regulus7 · 3 years
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      such a fair heart races in conditions such as these,   searching tirelessly for a way to accept the reality of their situation,   a way to understand.   so,   that narcissa could make what she could of all this,   just as the black daughter had always done.   ❛   and   what   has   transpired?   ❜   she asks pointedly,   tempting fate,   ❛   what   is   it   you’ve   done   for   your   dark   lord?   ❜   for if regulus hadn’t been willing to divulge the existence of the death eaters before now,   she hoped,   at least,   he’d seek redemption now…   re-earn her trust by revealing what his involvement among them had been all this time.   perhaps then,   she could lend him her ear,   offer him comfort like he’d wished her to since the beginning.   it wasn’t within her to abandon him now.   it might have been easier to storm off just as bellatrix had done,   leave him to his feelings and pay it no mind.   only she,   and the family who watched over them from beyond would surely curse her for it.   and better yet,   narcissa needed clarification…    closure and reframing it as a matter of her safety does strike a cord,   prompting the blonde to nod in gentle understanding,   blue-green gaze softening in tandem.   still,   narcissa wishes she had known all along.   the idea alone that her wellbeing had rest in the hands of others scarcely sitting well with her.   an out of sight,   out of mind way of thinking may well have worked perfectly fine for others but not her.   there was a certain level of control narcissa had grown up expecting and here…   well,   she was being reduced to a frivolous,   little pawn at best.   ❛   i   understand…   and   i   appreciate   your   concern,   more   than   anything.   you   must   know   that.   ❜   narcissa reassures,   giving his hand a comforting squeeze as thoughts begin to fall from lips faster than she can quite comprehend,   ❛   still   i   wish   i’d   have   known   sooner,   i   feel   as   though   i   could   have   helped…      i   could   have   safeguarded   myself,   taken   precautions.   i   do   have   a   way   with    people   you   know   but   instead,    instead   you’ve   all   made   me   feel   so   useless…   ❜   she rambles on,   frustration mounting,   further tears and all.   it’s only upon clearing her throat,   taking an extended moment of tranquility to gather herself.   abandoning the previous line of questioning to somethinng that had eaten away at her from the very beginning,   ❛   so…   ❜   the blonde begins tentatively,   ❛   who   else   is   involved?   i’d   like   names.   ❜   or rather,   confirmation of what she’d long since theorised.
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Ah, to speak of what had transpired. To finally free the bird caged in his heart and yet Regulus knew a moment of fear and uncertainty. What if it was more than Narcissa would accept? After all, many did consider the imperius curse to be unforgivable? What if some of that had worked its way into Narcissa? He took a breath and looked up at his cousin, taking a deep breath and moving his hand from his sleeve where it had crept in a subconscious attempt to pluck at the embroidery at his sleeve. 
“I... I have failed the Dark Lord,” He whispered, grabbing his hand to stop any nervous ticks that were not becoming for a son of the House of Black. He did not miss miss Narcissa’s use of ‘your’. It sat uncomfortably with him, especially in light of what he must reveal.  “Last Yule Ball, I cast the imperius curse on Bagnold’s son. Instead of carrying out his task... He vanished. We’ve still not been able to locate him.” Regulus said slowly, mind slipping to the mystery that it had left in its place and an uncomfortable fear.  “The Dark Lord is merciful. I did not face repercussions for my failure.” He wrung his hands, thought better of it and placed them by his side.
He listened to her pains, the difficulties she had faced not knowing, being kept in the dark and made to feel useless. He closed his eyes, letting the waves of her words wash over him, hitting him. 
“You have never been useless, ‘Cissa. You’ve... You’ve been my rock, my guidance.” He promised her, grey eyes opening to look into her eyes, the colour of the sea, a delicate shade of blue and green that were so much lighter than his own.  “I do not know everyone who is involved but the fact that Lucius is... it was a further reason I felt you must know as soon as possible.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.  “But there are more of us... Severus, Rabastan... Severus joined after me. Rabastan and Bella are helping train me. Mother and father, they know a certain amount but they aren’t part of our revolution.”
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regulus7 · 3 years
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      he had lied to her,   betrayed her trust at a time in their lives when she needed it,   and him,   most.   perhaps if she were sat across from someone else,   or this…    revelation had occurred months,   or even years ago,   relief may well have sat in place of resentment but narcissa can’t bring herself to move passed it.   hung up on why of all people,   he hadn’t told her…   consequences be damned.   ❛   it’s   not   as   if   i’d   have   ever   told   anyone,   reg…   nor   will   i   do   so   now   but   do   you   not   think   that   i   could   have   used   this   information?   i   thought   our   friendship,   our   family   meant   more   than   that   or   perhaps,   you   just   didn’t   trust   me   with   it,   is   that   it?   ❜   even in anger,   there’s still a fondness in her words,   her expression,   her hurt.   looking to him as tears roll down her cheeks now,   ❛   only   i   have   dedicated   everything   i   am   or   ever   will   be   to   this   family,   and   the   betterment   of   this   family   and   yet   you   all   thought   it   best   to   shut   me   out!   ❜   she exclaims,   exasperated.   hecate,   would she rain hellfire down upon mother  &  father once returning home to brideswater.   sighing,   ❛   on   something   as   important   as   this   too.   ❜   suddenly she recedes back into herself,   pouting furiously all the while.    for narcissa was an emotional being at her core,   ruled by them despite how tirelessly she worked to prove otherwise.   and not even regulus’ reassurances could temper the overwhelming sense of inadequacy she felt in that moment.   that perhaps,   after this transgression,   she was not quite the jewel in the crown they’d each assured her she was.   for if they truly believed in their dark lord’s cause,   why had she not been privy to it before now,   and how could they have ever expected her to rejoice over the secrecy?   diminished,   she,   if a little begrudgingly,   accepts his hand in hers.   gripping on to it with slender digits as if to reassure him,   in some sense,   that she was hearing him,   despite its difficulty for her to accept.   head and heart begging to tear her in two,   ❛   i…   i   do   believe   you.   i   just…   ❜   she stammers,   ❛   i   wouldn’t   have   done   this   to   you.   i   could   never   have   kept   that   from   you.   ❜   regardless of the repercussions. 
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His throat caught, stinging, as Narcissa spoke of his betrayal of her and his fingers pulled through dark hair, tugging and pulling at locks in response to the feelings that surged through him at her words. He wanted to pace, he wanted to get onto a broom to feel the rush of adrenaline and escape the realities of his lies, feelings that were wholly inappropriate for a Black to feel. They did not run from responsibilities, from the consequences of their actions.  “Would that it be as simple as trust.” He said, grey eyes pleading with her. “It has been a constant pain in my heart, to not be able to speak plainly with you, after everything that has transpired...” 
There had been no moment greater turmoil than the days succeeding that fateful Yule Ball where he knew his curse had failed and he had brought shame to his name. He had disappointed the Dark Lord, Bellatrix and Lucius Malfoy, the man he knew Narcissa converted and treasured in her fair heart. To not be able to tell Narcissa had been torture and torment that he had ne’er known, desiring her words of comfort, her advice, but unable to seek it. He permitted himself a small sigh, pulling his hands away from his hair and to stare at the lines that crossed his palm.
“... But the Dark Lord’s secrets are not mine to share, even the little that I know. The Ministry would no doubt love to put down our little insurrection and send us to Azkaban over the most inane of things. It was not just a question of trust, mine is undying for you, but safety. I fear the Ministry would seek to blame all connected with us and for some, innocence may be their greatest protection. I had to argue that with your position so close to myself and Bella-” Not to mention Lucius and Severus. “-that knowledge would be the safer choice.” His thumb brushed her dainty hands, seeking to bring her comfort and finding his own in the fact that she had not shirked his touch.
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regulus7 · 3 years
It had been a huge relief to finally get to explain everything to Narcissa, his most beloved cousin, the truth. It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulder and his chest was finally free to breath a little more evenly. He had hated the necessary secrecy. That had been eaten at him and it still did, knowing that Andromeda was still in the dark but she had never been like Narcissa was to him. The youngest of his cousins felt more like a sibling to him than Sirius had, even an extension of himself. They’d never needed secrets until he had sworn his oath.
As she turned on him, Regulus blinked the pain from his eyes, reeling as if struck by the venomous tone. He flinched from her, unable to meet her gaze for he truly agreed that her anger was justified. “Narcissa, please, It wasn’t my place to tell!” He winced at the wording. He was a Black and they were not subservient. He bit his lip and corrected himself. “It was not my secret.” No, his role was to figure out who they might be able to trust to bring into the fold. He hated that it included finding out whether family could be trusted.
Following her lead, he sank into a nearby chair, body turned fully towards his cousin, leaning towards her.  “I wanted to, please, believe me ‘Cissa. It tore me apart to have to keep it from you!” It was near a plead - certainly there had been plenty of moments when he had been desperate for her comfort and ear. “But...” Her ran a hand through his dark hair. “We’re serious about overthrowing this mudblood loving, muggle coddling government - nothing comes lightly. We have to be cautious, overly so even. Narcissa, I’m truly sorry, please believe me. It was torture to not be able talk to you." 
He reached for her hand, eager to show his sincerity to his cousin. His other hand was palm up, open to show his honesty. 
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~ @blondsblack​ ~
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      no sooner had bellatrix revealed the truth of the dark lord and his growing army of loyalists than she apparated away,   leaving only a pair of cousins to settle the emotionally fraught fallout.   for as satisfying as it was to know she had,   in fact,   been right all along,   nothing in the present moment could remedy the betrayal at its core.   ❛   how   dare   you   of   all   people   keep   this   kind   of   secret   from   me?   ❜   she spits venomously.   it was a treachery befitting of her eldest sister but regulus?   he was akin to a brother,   more than that he was her very best friend in this world.   someone with whom she could relate to in every avenue of life…   or so she thought.   when instead,   for hecate only knows how long,   he and what narcissa could gather were a great many of her friends,  had been involved in an underground organisation that could well have resulted in azkaban sentences for the lot of them.   worse still,  they’d decided to keep it all from her.   leaving narcissa to wander the dark alone until now.   thoughts racing,   the blonde collapses onto a nearby loveseat,   pink lips pulled into a taut frown whilst tears threaten to spill from blue-green hues.   blinking them back as best she could,   it’s only now that she chooses to finally look up at him,   meeting regulus’ eye,   her sorrow plain for him to see,   ❛   i   might   have   expected   it   from   bellatrix   but   you   and   i,   reg…   we’re   closer   than   that   and   we   have   always   been   closer   than   that.   ❜   desperation taints her every word,   sinking to depths she’d once never thought possible but the black demanded answers.   an explanation…    a reasoning as to why she’d been kept in the dark all this time,   made to look a fool whilst others around her thrived in the knowledge and power it had provided them.   ❛   you   should   have   told   me.   ❜   perhaps it wasn’t just that the people she held dearest hadn’t told her…   but that they’d seemingly not trusted her with such information before now,   when as narcissa saw it,   her loyalty to the house of black and its cause was undying.   the first to sacrifice her own happiness in order to see them each succeed and here she stood,   repaid only in grave deception and pathetic falsehoods.   @regulus7.​
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regulus7 · 3 years
The Prodigal Brother 4
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regulus7 · 3 years
“Of course” though she wasn’t at all sure that regulus’ thanks were genuine. still it was something positive to bring back to the office for once. after all the ministry had given up a lot during that fight. moody now having to adjust to his new life. frank had almost lost his life. she just wished she would be able to pass on the thanks without the sarcasm she thought his request deserved. she also ignored the last part of his statement, it was easier just to evade any inquiries in to her whereabouts this evening. though she’d actually been unconscious in st mungo’s for most of the fight “i’m sure they will be thankful for the support.”
alice really didn’t like the idea of the black family being involved in the justice side of this investigation. they were too close to it and alice knew deep down their fingerprints were all over this. alice had long suspected that regulus had been planted in the ministry for when his family had a ‘problem’. he didn’t need to work and whether he actually enjoyed it or not, it was impossible to believe they wouldn’t at least abuse his position. “i’m not sure i’d call murder drama but- somebody has to make sure that the people who do things like this pay for their actions.”
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It was a shame that Yen did not give an answer to where she had been. Regulus was curious as to what the official stance might be after all, surely her absence would be noted by more than a few. It would be wrong to press it though.
Regulus’ lip twitched as Yen quibbled with his definition of this as drama. “Of course. It feels a lot less drama when it affects oneself. I would feel that this is a catastrophe yet if it happened to someone else, drama. Society thrives on it and our work depends on it.” Aurors and lawyers needed it otherwise their work was rather pointless. “But you can rest assured that it is in my interest to see justice is done. It is an important matter to myself and my family.” He said softly. “We won’t shy away from uncomfortable truths.” It was why he was so serious about the Crump case, after all, and it was why he served the Dark Lord.
Society might fear the truth but he did not.
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~ @alicexyen​ ~
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regulus7 · 3 years
regulus once again made a fine point. though she didn’t agree with the first half. people enjoying their lives in peace and putting trust in the system created to keep them safe was not ‘lax’. it was how things were supposed to work and she wouldn’t blame people for trying to live their live without constant worry. the ministry had and continued to fail to protect those they looked after. alice was far too well aware of that. it plagued her most days. he was right about that level of power, alice had always known that in its foundation the ministry was corrupt, for them to have more power didn’t sit well with her either. they needed to have someone to answer to. she did hope that it wasn’t naïve to believe the auror’s department was an exception the corruption. his next words were interesting. he was right, who would be bold enough to offer such a 'slight’ to the Black family, and so publicly. it just fed alice’s suspicions that they were tied up in this in some way. even if not all the members of the family were aware of it. regulus was also so well put together it was difficult to work him out. alice hadn’t expected the thanks- though she knew it wasn’t as innocent as it seemed. “i’m afraid i couldn’t possibly take those thanks- i believe its well known that i was no there” alice didn’t want to say anything else on the matter bit didn’t think it wise for regulus to catch her in a lie either “but i think we all equally want the culprits to be caught and you have my reassurance, the department will not stop until they have been brought to justice.”
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Regulus resisted the urge to smirk as Yen admitted that she had not been at the ball when the fighting went down. He knew exactly where she had been. He merely gave a nod. “Then bring back my thanks to the department. And I am certain you had equally important matters to attend to.” He was not certain what had been the consequences to those that they had left behind after retrieving the prophecy. Nothing could be clearly known but as an auror, Yen would be able to claim a plethora of reasons as to why she had to leave. 
As for catching the culprits, Regulus had less faith in the auror department. They did not know how deeply the Dark Lord’s reach extended and how the Ministry was so hopelessly outmatched. 
“It’ll be an interesting legal case, when the culprits are finally brought to justice.” He mused. “I’m curious what their defence will be, although I doubt that I shall be able to be involved once when it comes to court. Biases and all.” He heaved a sigh. “It is a pity that drama makes good work for lawyers and aurors, is it not?”
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~ @alicexyen​ ~
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regulus7 · 3 years
“Hmm” alice somewhat agreed “i’d be better if they put that brainpower towards something more worthwhile.” she hated to think how many people wasted their intelligence. not that she thought everyone should work for the ministry or anything, she understood it had it’s problems, but there had to better things to do with their time than conning people out of their hard earned money. 
regulus asking questions about the investigation made her uncomfortable. she didn’t trust for one minute that he just innocently wanted an update. his family were either in on the whole thing or were looking for someone to use to clear their name. alice wasn’t prepared to give him either. not that their was any update, not that the ministry had anyway. alice knew damn well who had orchestrated the attack, but regulus either already knew or had no right to know. “yes i can imagine” she kept her tone neutral “i’m afraid that I can’t really share anything- with it being an ongoing investigation and all.”
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“Sometimes I worry it is a symptom of society. We have become laxed. It allows threats to slip in and those who make money off of panic to succeed.” Regulus said lightly. “But then again, if the Ministry were to have tighter control, who’d keep them in check? I’d hate to think what would happen to the scapegoats.” He flashed a smile, despite the darkness of his words. Silas Crump, the werewolf he was helping to represent, would not fair well under such a system. Men who had not been born and raised with power in their lineage would do anything to have a semblance of control.
He nodded at Yen’s evasion of his question. “Of course, completely understandable.” He nodded, keeping his face straight. “I hope that the culprits can soon be identified. I had not thought that anyone would offer such a slight to my family... to mother and Aunt Druella. They are wonderful witches and did not deserve that.” He heaved a sigh.  “Nor those who were supposed to be having a night off from the drama. I heard the aurors took some heavy hits. You must have my thanks for helping protect our guests.”
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~ @alicexyen​ ~
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regulus7 · 3 years
Glancing up - or more barely hiding a glare - as someone spoke with him, even something that might be considered a challenge to his view, Regulus spotted Frank Longbottom, an auror. His dark grey eyes flickered over the notes infront of him, not lingering long enough to read, for he knew the importance of privacy, but enough to know that Longbottom had come here on business. At least someone was being productive, if he could not.
“We’ve not had a major incident for months and believe me, I respect the severity of that night, but surely here, in the Ministry, we can cease to jump at every little door slam.” He muttered. “Think about what it says about the confidence we have in our own auror department! Don’t you feel at least somewhat insulted at the lack of trust people have in those assigned to protect us?” At the time of the summer ball, Regulus had thought with some glee, at how useless the auror department must feel but considering everyone remained unnerved... had that eroded at their confidence? He hoped so.
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~ @frank-orion​ ~
Location: The Ministry
With: @frank-orion​
Regulus found himself lounging in what passed for a communal café for Ministry workers, staring at nothing in particular. Writer’s Block, someone had unhelpfully suggested as he had stared at the same line for what had to be the hundredth time. What he was supposed to do with the knowledge that there was a name for this particular malady, Regulus did not know. Apparently it was a marvel that he had not wrestled with this vice before. A part of him had bit back the retort that it was because he came from a noble and pureblooded family. They did not have the luxury of bad days.
Perhaps it was his mood that interfered with his work. Some people had become irrationally fearful after the Summer Solstice Ball and their constant jumping at every noise was grating. It was especially annoying considering Regulus had been on a victory high, having succeeded in gaining the Prophecy from Dumbledore and his lackeys. 
A door slammed and Regulus could have sworn that one third of the cafeteria jumped. “Merlin!” He grumbled, placing his coffee down a little too harshly. “Can’t everyone stop jumping at the slightest bit of noise. It’s a wonder anything can get done.” 
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frank needed a pick me up – his whole morning had been spent interrogating one of the two suspects they’d apprehended yesterday in the murder of a husband and wife right outside the city. it hadn’t taken long for frank to make him give up the partner; maybe about an hour before the words started tumbling out, the man unable to stop himself from spilling the entire story of what had happened and why. it was simple – they had a score to settle and nothing more. he’d been doing this for a decade and he still didn’t understand why some thought they had a right to take someone else’s life. normally, frank didn’t even sit in on cases like these but a few of aurors had been sent off to attend a training seminar at the magical congress of the united states of america. 
ordering a vanilla hazelnut coffee, frank sat down at the nearest table with the current case notes he had and spread them out, just rereading the information he’d gathered this morning. the sudden slamming pulled frank out of his head, turning towards regulus who was sat at the table closest to him. “suppose people are on edge with everything going on,” frank commented, looking back down at the papers, thanking the person who brought over his coffee. taking a sip, frank added, “can’t really blame them, can you?” 
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regulus7 · 3 years
Location: The Ministry
With: @frank-orion​
Regulus found himself lounging in what passed for a communal café for Ministry workers, staring at nothing in particular. Writer’s Block, someone had unhelpfully suggested as he had stared at the same line for what had to be the hundredth time. What he was supposed to do with the knowledge that there was a name for this particular malady, Regulus did not know. Apparently it was a marvel that he had not wrestled with this vice before. A part of him had bit back the retort that it was because he came from a noble and pureblooded family. They did not have the luxury of bad days.
Perhaps it was his mood that interfered with his work. Some people had become irrationally fearful after the Summer Solstice Ball and their constant jumping at every noise was grating. It was especially annoying considering Regulus had been on a victory high, having succeeded in gaining the Prophecy from Dumbledore and his lackeys. 
A door slammed and Regulus could have sworn that one third of the cafeteria jumped. “Merlin!” He grumbled, placing his coffee down a little too harshly. “Can’t everyone stop jumping at the slightest bit of noise. It’s a wonder anything can get done.” 
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regulus7 · 3 years
Alice rolled her eyes as Regulus filled her in on the situation. It still amazed her how quickly people could flock to something like this, but struggled when it came to anything real. One thing she had learnt very quickly after joining the Ministry was that there were also people ready to make a profit from tragedy. Alice despised them. She could understand the people looking desperately for some kind of comfort and security, however naïve they might be. But those people who used their fear, it was despicable on every level.
“Of course it did” she scoffed. Alice had never been the biggest fan of the Daily Prophet. It’s front page was too easily bought by those with too much power. It also sat far too much of the fence for Alice taste’s. “Well at least it’ll give us something else to focus on at the ministry” she mused “no doubt their will be some people who use these thing to try pull off something criminal”
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“Oh, I certainly expect that almost all items being peddled will do nothing.” Regulus said with a nod. “Although you have to give them credit, they were quick off the mark to start selling such tat.” He sniffed in contempt at such people, his dark eyes roaming across the crowd. This was what came from letting in people into their world who had not been raised in it. They couldn’t tell truth from fiction and were easily lead astray. 
“You must forgive me for mixing business with pleasure but have you managed to gain any information about the attack on the Solstice Ball?” Regulus asked, glancing over at Yen. He did not want any suspicion to fall upon him or his friends and it occurred to him that befriending aurors - or at least being in their good books - would likely be favourable to him.  “My family... We are naturally quiet concerned about this whole ordeal.”
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~ @alicexyen​ ~
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regulus7 · 3 years
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Regulus Arcturus Black
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regulus7 · 3 years
Panic. It was the word on the street. It was strangely satisfying to see the effect that the revelation of the Death Eaters had had on society. It felt empowering. Unfortunately it had some rather... annoying side effects. Peddlers of fear, looking to make profits, were beginning to set up their wares. His face twitched in something that was not quiet a smile at the sound of a voice behind him. Ah. Regulus took a breath and changed the smile to something more pleasant. He had not quiet forgiven Yen for bruising his back and temporarily badgering Severus.
“I believe they’ve got in a shipment of special quills and paper. They come in pairs so you can exchange secret messages with a trusted someone. Based on the Vanishing Cabinet concept I think, and I doubt that they will be reliable - if they even work.” Regulus said with a shrug. “The Prophet had an article on it this morning.”
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~ @alicexyen​ ~
Who: Open Where: Diagon Alley
Alice was making a quick run to the shops in her lunch break. It had been a while since she had refilled her supplies. Sure, she could use the quills in the Ministry store room but those were scratchy and never seemed to flow right. Besides she liked having more interesting quill feathers than the standard Ministry ones. It was just a small little thing that made paperwork a tad easier to get through. She dodged her way through the usual crowds, her mind in deep thought. Stopping as she reached the entrance to the shop that she needed. To Alice’s dismay there was a large queue to get inside. “Sorry, do you know what’s going on?” she asked to the person in front of her. Alice had never seen the shop like this, especially at midday on a weekday 
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regulus7 · 3 years
“Perhaps so,” Rosalie acknowledged. “But they are rather prickly, especially when moulting. There was once a time when my dear Artemis would pluck her feathers and I’d find them all over my bedroom. They would seem to appear wherever I went.” It was when she had returned that it was certainly awful. The wretched display of her most beloved companion had pained her. Her parents dismissed it, but Rosalie knew it had been over her absence. She recovered within the following weeks. They helped eachother to heal. “I don’t suppose you have any paintings of that?” She playfully remarked. A gloved hand ran over the feline’s head, received by a low purr of content. It caused a smile. 
Faithfully clutching the arrangement of flowers occupying her other hand, she stood back up and met his eye. “A drink would be splendid. If it’s not too much to ask, might I have a glass of wine? Something warm.” The cold outside was biting. She could still feel the chill of it down her spine. Rosalie merely hoped the request wasn’t too improper. A show of sudden realization washed over her features. “Oh! By Morgana, I almost forgot,” she began with a tender chuckle, extending the handsome bouquet of Baby’s Breath and Spiderwort flowers out toward him. “These are for your mother. It was the least I could do for her hospitality.”
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Frowning, Regulus  thought about Artemis and her feather plucking problem. “Sounds like she has quiet a dependence on you.” He commented, watching as Denebola rubbed her head against Rosalie, enjoying the attention she was receiving.  “Denebola knows if I’m going to be gone too long and likes to lie on my robes. It is a good sign of love, I suppose.”  He mused. He didn’t think that he would have a ‘feather plucking’ problem but he knew the fact that he still happily lived at home, might be described as a dependence on his parents. It was a healthy love, though. 
Taking the offered flowers, Regulus dipped his head to Rosalie. “Thank you, I am certain that she will be absolutely delighted.” He smiled, summoning Kreacher. He instructed the House Elf to put the flowers in a vase of water and to bring them to his mother if she was in and explain that Rosalie had brought them. “She may attend on us, if she wishes.” Regulus smiled, uncertain whether she was in or out. Grimmauld Place was big. “I’ve quiet had my head in a book and have been oblivious to everyone’s movements. Now, shall we move to the Parlour? We have a fine vintage of port, or if its more to your liking, a spiced wine. It’s from a Medieval recipe and is meant to be quiet healthy although I do find it a tad sweet.” He said, offering his arm as a guide.
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~ @foolgraves​ ~
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regulus7 · 3 years
“One benefit of scenery is that they don’t talk back.” Regulus smiled. “Although the paintings of my ancestors often have something useful to add when it suits them.” He glanced down the hall. Paintings were just the echoes of dead relatives who had trained their representations to mirror their personalities. It was little different to the collection of Kreacher’s dead ancestors’ heads, but at times it could feel a little too like being watched by the dead. Thankfully they remained silent.
Denebola, the ever curious cat, surged forward to sniff Rosalie’s hand. “She’s part kneazle, part Siamese. She’s been a constant companion since she was no more than a hand sized ball of fluff” Regulus said, giving her tail a small tweak and she turned, batting against his hand with her head before returning to investigate Rosalie and rub against her legs. “Surely feathers must be easier to pluck off one’s robes?” He asked, brushing his robes to demonstrate that she had left a fine coating on his lap. It was perhaps rather unseemly. He should have asked Kreacher to remove what he could with a quick charm.  “Would you like to take tea? I seem to recall I owe you a tour of the family crown collection but some refreshments might be pleasant after your journey?” 
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~ @foolgraves​ ~
It was the start of a cold autumn, no doubt, Regulus thought as he looked out the window of his bedroom, quill hovering over parchment as he thought to make notes on the Crump case. Denebola was a purring weight on his lap and his free hand ran through her fur. It was Kreacher who disturbed his quiet morning with the news of his guest and Regulus could not help but smile at the news. Rosalie had become a good friend and despite the uncomfortable guilt, more often than not she was a distraction from the war. Shifting the cat, Regulus headed downstairs, followed by a curious Denebola who probably had food on her mind. 
“Rosalie! It’s good to see you. I was worried after the Ball…” His voice trailed off and dark eyes flickered to the art she was looking at. “That piece was collected by my great great grandmother on father’s side, if I recall. She always had an eye for beauty. Most of pictures of scenery and nature come from her. I’ve always enjoyed their serenity.” He smiled, moving to look at the picture, careful of Denebola who was snaking her way through his legs. “Oh, and this charming lady is Denebola. She’s friendly but apt to liberally decorate you with fur.”
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~ @foolgraves​ ~
Rosalie was not ignorant to the mystique of paintings, finely produced artwork or images that had maintained an existence of their own. She could stare for hours. The ones found at the Flint Estate were quite the contrary. Ghastly things, they were. As a child, Rosalie hardly glanced their way. Ever fearful of them, certain they were watching her from the corner of her eye like the figment of a ghost. She had been so engrossed; she hadn’t picked up his footsteps approaching. It’s his voice that lures her back. Her head turned in his direction, greeting him with a delicate smile. It wears away promptly as she followed his gaze. “And they are beautiful.” She commented in awe as her eyes wandered to another piece, and then another. The wonder of a new place, full of things yet to be seen. 
Her attention is abruptly placed elsewhere. “Ah, so this is the little darling I’ve heard so much about.” Rosalie slowly crouches down, offering out a courteous hand for the cat to become acquainted with in her own time. “All good things, I assure you.” She continued, directed toward Denebola. Rosalie glances up through thick eyelashes. “That is a small price I am more than willing to pay. I’d much rather fur than feathers. Now, those are troublesome things.”
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regulus7 · 3 years
It was the start of a cold autumn, no doubt, Regulus thought as he looked out the window of his bedroom, quill hovering over parchment as he thought to make notes on the Crump case. Denebola was a purring weight on his lap and his free hand ran through her fur. It was Kreacher who disturbed his quiet morning with the news of his guest and Regulus could not help but smile at the news. Rosalie had become a good friend and despite the uncomfortable guilt, more often than not she was a distraction from the war. Shifting the cat, Regulus headed downstairs, followed by a curious Denebola who probably had food on her mind. 
“Rosalie! It’s good to see you. I was worried after the Ball...” His voice trailed off and dark eyes flickered to the art she was looking at. “That piece was collected by my great great grandmother on father’s side, if I recall. She always had an eye for beauty. Most of pictures of scenery and nature come from her. I’ve always enjoyed their serenity.” He smiled, moving to look at the picture, careful of Denebola who was snaking her way through his legs. “Oh, and this charming lady is Denebola. She’s friendly but apt to liberally decorate you with fur.”
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~ @foolgraves​ ~
LOCATION: 12 Grimmauld Place. FEATURING: Regulus Black. @regulus7​
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The skies were silvery and foreboding, an overcast of shadow and light twisting grievously in fine coils above the Borough of Islington. A sight that would’ve disheartened anyone who strayed outside the comfort of their homes, or workplace. But not her. For time had passed, and finally Rosalie Flint had found herself at the doorstep of Grimmauld Place. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer. It came sooner than anticipated, and before she had finished smoothing over her jacket with her hand, the intimidating door swung open. The family’s house-elf greeted Rosalie, and she timidly stepped inside. “Wait here,” he told her. “I will inform Master Regulus of your arrival.” Rosalie gave a courtly ‘thank you’ before the creature trode off down the long hallway. Left standing around by the front door, her eyes curiously danced around the narrow passage. The art pieces hung expertly on the walls had caught her attention. All perfectly framed and intricately detailed. Unblemished. Not even touched by the test of time. 
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regulus7 · 3 years
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“M-Master Regulus took from his pocket a locket like the one the Dark Lord had,” said Kreacher, tears pouring down either side of his snout like nose. “And he told Kreacher to take it and, when the basin was empty, to switch the lockets…” Kreacher’s sobs came in great rasps now; Harry had to concentrate hard to understand him.
“And he order – Kreacher to leave – without him”
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regulus7 · 3 years
Sybill couldn’t deny that Regulus was definitely making her think. His arguments were well thought out and she wasn’t exactly used to this kind of debate. Whenever she usually tried to talk about these things with anyone but her friends, she could see them turn off, simply nodding along but not really listening. “Its an interesting take” she agreed “though I still like to think we have some free will over our own lives.” If everything she had been through was just part of some predetermined path then she wasn’t sure she liked what fate had in mind for her.
Part of her was tempted to knock his chair, let him fall back, wipe that expression off his face. He was still so controlled, it frustrated her to no end. “Things are obtained a lot easier when you’re already in a place of privilege though” she argued “your family already has access to things most people don’t- it’s easy to build on something that already has strong foundations.” If Regulus thought his family worked hard for things he needed a reality check.
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Regulus hummed at Trelawney’s words, giving a small smile at her but it did not reach his eyes. “The world is rarely kind enough to care about what we would like. But then I suppose we shall never know if we are the puppets to fate or at the whim of free will. Perhaps we should just go with whatever we are comfortable to believe in.” His parents had raised him to be who he was and they had, in turn, been raised by their parents to be who they were. It was a long line and it left less room for free will.
Giving a small chuckle at her words, Regulus shook his head at Trelawney.  “Every single Black has fought to build and preserve my family and its influence. For generations we have proven why we are the crème de la crème of society and I will not let our good name and heritage falter.” Their name would rise and continue through a thousand more generations. He would see it through. “Advantages are hard won and easily lost.” He said more softly.
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~ @syb-trelawney​ ~
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