#I don't have the reindeer antlers yet because I still got Christmas shopping to do
angrybatgaming · 5 months
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.....I'd appreciate it if ya'll would stop staring at me...
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Days of Feast is here, and there's snow in Daylight Prairie and Peaks! So pretty! I should run around Daylight Peaks and take better pics with the camera.
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There's also snow in Aviary Village! Along with Peeking Postman and Bearhug Yeti (sorry if I botched names). This dude helped me get a great bird's eye view of the area. Again, I'll take better pics later.
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There's also hot chocolate stands! DRINK ALL OF THE HOT CHOCOLATE.
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The dev's office is also decorated, and there are some presents to burn for wax in the kitchen area. Hehehehe! >:]
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The Performance spirits can also be found hanging around Village of Dreams. Not sure if Stagehand is supposed to be floating like that, but he cheers if you catch a jellyfish. Storyteller just....sits and watches. (To be polite and not scare the fish, I guess.)
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Am I supposed to follow the snowmen to find the spirit who will turn you into one? Couldn't find them if that was the case. I'll bet it's Modest Dancer to go with the rest of the Performance team. But I could be wrong.
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And, as expected, Mellow Musician is in a world of their own.
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More pictures will cone later, if I remember to take some. But in case I don't make another post, happy holidays! Until next time!
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
Wrapping Paper Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Girl attempts to write cute holiday story about fictional metalhead, spends more time justifying her ridiculous wrapping paper collection. Contains: Charlie Brown, empty threats, youthful tomfoolery. Word Count: 700ish
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"You think you've got enough wrapping paper?"
You hadn't heard him come in, but you smile at the amused voice coming from behind you.
"You can never have enough wrapping paper."
You're sitting on the floor of your living room, surrounded by at least twenty rolls of colorful wrapping paper, along with scissors, tape, tags, and two stacks of gifts. A large and neatly wrapped pile to your right, a much smaller scattering of unwrapped gifts to your left. You'd been at this all morning.
A stack of Christmas movies sits by the VCR, A Charlie Brown Christmas playing quietly in the background. You have the house to yourself today, so you're taking the opportunity to get all your reindeer in a row out in the open, rather than lugging all the wrapping supplies to your room.
You knew Eddie would be dropping by, so his gifts had been wrapped first. You might even let him shake one if he asks nicely.
"You're joking, right?" He carefully makes his way through the chaos you've created.
"Do you not wrap presents? Please don't tell me you're a bag person. Bags are no fun, Munson. They practically encourage peeking."
"Like… bags from the grocery store?"
"Oh my god."
He chuckles, knowing that you're rolling your eyes at him even though you haven't turned to face him yet.
He drops into a cushioned chair near the wrapped pile to your right, finally entering your eyeline. He's still wearing his jacket, and the tip of his nose is red. Must be cold out today.
"Why do you need so much wrapping paper?"
"It's pretty. It's super cheap after Christmas. It'd be boring if all the presents looked the same. I have a lot of stuff to wrap. Among other reasons."
"Other reasons?"
"Yup. I'll show you when I'm done."
He huffs and nudges the wrapped presents with his foot. "Which one's mine?"
"You have no appreciation for the art of gift wrap, so yours is going in a plain brown grocery store bag."
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
"No, you wouldn't."
"Wanna bet?"
"Ask me nicely," you prompt as you fill out a gift tag and place another box on the finished pile.
"For what?"
"Ask me nicely for pretty wrapping paper."
He rolls his eyes dramatically and drops to his knees in one impressive move, hands clasped together like some serious begging is about to go down. "Please, oh please, for the love of all that is Christmas, won't you please wrap my gifts in shiny, pretty paper?" He bats his eyelashes.
You narrowed your eyes, pretending to consider it. "Ehhh… alright. But only because you're cute when you beg."
He grins and returns to his chair, turning his attention back to the TV as you reach for the final unwrapped gift.
You smile and shake your head at the delightful silliness of this conversation, scissors slicing through a pretty Santa pattern with satisfying ease. You wrap your last present, slap a bow on it, and silently survey the mess you've made. Scanning the piles of debris, your eyes land on an empty wrapping paper tube, nearly buried beneath a mountain of paper scraps. A grin worthy of The Grinch forms on your face.
Watching Eddie out of the corner of your eye, you slowly reach for the cardboard tube with your left hand, feeling another beside it. Perfect. You discreetly slide one toward you.
As Linus begins to explain what Christmas is all about to Charlie Brown and Eddie Munson, you carefully lift your weapon… and bonk him across the knees.
He jumps and stares at you like you'd just sprouted antlers.
"Did you just…?"
A mischievous glint appears in his eye.
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A few minutes later, your mother returns from her shopping trip to the sound of a yelp. She places her bags on the kitchen table as a series of a strange thumps and wild cackling erupts from the living room. She cautiously approaches, having no idea what she's about to walk into.
Two teenagers, armed with cardboard swords, are laughing like they've never had more fun in their lives. Bonking each other with no mercy. Surrounded by the debris of what appeared to be a Christmas tornado.
She covers a smile and returns to the kitchen. Let the kids have their fun. As long as they clean up after.
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