#I got it for a pretty good offer I'd say so I'm satisfied overall! Plus it all arrived safely!
nimue-hidden-lake · 7 months
Fresh batch of Natsume arrived
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Yeah... Natsume Era is so back... It's so back.
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inconcieveable · 4 years
Chapter 2 bby. Have fun reading and any feedback is greatly appreciated. :)
Chapter: 2
Words: 1.7k
Roman P.O.V.
"Okay, i'll pick you up here later. You should be fine, just remember-"
"To look for the signs, make friends and don't beat anyone up we get it." Remus reiterated. Uncle sighed.
"Just.. be careful. okay?"
"We'll be fine uncle. C'mon Roman." Remus said, nearly dragging me out of the car.
"see you later," I smiled at Uncle as I shut the car door.
We stood in awe at the building in front of us. "Who knew schools could be this big," i whispered.
"I know right. Fucking hell."
We wandered around like lost puppies as we tried to find reception. "Look." I said, pointing to a sign that said "office"
"Thank-fucking-finally," Remus sighed as we started to follow the signs.
"Oh you boys must be Roman and Remus King, correct?" The receptionist asked, noticing us as she lifted her head from her computer, before she went to back to her work.
"That's us. We were told to come here and get our schedules?" I replied, noticing the "she/her" badge she had on her blouse.
"Oh! You're English!" She stated, looking up and giving us her full attention.
"Yep! We're good ol' Brits! Now can we get our schedules please?" Remus interupted, already annoyed at her.
"oh, of course! here-" She said as Remus snatched the schedules off of her. I elbowed him in the rib, somewhat harshly.
"ow! you bitc-"
"be nice" i chided. He responded by growling lightly.
"Sorry for him," I apologised to the receptionist.
"Its okay!" she smiled. "There should be a student coming soon to give you a tour.." She went on, explaining how the timetables worked, where to get lunch and how the one-way system on the stairs worked. Remus gave up listening pretty quickly and instead was looking out for the student that was going to tour us.
"hey babes" I heard as Remus nudged me. I turned to look at Remus as he nodded towards the student. click click. The sound of heeled shoes filled the room. A man wearing big, round sunglasses, a black jacket and obnoxiously sipping a Starbucks strutted into the room.
"Remy!" the receptionist exclaimed "Good to see you. Here are the new students, Roman and Remus king" She gestured towards us.
"sup bitch." Remus saluted. Remy giggled as I turned to Remus exasperatedly.
"I'm Roman. He/Him" I continued, sticking out my hand. He shook it.
"Remy. Also he/him." He purred, winking at me. He chuckled lightly at my eyes widening slightly at his confidence and forwardness.
"Oh, and who is this cutie?" He pondered, moving so he was in front of Remus. He took a slow sip of his Starbucks as he checked Remus out, eyes fluttering up and down.
"I'm- er- Remus. Um- he/him and all- hehe- did you know if you clenched every muscle in your back at the same time you'd break your spine? hehe" Remus spluttered quickly, not used to all the attention. Remy smiled affectionately.
"I didn't. Thanks for the knowledge Einstein. Logan's gonna like you." He said, muttering the last of the sentence.
"Remy dear, the receptionist interrupted. "May you please give our new students the tour so they can get to lunch on time?."
Remus looked to me, confused. "Lunch? Isn't it like half way through first period at the minute?." Remy chuckled again.
"Yeah, but schools here aren't as small as they are in England. It might be a while. Plus I need to take you to the Principal's office and god knows how long that'll take. So come on hon," he gestured with his head towards the door and took another slurp of his Starbucks as he placed his phone in his pocket. click click. I turned to Remus who just shrugged and started following Remy.
It was around lunch, when we had finished being dragged around and severely warned by the principal of the punishments for any misbehaviour. We trudged along through the canteen, making our way outside.
"that's a good spot," Remus said, pointing to a big oak tree, where no one was sitting.
"alrighty then."
Remus plonked down as we reached the tree. "heads up" I called. Remus barely had any time to react before I flung my bag towards him. He caught it milliseconds before it would've hit his face.
Bitch." he scowled as I sat down, a few feet away from the tree. "That tour took us fucking forever," he complained.
"I knowww."
"Why the fuck did we go to the dorms if we aint gonna get one for another week or so?!"
"I suppose it was so they could get the tour done in on hit?" I reasoned.
"Yeah.. Its still fucking shite though." I smirked as Remus sighed dramatically and brought his sketchbook out of his bag. Along with a pencil and rubber.
"I thought Uncle said not to bring that. It coul-"
"I don't give a shit. Let me have this one thing. Be thankful I didn't decide to bring my iPad." Remus scowled. I pouted at him.
"Well what am I supposed to do now?"
"Practice your lines for that shitty play your doing." He offered, throwing my back towards me.
"Excuse me. It aint 'shitty'. Its fun! Plus doing community plays will help me get to a good place in the future. you know this." I defended, air-quoting the word "shitty"
"Whatever. I still don't understand how you managed to find a theatre and audition when we've only been here for like a week and a half." I flicked the ends of my hair obnoxiously.
"What can I say? I'm just amazing." Remus snorted at that and through a crumpled piece of paper at me.
"nerd." He returned to his drawing, ignoring my "offended princey noises" as he called them. I stuck my tongue out at him as I rooted through my bag to find my lines.
Remus P.O.V
Watching Princey practice was always funny. Without fail, he would always go from sitting down, to walking around, practicing the delivery of the lines, script in one hand, the other flourishing through the air, within a maximum of 5 minutes. I leant back on the tree more as I stopped drawing for a second to watch my brother. He was walking back and forth, reciting about slaying some dragon thing. "Don't worry. I will save you! Begone evil Dragon!" he shouted, jumping into a fighting stance. His free arm acting like it was holding a sword. I burst out laughing at him. Roman turned around furiously, shooting death glares at me. Unfortunately for him, this only made me laugh louder. His eyes narrowed at me before he too, started laughing.
"You're a fucking dork."
"Yeah, yeah. Just lemme practice." I rolled my eyes before focusing back on my design. No matter what I did, I couldn't get it to look right. And boy, was i determined to get it right.
"Hey!" a new, chirpy voice said. I looked up to see a kid looming over me.
"can I help you?" I asked, trying to be nice.
"Yeah. I was wondering If you've seen our friend? they're around so-high, chestnut hair, blue overalls, yellow t-shirt, black jacket with a.... double headed snake? on the back." The boy explained.
"nah I don't recognise the description. Why would I have seen.. them?" he asked, noticing the pronouns used and feeling slightly proud of himself for noticing.
"It seems they're new Patton. That would probably explain why they don't recognise Janus and they don't know that we normally sit here." A different boy said. "where the fuck did he come from?!" he thought.
"Its alright Logan. Janus will find us and we can always sit somewhere else for today." the first boy, Patton? ,said.
"But vi-"
"Hold on lemme get that dipshit." I interrupted. I turned towards Roman, who was oblivious to the entire conversation as he was quite a few feet away. "OI TWAT!" I shouted. Roman jumped at the sudden noise and his foot caught on a visible tree root and he fell over, landing on his arse. I, once again, burst out laughing.
"Wha-" He cut himself off when he noticed the boys. He quickly got up and walked back towards us.
"He's much better at things like this." I explained between laughs as Roman arrived, cheeks dusted In pink from embarrassment.
"twat?" The taller one, Logan?, asked.
"Its a British thing." I said, waving my hand dismissively.
"Oh, you're British!" The smaller one, (Patton? I don't fucking know) said excitedly.
"Indeed we are." Roman said, entering the conversation.
I let Roman take over as I tuned out the conversation and focused back onto my design.
"I'd draw an extra petal there." someone said. I jumped slightly at that and turned to see someone sat next to me, snickering at my shock. I turned to see that Roman was sat opposite me, the boys from earlier were sat to my left and the person who I could only assume was 'Janus' was sat next to me. I stared into their face, searching for a sign that he was mocking me. "Janus. They/them." The person said, unfazed, confirming my suspicions. Once I felt satisfied with their intentions, I turned back towards my page where they had their hand.
"Remus. He/him." I said as I started sketching. I was trying to draw a rose, with its flowers wilting off. Kinda like the flower from Beauty And The Beast. The movie which I was forced to watch the other night by my brothers demands.
Once I was finished sketching the flower, I saw how much better it looked with Janus' addition. I turn to thank Janus, only to see them looking at me. Smiling at my own happiness towards the now finished design.
"Thanks," I said cheerfully "it looks so much better now"
"No problem," Janus simply said.
"Ah so you've decided to come back down to earth now?" Roman teased, noticing how I wasn't fixated on my page anymore.
"Fuck off." I said, sticking out my tongue. Roman giggled whilst Patton inhaled sharply. I turned to Janus, a confused look etched onto my face.
"Patton doesn't like swearing." they explained. I chuckled mentally. "Well i'm fucked" I thought, Laughing again at the irony.
"well at least he didn't fall over a tree root now," Janus said to Roman, smirking. I started laughing.
"I like this one." I said and everyone joined In with my laughter.
The bell cut the fun short though. We all, besides Logan, groaned as we started to collect our things and head towards our next lessons.
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