#I don't know how much I've mentioned about Sol but he is also a Spiritual Entity in the rewrite
bonefall · 2 years
Better Call Mapleshade AU that when Skycan rejoins the clans, they bring with then 6 acorns, planting them all around their new camp, bringing Brokenstar with them. The Ring of trees eventually encircle the entire camp, giving it shade in summer, and a strong wind block in winter.
(Mapleshade helps Skystar, Firestar and Yellowfang move Brokenstar's soul to one of the new trees. )
Mapleshade: "I'm only helping you two because Patchpool made me feel bad...and Skystar is kind of my friend, I guess."
Skystar: "Aww, I knew you liked me."
Mapleshade: "Pushing it."
Brokenstar: "Can Runningnose come too?"
Yellowfang: "No, he's a war criminal...and he helps keep Tigerstar in line in the dark forest."
Skystar: "Also, he, Ashfur, Hawkfrost, Thistleclaw, and Jaggedtooth help us bring in dark forest cats if they're needed as witnesses."
Brokenstar: "Awww...but I miss him."
Firestar: "They planted six trees..I can see if he can go into one, I guess."
You stumbled into something I've actually been mulling over for a while
Recap for newcomers: My planned rewrite of Firestar's Quest is Firestar's Quietus, turning it into a journey where Firestar brings the ghost of Brokenstar on a quest to resurrect SkyClan to put his soul to rest.
Brokenstar was created by a curse from the exile of SkyClan, and is a sort of guardian nature spirit of sorts, once a fifth oak at fourtrees. At the end of the story, Firestar buries an acorn necklace he used to channel him and it sprouts in the gorge.
So my rewrite establishes Brokenstar as a guardian and a force of nature... and SkyClan, as we all know, is going to get evicted from the gorge because of Darktail. So...
Brokenstar needs to get PISSED at this and do something, he is their guardian.
I don't want to abandon the oak tree completely, I would like to do something where they can plant a new acorn if they can't move the tree... but they're only going to be AT the gorge for 10 years at most. Current timeline points to it being a LOT less than that
Oak trees take AT LEAST 20 YEARS to start producing acorns!! ESPECIALLY the white oak type that Broken's tied to, it would be just big enough that it's insane the cats would be able to take it with them, but nowhere near old enough to produce acorns for them to flee with
And, of course, I would very, very much like to have Broken and Runny have a reunion of sorts, and that needs to come at some cool narrative moment.
Just stuff I'm thinking about
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maceofpentacles · 2 years
im sorry to bother you again on the techwizard situation buuuuuut.....He basically said this on his comments section.....
I've just read Your post and all the comments. Wow. That's a lot, and seems like I haven't been the only one.
I haven met King Asmodeus Myself, but a bunch of other High Demons, and I can just say...
Baphomet, was a Very Sassy, and Lewdie Goat'ess. I often mention it, but, long story short, they tried to just r*** (cesnsoring cause yk what it is) Me into submission. Yet, this Wolf doesn't likes it from behind and just mocked them, not giving in, making them just frustrated till they gave up.
Those following was a Wolf fucking a Femboy version of Baphomet, till the point they gave in into Me and submitted.
How does the old saying goes? Fuck around, Find out.
The following encounters after that with Baphomet were and are a lot different.
Calm, respectful and cuddling, also a lot of advice and Help.
I never bow to anyone, I just want to be on the same level, is all. Respect Me, so I respect You. Be Kind to Me, so I be to You. ... I've noticed something weird, just as a sie thing, Baphomet could be M Soul mate, at least after doing research on them.
Besides that, all encounters so far, were strange, we both in both genders, as Beasts and as Human.
And Me from pretty much from the start as a Black Wolf wearing a pitch black crown (Don't ask Me how I got this form, I still try to find out myself).
Besides all this, I had other sexual based encounters, with Lucifer, someone who might've been Lucifer or Astroth, and Stolas.
The following ones were willing from both sides and just more or less as having fun, sharing lust and love.
I can't complain.
Well, did I seek out to go wild with Demons? Nope.
I came in here and started my journey somewhat last year, after getting one after te other visit over the astral plane, and even the real world, and I was just perplexed what the Hell was going on.
So yea, I'm here, more or less, since the Demonic High Royalty wa Poking Me more and more with a Stick, and Agaliarept spooking Me two times, and Clauneck being my Secret Santa helping Me out every time I was in need fr over 20 years.
All these aside,
I used to be sceptical for a long time about all spiritual, from being an Atheist to being a Satanist (the COS & TOS Floor show style that is), to a bit into Christianity aaaaand... Lucierian/Pagan Demonolotrist.
Oh and about Demons and all, are they Evil? Are they Good?
The Answer is, like with Baphomet as example.
'As Above, So Below,
Human and Beast,
Male, Female and in between,
Good and Evil,
Divide and United,
Sol et Lunar (Sun & Moon, Gold & Silver, Right & Left).
Could go on with this for a while.
They also approach You, as You approach them.
Come up decent and like a Friend, so they will treat You like that as well.
Look at them as Evil Monsters (Fire & Brimstone Edition), oh Look! Evil Demons with Pitchforks! (Pff, haha, this cracked Me up, lol)
Just a horny perv who wants to be dominated in a Kinky way? Hell, that's the place Ya go!
Could go on with that rant for a while, and hear them Chuckle in the background like I am the Host of a Comedy Show.
In My case, I just don't judge people or creatures I don't know. I come neutral and hen I know them better, more and more like friends.
They Help Me, I gift them things, thank them for the Help and gifts as well.
I guess what I read up about myself abut being as 'As Powerful with Demons as King Solomon' could be True, yet, I treat them as Friends, not as Slaves!
I am not a Sinner in that sense, and I wouldn't dare to do that! ... I could see someone doing that with Me and I would destroy them after daring to force Me.
Guess enough Rambling from My side for now, I just love to share my stories about my experience.
Also, someone responded with "you are the reason people cannot talk about daemons, because you fully misunderstood this post." It was in regards to the daemonolatry subreddit posting on Asmodeus and legit that dude upright commented this.
time to do my favorite hobby: wishing death upon people
i need this man to be eradicated from the internet and real life i'm sick of him
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
more oc hcs/fun facts?
Okii :)<3
Fun Facts! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3!
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-I briefly touch on how Ohm's physiology was affected by his vision. Well so was Sandrone's! Ohm's body temp sits at a chilly 34c(95f) while Sandrone's sits at a solid 35.5c(95.9f). Ohm should suffer from hypothermia but due to his heart's condition his body is able to withstand the colder temperature. Sandrone on the other hand can succumb to hypothermia much easier.
-Neither like being warm. While Ohm suffers from total temperature neutrality and thus can't feel it. He can get heatstroke quite easily which generally clues him in. Sandrone can still feel temperatures and just hates being hot. Especially given he wears such heavy clothing. Warm places are not his forte.
-I've touched on their visions being mirrored a few times. But I don't think I ever explained what their visions actually look like? The vision casing itself is... Off.. It looks like a mix of Mondstadt's vision casing and Snezhnaya's vision casing. The gem in the middle of the casing is also slanted somewhat. The back of their visions also have a crudely scratched sun in the casing.
-The original twins, Sol and Luna, ruled a kingdom of their own a very long time ago. Well before Morax's time, even. Their family legacy is incredibly rich but has unfortunately been lost to tragedy and time. All that remains are the sword Ohm himself wields and a cloak that hasn't seen the light of day in a decade.
-Characters such as Mona(in her voicelines about them), Lisa(in her voicelines about them), and Dainsleif(in the collected misc) all hint at the true nature of what it means to be Favoured by Celestia. Of course, there are some aspects left up to viewer interpretation.
-I'm looking over past posts and I'm not seeing any mention of basic info, which my bad. But even if I missed it. Ohm and Sandrone are twenty four! Ohm is older by 45 minutes (,: lmao. Ohm stands at 5'9(5'11 in his heels) and Sandrone stands at 5'7. Sandrone has /always/ been shorter than Ohm and it was subject of many "arguments" as children.
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-Ohm's hair is long for multiple reasons. Most importantly is the cultural significance it holds to him. Given he hails from a once noble clan of Inazuma, hair is very important to him. Beyond that though, he had once promised his brother that he'd never cut his hair again so they'd both have long hair. Ohm has kept this promise for the last decade. If anything were to happen to his hair he'd probably lose it.
-Ohm has many nicknames in various nations, Medical Captain of Mondstadt, the Mortal Adeptus of Liyue, and Koschei of Snezhnaya are just some of many. Just like he gathers favours, he seems to gather nicknames too. Funny how that works.
-I've mentioned before that Ohm just can't swim. It's unfortunate. He really did try to learn as a child, but for some reason water terrifies him to no end. Water outside of the bathroom brings him to a standstill, he entirely shuts down as he tries to process his next course of action except he just kinda keeps rebooting mid thought instead lol.
-Which?? He lives in the house beside the waterfall?? I know its his family home, but still. Ohm just learn how to swim please.
-I also tend to keep repeating that Ohm is superstitious. It was just how he was raised honestly. He holds all creatures, including people, in high regard spiritually. And though he has a lack of empathy, he'd never not honour a soul. It'd be rude tbh.
-While the flower in Ohm's animation is the same one in his quest. The mask in his other animation is the same one mentioned in his story. The mask was given to him by Xiao five years after he gained his adeptal abilities. (Xiao handcrafted the mask based on a book he got Ganyu to get him on Inazuman customs lmao)
-Out of all the stories I've written for Ohm including his story quest. My favourite is the extra information story "Wildflowers". His vision story comes close though! It's just Wildflowers, I think, showcases a lot about his character outside of the Traveler's opinion on him.
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-While the majority of his hair isn't visible, some of it is! It does go to his shoulders, but his bangs are longer(he uses his mask to push them back lmao, easy way to blind him in battle</3). His hair is also tied in a half assed ponytail hidden by his hood. Though.. Sandrone's hair used to be longer than Ohm's. It was unfortunately cut off during his confinement. That was one of the things stripped away from him.
-I've mentioned in the past that the injury that caused the scar on his shoulder brings him pretty bad pain. It isn't the only nasty scar he has. There's not really a portion of his torso that isn't covered in scars. It's why he almost exclusively wears long sleeved turtlenecks under his coat. He'll change the colour from black to white if he's feeling spicy though.
-Similarly to his brother, Sandrone has quite a few nicknames. The Marionette being his codename though he despises it, he's also used the name 'Kris' often when working undercover. Beyond that though, his only other odd nickname is the Man of Masks. Perhaps a reference to the fact he never takes his mask off, well, unless he plans on killing you, that is.
-My favourite story for Sandrone is Story #2 :)! Nothing really else to say, I just think it showcases his abilities outside of the battlefield quite well.
-So many of his voicelines are straightforward truths that its hard to figure out which of them are blatant lies as well. This translates to in game/story as well. Sandrone could tell you the sky is red, and you may believe him for a moment due to how good he is at lying boldly. Though, despite his job, he tries not to lie often. It makes it easier.
-Once when being questioned on why he cared about what happened to a subject of his manipulations, Sandrone admitted that he cares for every person he manipulates because it makes it easier to convince even the most observant.
-His good morning voiceline is accompanied by just the groggiest voice in the world and its his only voiceline where he doesn't sound stoic. And yet it is one word, a tragedy honestly.
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