#I don't think Susie angel is a thing so I assumed you wanted to see twisted Alice?
Susie and Allison Angel with their respective pride flags?
The. Gals.
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shatteredinkglass · 1 year
What I think about Bendy: Campus Crush
So... I watched the April Fools video for Bendy: Campus Crush, and I'm having conniptions.
On the one hand, I love the idea of a Bendy story taking place in a modern-like era. On the other hand, some of the character designs are making my brain go into a million different directions on what the plot would actually be.
First off: What do I think about the characters.
Audrey: She looks like a completely different person. And I get it's supposed to be "anime-like", but I just see it as mid.
Henry: Literally looks like somebody's Henry design before we got Henry's ACTUAL appearance in Bendy and the Dark Revival. I actually DO like it, but I think they could have made him a LITTLE bit older looking.'
Boris: Just... WHY? I mean I get it, he's a wolf, and it's accurate, but THIS is one of the things that have been giving me conniptions! Like, are humans and beastkin (what I call human-like animals) living together in harmony or is this a werewolf situation? Plus... Is this Buddy or Tom? If it's Buddy, I'm going to rage. If it's Tom... Will still rage but have a lesser amount.
Sammy: Oh my god... He ACTUALLY looks good AND accurate. I WANT the REAL Sammy to have this outfit in the next real game. But he's also been giving me conniptions! Like... Is he just a theater kid who wears the mask to be mysterious or does he have some kind of facial disfiguration like Susie and uses the mask to hide it?
Joey: He looks like if he was back in his war days. No, I'm serious. Not only does he look like he kind of has his life together, but he's probably a lot happier too.
Susie/"Ms. Angel": I HATE it. It just looks like they just took some of Twisted Alice's disfiguration and slapped it on a random anime girl they found on the internet.
Bendy: I do like this one, but the horns are a LITTLE bit too big. Size them down a bit and you should be good.
Ink Demon: I had chills when I first saw him. But in a GOOD way. Looking at him reminded me of the early days of DDLC when Monika was ACTUALLY scary.
Allison: Same argument I made about Audrey but a bit more mid. She looks like an elementary student but I still do care about her. Don't see her as romanceable though.
Wilson: NO. Just NO. Get him off this campus. I do NOT want him anywhere near me or the others.
Next: The plot.
Now THIS is what's been keeping me up at night, but I think I have some kind of idea.
First, this is a female Y/N story, meaning you either have a default name or put in your own name.
And I know what you're thinking.
"Why would you immediately assume the Y/N is female?"
Well, considering the actual Bendy series takes place in the 60s and 70s, the LGBTQ representation wasn't exactly THERE back then, so of course the MC would be female.
Second, this is going to be a loop story, kind of like what DDLC did. Basically this means you're going to go through each romance path once until you get the true ending.
Like for example, you go through Henry's path, but at the end you either die or get corrupted by a certain someone, then you go back at the beginning, but you will not be able to romance him anymore.
Once you go through Boris', and Sammy's paths, you'll be able to get to the true ending which is the Ink Demon. That one I'll explain in a bit.
Third, Bendy and Audrey are your guides. You don't assume anything at first, thinking Bendy's just some hallucination the MC's mind created, but you find out that Audrey and everyone else can see him too. Also, they stay by your side after every loop until the true ending. I imagine him being the "little brother and big sister" characters to the MC that at first dislike them but end up seeing them like the siblings they never had.
Fourth, there is a matchmaking mechanic that will be used in the true ending. Basically, it means you have to get your former romanceables with people who ACTUALLY love them, like for example Henry with Linda and Boris with Allison.
Fifth, Wilson is the true antagonist. Let's face it, the guy's a villain through and through, no changing that. He'd basically pull the same act that he did on Audrey back in Revival on the MC by pretending to be on their side but in the end, he reveals he was the one killing the MC in every ending except the true ending.
Sixth, the "mystery" will be our MC trying to get their real memories back. Yes, I know. The "Amnesia" trope has been done to death but considering this is a loop story, I think it's warranted.
Seventh, the Ink Demon will be the real romance path in the true ending. This is because I believe the MC was the Ink Demon's future bride but on her wedding day Wilson ended up killing her. The Ink Demon then revived us but the first time we ended up with amnesia. After all the other paths are done, we then go down the Ink Demon's route that is basically the MC just falling in love with him all over again and we defeat Wilson for good.
These are my thoughts so far. For those who want to somehow make this a reality, you can use my this as some kind of guideline. Have a good day/night!
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mymarifae · 3 years
sorry if you’ve already done this but thoughts on ralsei?? people seem quite divided on him
omg ralsei. love that lil thing
the divide on his character makes me a little sad because omg. guys. he's not a mastermind with evil ulterior motives. look at him. he's a cotton ball. YEAH he's hiding something, absolutely definitely 100%, but skfjfjfkfjgjs he's another weird slightly off-putting 16 year old with too much responsibility/knowledge thrust upon him. he just wants friends
if he comes out at the end of ch7 or something like "MWAHAHA i was the bad guy all along !!!!!!!" i think susie would just be like "? no you're not. get back here." and he'd be like "yeah okay. sorry." and that would be the end of that!!!!
i think his kindness is very very genuine... he's beyond ecstatic to meet susie and kris and finally talk to someone his own age - he's been alone!! for his whole life. and for this reason, he doesn't. get It. he doesn't understand the nuances and complexities of friendship and he doesn't get that kindness can take a lot of forms, and that servitude =/= kindness. he's learning though, and he's learning pretty fast. i think we're going to see ralsei go through a lot of changes. i've talked about this before though
now, like. he's hiding Something. i kinda refuse to believe it's out of maliciousness. i think it's more likely he's not aware that he's hiding something, orrrrr there's just some pieces of information that we, the player, cannot know about just yet, or maybe not ever should we prove ourselves unworthy of the knowledge. if he's purposefully concealing something from us, i think it's probably stuff he discusses openly with kris whenever we go off to watch susie.
he. knows a lot. a lot more than a kid his age should know. he knows about us and he knows the controls of the game. and then there's his damn prophecies - angel's heaven and the roaring... two very different events. the fact that he never elaborated on what the angel's heaven Is stresses me out a tiny bit, and i can't help but assume it's what happens when there's not enough darkness to balance out the light, and you know like. im concerned. and, hey, ralsei, who opened castle town's fountain? why can it sustain darkners from every dark world? why don't YOU turn to stone outside of castle town? why do you know the layout of the school.
there are a lot of questions that i guess no one in game is asking, so idk if he would honestly answer if someone did ask, and he's not giving any exposition for our benefit....... maybe he thinks he doesn't have to; considering the power we've demonstrated to him, why wouldn't we already know these things? idk. i assume he's had a considerable amount of contact with gaster. or at least someone else close to gaster.
i've seen the theory that gaster reached out to jevil and spamton with the intent to give them the knowledge to be third-wall-breaking guides for kris (and us), but neither could handle it and thus were failures, and ralsei was a Success. im not sure how to feel about it. i just can't like... gauge the probability? i don't think we've seen enough of the game.
but i do think it provides a very interesting foundation for both jevil and spamton's characters... gaster looked at both of them and thought they had the potential to be what ralsei is. makes you wonder what they used to be like, if you think about it in these terms, and why ralsei was able to handle all this life-shattering information while they couldn't. i don't think ralsei is okay with ANYTHING he knows by any means, but he's certainly got a better hold on it. at least for now 😐
anyway i love ralsei. i dont think we're going to get a master plan reveal from him at any point but i do think there's a good chance we'll see him Snap . if anyone's gonna say fuck (uncensored, i guess) in this game it's going to be him. like he'll just get a little fed up. he wants his own life and he wants to eat cake with his friends and he wants to take a NAP and none of this is fair and just leave him alone already !!!!!!! for fuck's sake. and susie's like RALSEI?????
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