cdotwright1 · 7 years
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cdotwright1 · 7 years
Music Video: Chuck Die$el - SLEAZEE
Check the latest music video from Ohio MC Chuck Die$el for “SLEAZEE,” the dope lead single to his upcoming album, Trap Diesel.
The track was produced by Jacob Lethal and the video was shot by Ced Lynch. Fuck wit it!
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cdotwright1 · 7 years
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cdotwright1 · 7 years
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
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Hailing from Ohio Chuck Die$el is really honing in on the turn up for his single SLEAZEE! Incorporating a lot of elements from Atlanta rap there’s no reason the DJ at your next party shouldn’t be spinning this record. Honestly, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be jamming this on your next long car ride. Whether it be the dramatic 808’s from producer Jacob Lethal or the connotation of Die$el’s vocals, this will have anyone bumping around. The song also has a very smooth keys pattern throughout it allowing Die$el to act on some fun flows. This song is what I’d call a “Shit-Talk Anthem,” otherwise a perfect flex song. With lines like, “I’m killing shit for no reason, I’m the best baby believe me,” and “F*cking your bitch like flicking my wrist, easy,” this song is perfect for the start of a great day, gym workout, or night on the town. Make sure to tune in and turn up with Chuck Die$el while we await the release of his next project #TrapDiesel!
Chuck Die$el’s, “SLEAZEE (Prod. Jacob Lethal) video:
Chuck Die$el’s Media & Music
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChuckDiiesel
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CdotxChuckDIesel/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/chuckxdiesel
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
i was on one
i tlk shit…. to myself 
all the time
no one needs to know all my thoights
actually if ppl did alotta ppl wouldnt like me
im already an ass hole with out verbalizing half my thoughts
i really juist wanna tell ppl to shut up all the time
ppl make the most ignorant statements on a regular basis without even knowing it
and i swear every other sentence the average person speaks contradicts themselves
i hate when ppl share unnecessary information ( to those who would point out im sharing unnecessary information, buh its my muhha fuggin blog biotch) back to the topic if i….. ;later
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
Beauty his vision, Lust; discontent ambition It’s his circumstance
(via cdotwright1)
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
the mind is the largest piece of art
Cdot (via cdotwright1)
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
Script i wrote three years ago
Red Eye
Opens up to Tyler and Haille sitting together on a blanket under the stars. The two sit close but not quite touching. They’re both star gazing Tyler is propped on one shoulder looking up towards Haille. A blue tinted light shines onto her.
Haille: This is nice, being here with Tyler. He’s really nice to and smart. Maybe I should tell him that? The part about this being nice not the him being nice, ha. I dont know I’m nervous.
Haille: I kind of want him to kiss me though. To hold my hand and pull me close. That would be nice, its been awhile since thats happened.
Haille: I wonder if my breath is fresh. What was the last thing you ate? Was it.. waffles. I think it was.
Haille: What are you talking about. Calm down, dont get nervous now.
 Haille: I wonder what he’s thinking right now? Is this entertaining him right now? Or does it matter what he thinks? Im so flustered right now.
Haille:Come on girl get it together you’ve got this. It doesnt matter all that matters is …
Gazes at Tyler
Haille: Is that your here with him. And how cute he is, and funny. I’m going to tell him. Alright snap out of it.
Takes a moment to gather herself and applies lip gloss slowly and matter of factly, then puckers up and kisses the air.
Haille: Alright, your going to just enjoy the moment. Your here under the stars with a beautiful male you’d love to kiss right now, and maybe even touch his butt. Ha, maybe you will. Haha
Haille: (exhales) Breath in, breath out.
Spot light fades and theyre both lit.
Tyler speaks while pointing to constellations
Tyler: Theres the big dipper to the left a little, yep. The little one is right above it, there.
Haille: Wow, yeah i see them. They’re beautiful.
Tyler: They are, but they’re not the only beautiful things out tonight.
Haille: Awe, your so sweet. Stop it.
Haille looks away briefly and looks back to Tyler looking back at her.
Tyler: Hey, I’m just telling you what I see.
He leans in and kisses her gently. She pulls away and smiles.
Haille:Thank you. This is all really nice Tyler, your really nice.
Tyler: Hm, thats really, nice, of you to say haha.
Haille: Can I touch your but? Wait..
Tyler: What?! I mean, yeah if i can touch yours.
Haille: Hm, maybe. No but really, I’m enjoying myself.
She moves closer to his chest and points. Tyler notes her movement and smiles to himself.
Haille: Whats that really bright thing? Right there.
Tyler: Thats Arcturus, in Bootes the Herdsman. It has to really bright stars. Kind of like you.
The two kiss again. They began making out and Haille reaches over and grasps Tylers butt. Tyler flinches a little out of surprise and chuckles. He then starts to try and mimick her action when they’re interupted by Haille’s phone chirping.
Tyler: I wonder who that could be.
The two sit up slightly.
Haille: Maybe its Momma Bear.
Tyler: Well we already have Ursa Major and Minor for that.
HAille looks down at her phone and her faces visibly drops. Again she is in the spotlight.
Haille: What the fuck. Why? Why, does he have to text me right now. God he never fails to fuck shit up.
Haille: Like what makes you think i want to talk to you right now? I hate you.
Pauses and thinks.
Haille: Alright, dont get too worked up. Cant let Tyler think somethings wrong.
Haille: Oh, who am I kidding something is wrong. Everytime I start to think I’m finally over it, this douche messages me.
Haille: DOesnt he understand once you fuck someone over so many times they’re done with you? You cant fix everything.
Shakes her phone slightly irritated.
Haille: Just goes to show you can’t trust people. Even if they say they love you. You can never be certain. People can always change.
Looks over at Tyler.
Haille: It just makes me feel bad being here now. Making him think somethings up with us. Maybe he thinks he loves me, or worst, that he actually can.
Haille: No, he doesnt think that. He knows we’re just two friends, hanging out… Who kiss.
Haille: Agh. I just cant right now. Just don’t think about it. Take things as they come. Thats what I’ll do, take it slowly.
Tyler: So, whats Momma saying?
Haille: Oh, nothing. Just asking whether or not you’ll share a moment of assisted suicide with me.
Reaches for her purse and pulls out a half pack of cigarettes.
Haille: Do you have a lighter?
Tyler: Thats only if you’ll share this moment of solitude with me as we light these death sticks.
Haille shrugs, and daintily deals out the cigarette.
Haille: One for you, one for me.
Tyler: And one lightro for we.
Tyler lights her cig and then his unconsciously sets the lighter down. The two puff twice in silence. Until they cathc each others eye.
Haille: Really Tyler, I’m enjoying this. The open sky, its relaxin ya know. Makes me feel secure some how.
Tyler: Yeah, I like that about the stars. It makes me feel safe. Whenever my thoughts start to get clouded and stuff I just look out at the sky and things seem to clear up. Like inner peace or something.
Haille: Its nice that you have that. Something to help you think. I wish I had something to help me clear my mind. Find my “inner peace,” my thoughts ad feelings just always get so jumbled.
Tyler: Well how do you feel now? Clear?
Haille: Yes and no. A little cloudier than you’d guess probably.
Tyler: Its okay we all have to start somewhere.
He reaches for her hand and holds it. Haille smiles but flinches a little. Clearly not enjoying being touched the same as before.
Haille:Wow. Show me the dippers again. Is that them there?
She pulls her hand away and points.
Tyler: Yup, your getting good.
Haille: Okay, but why is it over there now? Its moving to the side. Thats strange.
Tyler: Well not really. The earth is constantly spinning around the sun. So everything we see is always moving. Pretty simple.
Haille: Now that you say that it does make a lot of sense actually. The spinning and what not.
Tyler: Just basic elementary science dear.
Haille: Okay, Mr. Know-It-All.
Tyler: Hey now, I’m just saying. You get it though.
A redish tint spotlight falls on Tyler as he drags his ciggarette.
Tyler: I just can’t tell with her sometimes. Like she seems so into me at one point. An then she just switches up.
Tyler: She’s like the earth herself. Always changing. Hot then cold.
Looks down and hits the cig again.
Tyler: But she’s so interesting, and innocent. It’s cute. Maybe she’s worth it. You never no if you don’t go. Just take it slow. Time is the only way to tell.
Takes last drag and throws the butt.
Tyler:But how long is too long to wait? It’s been awhile now. I think she should understand that I like her by now. She cant be oblivious. I mean we just had tongues in each others mouth.
Tyler: Almost had that booty in my hand too. Haha, damn phone. I Wonder who it was. I dont think it was her mom. They had just got off the phone and said she didnt have to be home for another hour. Ever since that text she’s had a look in her eye.
Looks at Haille who’s mindlessly toying with her phone between glances at the stars. She takes a picture.
Tyler: Look at her not even noticing I’m trying to get her attention. How do I show her how much I like her? She’s not like most other girls.
Tyler: Its like everything she feels she feels whole heartedly, its sweet. She’s sweet, literally.
Licks his lips and touches is mouth.
Tyler: I guess I just have to be up front about it. Maybe it’s time we talk about… Us I guess. Kay bruh, here we go.
Goes to speak to Haille but stops mouth ajar.
Tyler: Ease into. That’ll prolly be best.
Spotlight fades and both people are equally lit.
Tyler: What are you thinking about?
Haille: Oh, nothing really, just life, i guess.
Tyler: What do you mean?
Haille: Just how everything is interconnected in the universe. Ya know?
Tyler: Yeah I feel you. We’re all just star dust, literally. Floating through space and time. Everything is made up of the elements found in exploded stars.
Haille: What does it all mean though, our purpose in life. No one knows.
Tyler: I wouldnt say that  no one knows. It’s just different for some people. You just have to find out what life is to yourself.
Haille: Oh really? Well what’s it mean to you Mr. Socrates?
The two laugh at her joke.
Tyler: Good question. I guess to me, life is all about how you feel. Everything humans do is emotion based. So you just have to find what makes you happy in this world.
Haille: Fair enough.
Tyler: Then along with that I feel like its our duty as humans to connect with one another. In doing so we share those feelings with others.
Haille: All very deep.
Tyler: Yeah I guess so. And then its our job to decide who’s feelings we like and make us happy.
Haille: Well I wish I knew who I could connect with. You said its about feelings. What if your feelings are conflicted?
Tyler: You have to unconflict them I guess. Or deal with them.
Haille: To bad theres nothing telling us how to do that.
Tyler: Your right, thats where taking chances comes into play. Sometimes you just have to try things and see how they turn out. Ya know? Like just throw things out there and see where it takes you.
Haille: Yeah, I guess so.
The two pause in thought.
Haille: Do you feel connected to anything?
Tyler: Yeah.
Haille: Like what?
Tyler: Well. Right now I feel connected to the sky, and us being here. I feel connected to you in a way I dont to most people.
Haille: What exactly do you mean by that?
Tyler: Exactly what I said. You make me feel like this is meant to be happening right now in time. Just being around you in general makes me happy.
Haille: Really? Thats so sweet of you to say.
Tyler: Well its true. I like being around you.
Haile: I like being around you too. Things seem balanced when your around. You just bring a sense of calm with you. Makes me want to keep you around.
Tyler: Funny, I was thinking the same about you. I’d like to keep you around.
Tyler takes her hand.
Tyler: That is if you don’t mind of course.
Haille: I don’t know, we’ll see how things go.
Tyler: Seeing how things go is one thing. But maybe we can talk about it to?
Tyler sits to face Haille. She pulls her hand from his.
Haille: What do you mean?
She looks down a little.
Tyler: I mean talking about me and you.
Haille: Okay. What about us?
Tyler: Well first off what exactly are we to one another? We never say.Friends? I mean thats obvious but is that it?
Haille: Well yes we’re friends, good friends.
Tyler: Are we more than that?
Haille: What else is there?
Tyler: There must be more. Other people can see it. So many people ask me if we’re a thing, or a couple.
Haille: And they shouldnt think about our business.
Tyler: They’re not the only ones thinking about it.And well, I’d like to think its obvious but I like you.
Haille: Well duh, I like you too.
Tyler: Hearing that is nice, but. I more than like you like. Your special to me.
Haille: Your special to me too Tyler.
Tyler: Good. Now the question is what do we do about that special.
Haille: I dont know Tyler.
Tyler: What do you mean you don’t know?
Haille: I dont know.
Tyler: Okay well what i do know is I want you to be mine. Thinking about you with someone else makes me sad and I dont know why. I mean if were just friends.
Haille takes a deep breath and looks at Tyer.
Haille: I know what you mean. I feel it too. I dont want to think of you without me. Or our relationship as it is being altered. It makes me sick.
Hailles phone chirps the same as before and she checks it. Upon reading the text her mood changes noticeably and she is more intense in what she say. Lights turn a reddish.
HAille: But at the same time I cant imagine it being more.
Tyler: What do you mean?
Haille: Tyler I mean I like you. I know your special but I cant put my trust in a bond. Just a feeling. How do i really know..
Tyler interjects
Tyler: Really know what?
Haille: Really know your genuine. That you care for me and mean what you say.
Tyler: Just let me show you.
Haille: How Tyler?
Tyler: Would you let me love you?
Haille: I wish.
Tyler: Then do it.
Haille: But how do i know you will? Or do?
Tyler: By what I’m telling you.
Haille: And then what?
Takes her hands she withdraws midspeech.
Tyler: And if thats not enough by what I’ll do. I’ll show you. Just look in my eyes and know what I’m telling you.
Haille: That might all sound good and work for now. But things change Tyler. What if you change? Or I change?
Tyler: What makes you think that we will? It doesnt have to happen.
Haille: But what if it does?
Tyler: Why cant we try? Early when I told you life is about connections and trying to connect with other people you seemed to like the idea. Well this is the same thing. You have to take a chance Haille.
Haille: Yeah. Well its easy to agree and say something when thinking about it. Actually having to enact it and live it is something else.
Tyer: You say that you feel the same way though. Doesnt’t that mean anything?
Haille: I dont know. I’d like to think so, but I dont know. I told you Tyler, I get confused on things all the time.
Tyler: So you’re telling me your not willing to take a chance? To see where we could go or could be? I want you in my life but as more than just my friend.
Haille: You are more than just a friend. You mean more to me than you could know. I need someone to make me feel better about myself and like I actually matter. But at the same time I hate feeling like needing that from someone.
Haille: Tyler. It’s not about you, specifically. Theres no other person in my life right now I’d consider above you. Its just that I’m not ready for what you think you want. Being committed to someone.
Haille rubs Tylers face.
Haille: It’s not about commitment either. Or whether or not you COULD love me or me you. But what if things do chang. Even when people say things wont change they do. What if one day you decide I’m not what you want? Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think. I dont know me as well as I’d like to think.
Tyler: I can try.
Haile: Yes you could try but. (sigh) I look at things like this. Its like you said Tyler. The world is always revolving and changing along with what we see. Though it feels right to say the stars are in the sky and we know that they are we dont always know exactly where they are. They change position.
Tyler: More or less.
Haille: And you told me that all people are star dust right? Okay then. So with that alone you see that people too are always changing. Always moving. Always changing position. So what if we just start changing too? Feeling change. We grow further apart. It happens, every day.
Tyler: We could also shine together like they do too.
Haille: And eventually burn out.
Tyler: Its a cycle.
Haille: Yeah, a cycle I’m not ready to jump back into Tyler. I really like you, I do. Your nice. I’m just not ready. I’m sorry.
Tyler: No,I am.
Haille: Dont apologize. You’ve been to sweet. I hope you don’t hate me.
Tyler: No, of course not. I couldn’t if I tried.
Haille: Oh Tyler.
Tyler: What?
Tyler speaks while fussing over his hat. Haille notices his lighter and picks it up.
Haille: Nothing.
Haille flicks the lighter as Tyler faces her holding up a joint.
Tyler: Thank you, I need that.
Tyler leans forward and lights the joint spotlight centers on him as he inhales and faces away from Haille still holding the flame.
Tyler: Whether she knows it or not I’ll always think of her as my guiding light. Regardless of our relationship title. (looks at joint) Well hopefully this will ease the tension, for now.
Lights begin to fade as he passes the joint.
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
To begin a story is step into a dark unknown filled with clawed beasts, mountains with teeth, and often, deep deep loneliness. But have courage. Beasts can be defeated, mountains can be climbed, and you are never truly alone. We are here. Each of us. Storytellers roaming the unknown, together.
thedustdancestoo (via thedustdancestoo)
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
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cdotwright1 · 8 years
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cdotwright1 · 9 years
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cdotwright1 · 9 years
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