#I don't own Nimona duh
catboybiologist · 1 year
So, Nimona. (Spoilers, duh)
Probs will have an extended ramble about it at some point. But, ngl, the second half of the movie is weaker than the first. Which, to be fair, is mostly because the first half set the bar incredibly high.
Boiled down to the plot beats, it's a basic "monster is misunderstood" movie, which has been done to death tbh. But the specific ways in which the "misunderstood monster is set up" is incredible, and shows deep understanding of queer communities.
The world building and aesthetic is amazing, although, I'm gonna be honest, I would hate if this becomes a franchise- the story is told, and the world by it's very definition was set up to be very narrow for one specific allegory. What I DO hope, however, is we get more and more original idea animated movies that aren't turned into franchises. The artistry of this movie was crafting a world and characters to explore a specific ideas imo, and I love it for that.
What the second half has to offer is mostly spectacle in animation, which, to be fair, is incredible beyond belief. But yeah, it's pretty standard misunderstood monster stuff by then. Once the groundwork is laid to give the movie it's unique flair, the plot beats that must happen to create a happy ending kind of sit there as something that can't really change. Which is fine, tropes exist for a reason, but it becomes slightly less unique and special in the later part of the movie. It def felt like the part of the movie that *had* to happen as opposed to what made it special, and to be fair, there was no way around it. Still very good- but just a little more cookie cutter than the beginning.
One of my quirks, however, is that I more heavily criticize things I love than things I don't like. So I can actually pick this movie apart start to end, say where I didn't like it, but only because it captivated me enough and hit me deep enough in my own confused identity to watch it that deeply.
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