#I forgot I tried experimenting with digital watercolor animation at some point
bakuzen-art · 1 year
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I can't stop thinking about him (the sea bunny)
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dreamoca · 6 years
Assignment 4 Review
Project: Tools and materials
“ You experimented more with watercolour. You are clearly working very hard at this” I love it. I took a lot of time just to look a watercolour and have trying to work out the way a prefer to work. 
“ These are among the strongest pieces of work you have produced so far. (the umbrella and 1950s)” I am really happy with the final result even if they are not perfect but I think what made the different is the detail. Every time I tried to work fast and furious, the result is nice but I do not love it (like Assignment 4) There are people who transform sketchs drawing into final pieces easily, I do not think I one of those people.
Project: Audiences
“it is this direct approach works, and your two finished posters are very strong, graphic and well-coloured images” I am really happy to hear this, I work really hard to add detail into the drawings, I normally found computer drawings soulless because if the lack of marks and lovely details, so I added them in a wacoom, so it was a nice compromise. 
“ the viewer is almost placed in the museum as if they are looking at the animals” I have used this idea before and it really work for me, used a frame and mostly work inside and break it. I think it creates a nice 3D balance.
Project: Areas of illustration
“ overall the illustration is a very good design and incorporates the idea of the title very well” as I went back, I do not think it is good, I think is fine for a coverbook but I think is very neutral, lack character... I undestand the tutor point but now, a few mouth later I can see more problem with this illustration that I did before.
“ Your fish paintings are very good, and your watercolour technique is improving again; they are very professional looking images. It is not so easy to imaging them on the side of a van as they are not so much of a restaurant logo as a finished illustration” I think the tutor is right but I can simplified the fish into a blue and white drawing to create a logo (I think) but when I was working on it I was looking to a more appetizing, up marking illustration that a logo. About the drawing, I have fun creating the texture in the fish and the original one has a pear watercolor effect that are perfect for a fish... The research pay off.
“ For your ‘Mother’ tattoo you chose to examine more complex image-making than the traditional ‘hearts and scrolls’ type of tattoo.” I straggle a bit with the idea of writing a name or drawing a portrait so I tried to explore a more in deep idea of motherhood. Sometimes, I think too much but it is a way to elaborate your understanding of the world around you.
Project: Visual distortion
“You don’t seem to enjoy the process of simplification and collage, but your final coloured drawings are good in the way they are strange, distorted and stylised.” I would like to said my tutor is wrong but it is totally true. I do not enjoy collage (I love them but I cannot made one) I also was elaborating my eye problem by drawing. This was a constant in this assignment, the used of drawing as a way to understand something, even when I did not notice at the moment. I only came to understand that I was working on my own personal health problem when I saw the huge eye after I finish as it was the first time I was looking at it. At some point I felt like to go back an work more on that to fit the criteria but the true is, I love the drawing and they are a representation of how I felt. 
Project: Character development
(Note: at this point, I have a lot of visual problems )
“ You were asked to develop a series characters, producing drawings from different angles, and expressing different emotions and expressions.” I totally forgot to add them to the blog but I only did it for one character.
“ it would have been better to see this as visual rather than written development” I wrote a story about this character because I could not see well so I added a bit to the blog, so this is the reason it is mostly writting (sorry about that) I did a lot of visual research to put the face together, mostly but looking into pictures of young white men with a particular nose and I tried to combien that...
“ your finished (digitally?) painted portraits show a suitably malevolent (creepy) character. The skin texture and folds in the clothes are very well modelled, and the shadows and tone of the wall are very effective.” It was done digitally so I could enlarge the image and work, they was a lot of drawing before I did the final and I also work on the colours (a palette) because it is easy to get lost in so many options.
Feedback on assignment
“the finished drawing where you have the three separate groups of objects doesn’t really come together.” I totally agree. I  got tired of the assignment and I have to finish so I rushed. I think the work is horrible! This is another example of my working fast and furious. It does not work.
Next step
1. I will love to work on food illustration to have some fun.
2. I love to used my course to work on what is happening to me, to look into deep things that I do not normally have time to think about...
3. finish the creating a character exercise...
4. Re-do the final assignment. 
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