#I don't know if you're a fantasy reader but the Robin Hobb's Soldier's Son series was... formative for me. As a synopsis it's a clash
foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
I wish I could follow you more than once~ I get excited to read a queer story anytime I see your art on my dash!
I was wondering if you've ever made a comic that centers the size of a body before? I feel like you would do a uniquely great job of making something meaningful and touching.
I took a look around but didn't find anything myself. I really like how many body types I saw though. It means a lot how inclusive you are of all kinds of people, for me especially i appreciate your inclusion of disabilities.
As someone who struggles with an invisible disability I was always really drawn to conveying that in a story, the feeling that you should just push through how you're feeling especially. The fact that I got to make it a callback to the original Little Mermaid was a huge bonus.
As to a comic that centers around someone's body- it's something I'm extremely unlikely to tackle. Any story about body size acceptance would have to grow from a world in which that person was shamed and traumatized for their body. The world I've made is not perfect, however I have no interest in porting over phobias. No one in my world is homophobic, and no one is fatphobic. People can cast illusions and use magic, I feel like that would dramatically affect social norms and self worth that people develop as a result.
I haven't made some crazy utopia, people are still shitty in other ways, Sabine had an abusive ex, Charles cursing Fen was objectively a dick move even with good intentions, Rivka and Layla are still antagonistic (and also thieves so like, crime). There's still conflict in this space but I want the conflict to be centered around peoples personalities rather than prejudices or insecurities.
I do hope you find media that portrays you better, and I'm sorry it probably won't spring up in my world, but I will continue to have a variety of body types in my comics!
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