#I had the idea since MARCH and me friends liked the sketch but i stil havent made a coloured version!
howlingaround · 8 months
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Nobody asked how many lives Kitty has left, so i made a comic about it
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For added effect: you should be able to time this to the 2015 version of the Zenigata March (bc thats what i did in my head)
Additional notes:
1 is mousetrap
2 is lightning bolt, and i couldnt figure out how to draw a cat skeleton, so itsmyfault the joke doesnt land
3 is refernce to the short film The Trident, which is the backstory to how Puss shot himself out of a cannon
4 is refence to a deleted scene from the first trailer! Im gonna delete it as well an have a piano drop on kitty bc thats funnier
5, 6 and 7 where just my way of doing something even dumber than Puss
Other ideas i had but didnt do :
Kitty singing And I Will Always Love You in a bar and getting an axe thrown at her (a bit too brutal and not funny enough)
Indiana Jones style stone chase (too long)
Choking on a fur ball thingy (looks weird to draw)
Gazpacho woman and muscle man are the ones in the bar as well as the guy Puss stole espresso from⁷
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