#I don't know my eyes won't fpcus and I can't stop thinking about Aed\
doppel-dean-er · 6 months
so, inspector spacetime, right? it's like the community version of Doctor Who. I wasn't on tumblr at that point, but when community was airing (presumably taking place) Doctor who was really popular on Tumblr (and still is, I am aware). but like, if Abed wanted to find other Doctor Who/ Insp. ST fans then he would probably gravitate to the place with the most presence. which is tumblr. and tumblr CLEARLY exists in the Communiverse because of Troy's Clive Owen tumblr, so it's not that far of a stretch to say that Abed would have a fandom account.
but this also begs the question: if there's a doctor who replacement, is there a Supernatural replacement? how about a sherlock?? can we go full superwholock, and conversely would they be on Abed's radar? because I think they would be. maybe he didn't keep up with Paranormal and Colombo (2010), but he knew about them. maybe he even had some paraspacetimbo mutuals.
and just maybe.
there's an in-universe destiel love confession parallel.
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