ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Don't base your speed on how fast you can go if everything else goes just right #responsibility search term: speeding 2018-12-17T11:26
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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People and animals will get sick from leaks and spills of gasoline, and crude oil. The ecological and health consequences of spills will be minimized. #Kindness search term: crash 2018-12-17T11:25
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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"Speeding has few negative social consequences associated with it,: and it does not have a leader campaigning to increase public awareness about the issue at the national level." https://t.co/HJbmEvpiT8 #speeding #S4L search term: crash 2018-12-17T11:25
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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We must stop condoning speeding. #3500Lives search term: crash 2018-12-17T11:24
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Speeding is against the law, but you're not a law-breaker? #driving search term: accident 2018-12-17T11:24
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Take no risks #NoRisks search term: poker 2018-12-17T11:23
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Drive expecting the unexpected. Always leave yourself an out. #respect search term: accident 2018-12-17T11:23
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Distracted driving impairs your ability to react to a collision-causing incident. #DriveCalm #discipline search term: accident 2018-12-17T11:22
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Don't text and drive #driving search term: accident 2018-12-17T11:22
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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PSA: it is unethical to attempt to flirt, pay, or otherwise weasel your way out of any citation. If you are innocent, go to court. Otherwise, take responsibility for your actions and reflect upon how you can be a better driver. #RoadSafety search term: crash 2018-12-17T11:21
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Animals, children, and even adults are unpredictable #driving search term: animal crossing road 2018-12-17T11:20
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Ethical principles for drivers: obey traffic laws #law #driving search term: accident 2018-12-17T11:20
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Every parent is responsible for securing their children with seat belts and car seats. It is also every parent's responsibility to drive safely. #RoadSafety search term: accident 2018-12-17T11:19
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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"People often drive faster than the speed limit, and if the limit is raised they will go faster still. Research shows that when speed limits are raised, speeds go up, as do fatal crashes." http://www.iihs.org/iihs/topics/t/speed/topicoverview #SlowDownForLife search term: crash 2018-12-17T11:19
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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"Pecher, Lemercier, and Cellier (2009): found that when 'happy' music was heard, drivers were easily distracted" : https://t.co/gtjIb8h5fM #dontletmusicdriveyourcar #ethics search term: crash 2018-12-17T11:18
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Watch this very special episode of 'Zack Morris is Trash' to see how messed up drink driving is. How did we ever let Zack get away with this? https://twitter.com/funnyordie/status/926524396356780032 #driving search term: crash 2018-12-17T11:18
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ethicaldriving · 6 years
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Be respectful #stopcrashing search term: respect 2018-12-17T11:17
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