#I feel like I vaguely remember a 'now with vitamin d' commercial?
dogs-in-a-trenchcoat · 10 months
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jinniesxlamp · 5 years
Goodbye, Hello - Chapter 7
LIST OF CHAPTERS –> Masterlist
The week went by agonizingly fast, although it were better days than what you have been dealing with lately. Visiting Myunghwa helped a lot with resolving unecessary thoughts and feelings you had against yourself, remembering what she had taught you to master best—tranquility, almost losing your very own touch of it.
Ever since Myunghwa passed away, the stillness you had within started to slip from your fingers, without notice; your arrogance was starting to surface, impatience, sarcasm and insensitivity towards the people around you. You took the chance to meditate with your remaining days in Jeju, taking the advice from Chairman Byeon, preparing yourself to return as a better person, a better boss and not a dismantled one.
Today was going to be different, you thought to yourself. Your heart raced from the nervousness you felt, anticipating what you had to face since the huge scandal you had caused days prior. All those people you hurt and shamed, not to mention the poor boy you must have traumatized. Not only that....Lee Jooheon, the memory was vague during that drunked night, but you remembered the significant parts of it. Just as you were ready to face the day with a new perspective, a little bit of bad luck always had to squeeze itself in.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips, dreading to deal with this early morning misfortune causing a growing traffic jam in the middle of Gangnam. Moving your flat-tired car to the curb made you quadruple think, afraid it might cause another problem, but you delivered anyway. Immediately reaching for your phone, you called for a towing service which arrived sooner than you thought.
It was grueling seeing your watch tick almost five times faster than normal, knowing you had called for a compulsory 9:30 am meeting with the entire production team of Champion Trainee. What felt like three minutes was actually already thirty as the time yielded 9:15 am. Your car was already queued to be fixed, but you still had to wait.
9:15 turned to 9:30, then 10:27, 11:49 then 01:51.
Soojin had called several times for an update, apologizing and explaining to the crew and staff on your behalf regarding the four and a half hour wait. Luckily it was a Saturday, most of the people had no other schedules planned and continued to wait.
Yoongi’s POV
Secretary Soojin with the help of Daehan, one of the producers came in to the meeting room from time to time, apologizing and explaining the situation to everyone regarding the delay. Y/N had something important to attend to, as they were saying. Most people didn’t mind, but I did. I had another schedule at 2:30 for a commercial shoot with the rest of my members in one of the studios upstairs. Manager Hobeom had already called multiple times, asking for updates, wanting to know if I will be able to make it on time which I already knew I wasn’t.
“Mianhae, hyung. We’re still waiting. I don’t think I’ll be done on time.” I took a deep breath, eyeing my watch.
“Kwenchana, we already talked to the director. You need to attend to that meeting. We’ll take care of the situation here. You might have to stay a little bit later though, for the shoot I mean.”
“Kwenchana. Are the members okay? I can probably leave for awhile and come back down here later so we can do the group shoots, in that way they don’t have to stay late with me.”
“We thought about that earlier, but then again it’s too time constricting and a hassle. The whole production crew and your members already said they would wait. Just finish your meeting.”
“Oh. Arasseo” again, I sighed, starting to recognize the displeasure I was beginning to feel regarding all this.
If she had something else she needed to do prior, why schedule the meeting at that time only to delay it for four hours?
Finally she had arrived, again, apologizing for the (unreasonable) delay and started her part of the meeting right away, stealing another two hours of my time. When it had ended, goodbyes and thank yous were said. I saw her call the boy she had tormented last week into a room for a reason I did not have time to waste on.
I hurried upstairs to the commercial shoot, apologizing to the staff, crew and my members for the two hour delay which they shrugged off easy. The shoot began right away, along with my throbbing headache.
At the end of the meeting, I decided to make the first approach in correcting the grave mistakes I have made last week. The boy whom I shamed in front of everyone came to me shaking next to Soojin.
“I’m sorry for how I acted last week. I have no excuse to validate my unprofessional and not to mention unreasonable actions. Joesonghabnida, I hope it’s not too late for your forgiveness.” I bowed, disregarding pride and prejudice as I delivered my apology gently and not passively.
I could sense the look of surprise on the poor boy’s face, unable to compose a reaction right away. But eventually he smiled kindly, relieving the heaviness in my heart.
“Kwenchana, gwangjangnim. Thank you for considering me worthy of your apology. I admire your humility. Thank you”
I am astounded with the weight that encounter took off of me seeing how that young boy walked out of the office in a much more dignified manner. A consoling smile crept across my semi-weary face. 
“Geureom, shall we call it a day?” I turned to Soojin whose eyes blinked in heavy confusion.
Clearing my throat, I gave her an amused smile as I repeated myself.
“I said, let’s go home. It’s the weekend after all. You should be spending time with your husband.”
I studied her figure as she bowed to me politely, gently grabbing her hands and held it with mine, rubbing her knuckles with my thumb.
“Jal ji naesseo?” Her eyes softened, disregarding the formality between the both of us.
“Jinjja...Eonnie, I should be the one asking you that. Aigoo” 
“Mianhae, Soojinah. Eonnie hasn’t checked on you for awhile”
“Eonnie, I’m doing well. Actually... I think I might even be pregnant” my eyes widened as I pulled back, just enough to see her entirely, biting her lip in excitement
“J-jinjja?!? Omo!!! Ottoke” I panicked, covering my mouth, not wanting to be loud.
“Ya, you need to go home! Get some rest and eat more, aigoo, your shirt is too loose--ottoke--I should buy you vitamins--have you gone to your doctor--is Youngjae taking care of you???”
It was never ending; the storm of emotions, pleasant ones at least, were hard to conceal.
“Dae, dae. Everything is in order and yes, Youngjae has been pampering me more than ever since I told him.”
“Geureom, now it’s time for you to go home. I’ll have the company driver drop you off, no ifs, no buts!”
“Ahhh jamkkanman! Let me just take this upstairs to Director Kang, he needs this by today.”
“What is it?” Reaching out my hand towards her, I asked for the folder she almost didn’t want to give. 
“It’s the script you approved for the Innis Free commercial they’re shooting on Monday with Song Hye Kyo.” She continued, allowing me to check the contents of the envelope.
“Arasseo, I’ll take care of it”
“Ani, it’s okay. It’ll only take ten minutes to drop it off.”
“Ani, kwenchana, I haven’t seen Director Kang in awhile. I’d like to say hi, we are good friends after all”
Finally, she gave in, letting go of the duty, permitting me to deliver it to Director Kang personally. 
Your two-floor walk wasn’t too bad considering you took the stairs, adding an extra cardio exercise to your day. Plus, your phone ringing three times before you stepped inside the studio room where Director Kang was working. The last phone call ended just in time for you to spot him standing on one corner, his back faced against you. The excitement you felt was indescribable, waiting to see a good friend of yours after almost a year. You could hear his soothing, yet very manly voice as you drew closer. Apparently, he was having a casual conversation with several bodies who were seated in front of him, covered by the equipment.
“Ehem. Annyeonghaseyo, PDnim”
You sounded, folding your lips, waiting for Director Kang to turn. 
However, the knot of excitement brewing in your stomach wasn’t meant for him—his body shift revealed the perfect view of three handsome faces, ones which were covered by the speakers and cameras earlier. Their eyes, same as yours, were startled, poignant and unsure. 
“Ya!!! Jeongmal, wah. Is this really you, Y/N?”
“A-ah d-dae” you giggled nervously, ungluing your eyes from the sight that had greeted you with memories of the past. 
“Wah, jinjja, how long has it been? You’re one of the big fishes now. It’s almost impossible to meet you personally in and outside work”
“You’re overly exaggerating, I came to see you didn’t I? I even brought your script for you” you responded casually, handing him the folder which he took a peek at.
“Did it pass your standards, gwanjangnim?” Director Kang asked teasingly.
“Geureomyo~ you’re a hard one to say no to” you said friskily.
“Ah, before you leave, let me introduce you to a few people. I’m sure you’ll bump heads in this industry soon.”
Again, the attention that was spared for earlier had been redirected, although this time, the air had gotten more natural than dense. 
“Yeoreobun, I’d like to introduce you to a good friend of mine, we interned together back in the days, this is Y/N. 
—Y/N, I’m almost sure you know who they are but I’d personally like to introduce them to you. 방탄소년단 members, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok”
Namjoon’s POV
We sat quietly, listening to the exchange of words between Director Kang and Y/N. The Y/N who we haven’t heard from or seen in a long time. Hoseok and Jin-hyung kept still, though I could sense the tinge of awkwardness from them. Who is there to blame? This was too much of an unexpected encounter, none of us saw it coming. Minutes later the stilted aura began to subside, right before Director Kang introduced us to each other. The three of us looked at her warmly, like a silent “have you been well” from our end, she did the same. Before we even had the chance to exchange greetings, Director Kang excused himself, attending to one of the staff who needed clarification at the other end of the room.
“Have you been well?” She asked.
“Oh” Hoseok answered, nodding his head as he smiled subtly.
“How long has it been? Three? Four?” Jin-hyung, now making an effort to keep the conversation going approached rather gently, unlike his usual loud greeting. It was a happy one though.
“Five, actually” a weak but tender smile slipped from her lips.
I kept a steady eye on her, her tiny face and flowy dress, the firmness in her tone when she spoke, the way she carried herself. She looked different, but she felt the same. The same Y/N we loved and cared for in the past.
“It’s nice seeing you, Namjoonssi” startled, I shook my head, eyes blinking nervously which I managed to control right away.
“Likewise, Y/N” I muttered back, bowing my head slightly for formality, though unecessary.
“Where have you been all these years?” Hobi asked.
“Just here really. I went back to school since the um— since the incident”
“Ah. I see, I see” Hobi, again, replied while Jin-hyung and myself continued to nod our heads.
Jin-hyung attempted to ask another question which was interrupted out of the blue by a groaning, irritated voice.
“Jin-hyung, did you bring your headache pill?” A moaning Yoongi entered from the corner, rubbing his forehead roughly with his right hand. He didn’t notice Y/N’s presence until he turned his back on us, facing towards her. His face sourer at the sight. No greetings were heard from the both of them. Y/N stood awkwardly, almost looking like she wanted to initiate a wholesome conversation, however Yoongi was the complete opposite—purposely refusing to spare her a glance, looking in all other directions but hers. We waited gruesomely for Jin-hyung to come back with the pill.
“Yeogi” Jin-hyung handed him two pills, passing him a bottle of water with it.
“Kwenchana? How many more do you have to do?” Asked Jin-hyung.
“Seven more.” Yoongi answered dully.
“Seven?! Ya, you don’t look so good. Sit down for awhile”
They were referring to the number of scenes Yoongi still had to finish. A moment of silence occurred as we watched him gulp half a bottle of water, wiping the remnants off his lips.
“If I had started on time, I wouldn’t have to deal with all this.” He spat using his words, putting no effort in hiding his vexation.
“Ya, ya. Hajima, it’ll only worsen your headache.” Jin-hyung tried to ease him, before the situation escalated, attempting to massage Yoongi’s tensed shoulders. However, it didn’t stop him. Of course...when did anything ever when he was mad? A sardonic grunt he let out.
“Ani. I’m not going to have all these people wait for my personal reasons. Isn’t it a mockery for professionals to cause delays so they can attend to other affairs?” 
I noticed Y/N’s eyes drooping. It was obviously directed towards her, Yoongi made sure she knew that.
“I—” again, with a disgusting tone, indirectly addressing what he had to say
“—personally can’t stand people who waste my time. Especially when they didn’t deserve it in the first place.” With that said, he left.
It was hard not to catch the frustration drawn across Jin-hyung’s handsome face. Hoseok sighed, head turning left and right.
“Mian, Y/N. He hasn’t been sleeping well these past days” said Jin-hyung, shifting his attention to Y/N who was forcing a smile despite the awkwardness. She waited for Director Kang to return then left. 
Sometime after her departure, a well-built man in a black suit hurriedly ran towards where we were, hunched back as he struggled to catch his breath. Upon regaining composure, he introduced himself as Mr. Park Il Sung, head of the security department and right away explained the sudden situation.
“Joesonghabnida, I didn’t mean to startle you. We were told that gwangjangnim was last seen in this studio. Do you, by chance, know where she had gone?”
Director Kang looked at him with dewy-eyes before responding.
“Ah, Y/N? D-dae, she just left a little while ago” 
“What’s going on?” before the conversation resumed, Yoongi happened to arrive, perhaps to grab a bottle of water from the food station nearby. 
“Gabjagi...wae?” Inquired director Kang towards the security personnel.
“Her vehicle has been hit and run in the parking lot. We wanted to let her know ahead of time.”
“Ani, kwenchana. I sent the company driver elsewhere. Please don’t worry about the matter. I’ll manage to get home safely. Kamsahambnida, Mr. Park” I sighed, trying to relax myself as I ended the three minute call. 
I had just been told that my vehicle, which was just returned from the shop after my morning incident, was hit and run at the parking lot. The security personnel had already arranged for it to be investigated and repaired, although they insisted I was brought home by the company driver who I sent to bring Soojin home. 
“Grae, this maybe an opportunity for me to experience an old life of mine” I whispered to myself, walking towards the bus stop which I had not been to in years. 
The dinner table was unusually quiet tonight with merely the sound of slurped soup and chopstick clanking heard instead of voices. Everyone was just...hungry after a restless day. They were all quick to tidy up. Maknaes were first to leave the kitchen of course, Jungkook and Taehyung going back to their game dens, Jimin watching a movie by the living room. Namjoon had not left the dinning room table, fiddling with his phone with a cup of hot tea sitting in front of him. Hoseok took a seat across him, easing his body from doing the dishes. And of course, Jin taking out an entire case of beer from the fridge. Hence, the drinking began.
“How’s your headache?” Asked Seokjin with a sour face, slumping his third can onto the marble. 
“Better that it was” responded Yoongi almost emotionless.
“Geundae..earlier” Hoseok, with his head tilted sideways, apparently had something he wanted to discuss but could not deliver through. But the silence eventually unfolded the topic. They all knew what he was pertaining to. 
Yoongi cleared his throat, drawing all eyes on him.
“What?” As always, dodging the subject with his indifference. 
“Ya! Hajima. Do you really think we’re that naive? Stop acting like you don’t know, we’ve lived together for years. We know just about every layer of skin you have” snarled the eldest, annoyed at the dumb-play of his dongsaeng. 
“Geurotchi! Aigo! How could you be so harsh to her?” Hoseok’s face drew all sorts of expressions all over it as he protested. Namjoon only watched.
Yoongi could neither disagree or agree to how they had reacted, remembering the inhumane things he had said to you earlier. Had he known that a flat tire was the cause of your delay, he would not have said the things he did. Also, overhearing Mr. Park’s conversation with you over the phone regarding your hit-and-ran vehicle did not aid his guilt. 
“I believe she deserves an apology, hyung” spoke Namjoon neutrally, remaining considerate to both parties.
At this point, they had already ganged up on him, rubbing his fault directly on his face. Barely giving him a chance to speak.
“Ara, ara—“ responded Min Yoongi in defeat. Clearing his throat, avoiding any eye contact.
“—I’ll apologize when I see her tomorrow” he said quietly.
All of a sudden, he felt three wide-eyed glares cornering him. This was just frustrating. 
“You do know you won’t be on the show for a week, right?” 
Yoongi eyed Namjoon dumbfounded. No response, whatsoever.
This gave him away. He forgot. 
“Tsk, jinjja—” huffed Jin sarcastically, not sure how to react to his oblivion. 
“—Ya, Min Yoongi....we’re scheduled for Japan next week”
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