#I had heartburn while making this so it’s kinda low effort
libr-0-cubicularist · 8 months
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What if. Vampires and lesbians.
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36incheshigh · 3 years
Some care tips when havin covid hopefully we all wont need emmmm ;D
background- think i got sick bc i hadnt slept well in like weeks and hadnt eaten properly lately , so my immune system was weak and was near like 2ft from the same people for a while every day who didnt wear masks or cover nose and i thoughtt itd be ok cause there was breeze with open doors /then had talked in pretty close proximity indoor maskless to a friend for a long time like an hour who turns out was exposed i guess id thought it was okay to talk to her indoors closely+ Less likely id get it cause cases were low in the summertime but.. :/
masks for everyone in the house everywhere when near me/ for me when Im outside the room for going to/bathroom
eat or drink smalll amounts of food instead of big amounts throughout day because i always got more sick after eating big amounts of food at once -so you dont feel more sick all at oncee when your blood and energy goes to digesting more at once instead of to healing, avoid fatty foods/dairy/meat at first (for me)
atleast flex/move feet toes legs in bed so you dont get fatal blood clots from staying still lying down for long periods
Steam inhalation: boil water then breathe in its steam , i put some vaporub in the bowl too , it might help and put blanket over your head and steam when you can’t breathe at all. this and massage/lightly tap your own [chest/] back [w something long like a backscratcher big spoon or tube of toothpaste lols helped a lot at worst /get back lightly tapped by someone who wears mask and gloves who washes hands after if done for less than 5ish minutes near me then they probs wont get sick if theyre takin care if themselves and taking a lot of vit c like my fam was alright . Maybe can use water in a plug-in kettle thing is easiest if you’re alone. Or can just inhale steam from standin in or near hot shower water or plugging the sink drain and filling it with hot water .
tums sometimes cause Id lay down after eating and get heartburn also making me breathless
Trying to stay calm too (see links) bc sometimes idk if also panic attack didnt help-calming down helped me breathe https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uPWqs8hOzmQ affirmations
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yYTg6vrDeKc&list=LL&index=3&t=367s mom type comforting I got prescription from doc/maybe walk in clinic can give it too? for an albuterol inhaler to help breathing- i only take one instead of two puffs at a time but when youre low energy it opens airways so whatever air u can get in ur lungs, it gets there faster and easier w less effort. helps when chest feels humid
positions for breathing better - lying on front, on side , standing but arms/head on bed, sit up with pillow on lap leaning on pillow, sit at table with head and arms on table with straight back though to expand lungs, leaning over hands on knees, folded knees head leaned down on pillow like childs pose in yoga (kinda uncomfy), chest rest on pillow when lying in stomach and chin on folded hands above pillow, on side but top leg bent on bed so foot is at opposite knee - all while breathing w face right in vaporub can, push out diaphragm in front of you so backs arched or try to curl shoulders forward nor ur whole back just ur shoulders made me feel lungs stretch , or try to elongate and stretch ur spine
dontt let me lie/sleep on my back
check pulse oxometer (from ex. walmart/amazan) often -oxygen saturation shouldnt be at/below 90-92, if so, call doctor/go to emergency room
check temp often enough atleast once a day - if u go 24 hours w out fever then ur gettin better- we got the contactless thermometer u point at ur forehead like a gun so we dont have to clean it
dont let people in your room if you can avoid it besides if u need help - they left food outside my door and i left empty tray outside door when done and they used mask when touching tray and maybe gloves and washed hands after touching my stuff
i wore mask/bandana mask lol in Quick shower, they touched light and shower to turn on for me, i used separate soap and shampoo and removed them from shower when done, kept my towel in my bedroom not in bathroom if they share shower room/bathroom, they sprayed shower w alcohol before using it, waited preferably 3 hours after i shower to use it so air germs die, left bathroom fan vent on to suck out air germs as long as possible. Kept my lotion and deodorant in my room.
supposedly cdc says ur not contagious after ten days from sympt starts if no fever for 24 hours, symptoms improving and werent like in hospital/oxygens above 94 i think. otherwise, not contagious after 20 days from symptom starting
vitamin c supplement, vitamin d supplement and multivitamin supplement like normal, every day up to however many mg are in one adult pill lol- i like gummys cause easier i took the amount of gummies that added up to like 1 swallowable pill supplement a day
used liquid tylenol bc easier to swallow for me drank it only when cant stand feeling bad so maybe antibodies will know covid better lol
Hydratings important because thats (dehydration) a big thing that also sends us to hospital - nothing with caffeine , rehydrating drink with electrolytes: coconut water helped me-has vit c and rehydrating, pedialyte or some gatorade and water, and orange juice , juices/premade smoothies like Naked brand ones, big bottles of water near my bed so easier to pour and easier than sink, peeled cut ginger in hot water (w orange (or pineapple- thats good for lungs!) and honey), keep refilling cup w water onto ginger alll day, i think it really made me turn the corner doin that, coconut water spinach pinapple ice smoothie - if ur well now, peel and cut up ginger and wrap servings in foil and store in freezer and cut and store servings of orange/lemon/pinapple too in freezer for easy access and use in future when youre tired. I think theres a way to store spinach in freezer too.. blend it in blender then put in ice cube tray? Ice u can make a bunch in trays then empty them into ziplock bag in freezer to have a bunch ready too if dont have ice machine for making a lot.-u can doordash or instacart things! Pumpkin/sunflower seeds, coconut water, pineapple, banana, ginger in tea alll day, hard boiled (not fried with oil!! because oil takes a lot of energy to digest) eggs felt v good
foods that dont need refrigeration so u can eat a little at it all day w out being scared itll get bad and u wont waste it if it gets bad i ate saltines crackers and a littlee pb , Canned bean/pasta soup- tried to avoid muchh meat dairy and high fatty foods when im sicker bc found theyre harder to digest so i got more tired after eatin em. Mac and cheese w low cheese/milk - mixed some milk w water or maybe easy mac!, hard boiled egg and toast w jam. i didnt try these but some people say they drank boost those chocolate drinks that have nutrients, ..maybe baby food lol? of mashed/sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes supposed to fight covid!)/veggie cause theyre easy to eat when your too tired to chew ? By day 10ish I bought like a bag of these no hormone etc meatballs that id throw em in my canned soups or on pizza - So it was easy .
im not sure but i thinkk getting up and walkin around a bitt helps breathing -not walking for a long time, but it gets blood flowing , even if u hunch over to keep lungs on top.
practice breathing exercises/taking deep breaths in through nose out ghrough mouth i think regularly to prevent fluid in lungs/pneumonia
u and any helper alwayss keep phone w volume/intercom on u /check it often enough bc sometimes even though u can hearr calls better than texts so ud think id just call to reach u,sometimes texting takes^less energy
Keep dirty laundry in my own room in garbage bag under bed lol til not contagious
change positions/orientation on bed when sick of one view/sheets feel dirty there lol
5th/6ths days worst for me ? 4 months after shot
Comforting- barbie movies lol bc comforting but good plot. Watchin standup comedy -is on youtube sometimes who’re pretty conversational and approachable so it feels like youre talkin to a friend lool or those side videos when you swipe left from the camera on snapchat theyre usually more candid so it feels likee kinda visiting someone when ur lonely during quarantine lols, audiobooks there’re some on youtube when im tired to watch
if your nose burns, i used arm and hammer nose spray thats unmedicated and if you can get your nose clear of snot i found the spray soothing in there
I think after covid we gotta push ourselves little by little to move about - not too much or else u feel bad/tired again but a littlee! To get strength back and endurance and keep takin vitamins. Ppl say spirometers helped them theyre cheap or blowin up balloons are cheap exercises too!
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