#I don't think this is technically fic idk its more the rantings of a lunatic
longlivefanfic-net · 2 years
i do not ship harringrove IN THE SLIGHTEST. stommy & stonathan r just kinda funny to me,but steddie has my heart. buttt the thing is,all these guys have deffo played a huge part in steve figuring out that he’s into guys. maybe at one point,he found himself looking at jonathan a little too long. or when tommy was with carol,and he’d try to make some sort of “bros over hoes” type comment so he could spend more time with him. or when billy got a little too close under the pretense +
oh. OH. I am so glad someone is giving me the opportunity to go on my long winded rant about how Jonathan was actually Steve's gay awakening, like canonically, because trust me I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS.
In s1, when Steve picks up the nail bat that becomes his signature--who was holding it only seconds before? And who does he use it to rescue from the demogorgon? Jonathan fuckin' Byers. I think it's so important that Jonathan can't protect himself and when Steve does it for him--not protecting Nancy, but protecting his supposed rival for her affections--it becomes one of his defining characteristics for the rest of the show.
In s2, when Murray is talking to Nancy and Jonathan he says "you've got the important shit: shared trauma!" The night before, Nancy and Jonathan had admired their matching demogorgon-summoning scars. Steve doesn't have a scar but he was there too--he has that same shared trauma. We already know how it affected the way he feels about Nancy; I think it's reasonable to assume it gave him some pretty strong Emotions (TM) about Jonathan too.
In s4, when Steve and Nancy are talking and he says "you gave my head the biggest thump of its life." Yeah, you know who actually gave his head that thump while he beat Steve's ass (starting the trend of Steve Harrington Can't Win a Fight)? Jonathan. Fucking. Byers.
Steve is wildly obsessed with him, too. It's more than just "he's the weird kid," it's more than just "he's my girlfriend's guy best friend," it's this whole additional layer of masculinity and pretenses and wanting to be tough but also being gentle (I know Steve paid for that camera Nancy gave Jonathan for Christmas, I just know it) that is just...so queer coded.
Some day, far in the future, Steve Harrington is going to sit straight up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat, and rub his hands down his face while he goes "did I have a crush on Jonathan?!" And then Eddie will sit up in bed next to him and simply say "Yes, sweetheart, now go back to sleep."
I don't even ship Stonathan, honestly--I think they would be a wildly poorly matched pair, their respective weirdnesses don't compliment each other like Steddie imo--but, like, the Duffer brothers have so aggressively bisexual coded Steve with the Steve/Nancy/Jonathan love triangle. I also personally love the Jonathan is transmasc HC and I could so easily see s1 Steve explaining his feelings for Jonathan away by misgendering him, trying to rationalize that he's "still straight," whereas by the end of s4 Steve is like, yep, Jonathan was the first boy I had a crush on.
Anyway. This is almost definitely NOT what you were hoping for when u sent this ask in so. please feel free to send more/other stuff and I'll try to write for it.
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