#I feel the fucking struggle with Narancia tho
boomboxboi · 11 months
Minor Physical Feature Headcanons for the GangStars 👅
Bruno Bucciarati
Has a gap tooth.
It’s very subtle but there.
Teeth also straight and very white.
Had great dental care growing up and maintains as an adult.
Also a slightly bigger nose.
And bags under his eyes.
This man is TIRED.
Immaculate cuticles.
Yoshikage Kira would LUST after this man’s hands.
Also nice lips.
They are never chapped.
His hair is thick but naturally straight.
Hair grows at a normal pace.
Leone Abbacchio
Major eye bags.
If Bruno doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t sleep x100.
Slight upper bite.
Soft skin.
Uses lotion constantly.
Straight teeth except for one canine that’s a little crooked.
White teeth but not as much as Bruno’s.
Slightly hooked nose.
Sharper expressions and features.
Very angular.
Thin hair but it’s soft and naturally wavy.
Hair and nails grow fast.
Pannacotta Fugo
Mole on his neck.
Smaller eyes.
Thin eyebrows.
Pale and looks almost sickly.
Thin in general.
Which makes him look lanky.
Perfect teeth.
He had braces in his earlier years.
Narrow and pointy nose.
Also bags under his eyes from anxiety.
Skin slightly oily at times.
Wirey and thin hair.
Will probably bald before everyone else.
His hair takes forever to grow out.
Narancia Ghirga
Very muted freckles.
Especially on his nose.
Skin is always dried out.
Give him moisturizer!
Always perpetually chapped lips.
Larger lower lip.
His hair is thick, tangly, and unkempt.
Styling it?
He can’t.
It does whatever it wants and he doesn’t care enough to try and make it do anything.
Very olive toned skin.
Crooked teeth that need a bit more care.
Slightly crooked nose.
Hair grows STUPID FAST.
So does his nails.
Guido Mista
Crooked nose from when he broke it in a fight once.
Hairy arms, legs, and hairy chest.
Slightly bigger ears.
Thick and tightly curled hair.
Tanned skin.
Skin is calloused and rough.
Does not use lotion at all.
His nails need a lot of work.
Nails also perpetually dirty but has a habit of picking the dirt from them when nervous or anxious.
Thick eyebrows that sometimes are unkempt.
No eye bags because he takes a lot of naps and is relaxed.
Hair and nails grow fast.
Giorno Giovanna
Smooth skin.
Great nails.
Fair skin.
Obviously has his birthmark.
Larger eyes.
Long legs, though.
Nice teeth, also.
But has one crooked tooth that’s noticeable if you stare a little too long.
That’s the jellyfish piss tooth.
I don’t make the rules, I’m sorry.
Naturally straight hair AT FIRST.
But when it just suddenly turned blond, it became wavy.
Hair grows slow after the initial golden phase.
Trish Una
Fair skin but also tans nicely.
Freckles that are a bit more prominent than Narancia’s.
The absolute BEST nails.
And her skin is clear and amazing.
Except that time of the month.
Then she gets one giant ass zit on her chin.
If you point it out, she’ll stab you.
Hair is naturally wavy but will style and care for it as she pleases.
Her hair does not grow back fast, though.
One mole on her hip.
Moderate eyebrows.
Not too thin.
But not as thick as she would like them to be.
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cassyapper · 3 years
thoughts on part 5 characters? especially part 5 pol 👀
OHHHH THANK U SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS IN <3 i will try to be brief (<- me, lying)
since u mentioned him in particular, lemme talk abt part 5 pol first (:
polnareff p5: i actually did like seeing him but i wish he was more relevant or at the veyr least we got to see him longer before he got nerfed by the second worst jojo villain. regardless of that tho i did like seeing how he matured even if it does make me sad cause you dont see any of his silliness/lightheartedness anymore..it's all serious and grim..): which i do mostly attribute to the fact we only see him in part 5 in the midst of a tense battle but still. i do think it goes to show pol lost some of the humor he found in the world...... ):
giorno: i understand why ppl have beef with him but i love giorno he is such a funny little guy <3 he's this insane teenager with a god complex but he's not an asshole about it like say his dad was. he's just very confident in his own abilities even when he has no experience (like when he fought bruno lmao). i do like the first half of giorno more than the second half tho if only cause the second half seemed to forget he was a kid and let him act as such. and to an extent i get that like gio is an abuse survivor ofc he's gonna act "mature for his age" but he still did that while being silly funny in the first half but in the second half they drained that away. honestly im sure this is more a david pro problem than a giorno problem im sure if i read the manga it'd be better. but as it stands this is it. anyway i love gio i think he's fun at least my perception of him
bruno: i do like bruno but he's not my favorite admittedly (not for any particular reason he just didnt scratch my brain the way other characters did). i do like him tho he feels very cautionary-tale to me...he has such a warped world view due to being involved in gang shit since he was a kid and it hurts ): you can see him try and save his past self in his early interactions w narancia...some part of him knows he was dealt and unfair card. but other than that tho he does deliberately lead ppl to the gang like fugo and abbachio (not necessarily to hurt them but really fucked up how some people he thinks are better than this life and some he drags down with him...) and i just think that's interesting to think about. he's not a saint but i think he thinks of himself as one or at least it's what he's trying to be. god his catholic guilt has gotta be nuts. he did love his team but i dont think bruno knows how to care for people...he's a soldier, a captain, it's what he's been for so long, i dont think he knows how to stop seeing everything in that lens (we esp see him struggle with this in trying to be a mentor figure for trish because he's used to having like boss authority over the people he mentors, but he doesnt have that hold over trish so he needs to learn how else he can guide her without relying on her Having to listen to him). it's so sad ):
abbacchio: i do not rlly think abt abbacchio i gotta be real. i dont lean one way or another. i think he can be very funny tho. i wish we saw more of his interactions with trish and narancia since theyre the two (besides bruno) he's clearly the softest for in the gang. also i do ship bruabba but i wish ppl would lay off the codependancy angle a bit...yes bruno is definitely abbacchio's crutch but i dont think he (abbacchio) would be happy about that, he hates that he forces bruno to care for him like a child and he hates that bruno is willing to feed that dynamic (not that bruno has like conscious malicious intentions behind that but. again he doesnt knw how else to help ppl without having some sort of authority over them and this dyanmic gives him that so). anyway abbacchio has potential to be the funniest gang member but it wasnt utilized in the story very well. sad!
mista: i also dont think about mista much i am not gonna lie. i dont rlly care abt him not by fault of the narrative he's just not the kinda character i fall for i guess.
narancia: fucked up meow meow! i love naranica he's such a funny guy. he's so needlessly violent and crazy but also he's very cheerful and silly it's so fun <3 his death was complete and utter bullshit. i love how everyone on the team + trish loves him so so much cause its representative of my feelings. he's just so loveable what with his absolute insanity. <3. i dont think narancia is a necessarily deep character but that's okay i dont think every character needs to be. it's enough that he's a funny crazy little guy who loves a good warm meal and swinging his pocket knife around <3 also he's a very loyal and kind friend. also congrats to narancia for having the only good localized stand name (lil bomber is sooo cute and fitting)
trish: TWISH MY BEST FRIEND TRISH so unpopular opinion she should've been the part 5 main character. i know it ruins the joestar bloodline thing but well then maybe they should've put giorno in her situation cause it was a great set up. at the very least she should've been the one to finish off diavolo not GER. anyway god i love her pink <3 anyway i love that she's a scared 15 year old but she's also a tiny bit vain and blunt and just gosh <3 points for depicting a 15 year old girl fairly decently esp in a shonen running in the 90s. she's very sympathetic i feel like u rlly feel for her. she just wants to be safe. she just wants the gang to be safe she didn't ask for them to die for her. she didn't want anyone to die for her. i think endlessly about her survivor's guilt and how she and polnareff bond over it. ugogugh. i love her stand too i really really really wish we got to see more of spice girls UGHH.
fugo: FUGO MY BEST ABSOLUTE FRIEND FUGO. i love fugo i have loved him since his lil giorno team up episode with man in the mirror i love him so bad and purple haze feedback really just sealed the deal god FUGO <3333333333 I LVOE YOU FUGO. FUCK. god idk i just love his duality a lot...he wants to learn how to be gentle but all he is is sharp corners and fire and angry angry angry angry at his family angry at bruno angry at himself angry but they're miles away form who he is can he really change enough? can he even change at all. also he loves bruno and he loves the team and he wants to be better for them but ssnjsjnsd;s; UOGUGHGHHHHH FUCK GOD AR EYOU KIDDING ME. i love purple haze and the whole conflict fugo has with him and how it relates to himself...also i love protecting my own experiences and . i guess trauma? for lack of better word i love projecting my own trauma and experiences onto him because. well. similar setups is all i wall say </3. anyway i love fugo i love that he returns to the team and fights for his redemption i love him i love the bonds he had with abbacchio/bruno/narancia/GIORNO. FUCK. i love him. he's my best friend.
diavolo/doppio: second worst jojo villain behind part 8's. i hate him he's so dreadfully fucking boring. the only reason he's not worse than part 8's villain is at least he was foreshadowed from the beginning. but he's just super lame and not interesting (like pucci) or fun to watch (like kira/dio). i don't even care about the endless death cycle because i do not care about him! not even in a love to hate him way! he does not matter to me. so fuckign stupid
most of la squadra i do not give a shit about but
risotto: i like him <3 i wish we got to see more of him. his stand was fucking awesome. he cared about his team so much ):
pesci: awesome guy. pretty cool. best la squadra member by far. his face off with bruno was awesome
okay I'm ending there cause this got long but thank u for asking dude! it means a lot <3
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
JOKES ON YOU IM DOING A SFW ASK NOW! Ok so yeah, Bucci gang's reaction to the reader coming out a bi? I kind would prefer it to be platonic if thats ok with you. You can make it romantic if you want tho
Yeah platonic is like totally cool with me if that’s how you prefer it!
Also sorry if I get off on a tangent idk if u noticed I’m also raging bisexual so idk I feel like I might end up projecting a lil LMAO
Trish is also included in this one! One big bi disaster wlw mood tonight
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- Giorno is pretty open and accepting of anyone he deems to have a good heart, and incredibly aware of the feelings of others around him. If you’re debating between coming out or not, he’ll pick up on something instantly.
- He’ll push you to talk to him about it, but reassure you that if it’s that personal you don’t have to. He’s just worried about your happiness, as someone he cares about.
- I really headcanon Giorno as being non-binary or gender fluid or just not really defined by any gender term, so he’d be happy if you confide in him that you’re bisexual because you’re figuring yourself out and becoming more confident in your own skin.
- Bruno is incredibly protective of the people he cares about. If you’re unhappy he’ll move heaven and hell to make you feel better.
- When he notices you’ve got something on your mind, he gently takes you aside and tells you in a very soft voice that you can always come to him with any concerns. When you tell him it’s something personal rather than about the group, he understands, and puts no pressure on you.
- Should you come out to Bruno, he’ll be very supportive. He’ll remind you that you can come to him about anything and if you need anything to simply ask. You are a member of his family, and nothing is going to change that.
- Abbacchio is the type of person where this goes like: “Hey, Leone, can I tell you something personal? I think I’m attracted to both girls and guys.” “Yeah, I knew that. What about it?”
- Like he always knows everyone’s sexuality without them having to tell him and no one has any idea how
- He is also the easiest to talk to for any mental struggles related to your sexuality. Like I said before he gets mental health better than anyone because of his depression, so he’s a great ear for you.
- Okay I swore I would try really hard not to insert the fact that I basically headcanon every JoJo character as bi into this but I headcanon Mista as bisexual so bad it physically hurts me not to mention it. So.
- He’s fucking obnoxious as hell when you come out to him, constantly teasing you and trying to guess who you like and if you’re more into girls or guys. He’ll walk down the streets with you and ask which strangers you think are hot and will point out his own.
- Reminds you constantly he will wingman for you. Gives you pickup lines. If you’re really close he likes to talk about the stuff that makes him attracted to guys vs attracted to girls. You don’t have to do so in return if you don’t want to. He’s just talkative and horny.
- The best thing about this is that Mista really normalizes being bisexual.
- When you pull Narancia aside to tell him he thinks you’re upset and immediately offers to shank a bitch for you. You’re appreciative but assure him it’s not like that.
- Narancia is of course really happy for you. He’s enthusiastic and will listen to whatever you want to say. Might ask questions or chime in on what you think is attractive or whatnot.
- Also offers to wingman like Mista but is less obnoxious. Will constantly pester you to tell him who you like. If it’s someone else in the Bucci gang he’ll swear not to tell them but he still probably blurts it out anyway. He means well though!
- Fugo is very surprised when you come out to him. He doesn’t ever expect to be that person for anyone. He’s flattered that you think so highly of him, honestly.
- He’s not much of a gossiper, so he’s more like Abbacchio as a good support system to come to with problems. He’ll always lend you an ear.
- He’s a little awkward with some advice though. Relationships and sexuality are surely not his forte but he’ll always try his best to help you out.
- Trish loves to gossip with you and she’s always pestering you about who you like. Most of the group is so attractive, she’s sure you like one of them. When instead of revealing a crush, you reveal you’re bisexual, Trish finds it really sweet.
- She’ll beg to know your type for guys and girls. She might try to hook you up with someone, but not if you’re uncomfortable.
- She might ask a lot of questions, but they’re all good-natured. Maybe she’s exploring her own sexuality. She honestly is a little jealous you’re comfortable enough with yourself now, but mostly happy for you.
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*I am.... so thirsty for Leone “Pissboy” Abbacchio.... don’t read too much into that statement, please.... how do you think he’d react to an S/O who’s constantly trying to run away? would he ask anyone for help? what security measures, if any, would he take? pwease indulge me i love your writing
oh no it’s my weakness I actually rly love Leone…I LOVE him even tho I hate piss…and cops…he’s a tall drink, even if that drink is piss.
alright so first of all I think Leone would be super, super emotionally dependent on you.  He knows he doesn’t deserve you and you trying to leave him is just what he deserves, but he also needs you to feel happy and doesn’t mind being selfish for once.  Would he go “I’ll kill myself if you try to leave me!”?  I mean, probably, but he’s definitely going to go “look at how much I hurt myself bc I need you so much, and this is your fault”.  His first line of offense (or defense) is basically going to be appealing to your sympathy, so if you’ve got a bleeding heart oh boy you’re in trouble.
If that’s not enough to break your heart and just go along with what he wants–you monster!  How could you?–then he’s willing to try a few things.  The horrible, horrible kinkster part of me is hollering for him to cuff you to himself bc of the Hijinks that would ensue, but he’s basically got like the #1 security measure he needs in the form of Moody Blues.  Your actions and where you go can be replayed instantly, at any time he pleases, so no head start you have will ever really be a good one.  Also because he’s full of doubt about your motives because he knows you really don’t love him (again, Self Loathing™ but at least it’s almost self awareness) he’d be second-guessing you ALL the time.
“You’re trying to leave me again, aren’t you.”
“No?  I mean, I am, but–”
“I’ll find out everything!  Moody Blues!”
God this would get exhausting SO FAST no wonder we’re trying to leave
Going back to the self awareness thing, he PROBABLY wouldn’t be too eager to ask for help bc he knows it’s fucked up and wrong.  Might ask for help from someone who’s a little loose on the morality side and doesn’t mind kidnapping a dude.  I can see Narancia (GOOD BOY?? NO!!!) lending a hand, because his Buddy is sad!  And he’d never hurt you anyway, so what’s the harm in hunting you down and getting you back?  Actually, despite his reluctance to ask for help I’m pretty confident it wouldn’t be too hard to get most of the Bucci Gang with the possible exceptions of Bruno, Trish and Giorno to help.
Anyway I guess that’s it!  I don’t see him as the type to keep you locked up in a basement, I think he’d sort of take your struggling/running off with a sort of sad resignation because he knows it’s natural and he doesn’t deserve a functional relationship, but he doesn’t have it in him to…Not do this.  He’s still gonna cuff you to him, though.  I am adamant that he does that.  It is important to me.
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