#I don't want your money I don't want your cown
regulus7 · 3 years
Location: Ministry Hallways
With: @keira-grey​
Regulus was not looking where he was going - generally not a recommended course of action but the one he was going with. With everything that had gone on at the summer ball, some pressure had been taken off of the Crump case which he hoped meant that this would be the time to strike. Witches and wizards were distracted, they had something else to focus over, the pressure would be off of this case. They needed to be quick.
Suddenly he was tripping, Regulus’ first thought was to save the papers in his hand, clutching them close as his mind cause up and realised that he had not tripped but rather rushed into someone. His eyes narrowed slightly, uncertain of her identity... could he really be so fortuitous.... “I’m sorry! I really showed have looked where I was going. Are you alright Miss...” He let his sentence hang, hoping to find her name.
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jerseydeanne · 6 years
Hi JD, my pt 2. We need to discount the theory that BRF is using the wedding to hide PA-Epstein thing, 'cos there is no or little love lost between PC and PA and PC won't sacrifice his son to save PA. Re financial scam of BRF, media can report that like any other fin scam -- you don't need to put your agent into their house. So it boils down to someone with personal vindictiveness, clout and access -- and RM is the likely candidate. Fayad could hate the BRF but doubt he has the means. Pt 2
Part 2 Who and why, I’m not feeling the PA thing at all, I agree there. 
You know who can verify some of this is Gina from Kruger and Cowne. This was initially for fame and money, not marriage.  MM had always intended to go but something happened, she didn’t get the money she wanted.  That’s the real motivation here. 
MM really thinks she is going to roll the Royal family and pretty sure she has to give payback to someone or more than one. I don’t feel it's a big conspiracy, it’s grifters, someone is bankrolling this, and it’s not the Royal family.  I think the blackmail is the racism, they should tell MM to go sail a boat because it’s all bullshit. That’s my gut feelings, my heads clear.  The other way is to garbled hurts my head. 
Thank you anon 💜💜🌹🌹🌹 
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