#I find it interesting how Haku interacts with the other prisoners more but Mayumi withdraws instead after finding out about their verdicts
waiting-on-a-dream Β· 1 year
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Haruto: The date is 13 June XXXX. I'm recording this video to log the prisoners' reactions to their verdicts. I'm sure such information will come in handy in the future.
Especially for the higher ups! [He waves at the camera.] Hello! Are you watching this? Aren't I a proactive warden, logging this kinda stuff for your convenience?
... [He sits back in his chair.] Well now I feel stupid.
But! [He jerks up suddenly.] I'm sure there's someone watching. An operation as sophisticated as this doesn't magic out of nowhere. [He aims two fingers at his eyes and then at the screen.] I'm onto you.
[He sits back in his chair.] Prisoner 001, Kanai Ichiro. Verdict: Guilty. When I informed him of my decision, he questioned me and got angry when I refused to explain the logic behind my judgement. As part of his punishment, I confiscated his soft toy which he is very attached to. He tried to snatch it back, but was intercepted by the force field.
Since then, his mental health has deteriorated significantly. He sleeps a lot more and encounters nightmares often, refuses to eat meals, and is prone to meltdowns and self-harm. He also mumbles to himself and has claimed to hear voices telling that he is unforgivable.
[Haruto runs a hand down his face.] What am I going to do with him?
But anyway, prisoner 002, Kobayashi Akane. Verdict: Innocent. She reacted positively to the news of course. She claims that getting voted innocent was the only possible outcome for her, but she looked relieved for a bit. Her behavior hasn't changed much since then. She's just less jumpy and more confident now.
Prisoner 003, Iwamoto Daisuke. Verdict: Innocent. He was probably expecting a guilty verdict, because he told me "my moral compass must be a roulette wheel". He's been more quiet and timid recently, it seems he's dealing with a sort of survivor's guilt.
Prisoner 004, Toma Suzume. Verdict: Innocent. She was surprised, but didn't say anything about my decision. Her behavior hasn't changed much, just less unsure and anxious. She's also been helping Noa-san to cook for everyone now that Mayumi-san has been voted guilty.
Prisoner 005, Endo Haku. Verdict: Innocent. He was happy to hear the news. He even smiled and thanked me for "understanding". He's been more friendly and outgoing since then. Its good that he's interacting more with the other prisoners now. I hope that his next music video will reveal some important information too.
Prisoner 006, Sasaki Yui. Verdict: Guilty. She didn't react well to her verdict. After a few seconds of disbelief, she started yelling and threw her chair at me. I put her in a straightjacket for 24 hours after that.
Her mental health has dropped drastically. She can't seem to sleep and is no longer taking care of her appearance (which is a big red flag for Yui-san). She's probably hearing voices too, but I can't confirm as she hasn't spoken to me since the incident. She doesn't interact with the other prisoners as much anymore either. I told Suzume-san to keep an eye on her. I hope Yui-san doesn't do any other stupid things.
Prisoner 007, Shigeru Rin. Another guilty prisoner. He started yelling and crying when I informed him of my decision, saying that "she was the one in the wrong". At least he didn't throw a chair at me.
He's become more on-edge and easily agitated recently. He's no longer allowed to request for things, so he's had no choice but to become less demanding. He's hearing voices as well, and will respond sometimes to tell them to shut up. He's not coping well with the auditory hallucinations. If it gets too bad, I might have to procure some meds.
Prisoner 008, Watanabe Noa. Verdict: Innocent, despite her begging for the death penalty. That's what she asked about when I informed her of my decision. I gave a satisfactory answer, but didn't tell her the full story of course. She's now cooking for everyone along with Suzume-san in Mayumi's place. That's Milgram's big sister figure for you. She's doing more productive stuff now. Good for her.
Prisoner 009, Miyahara Kiyoshi. Verdict: Innocent. He was happy with his verdict, claiming that his victim "had it coming". He's more cheerful and easygoing now. He became comfortable surprisingly quickly after being voted innocent. I'm not sure I vibe with that very much. His victim may have been a drug dealer, but I don't think he deserved to die because of it. Well, we'll see.
Prisoner 010, Okura Mayumi. Verdict: Guilty. She wasn't happy with my decision, but she didn't snap. It was a cold, chilling sort of anger. All she said was: "At least vote consistently." She was probably referring to Kiyoshi-san. [Haruto shrugs.]
Her liberties are restricted now and she isn't allowed to cook for everyone anymore. Her friendly and helpful personality is no more. She's become withdrawn and quiet. She confirmed that she can hear voices speaking to her, but she hardly seems affected by them. I can tell that she's still angry about her verdict. She hasn't done anything aggressive so far, but I'm not letting my guard down. Just in case.
Well. I sure hope my decisions don't come back to bite me in the ass. [Haruto flashes a peace sign at the camera.]
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