#I got a little prosey here sorry friends
courtingchaos · 1 year
hey, hey, do you have any monster!eddie fic recommendations? i just read your river monster!eddie fics and i love them! i know there are some vampire!eddie and werewolf!eddie fics out there, but i kind of prefer the ones with more niche monsters, not just the obvious vampires and werewolves. although i certainly won’t say no to some vampire!eddie fic recs! 🫶💖✨
So for one thank you so much! And two, Tumblr never showed me this 😀. Love it here.
Anyways, as of right now I’m very behind on my reading so forgive this small rec list and also there is some traditional monsters here but!
My dear friend Betty has an absolutely delightful Gargoyle!Eddie right here and this super creative and lovely Nightmare!Eddie right here!
My lovely terror Jo is writing a super involved, super decadent Van Helsing Au with Kas!Eddie right here!
And another little monster friend Less has a Vampire!Eddie with a lil breeding kink if your into that right here!
E, the Mother Monster has a Vampire!Eddie that is just this side of unsavory right here!
Somna, a fellow creature in my lagoon has this amazing Vampire!Eddie they just posted, with more to come, right here!
And Drac, my dearest bat fiend has this great Steddie!Werewolf blurb that I think about all the time right here!
I’m 1000% positive I’m missing a lot of people and fics so if you guys wants to reblog with your own or whatever please feel free. I’ve been a stressed little pollywog and I am, alas, behind on my reading.
I hope this helps friend!
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juurensha · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Oh boy, oh boy, well, in no real order, let's start:
darling, thank god it’s this universe we’re in (and you can annoy me as much as you please) I know, I know, so typical. It's your most popular piece, and that's why you like it so much, right??? No, it's a happy coincidence that it's my most popular fic, but really, it had all the childhood friends AU shenanigans that my heart desired, gave DabiHawks a happy ending (along with pretty much everyone else), AND I got to add OC's willy-nilly everywhere with their own little side stories, so that's why it's my favorite :DDDD
frost cannot touch plum blossoms in the snow yes, yes, another DabiHawks piece, I'm sorry, but fully 1/3 of my fics are DabiHawks pieces now it seems. This was my fantasy AU, and it was sooooo self indulgent, with me combining in all my favorite Critical Role and different MXTX/Chinese webnovel universe references. Still I liked the fusion, and I think it turned out pretty well?
be all my sins remembered and more one of my more personal pieces that came truly from the heart, and I'm happy that GOTG3 didn't really joss much of what I wrote here. Mantis holds a special place in my heart, and for all its faults, I do love the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy
Dead Devotion ah my one and only 2nd person POV fic, and the most purple-prosey of all, because it is of course a Hannibal fic. I really did enjoy writing the purple prose, and I'm still pretty proud of it, even now.
Knock me off my pedestal (and entangle with me on the ground) my QuanYin fic that I wrote because I love QuanYin, but there were certain characterizations and actions that I just HAD to write for myself. I wanted them to have a happy ending so badly, and here I got to give it to them! I also love Yin Yu so much and want ppl to appreciate him more.
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marinerofthestars · 4 years
the zodai tag
bit of a late arrival to this fandom, but better late than never, i suppose!
1. How did you hear about the books? about a year ago, i was doing research on the zodiac for an urban fantasy project i’m working on, tales from omphalos, when i found the house ophiuchus info page on the zodiac website. unfortunately life got in the way and i forgot the series for a while, but a little while ago i remembered zodiac’s worldbuilding and got sucked right back in!
2. What is your favorite moment from the series so far? it’s hard to choose just one moment, but i’d have to say skarlet and rho’s first meeting in black moon for how atypical it is. we know skarlet is the hypotenuse in rho and hysan’s love triangle, but she doesn’t act like the stereotypical petty Other Woman at all. she’s charismatic, she’s genuinely fun to be around, and she has sympathetic motives and ambitions. above all, she’s actually super nice towards rho, and doesn’t let her feelings get in the way of their political collaboration. (and then thirteen rising assassinated her character. yes i am still bitter about it why do you ask)
3. Which House are you from? house leo!
4. What do you like about your House? artistry pride is something i’d really love to be a part of as an aspiring author, i have blaze and trax (both criminally underrated characters imo) as my housemates, and our zodai wield FLAMING SWORDS in battle. what’s not to love?
5. If you had to change Houses, which House would you pick? since leo really vibes with my passion for art, this is definitely a tricky question! probably either libra (police brutality is a thing of the past with bind, and their government seems like they have their act together), scorpio (much waterworld. much ambition. much cool tech. wow), or sagittarius (diversity, democracies where the voices of the young and non-complacent can be heard, and really vibrant cities are all things i appreciate)
6. Which system would you most like to visit? capricorn, no question. the zodiax is THE single most location in the entire zodiac bar none to me - an ancient complex the size of a planet, its oldest curators having access to transportation systems most inhabitants don’t even know about? an archive of humanity’s collective knowledge, so massive it has hotels and restaurants within it because leaving to sleep or eat is just so impractical? LET ME TOUR IT. LET ME UNCOVER ITS MYSTERIES I KNOW THEY EXIST (i think history is rad okay)
7. If you got to choose, which Zodiac technology would you like to have? probably...the tattoo? i don’t have anywhere enough knowledge about neuroscience/engineering to design my own, but assuming that i did, i’d love to design a tattoo that can interface with my brain and with digital art software, so that i can turn whatever ideas i have in my head into artwork!
8. Which character would you want as a best friend? skarlet. she’s six feet tall, buff as all hell, super attractive, prefers diplomacy to violence but still perfectly capable of kicking ass, and an outspoken risers’ rights activist. what’s not to love? (though knowing the type of people i usually hang out with, i’d probably end up with like. twain or gyzer as my best friend. one can dream though)
9. Which sign would you like to date? aries, because as previously stated skarlet is awesome. (a sentiment i will continue to reiterate) failing that, either libra for their sense of justice, scorpio for their ambition and passion, or aquarius for their innovative mindset.
10. Who do you hope Rho “ends up with?” (If anyone at all!) firstly, thank you for acknowledging that rho might not be interested in romance after everything she’s been through. (aromantic rho? arho?) secondly: skarlet.
this might be a little controversial, but i feel like in some regards, rho has far more chemistry with skarlet than she has with hysan. (ms. russell. i am sorry but. i have. Issues. with ‘centaur smile’ and the context surrounding it doesn’t make it any better) all of their interactions are marked by a noted admiration on rho’s part, and it’s not just merely admiration of her frankly enviable body (there’s more than enough of that, but it feels respectful somehow, there’s no five-page purple prosey ramblings on how the sweat glints on skar’s brow as she lifts weights, unlike with some people - sorry, mathias), but admiration of skar’s personality.
her charisma. her ambitions. her drive to fight for people who’ve been beaten down for millennia, to give a voice to the voiceless. to use violence as a last resort, not a first strike.
even at their absolute worst in thirteen rising, even when they’re butting heads, they don’t let it get in the way of doing what needs to be done. hell, skarlet even points out that she wouldn’t be giving rho such a hard time if she didn’t respect the hell out of rho, if she didn’t think she was tough enough to take it. there’s a sort of unspoken bond between them, a slow orbit that they’re both caught in. at the end of the series, they part way on relatively good terms, and with the hope that maybe, just maybe, that orbit might become something more than just professional acquaintance.
also their oppositional dichotomy of cardinal fire/water signs is an awesome aesthetic that i really wish was brought up more than it was in canon :( 
11. If you could record a Snow Globe, what would you put in it? only A snow globe? you’re not exactly giving me a lot of slack here in all seriousness, if i had to choose one moment to record in a snow globe, probably the moment i first came up with the idea for the urban fantasy project i mentioned above, tales from omphalos. i’ve never been devoted as much time to or invested as much energy in a project as i have with tfo, and i’d like to keep an easily accessible record of my original vision on hand. and hey, if by some chance i manage to follow in romina’s footsteps, get tales from omphalos professionally published, have it become a big success with a respectable fandom, i’d like to look back every once in a while, and remember how it all began.
12. If you had the chance to tell Rho anything, what advice/encouragement would you give her? - lies, especially lies of omission, are necessary a lot of the time to get ahead in politics and life in general use that being ahead to help out the people and groups you care about - don't trust the immortal child-aristocrats or expect them to behave in a way that won't inevitably screw you over - if you must play nice with them, figure out how to decrease gemini’s horrific income inequality, and see what you can do about exporting cell rejuvenation therapy to the wider zodiac - ferez is right, risers are the future and you need to acknowledge that going forward - skarlet is excellent at garnering support and bridging generational gaps, and while fernanda purecell is a bougie running dog, she’s got her head screwed on the right way regarding politics and institutional riserphobia; together, the three of you should be able to make some headway towards making amends for past wrongs - i don’t care if family heads have suffrage, matriarchal aristocracy (aristocratic matriarchy?) is NOT a democracy or a form of government that looks out for the rights of men/NB people/agender people/multigender people/intersex people/you get the idea - romance is by no means an exclusively two-player game, and skarlet has said she would be open to an arrangement; however, if you MUST insist on ignoring that polyamory is a thing, go for the six-foot risers' rights activist - i’m sorry about all the bullshit with your mom. whatever the end result was, whatever her intentions, it does not excuse the way she treated you and your dad and stanton. it’s okay to feel like shit because of what she did to you, and not being able to wall it off doesn’t make you weak or anything dumb like that - you’re already far stronger than she ever was. i know how much it sucks - i was in the same situation as you once - but believe me when i say that things do get better. you’re not alone here, rho. - please you gotta fight the gender binary you live in the FUTURE you gotta do it you gotta-
BONUS QUESTION 13. How would you react if your friend became a Riser? let them know that I love and support them no matter what their house, that being the way that they are is totally valid, and that anyone who says otherwise will have to answer to my fist in their face. if they’re unbalanced, make sure they have access to any resources they need (possibly including memory recap vlogs, definitely including medication and therapy to help out with any health issues they may develop).
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