#I guess it’s better than Lacousta from Arcade and them giving the middle finger to their exclusives
whalehouse1 · 5 months
So let’s see something. New servants in Remnant that have yet to be implemented into FGO by class:
Saber: 1
Archer: 1
Lancer: 0
Rider: 2
Caster: 2
Assassin: 1
Berserker: 1
So, what do we get? Two masters (who I do love, but seriously?,) and a class change of one of the other servants. And not just any servant, literally the biggest twist in the game except for the really stupid ending. I don’t know what I expected after the Arcade collab being nothing but yet more Nero-wank, but this one hurts a lot too. Rogue Saber is an amazing servant, Archer would have given us probably one of the coolest NP animations in the game and we’d finally get another good servant from his source after years. Rogue Rider, I get, they can’t do much with what was given in the game for her due to np reasons cause that would require thinking. Rider is a powerhouse, but screw that I guess. Caster, I get but also his kit would be such a good debuffing kit and easily a three star or fp summon, dude can’t fight but his nps are strong. Other caster, they just exist so I get it. Assassin is one of the coolest of not the coolest design in the game and besides his np his gameplay is so much fun and if we’re going to have a master, he had my favorite besides Lancer. And Rogue Berserker? Why was he not implemented? The dude is the first berserker since Herc who felt like a bonafide berserker and that’s saying something.
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