#I don't think they're fully formed yet but they're halfway there. heard them talk a moment ago.
neon-angels-system · 9 months
we are totally splitting a new alter, aren't we....
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cocosstories · 3 years
Bucky Barnes One Shot
hi can you make a bucky x pregnant reader where she gets kidnapped and than tortured and injected with the super soldier serum in front of bucky, you can imagine everything else, why she got kidnapped, by who, how is bucky gonna react, how is gonna end. can’t wait!
Yay so I have a request for Bucky. The reader is a medic for the avengers. Her and Bucky have been friends with benefits for more than a year now. Tony throws a party and one drink leads to another and they hooked up. Then she gets pregnant.
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You had been recruited to join the Avengers after a chance encounter with Black Widow.
She had been injured pretty badly on a mission and you just happened to be near the scene and jumped into action, using your extensive medical knowledge to patch her up quickly while making sure neither of you got hit from the battle that was still happening.
When everything was said and done, Tony offered you a job as the Avengers official field medic and you jumped at the chance. 
You hit it off with the team almost immediately and soon it was like you had always been there. 
One particular Avenger you had become close to was Bucky. 
Many people had noticed the two of you shamelessly flirting and knew it was just a matter of time before thing escalated to more than friendship. 
One night you and Bucky were working out on opposite sides of the training room, both unable to keep your eyes off the other.
You caught a glimpse of the fire burning in his eyes and couldn't help yourself, you walked over and kissed him.
After the initial first kiss, he took control of the situation and this began your friends with benefits arrangement.
You had decided to keep it a secret from the team for the time being and Bucky fully agreed. 
It was a few months into your arrangement when Tony decided to throw a party after another successful mission. 
You spent most of the night with Natasha and Wanda who you had become very close with but felt Bucky's eyes on you the whole night. 
"I thought I would never get you alone, doll."
He says with slurred words as the two of you find yourself in his bedroom as the party dies down. 
"Well, here I am Sargent Barnes. What are you going to do?"
You ask, a smirk on your face.
With that, Bucky takes you to the bed and the two of you spend the night entangled together. 
Weeks later and you were on yet another mission feeling like death.
"Y/N, are you sure you're alright? You don't look so good."
Steve says, pointing out the green tint to your face coupled with the sweat on your brow.
"I'm fine. Just a bug or som-"
Before you can even finish your sentence, you lean over and vomit in the seat next to you, getting the attention of the rest of the team. 
"You are not alright. When we get back to the compound we are getting you checked out."
Natasha says, worry on her face. 
You reluctantly agree and true to her word, Nat immediately takes you to the compound infirmary once the jet lands. 
"Bucky, can we talk?"
It was a few hours later and you were finally feeling better.
You head down to Bucky's room and knock on the open door.
"Of course, doll. How are you feeling?"
He asks, getting up and walking over to you. 
"I'm alright. Dr. Cho gave me something for the nausea."
You reply with a small smile.
"Did she figure out why you were so sick?"
You nod. 
"Bucky, I'm pregnant."
His eyes go wide as he takes in your confession before a huge smile crosses his face. 
"We're having a baby?"
He asks quietly.
"Are you alright with that?"
Bucky reaches out for your hand.
"Doll, that is the best news I have ever heard."
Tears form in his eyes as he speaks and you realize that he never thought he would ever have a family again and your baby was a second chance for him.
"I love you, Y/N."
He finally admits the feeling s he had been hiding for so long, no longer having a reason to keep them to himself. 
"I love you too Bucky."
You say, matching tears form in your eyes just as he kisses you.
"I guess we have to tell everyone now, huh?"
He chuckles and you nod.
"Yeah, but I think everyone will be alright with it."
As you had expected, the team was extremely happy and excited for you and Bucky.
The weeks flew by and before you knew it, you were over halfway through your pregnancy.
You and Bucky were going strong and had even started talking about the possibility of marriage in the future. 
Life was good and you couldn't be happier. 
One day, the team was on a mission, leaving you alone in the compound.
Late afternoon and you were craving something that you could only get from the store and decide to head out for a nice walk to get it.
As you take in the scenery, everything suddenly goes black and you crumple to the ground.
You wake up hours later, strapped to a table with Hydra agents around you.
"Ah, you're awake. Good."
"What are you doing? Let me go!"
You try and fight the straps holding you down.
"Now, now, just relax. We don't want to hurt you but you are carrying a child of the Winter Soldier and that child belongs to us."
The agent lightly touches you stomach as he speaks.
"You are not going to take my baby! Bucky and the Avengers will find me and save us!"
You scream, trashing against the hold again.
Meanwhile at the compound, the team had come home to find you gone and Bucky went into immediate panic mode. 
Everyone went off in separate directions, looking for any sign as to what could have happened. 
"Mr. Stark, I found blood."
Vision calls over the coms.
"Is it hers?"
Bucky asks frantically.
"I have analyzed it and yes, it belongs to Y/N. It seems she was ambushed and taken."
The team meets back at the compound as Steve and Sam do their best to calm Bucky.
"She is hurt! What if the baby is hurt! What if they kill her? I can't lose them Steve!"
Bucky cries as everyone watches helplessly.
"Barnes, we will find her. We will bring her and your child home."
Tony says, placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder.
"It has to be Hydra. Who else would want a pregnant medic?"
Natasha says, doing her best to keep her own emotions in check.
"But why would they want her?"
Rhodey asks.
"Because she is carrying my child. The Winter Soldier's child."
Bucky replies, pure hatred in his eyes as everyone else realizes what he means. 
"Where do you think the would take her, Buck?"
"Where I was kept. Siberia."
Bucky gets up without another word and walks to the jet, the rest of the team following behind him.
The flight to Siberia was a quiet one, the whole team focused on getting to you as quickly as possible.
"Bucky, you need to keep your cool. Your only focus should be finding Y/N and getting her and your child put of there. Do you understand?"
Steve says just as the jet lands and Bucky nods. 
You are in and out of consciousness with what seems like dozens of needles going into your arm when Bucky finally finds you.
"Doll, oh god what the hell are they doing to you?"
He says as he begins carefully pulling the needles out of your arms.
You breathe out, your vision blurred from the trauma. 
"Yeah, its me. I'm going to get you out of here. Just try and stay awake for me."
He says, breaking the straps holding you down and then helping you to your feet.
"Do you have her?"
Steve calls out.
"I've got her. She's barely conscious."
Bucky replies, picking you up and carrying you. 
He carefully gets you through the fighting Avengers and Hyrda agents and back to the jet. 
"What the hell did they do to her?"
Natasha asks once the team was back on the jet and you were headed home.
"I think they were trying to give her the serum. Or a version of it at least."
Bucky says.
"Trying? They didn't do it?"
"Looks like they didn't have time before we showed up."
As soon as the jet had landed, you were taken to the infirmary, every test possible performed to make sure you and the baby were both ok.
"They're alright?"
Bucky asks Dr. Cho when she comes to tell him he can see you.
"Both perfectly healthy. You saved them. You saved your family, Sargent Barnes."
She smiles and leaves him alone with you.
"Tell daddy thank you, baby girl."
You smile, taking Bucky's hand and placing it on your belly where your baby was kicking.
"Baby girl?"
He asks once he realizes what you had said.
"Yes, we are having a girl and she says thank you for saving her."
You nod, laughing a bit as the baby kicks under Bucky's hand.
"I will always do everything I possibly can to save you and protect you."
Bucky leans down and says to the baby, kissing your belly lightly before looking up to you.
"And you too."
He smiles and kisses you, so thankful to have both of his girls home and safe.
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