#I feel so sorry tormenting Alexis with my muses but they handle it so brilliantly
chiropterx · 1 year
❛   door .   hold  a  door  open 
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The room practically trembles as Man-Bat snarls, heavy door rattling in the wake of the immense bat's fury as he grips the handle and tries forcing it open. It doesn't and Man-Bat's fury becomes incandescent. It's not locked, he knows this and grows irate as to why it refuses to yield to his claws, even when he tries forcing the handle the other way. Damn this stupid cage! So fixated is Man-Bat on getting out of the building he'd accidentally trapped himself inside that he's surprised when a human wearing glasses steps into the room, small warm hands slipping past his furry bulk to reach the handle. Man-Bat doesn't attack. He vaguely remembers this dark-haired person, scurrying through the twisted tunnels outside some nights ago, when he'd found the shiny can that sprayed purple air. The bat grunts, shifting his wingspan so that the human can actually reach the handle and Man-Bat watches as... the person pulls the handle, door obediently swinging open. Huh, so doors opened in more ways than outwards? Man-Bat would have to remember this in future, and so the bat chirruped a grumpy thanks, satisfied that the door would no longer cage him inside this building. Shuffling past awkwardly as though he knew out to get out all along, Man-Bat brushes past Alexis, clambering up the chain fence until his wingspan can fully spread out before taking to the skies. How embarrassing. That would be the last time he'd enter one of man's caves for a while!
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