with blending mode -> lighten, fill that selection to be white
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If you look at it, you'll notice that it is ALREADY starting to draw our attention to his face, but the background is kinda aggressive, so let's dim that down
TIP! Right-click on the gradient tool to find the paint-bucket tool
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TIP! Sample All Layers: Turning this option off makes it so that you only work with the content on THAT specific layer. Turning it on makes it so that it is working while taking all other layers into consideration.
14. ctrl + click on the "white foreground" layer to select the contents of that specific layer (pink thing is your mouse)
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15. ctrl + i to invert selection and ON A NEW LAYER (layer mode -> multiply) fill that with a complementary color
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16. I did one last thing where I took the original base (before we separated the lineart) and added it to the very top and played with the opacity to get something less in your face (layer blend mode was set to NORMAL)
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And that's it!
More considerations that I take:
I want the banner to be "thin" or not square, so it doesn't take up too much screen real estate on people's devices
I don't want readers having to scroll too much to get to my writing (which is the whole point of the post, let's not waste their time making them look for things)
I want the banner content to be relevant enough?
ie: with Matching: I wanted the ASCE tattoo to be visible. With matching I wanted Ace to not look too happy in some of them.
I'm also trying to avoid spoilers, I hated getting things spoiled, so I'm trying to be careful that the images I pick don't spoil anything really.
Congrats on starting life on your own! I did that whole living by myself thing too! Tip: keep the pantry stocked with lentils, beans, pastas, baking essentials, rice. They really come in a clutch when you're hungry.
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ave661 Ā· 1 year
Alright, I know this probably will be a silly and naive question but Iā€™m really so so into your artwork and confidence related to it - I mean, I can truly feel (and see) that you give your heart and passion into it! So hereā€™s my Q - I love drawing/painting, wish to get into graphic design but.. I really do not know where to start and with what. Any tips for a beginner?? Thank you so much and have a lovely day/peacefull night!!
Thank You ā™„ OKAY! *claps hands* Good morning to You, because I just got up and made myself a coffee. I can't give you any drawing/painting tips because I'm really bad at it but I can at least try with something I create. Tbh they are all similar in 2D and 3D so lets go!
Two most important things that will make your art look much better:
Natural & realistic poses of your characters Inspire yourself with references from photos, videos, or even take pictures of yourself if you want to recreate something. Pinterest is your best friend.
LIGHTING You need to understand the lighting techniques and try to create them in natural way. I always ask myself "where does the main light come from? Is it the moon/sun from window? Desk lamp in the room? Light from the corridor?" and then imagine its path on 3d models and maps
Three lights are your base: key light, fill light and back light
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+ I add a bunch of extra little lights, so sometimes there can be 8 in one pic, but you will "see" 3-4. Let's see it on my renders: Excuse my painting skills xd
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I'm 100% sure there are more lights in all of them, but these are the ones I can remember.
-> Practice, pratice & pratice
-> Do not rush yourself. If you don't "feel it" and don't like how your work is turning out, start over again or take a break and come back to it later
-> Photoshop and photomanipulations are your besties
I hope it helps! ā™„
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letters-for-leedonghae Ā· 1 month
Dear Hae,
I'm so nervous right now because I just finished a job interview, and it was for a job that I really want to get!!! Because they pay okay but what I like is they pay weekly, which is what I need right now becauseeeee!!! IU CONCERT!!! hahahaha. but yeah, hhh.
You know how I'm kinda confident speaking and writing in english, but when it comes to job interviews, I stutter a lot!! like a lot!! and the english just goes away and suddenly I don't know how to english anymore! I don't know what to say anymore. :(( I was asked to share any personal stuff and all I said was since I dropped out of school I just practice graphics designing using photoshop and illustrator, and also read books and watch movies and kdrama. I wasn't even able to say that I am very interested in cetaceans and that I love dolphins and orcas!!!!! I hate it hereee huhuhuhu I hate that this is happening huhuhuhu I know I can do it, I trust my communication skills (I try hard, very hard, and I hope they know that and understand that huhuhu), I trust myself when it comes to work (nevermind the other aspects of life), I know I can do a job well even if I'm new to it. I may be a little jittery and anxious but I can do it, Hae, I know I can! :((
I hope they will hire me :(( They train from the ground up so I know I can keep up with that :(( I just need a job good lord Jesus :(( please I'm so desperate now aaaahhh
I'm sorry if I was ranting here in my letter to you. I just wanted to vent without having anyone read it because I'm scared I might be jinxed or something :( I just need a job it's so hard to be poor pleaaaase.
Hhh. Anyway!! I hope I'll get the job, Haehae. I know you wouldn't see this but please pray for meeee hahahaha. Please :<
But if I don't, then... okay... back to job hunting :(
I'll be okay!! I'll be fine!!! It's okay!! It's going to be okay!!.... right? Hay, I'm really so anxious. I don't know what I should feel. I'm hoping for the best but I'm scared to be disappointed at myself again. :(
Hhh anyhooo!! Enough with the yapping, I still have a doctor's appointment!
Bye hae! Thanks for being my outlet today! I hope you'll have a good day ā™„
Always, Ky
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bl0cky-comics Ā· 11 months
Alright, so since I decided to join Tumblr to start posting my comics, I have been sort of laying low. Just getting to know my new surroundings. And boy, has it been an experience; I was hit by a bad joke by Jeff, saw PM Seymour's blog (big fan by the way), followed my favorites Pukicho and Advos, admired some Lego photography, rolled my eyes at a catgirl wishing death upon America... You know, all the usual stuff.
Now, I've been mostly hanging out in the PokƩmon/PMD communities since I figure that's where I'll post most of my stuff. During which, I've come upon two realizations...
1. You guys really love Mewtwo and drawing yourselves as PokƩmon.
2. All of you, and yes, you in the back, too, are INSANELY skilled artists.
This is no exaggeration. While some art styles aren't my favorite, all of the art I have looked at has ranged from good to awesome. I tip my hat to you, Tumblr.
Now the question is: OP, what is your art style?
In an ideal world, I would say "cartoony" or even "homestyle."
In the real world, I'd say my art style is... bad. Very bad.
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Yep, that's my work. Both shoddily hand-drawn. Using a combination of office paper, BIC mechanical pencils, colored pencils, black pens, ultra fine Sharpies, and some hopes and dreams.
And that's assuming I don't mess up. If so, I have to be very careful that I don't smudge anything with an eraser. If I mess something up beyond repair, then I have to resort to nature's Photoshop, a.k.a. a glue stick and index cards. (To be fair, to the naked eye, they are indistinguishable. One of Swampert's eyes was made using this method.)
One thing I failed to mention about art on here is the amount of customization and personality there is. There are Original Characters and alternate stories out the wazoo, all unique from each other.
Me? Umm... I gave a tiny scar to a Blaziken and a pair of sunglasses to a Raichu.
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The thing is, the first is a reference to the manga, and the other is an exact idea I've seen before that I'm just borrowing.
And that's just PokƩmon. I have already given up on drawing humans, so I'm going to live up to my name and base my humans on square-like finger puppets. I'm not exaggerating.
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So, in short, I suck as an artist, but I've done enough roasting my own drawings. Now, how do I appeal to a wide audience such as Tumblr? Well, I have already answered that: By being unique, sticking to their guns, and not giving a care.
While my art does need work, why should I stop myself from drawing and posting? Did all these artists and writers just give up because they thought they were bad or were actually bad? No, they stuck through and improved their craft, and I'll try my best to do so as well.
You might wonder where these drawings are coming from, and you're allowed to laugh at this; It is a PMD parody comic/song of "Another Irish Drinking Song" by Da Vinci's Notebook.
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Now, this is a huge project. There will be around 72 panels if I estimate correctly, and since I have real-life stuff going on, this should take me at least 3 months to complete.
However, I promise I will complete this one way or another. It might take a while, but I am not giving up.
See you guys later. I need to get back to work.
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space-creater Ā· 2 years
Best Interior Designer
In my opinion, interior designing is one of the best career options for people who want to earn money online without any investment, just need a computer and internet connection, and have interest in Interior design. You don't require any prior experience, just basic knowledge about Interior designing would do. I am going to share some tips and tricks here that can help anyone who wants to become an interior designer easily. These methods have helped me tremendously while starting a successful Interior designing business. Good luck! 1- Don't try to get creative right away, instead, start simple and create something small first. Get familiar with different software packages and learn how to use them effectively. Start off with Adobe Photoshop since it's widely used and many people already know how to work with it. 2- Once you're comfortable with Photoshop, then move on to InDesign to create brochures, flyers etc. 3- After learning both Photoshop and InDesign, move on to SketchUp to make model designs, architectural models etc. 4- Always remember that a portfolio is very much necessary to showcase your skills as an interior designer. Get yourself a custom website where you can add all your projects and images etc. 5- Try to keep things organized, always have your tools ready at hand, clear desk space and avoid clutter. Keep everything clean and neat. Use white paper if possible instead of using colored paper. 6- When working, don't forget to take regular breaks. Take a break once in 4 hours. If you're feeling tired, then rest for 5 minutes before getting back to work. 7- Focus on quality rather than quantity. Make sure each project is unique and different from previous ones. Work hard on understanding what your client wants, not just give them something that they ask for. Be honest with them, explain to them why you chose certain elements over others and listen carefully to their feedback. 8- One final tip. Don't copy anything. Instead, innovate and create something original. Hope these tips helps you out. Thanks!!
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writer-ish Ā· 3 years
The 3rd Annual Bloom Edenbrook Fundraising Gala
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Brooke Spiers) Word Count: 2.9k Rating: Mostly T (innuendo, language, smooches)
Premise: Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey get coerced into answering anonymous questions submitted by generous donors at this year's hospital fundraising gala. They have about as much fun with it as you'd expect.
This idea is all thanks to THIS ASK from the lovely @lem-20. The concept and all questions are hers! Thank you, darling Leah! ā™„ļø
Authorā€™s Note: My first time with a mixed-media type post(!!!) and the writing part has been done almost script-style, similar to the "Not Yet Wed" questions courtesy of @jamespotterthefirst, which you can find HERE. Hope you all enjoy. šŸ„°
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Bonus Raffle
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SETTING - Diagnostics Office - 5:15 PM
TWO DOCTORS in formal attire sit across from one another. The male, DR. ETHAN RAMSEY, late-30s, devastatingly handsome, leans against a desk, arms crossed. The female, DR. BROOKE SPIERS, late-20s, charmingly attractive, sits on a larger table further away, legs swinging.
Ethan: I can't believe you talked me into this.
Brooke: [smirking] Why does this feel like deja vu?
Ethan: You know exactly why. You coerced me into the same sort of nonsense in your intern year for that magazineā€”whatever it was.
Brooke: Yeah, and remember how much publicity the hospital got that year? You're welcome.
Ethan: How can you be sure our "publicity" had to do with that article and not the fact that a first-year intern stole from a large pharamceutical company to administer an unapproved drug toā€”
Brooke: [hands up] Okay, okay, we get it. Regardless, you have to admit I was responsible for all the publicity. [grins]
Ethan: [can't help but grin back] Touche. [sighs deeply] Let's go home.
Brooke: Can't, babe. We're the main event.
Ethan: How did this even come about? Is there not some code of ethics against this sort of thing?
Brooke: [laughs] It's just staff and donors. All adults. We're showing that we're good sports and it's for a good cause.
Ethan: [grumbles] I don't know why people care so much about us.
Brooke: You don't? I mean, have you seen us?
Ethan: [dryly] And so humble, too.
Brooke: Lord knows you aren't with me for my humility.
Ethan: Indeed. [picks up a glass from the desk at his side, swirling the amber liquid] Well, I hope you're prepared.
Brooke: [amused] Prepared?
Ethan: You're used to me being reticent in situations like this and holding back? [downs the liquid in one shot] Not today.
Brooke: [wary] What does that mean?
DR. RAMSEY stands up, crossing the room towards DR. SPIERS until the latter is forced to open her legs to accommodate his presence. He braces a hand on either side of her, leaning forward until their lips are almost touching. Her face flushes. He notices, and a slow, lazy smile spreads.
Ethan: It means [kisses her slightly open mouth softly] I'm answering all their questions.
Brooke: [giggles nervously] All of them? But what ifā€”
Ethan: [punctuating each word with a kiss] All. Of. Them.
He leans forward and captures her mouth in a deep, searing kiss. Her arms twine around his neck and she lets out a soft moan. Drawing her ankles around his legs she pulls him even closer and he places one hand on the desk as the other glides up her back. They stay like that, interlocked for a moment, before he pulls away.
Brooke: [eyes still closed] Hmph.
Ethan: Let's go get this over with.
Brooke: [slowly opens eyes and peers at him, disgruntled] What kinds of questions do you think people are submitting?
Ethan: Like you said, Dr. Spiers... [a slow smile spreads] Have you seen us?
DR. SPIERS laughs as she follows DR. RAMSEY out.
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A.N. PLEASE do not look too closely at this very badly photoshopped pic šŸ˜‚
SETTING - Bloom Edenbrook Hospital, Main Atrium - 6:25 PM
Our two doctors sit beside each other on a makeshift stage. A semi-recognizable third-year resident is the host for the evening. DR. RAMSEY dusts an imaginary piece of lint off his sleeve. DR. SPIERS has her hands in lap, knee shaking slightly. Noticing, Dr. Ramsey reaches over and rests his hand on her leg. She looks over with a small smile and places her hand over his.
Thank you to our very own Chief of Medicine, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, and his partner, head of the Diagnostics Team, Dr. Brooke Spiers, for being here with us today for a good cause. Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Spiers, are you prepared to answer some questions provided by our generous, anonymous donors?
Brooke: Sure, why not.
Ethan: [through gritted teeth] For a good cause.
Alright, excellent. I will be drawing these questions at random. Thank you to all who donated for the opportunity to submit a question.
Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Spiers, you will both be posed a question. If you choose to answer, you must both answer. If you choose not to, you must match the donation made by the donor, in lieu of a verbal response. Are you ready to begin?
Ethan: Mmm.
Brooke: [nervous laugh] I suppose.
Alright, here we go!
First question: If he/she could take one thing to a desert island what would it be?
Brooke: Me.
[Audience whoops and laughs]
Ethan: [can't hide his smirk, before clearing his throat] Brooke would take her phone. Heaven forbid she can't post about something on Pictagram.
Brooke: It's true. I'm sorry for being such a young millennial needy for external validation.
What are your nicknames for each other?
Brooke and Ethan: [look at each other. Brooke laughs.]
Ethan: Just say it.
Brooke: I mean, it's nothing too embarassing. I call him babe usually, or baby sometimes if I'm feeling extra nice. He calls meā€”[blushes and looks over at Ethan]
Ethan: [sighs] 'My love'. I call her 'my love'.
[Audience "awwww"s]
Whoā€™s the better cook?
Brooke: Oh, Ethan. A hundred percent.
Ethan: It's true.
Brooke: I'm abysmal.
Ethan: Normally I would demur when it comes to Dr. Spiers' perceived faults, but in this case she's correct.
Brooke: Thanks, babe.
Ethan: You have many wonderful qualities that don't involve ovens, my love.
[A squeal from the audience that sounds suspiciously like Sienna]
Who has the last word in an argument?
[simultaneously] Brooke: Ethan Ethan: Brooke
[They look at each other]
Brooke: [laughs incredulously] Seriously?
Ethan: You think I don't hear you muttering to yourself after you walk away, almost every single time?
Brooke: Oh, so cursing your name and your very existence counts as the last word and not you shouting [affects deep voice] "And that's final!"? Duly noted.
Ethan: I don't sound like that or say that.
Brooke: Mm, sure.
Who is best at keeping secrets?
Brooke: Uh, neither of us?
Ethan: I had a secret once and it was hell keeping it.
Brooke: You've had a couple.
Ethan: True. I'm done with secrets.
Brooke: In lighter news, we kept [gestures between the two of them] this thing a secret for a bit. No?
Ethan: [opens his mouth to agree, when he's interrupted by a shout from the audienceā€”]
Audience member that sounds suspiciously like Elijah: Nope! We all knew!
[Audience loudly murmurs in agreement]
Brooke: Never mind, then.
Who wears the trousers in the relationship?
Ethan: Neither of us subscribes to antiquated beliefs of superiority in a relationship. We're partners and teammates and work together accordingly. Sometimes she helps and guides me and sometimes I do the same for her. There is no one person who holds higher ground over the other and to imply otherwise would be foolish.
Brooke: [literal heart eyes at Ethan] What he said. [stage whisper] Except it's me.
[Audience laughs as Ethan rolls his eyes]
What is his/her worst habit?
Brooke: Workaholic, poor communication skills, yells first and asks questions laterā€¦ I could go on.
Ethan: Charming. I have two words for you: messy packrat.
Brooke: Excuse me?
Ethan: If I had a nickel for every useless piece of garbage you kept "just in case" or for each article of clothing on the floor of my bedrā€”[clears throat] Just trust me.
Brooke: [smirks and whispers against Ethan's ear so only he can hear] Sorry, who is responsible for my clothes on the floorā€¦?
Ethan: [says nothing but smirks as well]
[Audience murmurs in scandal]
What three words would you use to describe them?
Brooke: Hmm. Let me think.
Ethan: Passionate, caring, intelligent.
Brooke: [looks at him fondly] You came up with those fast.
Ethan: [matter-of-factly] I could give them ten more easily.
[Audience "awww"s]
Brooke: [to the audience] No, no, no don't be fooled, he doesn't mean only the flattering words, trust me.
Ethan: I believe it's your turn.
Brooke: Dedicated, compassionate, brilliant.
Ethan: [smiles softly at Brooke, who avoids his gaze. He reaches over and squeezes her hand.]
Brooke: [mutters] Yeah, yeah.
What celebrity do you/they think they most look like?
[Both Ethan and Brooke look at the announcer quizzically.]
Brooke: Celebrity? Uhhā€¦
Ethan: I don't even know how I would begin to answer this question.
Brooke: Ryan Reynolds?
[Audience laughs and loudly disagrees]
Ethan: Who?
Brooke: [laughs and shakes her head] I don't know! I just named a random hot guy. You name a redhead actress. Jessica Chastain?
Ethan: [confused] Do you mean Jessica Rabbit?
Brooke: No I don't meanā€” [looks at him incredulously] Are you saying you think I look like Jessica Rabbit?
Ethan: No, I thought that's what you were saying and I was about to tell you how incorrect you were. Er, that is to sayā€”
Brooke: I feel like you're digging yourself into a hole here.
Ethan: Agreed.
Who is the most vain?
Ethan: Both of us have more pressing concerns than our physical appearance.
Brooke: Ethan.
Ethan: [splutters]
Brooke: If you're going based off who spends more time on their hair in the bathroom? Ethan.
Ethan: [crosses his arms and glowers, but doesn't disagree]
What is his/her guilty pleasure?
Brooke: Ethan's is cooking shows, particularly Nigella.
Ethan: It's true. Brooke's is high calorie indulgences likeā€”what's the freezer cake you made me buy the other day? With no identifiable or even passably edible ingredients?
Brooke: Ooh, Deep 'n Delicious. So good.
Ethan: [rolls eyes] Yes, because we all need our daily dose of hydrogenated oils and preservatives.
If they had a free pass, which celebrity would they choose to sleep with?
[Look at each other blankly]
Brooke: Uhhā€¦ Nigella?
Ethan: This Ryan Reynolds fellow?
Brooke: [laughs] I don't even like him!
Ethan: So who, then?
Brooke: [crosses her arms] I notice you didn't deny Nigella.
Ethan: This question is stupid. Next question.
Where and when did you go on your first date?
Brooke: Derry Roasters
Ethan: What? No. I took you to Sorellinaā€”
Brooke: What, three years after we first met? No. Our first date was Derry Roasters when you caught me following you that time.
Ethan: Ah, so she finally admits it. I thought at the time I wasā€¦ what was it, "paranoid"?
Brooke: [laughs only a touch guiltily] Did I say that?
Ethan: So you're treating the first time you trailed after me to the local coffee shop as our first date?
Brooke: Well, you paid.
Ethan: Yeah, after you "forgot" your wallet.
Brooke: What, you thought I pursued you for your good looks? No, sir. I like a man with deep pockets. Plus, you know how I know it was a first date?
Ethan: Please, enlighten me.
Brooke: You ordered for me and I didn't get annoyed and it was horrible, but I still drank the whole thing.
Ethan: The espresso Romano is not horrā€”
Brooke: Horrible. Coffee and lemon? [shudders] That's how I knew I was into you.
Ethan: [intrigued] Really? Way back then?
Brooke: [nods, blushing slightly, and rolls her eyes] Oh brother, don't act so shocked. You knew.
[Audience laughs and whoops]
Ethan: [shell-shocked face showing he absolutely did not know]
Where was your first kiss?
Brooke: [sheepishly] Miami.
[Audience murmurs in surprise]
Ethan: [sighs] Yes.
Brooke: Is thatā€”are Harper and Naveen exchanging money?
Naveen: [from the audience] Dr. Emery should know better than to question my instincts!
Ethan: [loudly groans] Next question.
Who is the loudest in bed?
Brooke: [yelps and, remembering Ethan's earlier warning, throws her hand over his mouth]
Ethan: [from behind her hand] You probably could have made the answer less obvious.
Brooke: [blushes and groans]
[Audience roars its approval]
Which of your friends do you think he/she is most likely to have a crush on?
Brooke: Ohhh, this is awkward.
Ethan: My friends?
Brooke: Considering we can list your friends on one handā€¦and some of them intersect with mine. [bites lip] What do we do with this one?
Ethan: [to the host] What did the donor pay?
Ethan: To submit this question. How much?
Oh, uhhā€”[checks] $200.
Ethan: I'll write you a cheque for $200. Next question.
Brooke: [shakes her head laughing] All the questions, huh?
Ethan: At my discretion, yes.
Bryce: [from the audience] You know the answer was me for both of you, anyway!
Ethan: [scoffs] Fat chance, Lahela.
Brooke: [pointedly silent, staring straight ahead]
Ohh-kay. Next question. Who had feelings first?
Brooke: Ha, me. For sure.
Ethan: Are you sure?
Brooke: [looks at him incredulously] I just told you I liked you even after you bought me lemon coffee at Derry Roasters three years ago. [sits up to look at him more fully] No chance you liked me earlier than that. I mean, like-liked me.
Ethan: "Like-liked you"? Are we twelve?
Brooke: You know what I mean. You were such a grouch and I was just your annoying intern.
Ethan: [irritatedly] The annoying intern I kissed in Miami, what, a week later? Is that how obvious my lack of feelings for you were?
Brooke: [opens her mouth to respond and then closes it again]
Ethan: That's what I thought.
Whoā€™s more dramatic?
Brooke: Ethan.
Ethan: I am absolutely notā€”
Brooke: See? Honestly, he's exhausting.
Ethan: [glowers]
Who has the weirdest orgasm face?
Brooke: Weirdest?
Ethan: Oh for the love ofā€”
$5000 to not answer this one, doctors.
Brooke and Ethan: [jaws drop simultaneously]
Brooke: Someone paid five-thousand dollarsā€”
Ethan: What kind of a pervertā€”? Fine, say it's me.
Brooke: It's really not.
Ethan: [quietly] Well, it's certainly not you.
Brooke: Yeah, butā€”
I believe we have our answer!
Ethan: We'll take it. Next!
What are you most likely to argue about?
Ethan: Brooke believes I could be more communicative about my feelings, especially when I have a problem.
Brooke: You do listen!
Ethan: Of course. We also argue about when she's going to move in with me.
[Audience gasps and murmurs in gleeful scandal]
Brooke: [jaw drops] Ethan!
Ethan: It's true. [turns to host] I believe it should have already happened. She believes she needs to maintain a tenuous hold on a bedroom she rarely occupies for a group of roommates who would be happy for her to move on.
Brooke: [fuming] Of all the high-handedā€”
Jackie, from the audience: He's right, girl, bigger and better awaits.
Brooke: [through gritted teeth, as Sienna, Ethan, and Aurora all nod and give her thumbs up] Maybe this is something we can talk about laterā€”
Ethan: Whatever you say, my love.
Brooke: Oh, yeah, now with the "my love"sā€”
On that note! Here is our final question.
Whatā€™s the most romantic thing theyā€™ve done for you?
Ethan: [looks at Brooke, who is still glowering] Most romantic?
Brooke: [glares]
Ethan: With Brooke, it's the little things. She'll notice when I'm having a bad day and bring me my favourite donut. Or a well-timed hand on my shoulder or knee when she can see I'm getting riled up.
Brooke: [glare softens a bit]
Ethan: She's thoughtful and kind and extremely empathetic. She knows what I need even before I know that I need it. It's notā€”candlelit dinners or what have you, but I've already prided myself on being a practical person and this intersection ofā€”of practicality and care? That's what I findā€¦ [struggles to get the word out] romantic.
[Audience "awww"s]
Brooke: [screws up her mouth before leaning over to kiss Ethan on the cheek] Okay, that was sweet. [Thoughtfully] Most romantic thing Ethan has done for me? Wellā€¦ [side-eyes him, before continuing] The HAZMAT suit sleepover last year was probably up there.
Ethan: [uncomfortable] I don't want that to be classified asā€”
Brooke: You were there for me at a time when I needed you most. If that's not romance, I don't know what is.
Ethan: [increasingly agitated] That's not romance, dammit, that'sā€”that was a necessity. That was vital. I needed to be there. I needed to make sure youā€”that youā€”[cuts himself off, clenching his jaw]
Brooke: [eyes soft as she looks at him. Reaching out she rests her hand on top of his clenched fist until it unfurls slowly underneath hers and he releases his breath slowly] See? [softly] Romance.
Ethan: [sighs deeply, then links his fingers with hers and gruffly kisses the top of her hand] All this tells me is that I've neglected you on the "romance" side of things.
Brooke: [still smiling softly] No complaints. [looks out at the audience] Are we done here? [affects a deep voice] Are you not entertained?
Ethan: [fondly] And she says I'm the dramatic one.
I think we got what we needed, doctors. Thank you for helping out for a good cause. This raffle ticket session alone raised a total of $23,000 for Bloom Edenbook Hospital!
Ethan: [dumbfounded] That is insane.
Brooke: I promise we aren't that interesting.
The people beg to differ. Round of applause for Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey for being such good sports. Until next time, doctors!
Ethan: [over thunderous applause] There absolutely won't be a next time.
Brooke: [laughs and stands up, smoothing out her dress]
Audience member that sounds suspiciously like Jackie: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Rest of the audience chimes in: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Brooke: [crosses her arms, smirking at Ethan]
Ethan: Oh for the love ofā€” [acts like he's walking away, then loops an arm around her waist and pulls her close, tilting her back and kissing her thoroughly]
[Audience roars its approval]
Ethan: [pulls away slowly and sets her upright, chucking her chin with an affectionate and slightly devilish smirk. He starts to guide her away from the host and off the makeshift stage]
Brooke: [mutters, still a bit dazedly] Told you. Drama.
[Laughing, they walk off stage together.]
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triple-to-stag Ā· 3 years
Hey, hope you don't mind me asking a question! I only ever really get a chance to watch gymnastics when the Olympics are on so I'm not very up to date with everything. Is there a reason why so many people online don't like/are not a fan of Mykayla Skinner? šŸ‘€
Hi! I donā€™t mind at all :) Iā€™m a long winded writer, so I apologize for this long post in advance!
My issues came in 2016 with her racist tweets, but only grew as I saw this grown adult woman not try to change her attitude or actions.
First, I think it is important to acknowledge the racist tweet that includes a teenaged white girl tweeting the N-word. She also verbally said it in Snapchat stories. Rumor has it that she got yelled at while at the ranch by USA Gymnastics coaches and officials back before the Rio Olympics, but a rumor is a rumor. She hasnā€™t addressed it since or shown any strides for changing.
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Thoughts about her racism only solidified after she didnā€™t make the team in 2016, which she seemingly blamed on Gabby. This is despite there already being two stronger floor workers on the team (Simone and Aly) and the highest team score coming from Gabby being on the team. In an act of sheer unsportsmanlike behavior (which one could also argue racist through the use of the monkey emoji next to a white girl emoji) she liked a photo of her photoshopped on the team in place of Gabby Douglas.
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Remember too, that she was an alternate and still had to travel with Gabby and technically be her teammate from afar. I made a point of this last night, but when youā€™re a public figure AND a teammateā€¦you just canā€™t do shit like this. Even if she ā€˜accidentally liked it because a fan tagged her,ā€™ itā€™s still irresponsible of her. She has a platform and that was a choice to like that tweet.
Another blow came when instead of genuinely apologizing, she posted a forced ā€œsorry if you got offendedā€ tweet.
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Moving forward to the COVID-19 pandemic, she and her husband lived their lives as normal with her husband even taking an allegedly maskless business vacation which culminated in her actually getting COVID. Her husband had the phrase ā€œplandemicā€ on his Pelaton account bio so take that as you will with the millions of deaths worldwide.
Itā€™s worthy to note as well that her gymnastics is labored and doesnā€™t look aesthetically pleasing to the seasoned gymnastics fan. This is primarily rooted in her (lack of) technique and her coachesā€™ preference for chucking difficult skills rather than building up to them and building form that elite gymnasts are expected to have. Her vlogs have been really telling in this regard.
As for her vault, Her block (the part where she makes contact with that vault table) is infamous for not getting much bounce. She basically did a cheng one handed for a good chunk of her elite career, which is dangerous and makes the vault look small. Sheā€™s a fast twister and gets her vaults around, Iā€™ll give her that, but her vaults do not get a ton of height and she really only moves in the horizontal plane.
Youā€™ll see a lot of MS stans say how much sheā€™s improved since going to collegeā€¦hereā€™s her block in 2016 and 2021
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Simoneā€™s Cheng and her Cheng for context. Note how much Simone rises after she makes contact with the table.
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Similarly, on bars, beam, and floor, her technique is plagued by bent knees. This, like her block, doesnā€™t allow her to get that rebound you need for more extended passes with great amplitude. This means she tucks/pikes during legs skills that should be in a layout position. She competes a layout and tucked version of the double double on floor, so itā€™s been somewhat of a running joke on tumblr hoping that the layout version will get devalued and she gets deducted for doing the same skill twice. While partially out of malice, thereā€™s something to be said about wanting to see beautiful gymnastics get rewarded properly.
In a recent video she couldnā€™t even properly do a double layout while extended, only further proving this point.
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And then that leads us to last night where despite being personally told by Tom and his wife that they were favoring Mykayla leading up to trials (and really throughout this quadā€¦) and get her to the Olympics, she likes anti-Tom tweets. Not to say she canā€™t be critical of him, but this comes off to me as biting the hand that feeds you. What got to me is that, once again, she liked tweets that put her teammates down to build herself. The irony of this is that even if they did put her on the team over Grace McCallum (Jordan Chiles was a pretty much a lock by the time trials rolled around) the US still wouldā€™ve qualified second. She still wouldā€™ve got 2 pcā€™d out of finals. But most agree itā€™s because she just realized that she wonā€™t be going home with any medals.
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TLDR: Despite having ample opportunity to take accountability and improve herself and her gymnastics, she doesnā€™t and frames herself as the victim for it.
If I you have any questions, Iā€™ll try my best to answer them!!!
And if I forgot anything, please feel free to add it!
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samwpmarleau Ā· 5 years
We need more Elia x Arthur content. Why is there so less about them? How can I contribute. I don't know how to make edits or fanarts.
Iā€™m so glad to hear of your interest in them!! I, too, am dismayed that thereā€™s not very much content. Hopefully at some point thereā€™ll be some more traction.
You certainly donā€™t need to be an expert in anything to contribute, though (god knows Iā€™m not!). Even just showing support is incredibly appreciated, whether itā€™s simply through liking/reblogging, commenting, posting headcanons, what have you.
But if you ever decide you might want to try your hand at making something, hereā€™s a few tips I can offer:
If you havenā€™t already, you can check out my sideblog @arthurxelia to see what other people have made for them and get some ideas.
For edits you can use a simple program like BeFunkyĀ to make some collagesĀ (e.g., this one I did not long ago with Edric Dayne) and that sort of thing. I believe the site has other functionalities as well but I havenā€™t tried any yet.
Give gifmaking a shot ā€“ I can say from personal experience that itā€™s daunting, as when I first approached it I had zero experience with making them, but with some practice it gets a lot easier. For me, the hardest thing is finding footage of my fancasts. I use this method, which Iā€™ve found to be the simplest. Iā€™ve certainly not utilized all of Photoshopā€™s bells and whistles, but I think the gifsets Iā€™ve made so far look okay!
Fic writing is my main bread and butter, though, so Iā€™m a bit biased towards that as far as creating goes, and really the best advice I can give is to write as much as you can. Even if you think what youā€™re writing as you do it is terrible, just keep going. First drafts are almost always subpar, but powering through means youā€™ve at least got the bones of your story. Then you can do all the editing to polish it up. If youā€™re still unsure, you can start out with some really short fics and go from there (Iā€™ve written many such ones, a lot of which come from ask memes where you can also get ideas) ā€“ thereā€™s noĀ ā€œrightā€ length to fics. Iā€™ve read just as many amazing short fics as I have long ones.
Iā€™m afraid I canā€™t give any advice for fanart as my drawing skills donā€™t go much further than stick figures, but you can check out my fanart tag here for some really great artists from whom you could get some pointers or inspiration.
I hope that helps!!
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emilyloudwellfmp2 Ā· 3 years
Colourful patterns of the 50s- Project Proposal
Producing artwork in a lockdown has been both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand I have felt like I have managed to really understand myself as a designer and what my work means to me in the concept of communicating with an audience. Producing the Final Major Project in year one during the first lockdown really strengthened the way I work and adapt to challenging situations. I was hoping this Final Major Project wouldn't have the same challenges, however, I am now able to conduct myself enthusiastically into this project. I aim to utilise my surroundings the best I can, whether that's at home or at college, to achieve the most successful project I can. Whilst on-site I will make use of facilities and equipment as well as my lecturers, and whilst off site I will spend time refining my experimentation and research.
In the second year I decided to specialise in Graphic Communication because I found the process of creating artwork to a specific brief, purpose or audience appealing. Whilst Fine Art allows for more hand based techniques and celebrates art in a more historical way, I admire the modern approach to art through digital based creations. I plan on integrating some hand based techniques and processes with my digital skills.
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Above are two pieces of work from previous projects that I really enjoyed making. I enjoyed making these pieces especially because of how it made me analytical and experimental with colour layout, colour identification and composition particularly. I was able to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to manipulate and trial different colour combinations and the composition in which I placed each shape to make it look as effective as I could.
The piece on the left is a mixture of photographs I took and edited on Photoshop, as well as an outline of a building I had drawn on Adobe Illustrator. The piece on the right was an outcome for my year one Final Major Project and combines many processes including hand based carbon drawings scanned in and edited on Photoshop, as well as Photoshop digital drawing and Adobe Illustrator logo designing.
I work best in a structured methodological way where my outcomes are neat and refined. This especially appeared in my previous project ā€˜Page to Screenā€™ where I professionally mocked up my posters and book designs, by using Photoshop skills, onto books and real life scenes. I was able to wrap up my project into a few pristine outcomes that showcased my art in real life situations. In addition, I always contemplate the way I approach my projects through the order that I produce my practical work, I utilise all materials available to me and continue to use and experiment with previous bits of work. For example, I might photocopy a piece invertedly to produce more outcomes, or use a surface pattern previously made for underneath another piece of work. I approach the pieces in the colour, design and subject I have chosen whilst continuing to broaden my experimentation to produce the most professional outcome I can. This process of working will be beneficial for this Final Major Project because I will be able to organise my practical time in the studio so I can get the most out of experimental processes like screen printing and photocopying.
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Colourful patterns of the 50s will be a journey focusing on advertising from the 1950s. The theme I have selected is colour palettes and patterns inspired by a certain genre of art. After doing some pinterest research I have found many different products being advertised, all in a similar way. I aim to take inspiration from these adverts and create promotional material in the form of an animation (or tv advert) and newspaper adverts, like how most items would have been advertised in the 50s.
Walt Disney began to really develop his animation business in the 40s and 50s, creating many of his movies like Cinderella, Alice in wonderland and Peter Pan (taken from https://d23.com/list-of-disney-films/). Due to my admiration of Disney animations, I want to focus on producing a short animation advertising a product from the 50s as my main outcome which i will then be able to make newspaper adverts from some of the key frames.
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Here are some images off Pinterest that show what Iā€™ve been researching and what ideas I have for the experimentation and outcomes of my project.
I have chosen the 50s because their use of pastel colours and distinctive funky patterns really invites all of my attention. I'm eager to spend time researching and working with the 50s aesthetic through different processes such as printing and digital illustrating, as well as exploring real life products that I could use for primary research. Some ideas for research sources would be going out and buying typical 50s food items, or going to an already 50s themed restaurant like Edā€™s Diner, or buying 50s products online. I'd also look into buying some 1950s newspapers that I could include on my blog or even use them within my art work.
The 50s is notably a time where society is massively different from today, with adverts being incredibly misogynistic (as seen in these examples taken from https://roundpeg.biz/2017/03/advertising-1950s/ ), being lgbtq+ was heavily frowned upon, and the integration of ā€œblack and whiteā€ caused an uproar. Whilst it would be the perfect opportunity to stand up and bring attention to an unacceptable event that occurred in the 50s, with the Coronavirus happening I wanted to stay clear of political matters. My intention is not to glorify or ignore the different ways of the past but to give my audience something light hearted and fun.
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For this project I will be producing outcomes that showcase my decision making and experimentation. It is important to have a refined end product of this project because it will tie together the whole journey of finding what works best for this concept. I visualise my concept outcome to be exploding with colour and traditional 50s patterns, whilst continuing to have a professionally refined structure. To do this I aim to mock up my artwork onto real life scenes, like in a newspaper or on an old tv for example. I have decided to take a contemporary approach to my outcome compared to a traditional process because I want to celebrate how much artwork has progressed in terms of expressionism and technology. In the 50s the television was only just becoming a statement in every working class home, whereas before it was just for the rich, so advertisers would have relied on newspapers to display their ads. Huge advancements have been made since the 50s and we now have access to countless programs and tools on a computer. My strengths lie in digitally generated artwork because of how I am able to manipulate and change each piece I work on through skills I continue to learn. I would like this project to mainly become a root for the animation pathway, and to gain as much experience as I can from this project which would help me take this further in the future. I hope this project is to be viewed as a fun new style which has been adapted from and heavily inspired by the 50s colour and patterns aesthetic.
Due to not being on campus my evaluation processes have changed from previous projects. To evaluate this project I will be receiving peer and lecturer feedback in our weekly study groups where we discuss our projects, with written feedback from Sophie. My own analysis and evaluation will come in the form of weekly evaluations typed up on my blog, this proposal, my final overall evaluation and research.
To document the journey of my project I will upload all my research, experimentation, processes and analysis to my blog. This is an effective way of keeping all of my projects in one place and for ease of viewing.
Evaluating my project is such an important part to my development within this project, concept, artwork, and myself as an artist. By evaluating everything I research, experiment with, every process and technique, as well as my mistakes or things that don't go so well I am able to create a clear journey of ideas and improvements from a concept word to a professionally completed outcome. Evaluating my experimental pieces of artwork will allow me to also understand what I should be working towards or doing next.
0 notes
annieheatherw Ā· 3 years
The Multi- Verse: Evaluation
Some artists that I feel contributed greatly to my workā€™s final outcome were:
Tom Philips- A Humument
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Tom Philips was one of the leading artists in my ideas for the illustrated books, and I think I did a good job on taking only inspiration from his pieces, and while you can see the links to his style, I feel like I have taken it very much in my own direction. This can be seen especially in my book ofĀ ā€˜The Yellow Wallpaperā€™.
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Peter Bankov
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While he may have only inspired me for a few of my postcard designs, I feel that he is one that can really be seen in my digital work- especially in my first two photoshops. I think that I was inspired by the way that he isolated images (like eyes) and I took that theme and ran with it.Ā 
The Tomato Project
While this is still only in the realm of the digital work I did, I still feel that their style can be seen in my photoshop work, as I mimic the layering of the text, and the bright colours that correlates with them.Ā 
To sum up the concepts of my work, all that really needs to be said is that it mostly came from the book that the project was based on: The Yellow Wallpaper. The imagery in the book is just so vivid to me that it is not hard to create the vague picture in my head onto paper. I think that this can be seen from the very first creation of mine, massive piece of work where I just wanted to create what I saw myself in the paper. This is a good point- the way that I work now has changed immensely because since I was working from words and not from pictures I had to just get drawing and creating rather than stressing about if something was perfect. The way that I had to work during this project was a massive jump from the usual and I had to have faith in my ability to draw and work with abstract ideas rather than my ability to realistically paint from a picture, which is something that I will likely carry through my art infinitely.Ā 
I have always been a practical person rather than someone who has to be detail oriented, so if I get an idea for a piece I have to do it right away, and so there werenā€™t any decisions to be made in that respect- if I start down the path of thinking about something and trying to make a decision, I would never get anything done because making choices is always a struggle for me.Ā 
A lot of the time I had to work with wallpaper, which wasnā€™t the best to draw on with fine liner as it just slipped off, so when I used it for the second time in the book I had to use biro, even though there is a purple tinge, so I could create a little more of the depth that I wanted. Furthermore, I think that the biggest process I learnt or had to cope with was the photoshop tasks and digital manipulation. I experimented with layering and physically collaging to digitally collaging, and I enjoyed it because it was a departure to what I usually try out. I have learnt that I am better than I expected (so not to doubt myself as much), and I now have a love for scanning images onto a computer- which Iā€™m sure will continue on my blog.
On Thursdays, we worked on a lot o experimental techniques that were outside of our comfort zones, and I learnt quite a bit about how it is best for me to work- i.e. trying not to get stressed about decision making and just getting on with it- and how I can do the task but add my own twists, as seen in the Asemic writing task, where I chose not to include colour, and adding tone where I wasnā€™t necessarily told to.Ā 
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A piece of off site work that I think resonates with me the most is the book I created, or the similar style piece that was on a larger wallpaper piece. The reason for this is because it might not be technically brilliant, but it is really the first time that Iā€™ve created characters in my head and transferred them onto a page in terms of a greater idea, where it has worked successfully. This chain of outcomes made me realise the small ideas that I come up with can be transferred and made physical, even there are no reference pictures or similar work that Iā€™ve seen.
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A piece of work that I have done in college that I feel is most impactful is the first digital postcard that I did, where I was trialing something that I never thought I would go anywhere near, and yet I was really happy with the end result. It really gave me the confidence to go further with my digital manipulation.
In my head, I would love my style of work to be published in aĀ ā€˜childrenā€™s book gone wrongā€™ format. I would love it to be a book bought by the masses, in a futuristic Black Mirror episode type situation, where for instance the book actually comes alive and takes over or something, who knows. I also loved the Asemic writing, where we were trying to communicate to the future communities, and I think it would be really cool to have that work in a gallery or museumĀ  millions of years in the future, where it is actually something that cannot be understood, and is now a historical artifact.Ā 
10 words to describe my postcards:
Virile- Moses Sumney
Rank and File
Ordinary Pleasure- Toro y Moi
Minors- Toro y Moi
Fireworks- Animal Collective
My Work Space (Messy and Cluttered)
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Here is presumably where the magic happens, mostly. A lot of my smaller work and blog work is done at this desk, and if I am working larger I will move downstairs to a bigger table or if I don't make it that far I will work on the floor. I bought a cheap piece of material from eBay to use as a tarp over the table to minimise the stress I cause my parents on a regular basis.
An example of my process:
Theme: The Yellow Wallpaper
Research: Pokras Lampas
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Development: Screen Print, Asemic Writing
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Final Outcome: Digital postcard based on quoteĀ ā€˜sprawling flamboyant pattern committing every artistic sinā€™.
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As I have already mentioned, something that I can do now that I could never do is that I have basic photoshop skills. I can now create simple collages, experiment with text and change colour tones of a picture.Ā 
My final outcomes are exemplary of how I have gained confidence in my work, and how I have experimented with all of my different on site work to make cohesive postcards. My initial ideas were to always focus on the patterns of the wallpaper, and to only explore the yellow and the creatures that lived there, but as I developed my collages and understand the book better, I understood that there was more to the story than just the wallpaper- I wanted to embrace the high intensity of her emotions, the complex fragility that she faced as a trapped woman. I think that is ultimately why my postcards ended up being quite dynamic and busy- because I was beginning to understand how frantic she must have felt. I think I did a good job in terms of the fact that now I feel like I am at peace with the book, and that I have done all that I can do with it, for now. I am satisfied with that aspect of the project. However, if I am ever going to do a digital based project again, I hope that I will try to take my time more with the collages, because this time I feel like I didnā€™t go all the way with them- and they mean so much for your digital work.
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antthonystark Ā· 7 years
Hey! I love your gifsets!!!
hey thank you!!!
iā€™m not great at giving advice, but iā€™ll do my best!Ā 
first of all, practice practice practice. thereā€™s no way youā€™re going to get good without just.....doing it a lot. a lot of gifmakers will tell you that a lot of their process is really abstract and intuitive, because if you work at it enough, youā€™ll start to really get an eye for certain things like colours and lighting and stuff, and for the gifs that have more fancy colouring or blending or whatever, you can literally look at a scene from a show and know whatā€™s possible to do with it and what isnā€™t - so thereā€™s no substitute for practicing!Ā 
that said, of course, you donā€™t have to go at it alone. i wouldnā€™t be able to do half the shit i do and have done without the benefit of tutorials. there are a lot of photoshop blogs that collect resources and tutorials for graphic and gifmakers that are insanely useful (such as yeahps and itsphotoshop, off the top of my head). theyā€™re well organized blogs and you can go through and find the right tutorial for the type of thing you want to do.Ā 
i mean, a lot of gifmaking for me came from picking up skills from tutorials and such, and now i just.....really i just mess around with what i know until something pretty comes out of it, to be honest. i still sometimes reference tutorials for certain things. and honestly, if you see a gifset you like, you can always ask the person who made it for a guide or tutorial about it! people have asked me a couple of times (and you can feel free to as well!) about specific gifsets (i have a tag for ps tutorials iā€™ve done upon request here, if youā€™re interested!)
and like i said, once you pick up a skill from someone, you can apply it in myriad ways and combinations to make pretty things!Ā 
as for anything more specific than that, i would love to help if you have more specific questions! generally speaking, i would just advise to play around with everything. specifically: textures, different blending modes for layers like soft light or lighten or overlay (these can be for textures or images or even if you want to overlay gifs ontop of each other - lighten/screen is best for the latter; or even for colour fill layers to add pretty colours to gifs), different adjustments like gradient maps and selective colour and colour balance (also for makingĀ ā€˜prettyā€™ colourings), etc. honestly, i feel like this is really derivative advice, but just play around until you get the hang of it!Ā 
and lastly, try not to compare yourself to other people (this is hard for me too) and definitely donā€™t measure your worth or value as a creator by the amount of notes you get. it can be discouraging starting off as a gifmaker and getting a lukewarm response when other people are getting 1000s of notes, but hereā€™s a secret: amount of notes doesnā€™t correspond to the quality of your work. iā€™ve seen gifsets with many thousands of notes that are (no offense to the creators lol) just as good or sometimes even worse than a gifset iā€™ve made that has like...200 notes, but i donā€™t really care (well, not that much lol) because i know iā€™ve made something good, and maybe i just donā€™t have as many followers or not as many people saw it, or thereā€™s not as many people in this particular fandom. i know validation is the reason we do any of this, but try not to get discouraged if things you post donā€™t get the response you hoped for!Ā 
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