#I got shitty dyscalculia so *hopefully* I got the right ones??
morgana-ren · 3 years
45 and 60 for the shiggy ask list?
Nice. Fuckin' nice. Warnings for, of course: Masturbation, spanking, noncon, dubcon, implied nastiness, him being a fuckin’ degenerate, slut-shaming, and general incel-ish behavior.
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Wet dreams are an obnoxious, awkward sort of burden to carry no matter how many hands you have. 
He’s perfectly content with a dreamless sleep, and he’s since long come to terms with the nightmares that plague his subconscious on the off nights. Shiftless, empty voids mired by shrill screams from a voice he can’t recognize; Visceral, grainy-red misery he can’t wade through, slogging endlessly onward toward nothing. Eternal, burdensome fog that sits thick in the air of his unconscious until he wakes. It was bothersome as a child, but it brings a strange comfort now. Like a heavy, weighted blanket that keeps him anchored to his goal.
Wet dreams on the other hand? Those bring nothing but problems. 
It sits awkwardly on his mind as his eyes flicker open, greeted with a dark ceiling and an even darker room, only the light of his monitor casting shadows around the walls. There’s a cramped pain in his crotch that shakes his mind back into consciousness, head of his cock pressing painfully against the jagged teeth of his zipper. A quick, half-awake glance at the clock reads the early morning hours- Too early. He’d retired prematurely the night before, thanks to unforeseen circumstances.
Whatever it was he was dreaming about, it slips quickly through his fingers as his brain ignites once more, but he has an inkling as to the culprit. 
Most times, he’d welcome an unsuspecting girl leaning so far over the tap that he gets a nice, long, free peek at the goods, but not when it’s you. He works with you, and that’s a line he’s not eager to cross. That complicates things, and as he counts it, life is complicated enough as it stands. Start lusting after your underlings and you’re inviting a litany of problems, and he doesn’t need any more of those. 
But he’s a man; A man with neglected needs, and you’re foolish enough rest your chest against the counter of his bar with your elbows pushing your tits together into nice, thick, creamy globes- right in front of him, no less- only inches from his nose and it takes every ounce of discipline in his degenerate mind to keep him from burying his face right between them.
It was easy to ignore for one, two, maybe three minutes, but that’s when things got a little rough. 
After that point, he wasn’t responsible for where his mind went, and that’s the precise moment when he realized he might’ve had a little too much to drink to be in this position.
He’d kicked off the stool and stalked off without another word to anyone, resolving to confine himself to the murky solitude of his room until his mind opted to behave. Punishing himself like a naughty dog caught drooling over someone else’s fat, juicy steak.  By the time he’d shut his door, his erection was already painful, throbbing and straining against his thigh, but he refused to reward this kind of behavior from his brain. 
‘She’s a teammate, dammit. Knock it off.’
As if scolding his libido has ever worked. 
He goes to bed without satisfying himself, but can’t help humping into his mattress as his drifting mind wanders further and further from control and further still from alert consciousness. Without his iron will there to curb his impulses, he was lulled into his lustful dreamsphere, mind swimming with visions of you; Less dressed, infinitely more slutty versions of you with knees rubbed raw, kiss-swollen lips and wrists shackled to his bed- not that there’s anywhere you’d rather be, that sly little voice tells him.  He doesn’t recall the specifics, but apparently his cock does. Skin pulled taught over his aching prick, tip flushed a furious shade of red, leaking viscous, pearlescent fluid that wets through the fibers of his jeans. It thrums, pulsing with each beat of his heart behind his ribs, demanding his attention. 
“Fuck- quickly then.” He seethes, more annoyed than aroused, loathing the thought of being jerked around by his own body. Yet he knows himself well enough to understand that if he doesn’t quell the urge, it will linger on in his mind until he deals with it, so it’s better to bite the bullet and swallow his pride lest it gluttonously feed into itself like a lustful ouroboros and become a problem. 
Fingers shove beneath the waistband of his jeans, the others hastily unbuttoning the silver teardrop link just beneath his navel. Fishing his cock out is the easy part; it’s everything that comes afterward that’s troublesome. 
He thinks of his basics. Of lewd hentai and girlish squeals, of wide, plush thighs and coy smiles. Sensual fingers beckoning him, throaty voices begging him to do as he will with their pliant bodies. Open mouths and pretty, ivory teeth, tremoring bodies and sweat and- He fucks them. He fucks them- no, he fucks his fist. He fucks his fist and fucks their gooey insides, fucks his fist and- it’s just not enough. He imagines their drooling mouths taking his cock, cooing praises- The climax builds, tension building to a terrible, tensing peak and then falling back down again into frustration. Teeth gritting in anger, muscles prickling and tightening in his forearm. 
It’s not doing it. He can’t cum. He gets close and it peters out back down into nothing but a slight twitch and low drawls of pleasure. No matter how he strokes, how tightly his fingers grip his shaft, he can’t make himself cum.
Fingers furled around his cock, he tries for longer than he really cares to admit. Hips stuttering up to meet his hand, broken gasps rapidly twisting into drawn out grunts of irritation. Boredom rapidly replacing any sense of incentive to continue touching himself. Offhanded strokes and daydreaming lead him no where.
He can’t cum. 
Until he thinks of your tits bulging through your shirt against his counter, your pretty smile as you flaunt it all in front of him. What you might look like pushing your slutty little body against him, mewling and begging for him to touch you because only his fat cock can satisfy you and you’ll do anything to have it. 
A throb against his palm. Pleasure veining through his body as he rolls his hips against his moist grip. Enough to draw a groan. 
She’s a teammate. Control yourself... 
After this. 
He thinks of your bouncing tits, bare and glistening, puckering underneath his touch as he rolls and twists a nipple between his fingers. Wide, bleary eyes and deceptive little kitten licks on the tip of his cock until he shoves you down and your silken throat strangles him to completion- his copious cum splashing across your open mouth, your fluttering eyelashes, marking you with his seed across your eager face. Nails digging into your waist, maneuvering you over the counter and kicking your legs apart, burying himself in your clenched cunt as you drool like a fucked out whore, begging your boss to stretch you wide. Wiggling your bare ass against him, teeth and bruises imbedding into your skin, crying for him to fuck you open as his cum still tacks across your cheeks like the nasty little slut you are-
He’s so close, close enough he can feel the heat in the crevasses of his fingers, but the knock on his door jars him, sending him careening back into reality even as his dick pulses in his hand. Muscles tense, frozen like a deer in headlights. His mind still drowned in desire, the end so close he can taste it. 
No response. Another knock. This one harder. 
The bar wasn’t built for privacy in mind, and his room is held together with plywood and ill-fitting hinges. Most people are smart enough to leave him alone and not touch his door in general, but not you, huh? Your second hollow knock budges the latch and the door creaks open in one fatal moment. 
He’s met with your shocked face and widened eyes, both glowing eerily pallid in the light of his computer monitor. Your attention focuses, first on his face, shifting to his swollen cock clutched between his slender fingers, and after another moment, back to his face. 
“Shigaraki-” is all you can manage, weak and pathetic, hands raising in defense to shield your vision and hide the painful embarrassment written plainly across your face. “-Sorry- Sorry- Fuck, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean-” Red handed is one word for it, but so is opportunistic.
“Get in here and shut the door.”
You don’t think twice about your boss’s command, following his orders without question out of impulse despite the awkwardness. Word vomit spills from your lips, trying to justify and separate yourself from the situation in the same breath. 
“I’m sorry- sorry! You seemed mad when you left and I didn’t want to leave it- I thought you were mad at me- I didn’t want-” “To disappoint me?” 
“Y-yeah- I thought-” Your eyes drift toward the ceiling, trying to keep away from the proverbial elephant in the room- the pale cock cradled in his hand. “I’m sorry! I just thought-” 
“What did you think?” 
“I thought I said something that made you mad or something! You kept looking at me like-” Your voice cracks, perhaps in recognition, but you ignore that too. “Like you were disgusted-” 
His control shatters with the vulnerability on your face, lust tidalwaves over reason, burying any semblance of order he had beneath a landfill of repression. All he wants now is to see you the way he does in his head: Begging and crying and screaming his name. 
This will have consequences, but he doesn’t really fucking care right now. 
He lurches forward, four fingers swirling in the fabric of your shirt as he jerks you forward. “I was disgusted.” You fall across him with a startled shriek, awkwardly splayed across his legs and the upper portion of his bed. He’s quick to readjust you, dragging you back into his lap with his naked, palpitating cock pressed flush against your chest separated only by a thin layer of fabric. One hand threads through your hair, stroking your scalp with his nails before clutching down. “Flashing your slutty tits in my face all night.” Trying to scrounge away from him is fruitless, clawing at his bare mattress with your nails and trying to kick your way out of his grip, but he puts a quick stop to it. A few harsh tugs on your hair and you settle down like a good girl, whimpering and shaking in a way arouses him more than he thought possible at the moment.  “I didn’t- I didn’t mean to-”  “I didn’t mean to-” He mocks, raising his voice in a cruel mimicry of yours. “Shut the hell up. You know exactly what you’re doing. You’re writing checks you can’t cash, and someone needs to teach you a lesson.”  His hand catches on the back of your thigh, slowly snaking upward until- to your utter mortification- he pushes the hem of your skirt up to your waist, jiggling at the fat of your ass with his palm. Your miserable bleating does little to deter him from fingering at the strap of your thong, admiring the lace before pulling the band back with the crook of his finger and letting the elastic snap against your skin.
“Tomura!-”  “Be quiet. You can speak when I tell you that you can speak. In fact-” He pulls your underwear down to your taut thighs with a harsh yank. “-you’re going to count it out for me, and when I’m done, you’re going to thank me, aren’t you?” 
The little fire of defiance dies in your belly is swiftly snuffed out when, through the corner of your eye, you catch him leering at your exposed ass, face dusted a ruddy pink and pupils dilated in a way that leaves him looking more monster than man. 
“You’re going to count it for me, yeah? Understand?”  “Count out what?” 
You stammer and trip over your words, wide eyes bleary, and God he loves it when you play dumb. You’re sharp as a tack and swift as a whip, and there’s not a doubt in his mind that you know exactly where this is going, but you’ll play the bimbo because you’re holding out hope that taking advantage of you is too far, that even villains have a sense of comradery and he’s your boss and has a sense of shame.  All incorrect assumptions. 
He brings his hand up, only to immediately plumb it back down again on the curve of your ass with the resounding smack of flesh on flesh. The skin ripples as he makes contact, and you yowl something fierce as the pain blooms through your bottom- half startled, half humiliated.  “One-” The fingers looped through your hair clench and remind you of what exactly that he expects, words hanging thick as he expects acquiescence and your full participation. He’s not known for his patience.  “O-one.” 
“Good girl.” 
His hand raises again and your eyes clench shut in anticipation of the blow. It doesn’t help.  “Two.” 
Three- four- five- His hand lands firmly on your backside, each one forcing you to lurch forward. It’s degrading and sick, stomach twisting against his thighs as you desperately try to keep your breathing even despite your constricted belly. You don’t dare to attack him back- you’ve seen what he does to people who piss him off. You didn’t think he was capable of this kind of treatment- not to his friends and allies- but apparently he’s full of malevolent surprises and you’re learning that the hard way.
Six- Seven- Eight- Eyes begin tearing up around the seventh smack, trying to worm away from him only to be firmly held in place. It only stung at first, but repeated abuse to the same area has left it sore and tender because his spanks are far too rough to be playful. Strangled croaks of the numbers he expects from you turn into urgent cries, sobbing openly into his lap as he occasionally rolls his erection against your knee-squished tits.
“N-n-nine-” You are sniveling like a baby by this point. It hurts, it hurts, and you want- no- need him to stop. You’re not sure if it’s the utter humiliation or the localized and repeated pain, but nausea is curling something fierce in your gut, tickling at your esophagus with every thwack of his palm against you.
There’s no sweet little precursor this time. His hand comes down with unprecedented force- too much- hitting the exact same spot for the tenth time but with enough cruelty behind it to break what little dignity you’d had left. You wail openly at the pain, blubbering and pleading for him to stop, please, you can’t take it anymore, you can’t-
He shushes you, deceptively tender as he rubs his fingers across the marred skin, early onset bruises blooming in the abstract shape of his hand. It pleases him to see it, knows it’ll please him even more every time he watches you struggle to sit because you’ve got your leader’s handprint practically engraved on the fat of your ass for the foreseeable future.
“You did well.” Untangling his fingers from your matted hair, he pats at your head in a condescending matter, soothing you in a way that isn’t entirely genuine. That becomes painfully obvious when he grabs your tear-soaked chin and arches your face to meet his in an unnatural angle, displeasure evident across his face.
“Except you forgot ten.”
You expect him to hit you again, but he doesn’t. The hand patting at your marred skin slinks down between your thighs, teasing between your folds and circling your entrance. The hiccups and bubbling sobs cease long enough for you to squeak at his invasive probing, wiggling your hips as he slips a finger inside your damp heat. He oscillates it, first to the knuckle, but then down as far as he can, pumping in and out of you a few times before adding a second finger to the mix. 
This shouldn’t feel good. The searing tingle and clenching between your thighs is entirely unwelcome as his wandering fingers curl upward towards you bellybutton and pad at the spongy, raised flesh nestled deep in your cunt. The juxtaposition of the hideous ache from where he’d spanked you ruthlessly and the pleasure that crests as he finger-fucks you is almost too much, bordering on maddening stimulation as he adds this thumb to the mix, drawing teasing circles around the little bud.
“What is it, slut? Use your words-” He drums his fingers into you harder, pressing the tip of his thumb down harder on your clit as he swirls it counter-clockwise. “Are you getting wet for me? Starting to enjoy this now that your punishment is over?” 
After a few more moments, he drawls out his fingers, putting emphasis on the obscene squelching. He withdraws his hand eventually, inspecting the gossamer slick that webs his fingers, scissoring it back and forth before dropping them in front of your face. 
“That’s all you, you needy little whore. All your whinging and crying but your sloppy cunt is aching for me, isn’t it?” 
Wiping your wetness on the purpling bruises, he promptly pushes you off of his lap and lets your body roll onto the floor, standing to loom above you with his cock bobbing just above the waist of his bunched jeans. In one swift movement, he’s got you by the hair again, pulling you up onto your knees just in front of him.
Your whimpering garners no sympathy from him, thighs worming and quim still clenching even as you fear for what’s about to happen. He’s already pushed past the limit- what’s done is done. You were a good ally, but you’re a better whore. Who’s to say you can’t be both? 
He’s allowed to have his cake and feast on it too.
“I’ll give you what you want, but you’re going to earn it first.” Jerking your head back by your sore, throbbing scalp, he taps his leaking erection on the swell of your lower lip, smearing his pre-cum across your mouth. “After you’ve earned it, that is. Now show me that you’re thankful.” 
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mysurveys · 7 years
Random Qs
Survey #17 on the Countdown to 2018!
This one was done last Sunday.
Are you a patient person?
It depends on what requires patience. There are a lot of times when waiting doesn't bother me, but whether or not I'm patient with others depends on a few factors like how I'm feeling in general and how Bipolar II is affecting me that day.
Are you unsure about your feelings for someone?
I don't feel that way about any of my relationships.
Who did you last hang out with?
Just Mom offline and a bunch of online friends more recently.
Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?
I'd rather have the money unless I can sell the car for more, of course.
What song are you currently listening to?
Still Breathing by Veridia.
Are you happy with your relationship?
I'm currently single and fine with it even though I'm interested in some twins.
Who was the last person to smoke something other than a cigarette or weed in front of you?
I don't think anyone's ever smoked anything but a cigarette in front of me.
Does anything on your body hurt?
My back is slightly sore right now.
If the last person you kissed were calling you right now, would you answer?
I would never want to speak to him again to be honest. It's ancient history.
In the run of a week, how many times do you straighten your hair?
I really need to start straightening my bangs soon, but I haven't gotten on the ball with it just yet.
Are you mad at someone right now?
No, I'm not. If I were then I'd be doing something else entirely, like confronting the problem.
What's the last thing someone gave you?
Mom paid for some things I bought at Walgreens.
Who woke you up this morning?
It's only 4:56 AM right now.
Who's your favorite family member on your mom’s side?
Besides my mother herself, her mother is my fave living relative. I talk to my father, but not to anyone else on his side.
What do you do in your spare time?
I'm on disability, but I do have a completely nonprofit group that I run. It doesn't take up all of my time, though.
If I'm not taking on another case then I might be doing surveys, playing video games, watching TV, on Goatlings, going out to eat, to the cinema, chatting online with my closest friends, etc.
Who was the last person you were under a blanket with?
No idea since that hasn't happened in a long time.
Where's the last person you kissed?
Beats me. I don't care about what he's doing.
What was the last thing you ate?
I think the last thing was an orange.
Which of your friends is the most likely to get pregnant right now?
Hopefully Misty because she's been trying for months.
Do you remember the meanest thing the last person you kissed ever said to you?
Not really. I don't typically commit such things to memory. What's the point? He was a kid and a total loser.
I only say that because he tried to string me along when he left me and then tried to come back to me when he got the girl he cheated on me with pregnant. 
Anyone who runs away from their responsibilities like that is just a loser. I hope he grew up well.
What does your last outgoing text say?
Have you ever been called "prince" or "princess"?
Not by an SO, but my maternal grandmother calls me a princess sometimes since I was her first grandchild.
Are you waiting for something?
I'm patiently waiting for my endocrinologist appointment in April since I want to go back to the Yamato Japanese restaurant and the Kemah Boardwalk. Cousin Julie is also visiting before then.
Have you kissed anyone when you were single?
I haven't. In fact, I've only ever kissed one guy I was in a relationship with. I'm good with that.
What're you doing this weekend?
This is Sunday and I don't have anything planned. I had a minor illness yesterday that kept me in bed.
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
Definitely! I would prefer never to start an unhealthy and deadly bad habit like that.
Have you ever kissed someone who was in a relationship?
I've only kissed the one guy who was in a relationship with me. I don't knowingly help people cheat.
Where's your biological father right now?
He's asleep in my parents’ bedroom right now.
Where's the biggest scar on your body?
I don't know. All of the ones I can think of aren't very big. Many of them are just dots. I don't know why they end up like that.
How late did you stay up last night?
I got up at about nine PM yesterday.
Have you had your birthday this year yet?
Not yet. It's on May 27th.
If you had to kiss the last person you texted, would you?
If I "had" to then I'd have no choice, but this is totally irrelevant because I've next sent a text.
What would you call your body type?
I'm basically a fat hourglass right now. I lost about 45 pounds.
Are you a morning person?
Not so much. I'm a night owl, though. I might be awake in the morning because I was up all night.
Have you ever been to Target?
Sure. I honestly go to Walmart more for food and their tees are cheaper.
Do you like iced tea?
Not at all.
When's the next time you’ll be at work?
The only "work" I do is from home and it's completely nonprofit.
Has anyone ever hacked your accounts before?
I had my Hotmail account hacked a very long time ago. That's the only one.
Could you ever be friends with someone who broke your heart?
I could hypothetically, but I'm not currently. I haven't had my heart broken since I was a teenager.
Have you ever made a prank phone call?
I've always had better things to do.
Does your mom vacuum early in the morning when you’re sleeping?
She doesn't.
Have you ever been in a car accident?
Nothing major, just a few minor ones. I don't drive, though.
Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone?
Definitely not. I'm not violent at all, but I do know how to fight back if I ever need to.
Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake?
Not physically, but I'm sure that's happened otherwise.
Have you ever had stitches?
I've had those and staples after getting my gallbladder removed.
When was a time you had to be strong?
I have to be strong in general for a lot of reasons, but I'm not emo about it. I've got several health problems that require emotional strength and physical endurance. It's been that way for many years.
Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting or any kind of abuse at home?
My parents have fought before, but it never got physical. It was because of my father's hot temper.
She eventually threatened to take me and leave him if he didn't exert some self-control. He managed to do that.
And when it comes to verbal and emotional abuse, people tend to do that to some degree without ever meaning to. That doesn't faze me.
Have you ever lost someone close to death and if so, how many?
I can count only two people, but one of them was basically estranged for a long time. It was her own fault really. She had severe issues with OCD that went unchecked of her own volition and she just got too out of hand.
That eventually made my mother give up on her, but I was a bit indifferent about the whole thing to be honest.
Have you ever had any volunteer jobs?
I haven't volunteered anywhere for the same reasons that I'm on disability. I have DTD, dyscalculia and long-term memory problems for starters.
I also have Social Anxiety although I'm currently doing exposure therapy for it and it's going pretty well. It's mostly just getting rid of learned behaviors right now.
Have you gone through a lot emotionally while growing up?
I think a lot of people do, but I had much more going on besides emotional and hormonal problems. I had undiagnosed mental illnesses for most of my childhood that made me question my sanity. Then I suffered from demonic oppression in my late teens.
Has someone ever cheated on their significant other for you?
I don't know about it if they did and I certainly hope it never happened. I would never be the other person intentionally.
Do you want to see someone this very minute?
No, not really. I'm not codependent by any means and I don't miss anyone chronically. I enjoy my alone time very much.
Are you happy with the way things are going?
Mostly, but I usually am. The only major issues in my life concern my physical health right now. March has become my new bad health month. It used to be either the end of May or in June sometime around my birthday.
Are you a forgiving person?
I'm very forgiving whenever I think it's actually necessary. Sometimes I don't feel that it's even relevant when others assume that it is, but I'm very easygoing and it's difficult to personally offend me.
I'm really chill and level-headed; my emotions are mercurial in a good way because I don't just get stuck in them nor do I bottle them up until I explode.
Do you have to check in with your parents before you go someplace?
I can't go anywhere without my mother since I have DTD and dyscalculia. That's why she handles my finances directly, but I know what's going on with my own money, of course. I completely trust her with it.
As for DTD, I don't have place blindness, but I can't fathom how to get from one place to another despite being able to recognize where I am.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Most of my besties are males, actually. I don't tell anyone every little thing because that sounds super annoying, but I do tell them all of the major stuff and they reciprocate.
Can you describe how you feel about your life in the past month using one word?
"Shitty" since March has totally sucked for me since 2015.
Would you like to go back and change any part of your life?
I don't practice regret. It's a waste of time and energy to dwell on things you can't change. Mistakes and failures are important tools for self-improvement if only you let them teach you. That's their purpose.
When will your next kiss be?
I don't know or care about such things at this point.
Who's the last person you saw other than your family?
Besides random people? I don't really remember.
Will tomorrow be better than today?
I don't know the future and I don't have to worry about it either.
Are you feeling guilty about anything right now?
No, not really.
What’s going through your mind right now?
I'm pretty well-focused on this survey.
When’s the last time you had fast food?
I got a drink and some food from Sonic last Wednesday.
Do you believe that there’s good in everybody?
There's no human who's all bad or all good. That's a really childish mentality and it's just not a black and white matter.
Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single?
I wouldn't go any further than that until I get married personally. Christians should abstain until marriage, but I made the mistake of not following that rule. It's one of my biggest mistakes in life, but that particular relationship taught me so many things.
When was the last time you saw someone attractive?
I don't know. I rarely find people physically attractive without some emotional attachment since I'm a demisexual.
What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
I checked my clock before getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.
Thinking back eight months ago, were you single?
I was either single or with Sasuke M. at that time. I can't really remember when I broke that off. My brain doesn't keep track of dates and other numerical information due to dyscalculia.
What do you carry with you at all times?
I don't carry anything with me every single time I leave my house.
Are you okay with the life you live?
I'm good with most of it and I'm changing other aspects. There's always room for improvement in anyone's life.
Do you have a tattoo?
I'm against bod-modding for religious reasons.
What other piercings would you get other than the ones you already have?
Did your last kiss take place on a bed?
My last kiss was in a car at the bus station.
Have you ever been to Disney World?
I've never really wanted to go there.
If so, how many times have you been?
Does grammar and capitalization mean anything to you?
Of course. I don't want to converse with people who type like children. And I don't care if this is the internet either, it's inappropriate to use horrible language skills.
Using shorthand on texts or other formats with character limits doesn't bother me, but you should be able to type like an intelligent adult otherwise unless you have something like dyslexia.
Are you good at wrapping gifts for others?
I hate wrapping presents so I usually buy gift bags or boxes.
Do you have a dirty clothes hamper in your room?
It's currently in the laundry room, but I do have one.
Do you enjoy big holiday dinners?
I don't prejudge them as always being the same. It could go either way really, but I would honestly prefer to do something else. I'm not big on large social gatherings even if it's with my family.
Is your vision good?
My vision is pretty awful, but I can't wear contacts.
Is your present hair color natural?
It is. I've never dyed it, but I have thought about it lately. That used to be on my list of bod-modding that I wouldn't personally do, but it isn't permanent and doesn't involve an aspect of self-harm.
I've thought about dying my hair a natural color just to switch things up a bit now that I've cut my hair so short.
What was the last thing you ordered online?
I bought DD on Goatlings if that counts. It's not like I bought something physical.
Have you ever worn colored contacts?
I can't wear contacts at all.
If you have a significant other, how long have you been together?
I'm currently single although I'm interested in twins right now.
Where are your parents as of now?
They're in bed since it's 5:24 AM.
Do you follow a certain religion?
I'm a Christian and I follow the Baptist denomination although I really don't agree with every single thing. It's just the closest to what I actually believe.
Do you have any family members who live out of town?
Out of town and out of state. My aunt and her hubby live in SC right now and my cousin lives in OK City. Most of the others I actually speak to at all live nearby.
Do you consider yourself short?
I'm 5'5" which is average for an American woman last I checked.
What room are you in?
I'm in our living room right now. I moved my laptop in here to spend more time with my cats. They're both outside right now, though. Lucius went out right before I got online.
Do you listen to any country music?
Occasionally, but nothing with that god awful twang.
Do you ever watch Lifetime?
Sometimes if Mom's watching it, but I never choose that channel myself.
Would ever consider having children in the future?
I don't have a uterus and I don't want to adopt either.
Have you ever lived on a farm?
I haven't.
Do both of your parents have jobs?
Mom quit her secretarial job to become my full-time caregiver when I was seventeen because my mental health was really poor then and my father recently retired from his job at the county jail.
If you had the chance to move to a completely different state, would you?
Sure since we want to move someday. We were thinking of moving somewhere around Payson, Arizona.
What's something you’ve always wanted a boy to do for you?
Romantically? Nothing comes to mind since I'm not a very romantic person.
What do you wish you had more knowledge about?
Interests such as behavioral science and general world history.
What food are you craving right now?
I'm not craving anything.
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?
I know I wasn't double digits then. I was probably six or seven.
How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
Why would I take a tally?
Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you’re sure they won’t tell?
I don't have any secrets. I'm very upfront.
Would you ever get someone’s name tattooed on you?
I wouldn't get any kind of tattoo or piercing since I'm against bod-modding for religious reasons.
Does your family have family picnics?
They don't.
If your doctor said you were pregnant, what would you say?
"That's a neat trick considering I don't have a uterus."
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