#I got wayyyy carried away whoops
modmad · 7 years
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holy shamoly there are so many things to play with here AAA (also Gladstone doesn’t have friends like OOF anon ouch right in the kokoro)- imma waffle about possibilities for a bit so feel free to read or ignore
Oh man I’m super into this thank you anon whoever you were.
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This is the original from the comic scan! Regarding your observation of it not relating to marriage, I think that’s covered by the Don Rosa original explanation in Sign of the Triple Distelfink that it was designed specifically for the coming of a new child. Taking that packaged on top of the fact that it was in fact his mother who received that particular hex effect, and that Gladstone inherited it after the fact, I suspect there’s room for a shift in how the luck functions. Also this is like, happy fun duck comics land so I’m not gonna get too bogged down in technicalities (also going to talk about the theme of isolation in this later).
I do like that you pointed out it has stuff to do with familial love and is different from the symbol for friendship- that works all too well! Gladstone loves his family a lot, but even then his actual friendships with and within the family aren’t all that great! He loves Scrooge, and doubtless (deep down) Scrooge loves him, but they don’t always see eye to eye and in terms of ‘friendship’ it isn’t easy to say that they have a good relationship. Same with Donald; ultimately, they’re cousins, and would never hurt each other seriously in any way, but they fight all the time! Donald in particular is very open about the fact that he hates Gladstone, and while I don’t believe I’ve ever read Gladstone saying he hates Donald, he certainly enjoys being his rival and getting on his nerves!
The one-instead-of-three tulips is particularly laden with possibilities; with how you described them, I would say it fits Gladstone very well! Gladstone has absolute faith in his luck; in fact it’s when he doesn’t that it sometimes stops working for a time. If we take that as ‘faith in what one does’, that erases ‘faith in oneself’ and ‘faith in ones fellow man’- which half works, because he doesn’t trust others (perhaps with the exception of his family, but even then in O Lucky Man we see he was suspicious of Donald using him too), but then Gladstone is very arrogant and confident, so does that negate the first? So perhaps we have to cancel out ‘faith in what one does’ and THAT fits in the sense that, even if it always benefits him, he doesn’t have any control over his luck and effectively is hostage to its whims. Moreover, as in this particular comic, it’s suggested that he feels frustrated and guilty that it doesn’t matter whether or not he tries to achieve something good, it just happens to him. Basically, the thing that he lacks is faith in his worth as an individual: however, is that ‘faith in oneself’ or ‘faith in what one does’? I’m not actually sure! But he certainly doesn’t have faith in all of those three aspects, so one tulip sounds just right.
In terms of the birds, that is to say the ‘distelfinks’, there are several ways to interpret their positions and behaviour, but I can only make these guesses as an outsider based on what you’ve said and other symbolisms I’m more familiar with (there are so many little tie-ins to heraldic, alchemic and tarot symbolism with this image but I’ll try not to deviate).
From your statement it’s unusual for them to be facing each other, and hex signs are usually applied to households, marriages, or friendships; i.e. situations that involve multiple people. This along with ‘inward facing’ creatures to me implies a statement on inwardness, and an inward channeling of the power it is meant to summon. Gladstone’s luck may have a slight umbrella effect, but what is repeatedly enforced in the comics is that it only benefits him. There’s some amount of his luck ‘rubbing off’ on people, whether by literal touch or simple proximity, but the hex only affects him to the absurd degree we’re used to (which makes it entertaining as a character feature, but has proven to be distressing both for him and others). 
We can, again, take this imagery as a depiction/description of Gladstone’s selfishness, or it could be a conscious decision on the part of the hex maker to restrict such a high level of supernatural luck to one entity only. Imagine if that level of luck happened to everyone who was within shouting distance of Gladstone, or everyone who happened to walk past that particular barn, or stayed with people who’d made contact with him etc. The results would be impossible! Dangerously so. With inward facing distelfinks, it leads to a supposition that the only beneficiary of the hex is someone who it explicitly refers to; it worked for Daphne, obviously, as she was the person it was made for and was born directly in front of that symbol, and it works for her son who was born on her birthday. My redraw excludes that specification of the ‘newborn child’ image in the heart, and I’m starting to think that I’ll have to fix that! Because this is so obviously an inherently important aspect of the symbol- this hex can only be received as a birthright. In this sense, the spell is purposefully isolating itself from outsiders, and that reflects perfectly with how Gladstone has done the same to himself; in that vein, it could be said that Gladstone’s self centred personality is not only inevitable as a side effect of being so lucky, but is a necessary form of self-defence to cope with the mechanics of his luck.
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As for ‘staring down’ at the tulip and the heart (which I take to be a symbol of the hex’s receiver), it could again be seen as a literal depiction of the distelfinks having a position of superiority and control over the subject. In my redraw I attempted to keep it close to the original, but I took the liberty of making it look even more like the tulip is viscerally connected to the heart. It could be seen either as a tulip growing out of the heart, or being forcibly inserted into it by the distelfink- either way it is a slightly uncomfortable concept. It also struck me that the birds were clearly holding onto the tulip, and the centermost bird is in a slightly aggressive stance- leaning over the flower, looking right out at the viewer. In other symbol language, a symmetrical creature gazing front on to the viewer is often a warning or a confrontational statement; again, a form of exclusion, and a statement of something that should not be interfered with. I wish I knew what the four flowers in the design were, and whether they have some inherent symbolism too...
SO yeah that’s my little analysis. It has to be said all of this is complete speculation on my part! Whether Don Rosa had any of this in mind when he was making the design is anyone’s guess, but he has a long history of depicting very accurate research and I strongly suppose that he knows a lot more on distelfinks than I ever will. Whatever the case this sign is certainly one that could stand more exploration in the canon! There’s just so much to play with!
Anyway, this was fun- now I have to work. Oops.
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ch4nb4ng · 6 years
Changbin’s Thigh Harness
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Words: 4733
WARNING: all the warning damn, oral, intercourse, dom/sub
Pairing: Changbin x reader
A/N: I don’t even know what to say, enjoy reading bc I kinda got carried away with this one
You were waiting with your other 7 members backstage at the Jeju Hallyu Music Festival. Rehearsals had just finished for all groups and the live performances were starting in an hour. There was a large open space where members from all different groups could hang out, play games and more.
“Do you guys wanna go in the hangout area?” You asked your members, who smirked at you in reply,
“Okay, we will go with you so you can see your boyfriend,
y/n,” They all gigled to each other, leaving your face nothing but a deep shade of red. You hit Ivy lightly on the arm,
“Oh my god, shut up Ivy! I do not… okay maybe a little, but he probably won’t even be there. They are a rookie group and because they are so hard-working, they are probably resting.”
You smiled idiotically at the thought of Changbin being in the hang out room arose in your mind. Your group debuted recently too, and you had promoted at the same time twice, so the two times you spoke to Stray kids, and more specifically, Seo Changbin, you felt a connection to him, because you guys were in the same position of the hard times associated with being a rookie group and debuting.
Ivy quickly snapped you out of your thoughts,
“I’m just messing with you! I wanna play some games anyway,” she smiles at you, but then quickly moves closer to you to whisper in your ear,
“I think Lexi wants to see Felix too, the crush she has on him is massive, because he smiled and winked at her at music bank last week. And you never know, Park Jihoon might be there,” You laugh together and proceed to leave your dressing room and head towards the hangout space.
At first, all three of you are disappointed, because there is no sight of Stray Kids, causing a relatively large sigh to escape you and Lexi’s mouth simultaneously. Ivy quickly rolls her eyes before dragging your arm over to the claw machine. You stand and watch Ivy unsuccessfully win anything.
“Do you need help with that?” You turn around to see an old friend with a large smile plastered on his face,
“Park Jihoon! Uh yes please, Ivy sucks at this,” you bow towards him as Ivy shoots you a death glare before smiling at Jihoon, followed by her bowing towards him. You see a sparkle in his eye as he makes eye contact with Ivy, moving towards the machine.
“Ivy is there any toy you want in particular?” You see Jihoon give you a small look, signalling for you to go away. You nod in response,
“Oh um, I’m gonna go and see what Lexi is doing.” Ivy looks at you wide eyed, you wink at her. Her and Jihoon laugh together nervously before moving back towards the claw machine.
You see Lexi playing a game with a controller. You begin to walk towards her when you freeze in the middle of your strut. One after the other, each member of Stray Kids walks in, causing your heart rate to slightly accelerate. Changbin was the last member to walk in, and damn, did he look good. He had a white shirt on, black pants that fit his legs all to well, and… a thigh harness? You weren’t exactly sure of what was on his legs, but god, did it turn you on. You quickly decide to walk back in the other direction and sit on the couch, in hopes of him not seeing you. You didn’t know what it was, but out of all the male idols you saw, he made you the most excited. You were constantly surrounded by attractive males, however, he had a unique effect on you. In fact so unique, the more you stared at him, the stronger the dull ache between your legs became. He just looked so good, you couldn’t help yourself.
You pretended to look out the window, hoping that he would come over and talk you. However, he stayed with Chan and Jisung as they spoke to Seungwoo and Park Woojin. Your heart sank a little, but you remained positive. You were happy for Lexi though, because as soon as they walked in, Felix had stuck to her side like glue. You smiled to yourself, before leaning your head against the arm of the couch, checking your phone.
“Hey y/n, how are you today?” You looked up with hope hearing a male voice ask you, but you were slightly disappointed to Lee Minho smiling at you, before sitting right next you.
“Hi Lee Know.” You smile uncomfortable as he scoots closer to you, pretty much pressing his legs against yours,
“Please, call me Minho.”
You nod and face the front again to see Changbin still talking to the other boys, causing nothing but your sadness grow.
“You know, Changbin probably wants to kill me right now?” You become anxious at the mention of his name,
“Oh haha really? Why?” You nervously chuckle, tucking a hair behind your ear.
“Isn’t it obvious y/n? He has literally not shut up about you since our groups met for the first time. He likes you! But is wayyyy too nervous to come up and start a convo with you. And I wouldn’t be saying this to you if I knew you didn’t feel the same way,” you cough and put a hand over Minho’s mouth.
“Shut up! Okay be quiet, I don’t want anyone to hear you talking nonsense!” whispering to Minho, in which he laughs out loud, causing everyone to turn over and looks at you two, even Changbin. He smiles and waves at you, in which you nod and do a small wave back, butterflies flutter in your stomach for a small moment.
“y/n, I know you. You haven't stopped looking at him the whole time we have sat here. He even told me how hot you looked when we walked in here.”
A small blush crept onto your face.
“Now, he didn’t tell me to come over here to help him out, You know, talk him up, tell you how great he is, but there is no need because you already know this. What I will do though, is find a way to make him come over here to talk to you, because it’s what all three, actually all 10 of us want.” You laugh in agreeance with him.
“Okay Lee Minho. If you are so smart, how do you plan to do that?” You sarcastically remarked.
“By making him jealous.”
You spat out laughing,
“What?” You questioned him. You had no idea what he was trying to do.
“Just follow my lead.” You nodded reluctantly, but for some reason trusted him.
He moved closer to you, putting a hand on the top of your thigh, other placed in the middle of your back.
“Move closer to me and put a hand on my chest, while pretending to laugh at something I said.”
“What?!” You exclaimed in shock.
“Just do it!” He whisper shouted, and you followed his instructions, laughing as loud as you could. You felt a shiver descend down you could feel his stare out the corner of your eye,  Changbin’ head snapping around to see you and Minho together. Chan and Jisung laughed as they knew EXACTLY what Minho was trying to do. Therefore, they egged Changbin on to go and speak to you.
“Changbin, better watch out, the Mr. sexy Minho is becoming Mr. Steal your girl!” Chan cries as all the boys chuckle a little, followed by Chan wincing in pain from the heavy punch that Changbin laid on his right shoulder.
“Shut the fuck up Chan, she is not my girl, I don’t care.” Changbin lied through his teeth, causing even Park Woojin and Seungwoo to laugh in disbelief.
You proceeded to move closer to Minho, following his instructions until your faces were millimetres apart.
“Is he looking, is he looking?” You repetitively ask Minho, who can do nothing but giggle at your eagerness to talk to Chagbin.
“Yes y/n, he has been looking the whole time. And I think it has worked because I can see him coming over. Now, don’t panic. Just keep looking at me and pretending he isn’t coming until he says hi. Got it?” You nod in response.
You see him, Changbin, walk over slowly, causing your heart to skip a beat. You continue to face Minho and smile at him, until he finally approaches.
“Hey y/n, He smiles at you,  before lowering his voice and head at Minho, showing him the biggest death glare you had ever seen,
“Hey Changbin, *cough bc nervous af* how are you?” Your voice breaks at the end of your sentence, causing you to look down at the floor to prevent Changbin from seeing the dark shade of red appear on your face.
Without saying anything, Minho shits his pants and quickly leaves you before getting his ass whooped. Changbin replaces his spot, but doesnt sit as close to you, which makes you slightly relieved but also a little upset. His thigh harness however, was dangerously closer to you, forcing you to look no where but his….. Crotch region.
“Oh shit, Taryn, I’m so sorry, I left my phone in the change room. Would you be able to come and get it with me?” Changbin pretends to scratch his head.
“Uh sure,” You reply nervously as you both leave the couch and follow him to his change room. However, you notice that his phone is in his pocket when you get up. You ignore this, as he grabs your wrist gently.
Once you are out of sight from anyone and everyone in sight, Changbin pushes you against the wall, pressing his body, and that fucking harness, right up against you. At first, fear came over you, but was quickly replaced with arousal as he pressed his already hardened member against your thigh, a sharp inhale escaping your mouth.
“Changbin, what are you doing?” You groan, as he begins to rub his member up and down your core, hitting your clothed clit.
“You thought you were so funny, teasing me with Minho? Huh? I was dying on the inside. Y/n, you are so sexy and I can’t stop thing about you. It drives me crazy. Seeing you with Minho pissed me the fuck off. We can’t have that here princess, can we? I might have to punish you later for being such a bad girl,” Changbin grunted before pushing the hair covering your collarbone to the side, leaving him to sharply suck on the skin covering your collarbone. You whimper as you grab his arms, feeling the texture of his large and ripped biceps.
“I’m sorry Changbin baby, but I just wanted you to talk to me, I need you, I want you so bad. That harness looks, really good on you, daddy” Changbin groans at the mention of you calling him daddy.
“Look, I have to go on stage now, but put your number in my phone and I’ll text you after.” You nod and quickly proceed to punch your number in his phone.
You walked away, turning around and winking at Changbin before proceeding back to your change room. You sat in there for the next 30 minutes trying to process what had just happened. Changbin was, jealous? He wanted you? You were so confused, but excited at the same time, anticipating the possible events that may occur later on in the night.
You group was the first to perform. You loved performing on stage. You had so much passion and ambition to get all the dance moves right and rapping on beat. Getting on stage was such a thrill for you, but today it was different. You could barely focus. The memory of Changbin pressing himself up against you replayed over and over in your head. You always thought that he was cute, however, that changed. The only thought you had of him was him inside of you, thrusting back and forth, with you screaming his name. You almost forgot your lines, because of how sexy Changbin was. You couldn’t help but smile on stage,thinking about what had just happened 15 minutes ago.
You sighed in relief when you finished your stage. You flashed the camera a quick smile and ran off as fast as you could. With fast determination to get back to the dressing room, you were stopped when you felt a shoulder bump into you, causing you to fall over. However, you were quickly back to your feet when a rather large had helped you back to your feet. You began to sweat a little when you realised who it was. Before the other members came, he pulled you close again,
“Watch your step, baby girl,” Changbin whispered, before giving you a quick ass squeeze proceeding to the stage. You nodded quickly before running back to your dressing room. You sat on your phone in the corner quietly, ignoring all of the members who might have possibly saw your…. encounter with Changbin. You thought you were going to go crazy. He was so god damn sexy, and he wanted you, he wanted you bad. As much as you wanted him.
The night was almost over, and you had had no communication with Changbin. You also knew, that if you didn’t see him here again, you would lose your chance, because it’s not like you could go to his dorm, the media would be all over it. You sighed in despair as you gathered around with your members and watched Wanna One, the last group to perform on stage.
“Hey y/n, what’s wrong?” Ivy nudged your shoulder in concern. She could tell that you were disappointed about something. She was the member you were the closet with, so she knew you better than you knew yourself.
“Oh noth-” you were interrupted with a notification from your phone, from an UNKNOWN number. You eyes lit up when a wave of realisation hit you. It was Changbin. You went to reply to the text, when you almost dropped your phone out of fear as the loud noise that was your ringtone began to play.
“Hello?” you purred, knowing the exact effect you wanted to have on him.
“Hey baby girl, what are you up to,” Changbin replied with a husky tone, followed by a deep moan, “do you know how long I’ve been waiting to touch you for? Wanting to make you scream my name in ecstasy princess?” You gulped as you quickly got up and took your phone call outside.
“Changbin, have you, already started without me?” You ask innocently,
“I’m sorry baby don’t be mad, I couldn't help myself. Thinking about you on stage was driving me insane. Why don’t you come over and help me out?” Changbin strangled out as he continued to play with himself.
“Where are you, daddy?” You confidently asked, causing him to throw his head back and moan in response.
“Daddy’s in the bathroom just next to our first encounter, do you think you can manage to, you know, meet me and help me out with my problem?”
“Oh, I sure can, princess is on her way right now.” You squealed in excitement, but quickly control your emotions as you speed walked towards your destination.
You had arrived at your destination after what felt like forever. You took a deep breath, before slowly opening the door. You were surprised and confused when you saw no one in there. Before you knew it, you were frightened when you felt someone pull you into the corner and push you up against the wall.  You smiled and laughed simultaneously. He moved closer to you, and pushed your hair behind you ear to give him more access.
“Hey” Changbin whisper, causing you to giggle again.
“He-” you begin to reply, before being interrupted with Changbin’s lips being smashed against yours. You moan against his lips as the kiss quickly escalated with passion. You press your tongue against his lips as you beg him for access, which he gladly gave. Your bodies begin to move together as your tongues wrestle in sync. Changbin, the person to break to kiss, lets go of you, sucking on your lip before completely detaching himself from you. He begins to press soft, light kisses along the side of your face down your neck, until he reaches the edge of your collarbone. He begins to lightly suck, causing you to inhale sharply. His tongue felt so nice as it cooled you down from the heat the began to build up, especially at you core, like before
You quickly push him off of you as your ripped his shirt off, buttons flying everywhere.
“Put your hands up” Changbin panted as he tried to catch his breath. You complied quickly lifting your arms up as he pulled your dress over you heard, leaving you in nothing but your matching lingerie. You gave yourself a small pat on the back for wearing that, as Changbin’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. You tried to take his pants off, but THAT harness was in the way.
“Wait baby, I have an idea,” Changbin unclickle the harness from his legs and moves behind you, tying you wrists with it so they were behind your back. You had never tried something like this before, “does that hurt baby, are you uncomfortable?” Changbin whispers, hands lightly kneading your nipples, causing you to groan in pleasure.
“I’m fine daddy.” You whisper back.
Changbin presses his lips to your quickly again, before, once again, continuing a trial of kisses down, past your collarbone this time and all the way down to you chest, where he took in one of your breasts in his mouth, continuing to knead the other with a hand. You rolled your head,a loud thump against the wall. However, you are in too much pleasure to care.
“Oh Changbin baby, that feels so good.” You moan out, causing him to smile against you. He detaches himself from your breasts and continues his trail down until he is on his knees, face in line with your core. He presses kisses right above your center, frustration beginning to build up in you. You should have known from earlier in the day, how much of a tease he was. You begin to thrust your hips up so it forces him to move down, but he is stubborn. He continues in his spot and chuckles against you as he sees the evident frustration on your face and in your actions.
“You are so impatient, baby. If you really want it that bad, tell me.” Changbin hisses.
“Please daddy, I want it so bad, I want you to touch me so good like I know you can. Punish me, I have been a bad girl. I need to be taught a lesson,” you whined as your desparaton grew more and more by the second.
“Damn right you need to be,” Changbin snaps, giving you a quick glance, eyes full of lust and desire for you.
Before you could say anything else, Changbin dives into you, licking a stripe up from your slit to your clit. You scream at the sudden contact. Changbin looks up at you, maintaining eye contact and he continues to flick his tongues back in forth and circular motions.
“Oh Changbin baby, you feel so fucking good on me, don’t fucking stop.” you struggle to get out, leaving Changbin to hum against you, sending vibrations through you, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“You taste so good too baby, daddy is very happy.” Changbin says as he slips two fingers inside of you. You lift your arms, interlocking your finger tips in his hair, pulling slightly. You body slightly tense at the immense pleasure you feel, leaning back on the wall for support.
“Daddy I want you, I need you.” You whimper, causing a flip to switch in Changbin. He withdraws his tongue from your folds and stands up, leaving you annoyed with the loss of contact before reaching your satisfying point . He flips you around so your front is pressed against the wall. He gives himself a few strokes before finding your entrance.
“Oh baby girl, you feel so good,” he murmurs, moving his tip up and down your folds, sending bolts of pleasure through you, “but you have been a bad bad girl, y/n, do you think daddy’s gonna let you come that easy?” He smirks before slapping your ass so hard, it left a red mark of his elongated fingers spread across your left cheek.
“Of course not baby, I’m so sorry, how could I repay you?” You ask innocently, rubbing your ass against his member, eliciting a frustrated groan from him. He removes the harness from around your arms and uses it to put over your head and motion you towards him.
“Let me touch you daddy please.” You beg, in which he nods. You proceed to move down onto your knees, so you become in line with him.  You give it a couple of slow strokes while circling your tongue around his tip, causing him to shudder.
“Oh s-shit, y/n,” he moans.
You decided to stop teasing him and slowly, but surely, take all of him on your mouth. He picks up his harness, deciding to use as a guide to continue to bop your head up and down on him. Changbin threw his head back, eyes shut in euphoria as you began to quicken your pace on him. He completely melted when he opened his eyes and looked back down at you, your eyes looking straight back into him, refusing to break eye contact. You move off of him and gasp to try and catch your breath back, using you hand as a substitute to continue the pleasure you were giving him.
“Ugh baby girl, your mouth feels so fucking good.” Changbin groans, moving two fingers up and down in your mouth. You happily suck his fingers, circling your tongue, around his elongated fingertips. You lightly begin to suck on them, loud noises echoing around the room. You move away from Changbin’s fingers and return to his dick, once again, taking all of it in your mouth, resulting in him grabbing your hair for support. The pleasure was becoming unbearable for him. He twitched a couple of times. You to hum against him, knowing he was close. The vibrations move through his whole body. You were about to let him release, but, he had other plans in mins suddenly pushing you off of him.
You sat there, confused as hell, but quickly pulled out of that state as you were being pushed up against the wall once again. Facing forward, leaning the side of your face and breasts against the cool tile of the wall. It added to the pleasure as it cooled you down. Changbin moved one arm around his torso, the other moving your hair behind your back as he began to suck harshly just underneath your ear, causing your whole being to quiver underneath him. He used the arm around your torso to move down to your core, leaving him to press small circles against your now extremely sensitive  clit. You were forced to hold on the wall, you knees definitely giving way if you didn't do so. onto the wall for support. His fingers has the perfect texture as you could hardly stand. He used his other hand to knead your ass.
“Tell me y/n, what do you want?” Changbin whispered in your ear, slowly slipping two fingers inside of you, at an EXTREMELY slow pace. You struggled to get any words out,
“I want your big cock inside of me daddy, I, want, you, so, bad” You managed to get out. An immense pit of pleasure building in the pit of your stomach. Changbin roughly ejects his fingers inside if you, leaving you to whine at such sudden loss of contact. He gives himself a few pumps, before running the tip of his dick up and down against his folds, leaving you to whimper at the little, but tremendous satisfaction you are feeling. He quits being a tease, slowly plunging himself into you. You gives you a small amount of time for you to adjust to him, before he begins ramming himself into you, causing you to cry out in indulgence as his thick length pushed into you so forcibly. He grabbed your arms to use for support and balance, refusing to slow down his extremely fast and even quickening pace he has going.
“Oh fuck daddy, you fuck me so good, give it to me.” You growl, causing Changbin to thrust even harder into you. At that moment, you knew for sure that you would not be able to walk straight for the next day or two, but you did not care. No one had ever fucked you so good before.
“Stop,” you speak firmly. Changbin freezes, nervous that he had done something wrong, making you uncomfortable. Instead, to increase the satisfaction you were both feeling, you stopped him and began moving up and down on him, causing you to simultaneously throw your heads back, you leaning on his glistening shoulder for support.
“Oh fuck baby keep going, I’m so close,” Changbin groans, followed by him repeatedly moaning your name, tangled with a bunch of cuss words.
“Me too daddy, your cock feels so good on me. Make me cum, I want to cum so hard, please daddy,” You whine, beginning to clench your walls around him, resulting in the familiar twitch of his cock. He performs a few more organised thrusts, before they become sloppy, releasing his load inside of you. At the same time, your whole body shudders as the most powerful orgasm you had ever had hits you. You scream his name as the most intense wave of pleasure comes over you. You lean all of your weight on him, Changbin effortlessly catching you, losing all of your strength, looking up at the wall to see a large array of stars debilitating your vision.
“Changbin, I can’t walk, can you help me sit down and get my clothes.” You speak quietly to him, embarrassed by your weakness.
“Oh, uh yeah sure,” he smiles at you before following your instructions.
You begin redressing yourself, looking in the mirror and fixing your hair to how it looked before the disheveled state it was now in. You make eye contact with Changbin, resulting in your bursting out in laughter at each other.
“Changbin hyung!” You both hear someone yell outside of the bathroom. You both freeze as you realise it’s one of the members of Stray Kids.
“Yeah!” Changbin yells back. You slap him hard in response causing him to hiss at you,
“What was that for?”
“You idiot, this is the male toilet!” You snap back. Changbin’s eyes widen as he realises what he had just done.
Seconds later, the door bursts open to reveal his members Hyunjin, Bang Chan and Felix.
“Ah Changbin, we have been looking for you. We are about to l-” Chan stops as he sees you hiding in the corner. At first they are all puzzled, but then, their jaws drop to the floor as they realise what had just occurred. You face turns a bright red as they fall on the floor in a roar of laughter. They smack the floor and throw their heads back while pointing at Changbin.
“*cough* ahem, do you guys mind, y/n is really embarrassed right now, and you are making her feel worse.” Changbin snaps at his members, even Bang Chan, causing them quickly stand up and stop laughing, noticing the intense shade of red staying on your face.
“Sorry y/n, we didn't mean to disrespect you at all.” Felix bows his head in guilt as you smile at him.
“It’s okay, I’m fine. But, could someone help me try and walk straight.” You look up to all of the boys, joining them in laughter as they put one arm each around you, acting as crutches, carrying you out of the bathroom.
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