#I don't wanna tag this properly because I fear this could be considered hate and I don't wanna do that for the people who enjoy the show
faraige · 11 months
One of the main reasons why I'll never really respect ATS is because of the absolutely lazy Deus Ex Machina that is The Powers That Be. They said "we're not gonna make the effort of thinking about explanations for stuff. We'll just say The Powers That Be did it because they wanted to and call it a day" with their full chests.
I could have excused it with Doyle's visions. It would have been more interesting if he had gotten them some other way, bonus points if the reason could have made him bond with Angel, like a curse or some inheritance from his demon father. But instead they just laid the groundwork to do the bare minimum when it was convenient.
I'm sorry, but if you don't respect yourself even a little as a show, I'm not gonna respect you.
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