#I don't want to give the url of this person publicly cause they're honestly not worth it but if you're curious you can message me
alatismeni-theitsa · 4 months
An obsessive Patrochlilles (from the game Hades) shipper "who wants to ship in peace" just put me in a "racist wall of fame" post for saying Greek gods are... ethnically Greek . Imagine being so blinded by rage that you don't know what "ethnically" means 😂 Guyssss your ethnos is not dependent on your appearance, k? Anyone can be ethnically Greek!?!?! (As I also explain in the text they screenshoted)
(It's extra funny because "ethnos" is a Greek word and like everything else Greek, this person didn't research it 😂)
Imagine being hurt because these aaawful Greeks ruin your uwu cute gay ship (which HAS to be the Hades version only for some reason) with their silly concerns about being treated as an interchangeable "race" and culture by Western empires for a few centuries now 😱 We are extremely sorry to ruin your online nsfw shipping experience with our ancient heroes because we don't want real Greeks to continue being treated like shit, please forgive us🙏
And Of Course, on top of everything, their tags include the words "Classics fandom". I couldn't make this shit up if I tried 😂
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