#I feel like Ram likes to just pop into Truck's shop when hiding from Graves or whoever she got in trouble with
snootlestheangel · 10 months
Truck’s opinions on Swift, Ram, Bombshell, and Meerkat. I just know he’s got something to say about recruits and newbies being sent his way by Bombshell.
Truck's Grumpy Old Man Opinion Time! *game show lights and noises*
For Swift: He's a fine medic, I guess. Asks a lot o' questions though when I've already told him the issue. Could do without the lecturing, as well. But, a fine medic. *translation: he will always have a soft spot for medics cause it's how he met the missus*
For Ram: Someone needs to teach her some fucking manners. And that my shop isn't a social gathering.
Bombshell: *glares* He knows what he's doing and I think he's a sick bastard. For bothering me or sending those recruits to their demise, I don't know. All I know is he's a sick bastard. I'd hate him more if he wasn't damn good at his job.
For Meerkat: If that little fucker doesn't stay the fuck away from my shop, all hell is gonna break loose.
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justanotherstoryz · 8 years
Just The Beginning
It's an amazing, adventurous feeling when you find someone you really like, and hope to fall in love with. It was the 16th of November, that was when I first saw her. Outside at Angle Lake Park located in Seattle, Washington. She wore a black faded color skinny jeans, a red jacket, a white scarf, and a white beanie. The wind was blowing as her hair was moving to the side along with the autumn colored leaves. I personally don't believe in the saying love at first sight, but if there was such thing, I think this would be it. Nothing seemed more beautiful than this, a beautiful girl at a beautiful place. I just can't even put it into words, that's how beautiful it was. The only problem was, who is she ? I didn't have the nerve to approach her, so I just stared. Luck must have been on my side because it was her to approached me. She gave me that creeped out look and I guess it might have been because this whole time, I was awkwardly staring at her.
"Can I help you ?" The first words she said to me.
"Oh, sorry. I was just admiring the view"
"Are you talking about me, or the actual view ?" I panicked and said the first thing that popped in my mind.
"That tree.."
She turned and looked at the tree on the other side of the lake, then turned back to me and we both started laughing. I felt like an idiot saying what I said, but it seemed to have worked because she introduced herself and started to have a conversation with me. Her name was Lynda Storm, she just moved here from Delaware, and decided to go sight seeing. We talked, and I decided to have to guts to ask her out to lunch. I don't even know whats more embarrassing, the tree or how I asked. I was so nervous that I couldn't even talk correctly. She just laughed and said she would love to. We walked around the area and talked about so many things, and before you know it. The day has came to an end. I walked her home and we talked right outside her house on the stairway for another hour.
"Thank you for today, it was.. something different." She said.
"Something different ? What do you mean by that ?"
"Haha, maybe I'll tell you another day if I see you again, just maybe."
"Am I going to be seeing you again ?" She laughed and turned away and started walking in her apartment. My heart was pounding so loud that I bet the entire city could hear it. She didn't answer and left me standing there. Was this all pretend ? I was so disappointed with what had just happened, I just turned and started walking. Once I got off the steps, I felt something fling on my back. I turned my head to find her face right next to mine and her arms around me.
"Of course you will, pick me up around 11 tomorrow ?" I couldn't help but smile and told her that would be lovely. She went inside and I started my way home. Luckily we didn't live that far from each other, only a 15 minute walk. No need to take the subway or cab. It was the quickest 15 minutes ever because I got home in what seemed like a minute. I couldn't stop thinking about her, about today. But what occurred to me as soon as I stepped through my doors, I forgot to ask for her number. Oh how stupid I felt, how would she know that I'm outside ? How would we communicate ? A once in a lifetime chance, gone right out my window. I went into my room to find my dog curled up in a ball waiting for me to feed her.
"I'm sorry Snowflake, let me get some food for you."
She was a pure breed husky, only 9 months old. She seemed to have grown a liking into me because she always listens to me and doesn't do anything wrong she used to belong to my sister who died along with my parents and brother 7 months ago. I was out at a party, and my parents were worried sick about me. They kept calling but I kept ignoring it and continue to do what I was doing. They got to the point where they brought along my siblings to go look for me. It took about another 2 hour when I realized they stopped calling, so I decided to finally go home. On my way home, I noticed police cars, ambulances all around the street. I noticed a familiar car, it was a gray is300 Lexus with stuffed animals in the back. As I got closer, I couldn't believe my eyes. A large truck seemed to have rammed into the car and completely crush everything inside, I ran forward to find my family killed. My little sister was holding a picture of us as a family. She always talked about how she wishes things could go back to the way they were when everyone was happy. Tears just flood down my cheeks to see that she never got what she wished for, and now its all my fault. So Snowflake reminds me of my little sister. She even acts like her, she can tell when my mood is off and always tries to comfort me. As I was pouring her some dog food, she kept rubbing her cheeks against mine and whining. I just smiled and told her about my day and how disappointing it ended. I can't hide anything from her, she's all that I have left. She kept sniffing my jacket and putting her nose in my pocket. I reached in to find a note.
"You seem really nervous, so I decided to write this while you pay. Luckily the line is long and I'm facing the other way so I can write this. I'm having a really good time right now, and I hope that we can do this again. You're really helping me get my mind off things. I really doubt that you'll ask for my number so.. I'll write it on this note. (xxx) xxx-xxxx
-Lynda Storm"
Wow, when did she slip this in my pocket ? I just couldn't believe it. I immediately grabbed my phone and called her. It seemed like forever but she finally picked up, and we talked for hours. She told me about Delaware, how her day was, and how she jumped on my back and slipped the note in my jacket. We got off the phone and found Snowflake curled up right next to me asleep. I smiled, and was thankful for having her after all that's happened. I gave her a kiss on the nose and fell sound asleep.
My alarm rang at 10, and I was so excited I got up instantly and got ready. I took Snowflake along and we started going towards her house. I was imagining all the things that we would be doing today. I thought about it, all the wonderful things that we could do, isn't walking distance. So I turned around to go get my car. I never thought I would be driving this car ever again. Not ever since what happened. It was the same car, just repaired as new. I couldn't get rid of it, it held so much memories of when everyone was happy. I could have just bought a new car and park it next to it, but I figured that I wouldn't need it anymore. My job is walking distance and its not like I really need the money. I was lucky enough to receive everything that was left from my parents, I was set for life. I started the car and Snowflake sat in the front with her head out the window waiting for me to drive. I sat there just thinking. Then I took a glance at the time, 10:55. Crap ! I'm gonna be late. I starting driving down the street and I started hearing sirens. I pulled to the side to see the cops, fire truck and ambulance going towards her house. My heart started to race. No, please no. I couldn't believe my eyes when I approached her apartment. Her apartment, was on fire..
Right in front of me, I just stared. I felt the heat burning my skin, as pieces of the apartment fell, it felt as if those were pieces of my heart. I just couldn't believe it, I instantly fell to my knees and broke down crying. Snowflake got out of the car and tried to comfort me. She started rubbing her cheeks all over my chest then sat on my lap and laid her head on my shoulder, trying to let me know that she's there for me. I looked up at the apartment and saw something that caught my eye right by the stairway. It was Lynda's white scarf she wore yesterday. I don't know how it got out or why it wasn't on fire but I got up and dashed past the police and firefighters and grabbed the scarf. I was grabbed and pulled back behind the lines by the police. At least I'll have something to remember her by. After what seemed like hours of crying, I finally got up and got in my car and started driving home. Someone special came into my life, and is gone in an instant. Is this karma ? Because of me, my family died and when I finally found someone who could make me happy, it was taken away instantly. I came home and tried to sleep the day away. That did not work out at all, I just kept tossing and turning thinking about Lynda. So I decided to go on a cruise, there was somewhere I had to go. I was happy Snowflake tagged along, times like this I didn't want to be alone. I stopped by a flower shop and bought dozens of red roses. I pulled up the a graveyard and Snowflake followed me to visit my family. I placed a dozen on each grave and started talking.
"Hey guys, I know I never visited you guys ever since the incident. Mom.. Dad.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I never understood how you guys felt when I left home without saying anything and never came home that night. I honestly still don't know how you guys felt. But I'm sorry. I could have been better towards you. I don't understand what its like to be a parent, or have a family of my own. Snowflake is all I have now. I just wish that I could turn back time and made everything better, at least let Abby have her wish come true. I would do anything for that to happen.. To see her smile one last time. See all of you guys smile one more time. But it's too late now isn't it ? What can I do now ? Its been more than half a year since you guys have been gone and its been miserable.. Hah, you would never believe what a day I had yesterday. I met this girl, her name is Lynda. She made me happy for once. All the troubles, all the stress, all the sorrow that I held within just disappeared when I was with her. She moved here from Delaware and showed me things in life I never thought I would be able to do anymore. She sure was something. It was funny how we met, I saw her at where we always had our picnics. Angle Lake Park, it was such a beautiful sight. She approached me and asked what I was looking at, and I told her that I was enjoying the view, the tree. We both started laughing and everything was great after that. I even got her number.."
Why didn't I call her ? Shouldn't she have called if she was still there ? I pulled out my phone and called her. My hopes went up but was immediately shot down because it went straight to voicemail.
"Well.. We were supposed to hang out today, but when I arrived at her apartment.. It was on fire. I wish you guys could meet her, I'm sure you guys would've liked her. But now she's gone, and that's what brought me here. I've just been thinking about everything and I never had the nerve to visit you guys. I'm sorry mom.. dad.. Abby.. especially you Andrew, you were only 3 years old. I wanted to see you at least grow up as old as Abby, and I took that chance away. I'm sorry for everything guys.. I love and miss you guys so much.."
It seems that I wasn't the only one crying because I could hear snowflake whimpering. I hugged her and we started on our way back home. I laid on my bed, and before I knew it. I fell fast asleep.
I had a dream about my family, and Lynda. We were all at the park, having a small picnic. Nothing but laughter and smiles. I was talking with mom and dad while Lynda played with Abby and Andrew while Snowflake took a nap. We just talked about how I was doing, how work was, what do I plan to do in the future. I'm sure this is what Abby wanted. We were all having such a great time. But then all of a sudden, clouds rushed all over the skies and the weather turned from sunshine to stormy. It was so bad, the wind was blowing at least 30 mph. Our blanket, our food was flying everywhere. Andrew was slowly being blown with the wind, if it wasn't for Lynda he would've been blown away. The wind kept getting stronger. We all rushed to the car, but Snowflake was too small. She wouldn't make it. As the car started, I got out and grabbed Snowflake and got her in the car. But before I could get in, the wind took me away. I reached out to everyone, but before they could grab my hand, I was blown straight into the lake. I shot straight up out of my nightmare sweating. It was only 8pm. I took a shower and took Snowflake out for a walk. I brought along Lynda's scarf and sat where my dream took place, where my family always have our picnics, where I first saw Lynda. I sat on the bench staring at the skies, the stars were so beautiful. I held Lynda's scarf and I started to cry. I looked at the lake and wished that the wind would take blow me in there, so I can forget all of this ever happened. Snowflake came to the bench and laid on my lap. I just smiled and told her that I'll be fine, but the strangest thing happened. I heard laughter, voices that I can never forget. I looked up and I saw my family there, having a picnic. I would've guessed that Snowflake would jump and start barking with excitement. But I realized why she didn't once I blinked. It was only my imagination. Tears just started falling once again. It must have been my imagination again, because I felt arms wrap around me and a familiar voice speaking to me.
"I'm still here Ethan."
Snowflake raised her head so I looked to the side and found Lynda's face right next to me. I couldn't believe it. I blinked several times, but she didn't go away. This is no dream, no imagination, this is real.
"Bu- Bu- But How ?" I managed to say.
"My older sister was in town, she came by my apartment and we rushed out the door. I didn't get to grab my phone and I lost my scarf once I got out the door. But it seems that you found it" She gave me a smile. "It seems that I was lucky too, since my apartment seem to have burned down. I wanted to call you but I didn't remember your number so I decided to look for you and found you here."
My heart melted when she said that. I couldn't believe what was happening. She sat next to me and we started talking. She told me about her sister and that she came to see how she was doing, she was only here for today and already went back to her home in Delaware. I told her about my family, and what happened. She gave me a heart warming hug and told me it will be alright. She asked me if I could take her to their graves, she wanted to see them. So we walked back to my house and I guess Snowflake seemed to like Lynda because the whole time she kept walking next to her instead of me. Once we got there, we got in the car and Snowflake sat on her lap and we were on the way. We pulled up and walked to the graves. Something unbelievable happened. Lynda walked up the graves, sat down and started talking. She was talking about her day yesterday and how happy she is that she met me. I felt someones hand on my shoulder so I turned to see something I did not expect. My parents smiling at me, Abby giving me a thumbs up, and Andrew raising his arms like he wanted me to carry him. My parents said something I never heard them say before.
"Be happy Ethan, we don't blame you. I'm so proud of you."
I started crying and Lynda turned to me and asked whats wrong. I just smiled and said nothing, this is just the beginning.
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