#I had to cut the brother-sister dance (replacement for father-daughter) because it made me sad
Til Death Do Us Part (A Light Fingers AU)
A/N: I’ve had flash-images of Elena and Diego’s second wedding in my head since before I wrote the first one. I wrote part of this up back in October, but never finished it because “it’s not going to be what happens, so what’s the point?” But now I’ve decided the point is because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, so I made a few tweaks and finished it off.  If anyone’s interested in their first dance song it’s this one. Because I choose to live in a fantasy wonderland and not overanalyze any lyrics.  Rating: G. Other than a few swears, this one is nothing but wholesome fluffiness. Word Count: 3294 (oops, that got away from me) Cross-posted to AO3.
Diego fidgeted nervously, buttoning and unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt, not wanting to put on the suit jacket until the last possible moment for fear of sweating through it.
He started to pace the small room. Duncan picked his head up from the floor where he’d sprawled and whined, watching him. Diego leaned down to scratch him, ruffling his ears.
There was a knock on the door. He froze.
“Diego,” his mother’s voice called softly. “They wanted me to tell you they’re ready for you.”
He slid his arms one at a time into the smooth black sleeves, hands shaking. With a white-knuckled grip on the knob, he opened the door. Grace’s smile being the first thing he saw made him feel instantly calmer, though for once in his life, it didn’t completely quell his jitters.
“Oh Diego,” she said, touch cool as she stroked his cheek lovingly. “I’m so happy for you. And you look so handsome.”
“Thanks, Mom,” he said, smiling. “You should go find your seat.”
His siblings all smiled brightly at him as he walked toward them – except Five who still wore a much more peaceful and pleasant expression than his usual scowl – all resplendent in black and azure. Klaus flashed him a thumbs up. He turned and took his place, eyes fixed on the door. 
“Nervous bro?” Klaus leaned in to whisper.
“No,” he lied with a chuckle. “I mean, we already did this once.”
“It’s still not too late to run.” Klaus gestured with his head toward the small door behind the altar.
Slowly, like a rolling wave, the assembled crowd turned and stood.
“Not a chance.”
Before his brother could say anything else, the music swelled and the doors creaked open one last time, and the rest of the world fell away until only Elena remained. 
Her blonde curls were swept back from her face on one side, pinned in place by a simple comb and a posy of forget-me-nots, forget-me-nots that matched the ones in her hand mixed with the white carnations and roses and broad green ferns. Her long white gown clung to all of those wonderful curves that he loved so much before flaring out at her waist like a shining lace-capped cloud. She had chosen to forego a veil (or the “jaunty little top hat” she had joked about), so as she drew closer, he could see tears sparkling in her hazel eyes, joyful ones based on the dazzling smile on her wine-red lips, and he felt thankful that he wasn’t the only one feeling so much emotion.
As they reached the front of the hall, Daniel turned to look at her instead of standing beside and studied her face intently for a moment. Then he patted her hand lightly and turned back, smiling broadly, handing her up the steps and taking his place to her left. 
Diego was sure the entire room could hear the heart beating out of his chest. 
“Hey there stranger,” Elena mouthed, lacing her fingers through his. 
He smiled at her, knees weak. 
“Hi,” he murmured.
“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today…” the justice began, and Diego felt his heart leap into his throat. Hearing those words made it all seem so much more real. The rest of the words seemed a hazy buzz, he was too focused on her, on the way she looked, the way she smelled, the smile on her face, that perfect moment. 
“…if anyone here can show cause why these two people should not be joined in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace…”
Elena glared out at the crowd, and Diego couldn’t help but grin. It had been hard enough to get here, neither of them was going to really allow anyone to object, not without a fight. No one spoke and the officiant quickly moved on, and before he knew it, they were at the vows. Suddenly, nerves twisted his stomach and found himself forcing steadying breaths, just hoping he could get through a simple sentence without a stutter.
“Do you, Elena Pryce, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, honor and obey, til death do you part?”
“No,” she said bluntly with a shrug as the gathered audience gasped. “We talked about this. I mean I’m totally here for the whole love and cherish, share and support deal. Honor’s fine even, for the most part. But the ‘obey’ thing is some selfish buuullshiiit and I’m not doing that.”
“If anything, he’s probably the one obeying her,” Luther muttered, causing Klaus to giggle at his brother’s accidental innuendo and Elena to flash them a wink. 
“But I do. I promise the rest of it. And more. My heart is yours, my soul is yours. We’re equals. Partners. No matter what. Until the end of the world, and probably beyond. I know I fucked that up the last time around, but I’m not going to make that mistake again. I’m in this, one hundred percent. I love you.”
Several of the audience gasped, scandalized that she had sworn. He grinned at her, rolling his eyes fondly. 
The officiant stood, gaping, for a moment, and Diego turned to him with a half-shrug, as if to say ‘we did talk vows ahead of time, you knew this was coming.’ 
“Um. Right then...do you, Diego Hargreeves, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, honor, til death do you part?”
Elena raised her eyebrows at the absent word in his version of the vow. 
“I do,” his words were slow, and she squeezed his fingers comfortingly. “I promise everything, and more, that I promised you the first time around, Elena. To see you as an equal and a partner, to take your needs and wants into every consideration, to support you and love you even when I don’t understand you. No matter what we’re going through or how things are between us, I’ll be there. Apocalypses couldn’t keep us apart.”
Klaus sniffled dramatically from behind him; one of the bridesmaids tossed a handkerchief over their heads to him and he hopped in the air to catch it. The officiant scowled at the antics. Diego and Elena just smiled. 
“If we could now have the rings?” the officiant asked.
Luther stepped forward, pulling the two little velvet boxes out of his pocket, nearly dropping them in his fumble to deliver them, completely unsure anymore which was which. 
“He’s going to quit before we’re through,” Elena mouthed, trying not to giggle at the officiant’s increasing annoyance.
“We’re almost there, I think he can make it,” Diego joked back. 
“Repeat after me. With this ring, I, Diego Hargreeves,” the officiant started.
“Seal my promise, binding me to my word and vow. Let it be a physical token of all that I am and all I give to you. I now take thee, Elena Pryce, as my wife and the love of my life.” He finished, adding in the last bit as he slipped the familiar silver band back onto her finger where it belonged.
Tears welled up in her eyes again and she tried to surreptitiously brush them away before anyone noticed, and this time it was his turn to squeeze her fingers gently.
“And now you,” the officiant gestured to her. “Repeat after me…”
“With this ring, I, Elena Pryce, seal my promise, binding me to my word and vow. Let it be a physical token of all that I am and all I give to you. I now take thee, Diego Hargreeves,” she felt herself choking up, struggling to get the words out around everything she was feeling, “as my husband, again.” 
Slowly, with shaking hands, she slid his ring onto his finger, and it was all he could do to wait for his cue of “you may now kiss the bride” before he pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers. Her arms circled his neck as his wrapped tightly around her waist, and for not the first time that day, the rest of the world disappeared. He’d never bothered to try to count how many times they’d kissed, but this was the most perfect one, he was sure of it. He felt like the entire world was in his arms, and he never wanted it to end. 
Someone cleared their throat, and the pair slowly separated, lingering as if there was some magnetic pull keeping them together. When they finally turned to the crowd, neither of them could stop grinning, faces wide and bright. 
“Shall we?” he leaned in to whisper before offering her an arm.
“I think we shall, husband,” she answered, hooking her hand through. “After all, the snacks wait for no man.”
He laughed, head thrown back in delight as they led the processional out of the hall and across the lawn to the tent where the reception was being held. 
Toward the end of dinner, Klaus stood up from his seat dramatically, holding his champagne flute aloft and tapping it with his fork.
“As the Best Man, I’ve decided, it’s probably time for my speech,” he called, voice carrying through the tent without need for amplification. 
“Please tell me you cleared his speech ahead of time,” Diego muttered into Elena’s ear as they both watched his brother with wide eyes.
“He’s your best man,” she hissed back. “Besides, it’s Klaus. There’s no way he’d stick to a script even if he’d bothered with one.”
“Now, I’ve known Diego longer because he’s my brother, but I’ve known both halves of the happy couple for most of our lives. I’m sad it wasn’t me that introduced them, honestly. They just had to go and meet by random chance, without me.” He struck a dramatic pout for a moment before continuing. “I don’t know how they do it. Elena’s lovely, flawless, but Diego. Impossible to live with. So broody and stubborn. And the knives. Raise your hands if you think he’s brought at least one to his own wedding?”
Again he paused, and this time, hands went up all around the tent, probably at least half the attendees either agreeing or playing along with the joke, including, much to Diego’s shock and betrayal, Elena. Klaus caught onto it, and her grin, immediately and pointed. 
“I’m taking that as he definitely has one, and I don’t want to know what you’re planning for it. Keep your wedding night shenanigans private.” 
He threw a mock scolding glare, before he grew serious.
“You two are so good for each other, and you deserve this happiness. You’ve been through so much shit — am I allowed to say shit? Who am I kidding, her vows contained the words ‘fucked up’? — both together and apart. And no one should have to earn a happy ending, you should just automatically get one, but you two...definitely have. And if anyone ever ties to mess that up, I’ll...probably just let Five handle it actually. He’s so bored these days now that he’s retired from the apocalypse and assassination businesses. I love you both.”
He swept his arm outward, nearly splashing the champagne onto his aforementioned brother’s head. “To the bride and groom and happily ever after!”
The crowd cheered, raising their glasses and voices in answer. 
“That was surprisingly heartfelt,” Elena whispered, and Diego nodded.
“Five’s still probably going to smother him with a pillow for that ending though.”
“Not our problem.” She laughed. Diego’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he joined her, heart swelling. He could listen to that sound forever.
As the crowd settled and Klaus retook his seat, Daniel stood. 
“I suppose I should follow that then, as the bride’s Man of Honor, and as her brother,” he chuckled. “But I’m not sure how I can compete. That was...quite a speech. Still, it can't hurt to try I suppose.”
He cleared his throat awkwardly. 
“My little sister is a pain in the ass. Stubborn, reckless, impulsive, short-tempered. But underneath that is a heart of gold. I have never known anyone who cares so much. Until I met Diego. I don’t think there could be a more perfect match than the two of them. There’s really nothing else to say. They’re cut from the same cloth, exactly alike and clearly meant for one another. I’m not usually one to credit fate, but these two might make a believer out of me. I have never seen Elena look like that, glowing with happiness like she does when she’s with him. And that alone is enough for me. To bless this marriage, and their lives together. To wish them, as Klaus did, a happily ever after.” He raised his glass in salute. “Elena and Diego!” 
Elena blushed as the crowd once again cheered, ducking her head to bury it against the crook of Diego’s neck. Daniel’s speech left her full of emotion that she was almost embarrassed to show. He turned his head to kiss her, letting his lips linger on her hair for a moment. 
Before long, it was time for the official first dance, and Diego felt nervous again. He had taken ballroom lessons as a child, and they had practiced together, not planning anything fancy, but his legs felt leaden as he walked to the center of the open space they’d reserved for dancing. He didn’t even care about himself, just worried that he would embarrass Elena somehow, or ruin things. He tried to squash down the feeling, knowing it was lingering self-hate from the way he was raised, but he couldn’t.
As the first humming cords of the song played, Elena walked through the parted crowd to join him. Their hands fit naturally together and he wrapped his other arm around her waist, holding her close. She rested her forehead against his as they swayed, and he felt sure for a moment that his heart was going to beat out of his chest. 
“How are you doing?” she asked, a feather-light whisper. 
The entire day had been a whirlwind, never stopping for a moment to give him time to process it all. And part of him was glad of it, sure that he’d be overwhelmed and exhausted if he did. But of course, here she was, checking in with him. And he could only guess that she was in much the same boat. Neither of them were exactly the most gregarious of people, and there were so many people and so much being asked of them.
“I’m fine,” he lied, knowing she’d pick up on his true meaning anyway, she knew him too well not to.
“Me too,” she murmured.
He leaned in a little further, nuzzling his nose against hers. 
“We can bail.”
“On our own wedding?”
“If you want to.”
She chuckled, her eyes sparkling, head shaking just slightly. 
They continued to spin around the floor, heedless of the eyes on them. He became aware that she was singing, soft and under her breath, eyes locked with his as if trying to bore the words into him with her gaze. Time seemed to be slowed down as they danced. Softly he brushed his lips against hers, the pair of them sinking into the kiss like they were falling. 
She would happily die here in his arms, kissing him like this, she thought, her final moment trapped in such perfection, preserved like amber. She had no need of air or space or anything else but him. 
Dimly the sound of applause tickled her awareness. Reluctantly she drew away, her eyes closed a moment longer before they fluttered open to meet his warm gaze. 
“I love you,” he whispered for possibly the hundredth time that day alone. But she could never tire of hearing it, or saying it right back. 
An hour later, she collapsed into a chair, leaning heavily against his side, after being dragged and paraded about the dancefloor by Klaus for several songs, and Amelia for several more without stopping. Meanwhile, he had been cutting a rug of his own, but managed to detangle himself sooner to take a break. 
“How serious were you about cutting and running?” she asked, trying to catch her breath. 
“Vanya moved a car as close as possible for us while we were serving the cake,” he replied casually, pouring a glass of icy water for her. 
“Have I mentioned lately that you’re perfect?” she joked, taking a grateful sip. “I’m thinking I chuck these flowers so everyone’s nice and distracted and we make a break for it.”
“Not as perfect as you are.” 
“Lies.” She stuck her tongue out at him with a giggle.
With a sigh, she dragged herself back to her feet, reluctant to leave him, again, feeling like they’d been separated by every ritual of a wedding and whim of their guests, even when they managed a dance together or a moment to sit side by side and hand in hand. His fingers lingered on her wrist, brushing against her skin as she stepped away, not holding her back but coaxing her to return to him. 
Rather than raise her own voice, she shook the flowers in Allison’s direction, letting her claim a microphone from the band and make the call for all the interested single people to gather around. Realizing she was shorter than a good percentage of the crowd, she pulled over a chair, surprised to find Luther offering her a hand to climb up onto it. 
“Alright, here it goes,” she called over her shoulder at the crowd. “Hope this doesn’t take any eyes out!”
The gathered group chuckled, though she was pretty sure she heard several people shuffle out and away from the likely throw-zone. She took a deep breath and several practice swings of her arms before finally letting the bouquet go, curving a graceful arc over her head, straight into Klaus’s arms. 
“Hah!” he crowed, making her giggle and nearly fall from the chair. 
Luckily, a firm, gentle arm caught her, helping her back to the ground safely, and she looked over to see Grace smiling at her. 
“You and Diego should get going,” her melodic voice was nearly hypnotic in its comforting. “Klaus will keep their attention for a few minutes.”
“How did you…” she trailed off, puzzled by Grace’s seeming omniscience. 
“Diego’s always been a little shy,” Grace explained, eyes soft and fond. “And I heard him ask Vanya about the car. It wasn’t hard to guess.”
Suddenly, Elena found herself being pulled into a tight hug.
“Welcome to the family, dear. I’m so happy for you two.”
After a split second of hesitation, mostly as she tried to process the strange emotion she was feeling, she returned the hug fiercely.
“Th-thanks,” she whispered, fighting back more tears. “You have no idea what that means.”
“Now go, and enjoy your honeymoon.” Grace stepped back, ushering Elena away as Klaus continued to brag and celebrate behind them, offering to let practically anyone in the crowd be the other half of ‘the next greatest newlyweds.’ 
Diego squeezed tightly, grinning, as she slipped her hand into his.
“Powers or no?” he asked. 
“Where’s the fun in cheating?” she teased, answering his squeeze with her own and casting a glance behind her. “Now or never, let’s go.”
The two of them were laughing as they took off running, out of the tent, across the lawn, and into the night.
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ranawaytothedas · 5 years
The Stuff of Dreams
Rating - Mature just for safety 
Main Pairings: F!Lavellan/Solas & F!Lavellan/Cullen (mentioned mostly)
Word Count:  6984
AO3 Link - HERE
Summery:  A collection of encounters in the Fade between Tamaris Lavellan and Solas during the two years he was missing after the defeat of Corypheus.
Part 1 of 3
A/N: Welcome to the first part of the Pre-Fic-Fic that hopefully will set up the larger...still untitled fic that will replace Trespasser. This does fudge with timelines and cannon a bit. I did my best to proof and edit it but it’s unbeta read so please take that into account. Hope you enjoy, the full story is under the cut. 
For the majority of her life Tamaris had a very conflicted relationship with sleep and dreams. Being what the Magisters called a Somnari or a Dreamer in the common tongue, she had control over her dreams. It was a blessing and a curse. She saw so much that filled her wonder and awe, but was also plagued by horrific and graphic nightmares since her earliest memories. Her dreams felt real, as real as any event that had happened to her while waking, and she remembered every moment. Many dreamers never lived past childhood, fewer yet into adulthood like she had. In her whole life she had only met one other, Solas.
Solas was complicated subject for Tamaris. She had a lot of anger towards him over the past year and a half since he disappeared. Many nights she had cursed his named and wished to see him one more time only to wrap her hands around his neck. Though, most nights, she just missed him. As much as she tried to hide it, most of all from herself, Tamaris still loved Solas deeply. It was a love like nothing she had ever felt. He had a pull over her and she over him. When they met for the first time something in him pulled at something in her. Their relationships lasted a little less than a year, it had actually been one of the best kept secrets of the Inquisition, but he did not leave her without a constant reminder of what they had sacrificed for the sake of “the mission”. 
A little over a month after Corypheus fell and Solas left, Tamaris learned she was pregnant. At the time she had yet to enter into another relationship so she knew precisely who the father was. Solas.
 At first, Tamaris was petrified when she realized the position she found herself in. Pregnant, alone to raise a child without the father, for she doubted that Solas would return. As anyone in her position would have, Tamaris fell into a deep depression. 
She locked herself away in her room, far away from all those who cared for her. Everyone was concerned, but Mathras insisted on the best course being to give her space. For the most part, they obliged. Except Dorian. It was not in his nature stand by and do nothing. He would leave food outside her door each morning and evening, with a note telling her that she was missed and very loved. Anything he could think of to try and raise her spirits.  In the end it was Dorian who made the choice to get The Iron Bull to break down her bedroom door after no one had seen her for a week. He barged in and declared “Enough, I am not standing by any long. Mathras be damned…” He pulled her from her bed and promptly made her bathe while he ordered Bull to go find some food. Dorian did leave her side for several days after. Not that he feared she would hurt herself, but because he knew she needed someone to comfort her. 
It took several weeks but Tamaris seemed herself, well as close as she could be. Everyone around her was doing their best to lift her spirits. Tamaris learned to fake happiness fairly quickly, while she remained quite heartbroken. The pain ran deep and perhaps clouded her judgment. A month after she learned she was pregnant, Tamaris ended up allowing her brother to convince her that Cullen would be a perfect match for her. So while pregnant with another man’s child, she entered into an often rocky relationship with one of her brother’s closest friends. 
Cullen wasn’t a bad man, by any means, but he wasn’t Solas. He had a handsomeness that was undeniable, charming with a surprisingly witty sense of humor and he was undoubtedly, a very caring man. Who didn’t deserve to be in love with a woman that still loved another man. The guilt she felt for continuing a relationship out of the fear of being alone weighed heavy on Tamaris. When her daughter, Shivana, had been born it only complicated the situation because Cullen happily accepted the role of father. In fact it was one of the most painful things to see at times, because it was a role he thrived in. Tamaris had been worried that Cullen wouldn’t want to be with her, once the baby had been born. Those worries disappeared quickly when Cullen seemed to look past the blatantly obvious fact that he was not the biological father, and claimed the little girl as his own. In the moment it had made her blissfully happy.
Yet, almost a year later, she wished he had just turned his back on them then. 
Tamaris had hoped that with time her feelings for Solas would fade. They would be replaced by the feelings she so strongly desired to have for Cullen. The feelings never fully came to fruition. Solas was always there. The older Shivana got, the more she favored him. Her hair had come in thick, dark auburn curls, which could have only come from him. Her eyes stayed the same stormy blue as his, though for months Dorian had been convinced they were turning Violet. Tamaris suspected he was only humoring her. There was less obvious things as well. Subtle things that only she would have ever noticed. The curve of her coy smile, the way she held her hands she was being scolded, her soft chuckles when she had done something amusing or mischievious. All Solas. 
As she wondered the fade each night, part of her was doing it in search of him. Hoping she would stumble upon him in some old memories and be able to ask him all the questions she needed to be able to move on. 
Oddly enough, she had shared this with Sera. Whom was often uneasy talking about the Fade and magic, but much to Tamaris’s suprise. Her friend had a fair point to make. “Don’t go lookin’ for him… find what he may be lookin’ for. Which I would bet  is gonna be my little bumble bee… so go where our Shivana  is and I bet before too long he will show up, because there ain’t a soul in Thedas that don’t know the Herald of Andraste squirted out little elfy baby...because there is no way she can pass for Cullen’s, didn’t you try when his sister came? Wrapped her up, put a hat on her so they couldn’t see her ears…and they still figured it out ya know, not that it matters...she may look like ol’ Elven Glory but she is soft and squishy on the inside like your Cully Wully...  pfft don’t look at me like that… Shivana is one elfy elf baby. Perhaps the elfiest of them all…” Sera had continued to ramble on eventually leading to the conclusion that there was no way Solas couldn’t know about Shivana and had likely found her at least once already. 
So, Tamaris did as Sera suggested. Each night she found her daughter in the Fade in the safe little bubble Tamaris had created for her. It was one of the camps she had grown up in, the clan would stop there every few years. It was warm, lush and green. You could hear the soft sounds of a creek in the distance and there was the smell of wild flowers filling the air. She had left out the Aravels, mostly because she didn’t think Solas would approve of their daughter being raised Dalish. Even if it was just in the Fade. Instead she left it open, so Shivana could run and play with a freedom she couldn’t have at Skyhold. 
Each night she sat, watching her daughter be amused by two little whisps that had started to call this quiet corner of the Fade home. They were kind beings, with no malicious intent. Tamaris had made sure of that. They just loved to be around joy and Shivana was filled with that. They would play and dance, make flowers bloom and birds sing sweet songs for her. It was a lovely and heartwarming thing for Tamaris to see. It made her less worried that her daughter would be plagued with nightmares she had been. Though her gifts hadn’t shown themselves, Tamaris was all but certain that Shivana was a mage and a dreamer like both her parents. So the fact that as young as she was, she was attracting kindly spirits spoke to her daughter’s true nature. Or so that was what Tamaris had told herself. 
Then one night, when Tamaris joined her daughter in her little oasis, there were no whisps to be found. Instead, Shivana was sitting in the center of the clearing looking up a large white wolf that stood before her. Tamaris’s protective instincts willed her to go to Shivana, pull her away and run. Yet, as she neared and saw the soft smile on the little girl’s face as her hand reached out and tangled in the beast’s fur. A joyful laugh escaped her daughter’s lips, not unlike she would give Tamaris, Cullen, Mathras, Dorian or Sera. The people she knew as family. She knows it…. Tamaris concluded. So, she stopped and watched from a distance, just barely concealed by some trees. 
The wolf circled around Shivana as the child clapped her hands happily as if she was waiting for something exciting to happen. She turned onto all fours as she began to crawl after the Wolf as it started to walk away. I sofy grunt of protest escaped the little girl’s lips as she scowled, her father’s scowl. The Wolf stopped and turned around, as it did it’s shape began to transform into one that Tamaris knew all too well. 
Instantly she knew why Shivana knew the wolf and wasn’t afraid. Because the wolf was the little girl’s father. Her hand shook as she brought it to her mouth trying to muffle her gasp as she watched him bend down to pick up their daughter. Seeing him again, with their daughter caused a wave of sadness to wash over Tamaris as it shouldn’t have been this way. He should have been there when she was born, he should have been able to hold her for real. Then, the anger and pain started to seep in. Her hand fell away from her mouth as she stepped out of the trees and into sight. “Solas…” His name rolled off her tongue yet like it had a thousand time before, but there was pain behind it, longing. 
Her voice caught him off guard, he wasn’t expecting me, Tamaris noted as she saw a shocked look painted across his face. His mouth hung slightly agape as he struggled to find the will to call her what he truly wanted. It was Shivana’s joyfully laugh that steadied him as he turned his gaze down to his smiling child. “Look, Mamae found us.” He pointed over to Tamaris who was trying to hold it together. Her eyes were fixed on Solas as he placed a tender kiss on Shivana’s plump, freckle covered cheek as he mumbled. “Clever Mamae…” His gaze shifted back to Tamaris and she bit her bottom lip to keep herself from saying what she wanted as well. She forced a small smile for her daughter as her eyes stayed fixed on his. 
A few swift steps and Tamaris closed the gap between her and Solas as she reached out for her daughter. “Come on da’ean.” Tamaris muttered softly as the little girl, not yet one, leaned over for her mother. Solas’s gaze narrowed, his brow furrowed as Tamaris took Shivana from him. Once the child was settled in her arms Tamaris turned back to Solas. Her gemstone eyes danced with outrage, her free hand outstretched, a long finger jutted out at him.  “You have no right to do this to her.” Tamaris declared sternly, her voice wavering slightly as held back for fear one day, even though it was all in the Fade, Shivana would remember. “It is not fair, you are not apart of her life, you should have no place in her dreams…” 
“Not because I do not long to be…” his voice was filled with regret as he his hand reached out to take Shivana’s. He smirked at her. “I wish it could be different.” He was trying to sound happy, cheerful even, but Tamaris could hear the twinge of sadness in his words. Tamaris was doing her best to hold back because she felt for Solas as she saw the mournful look in his eyes as he smiled at the child. “But she deserves a chance for more, so much more…” He muttered more to himself in an attempt to convince himself that it was best if he stayed away. 
Tamaris couldn’t hold her tongue any longer. “She deserves the chance to know her father.” The weight behind her words shook him from looking at Shivana for just a moment. Their eyes met once more and Tamaris’s bottom lip quivered slightly as she still struggled to maintain her composure. “More than that, she deserves goodnight kisses, bedtime stories, someone to protect her..” Those were all things Cullen had been doing since the day Shivana had been born, but it should have been him.  
“That is what I am trying to do, vhenan.” His slip didn’t go unnoticed by either of them and Shivana looked confused. She had never seen her mother so shaken as Tamaris was by hearing that name again. Shivana’s plump little hand reached out to touch her mother’s cheek as a single tear fell from her deep violet eyes. The guilt over the slip was written all over Solas’s face as he reached out placed a gentle hand on her arm. “I tried to keep my distance, even here.” His words were chosen carefully, they always were, and his tone was soft and there was more sadness behind his words than Tamaris had expected. “But, I had to see her… she is my daughter…” His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke. 
“You could have just returned, really Solas. It’s that simple.” Tamaris hated that her tone was more desperate than she had intended, but seeing him reminded her how strongly she still felt towards him. “Just come home, ma’lath.” Their eyes met for only a brief moment as Solas turned away. His hand slipping from her arm. The loss of his touch made her heart ache.
Tamaris knew him well enough, or so she believed, to tell he was obviously conflicted. His hand went to his brow as his eyes squeezed shut. Solas paused for several moments before opening his eyes once more to look back at Tamaris and their daughter. “It is not that easy, I wish it could be…” 
“Why can it not be, Solas? Why?” Her tone shifted into a pleading anger, Shivana started to squirm in her mother’s arms. Slightly alarmed by the tension and shifting emotions. Without thinking Tamaris set the babe down on the grass before turning back to Solas. “What is so horrible that you would sacrifice being in your daughter’s life… that you sacrificed us for?” Shivana started to crawl away towards some nearby flowers, Solas’s eyes followed her. This upset Tamaris who just wanted him to answer her questions. “Solas!” She snapped sharply and Solas glanced back at her. 
“It is a complex situation...:” He started obviously wanting to avoid the subject but Tamaris was not going to allow that to happen. He owed her answers. Reaching out she gripped his arms and held him in front of her. “Please let us leave it at that..” Solas asked softly. 
Those who knew her well, knew that when she had her mind set on something there was little that would stop her. That moment was no different. Her lips turned into a disapproving scowl as her eyes narrowed in on his. “Tell me!” Her voice shook. The nights she spent looking for him, desperate for answers. The days she spent locked in her rooms sobbing, only coaxed out by Cullen’s promise to let her order the recruits around on drills and be as mean as she wanted. For a moment she wished Cullen was there to pull her away again. Her mind was awash with so many questions all she could manage to choke out was, “You owe me answers!” Her hands released his arms as she pushed him back slightly, though he didn’t move at all. 
Solas hung his head, only briefly glancing over at Shivana before he looked up and nodded. “That I do…” He offered his hand to her, Tamaris hesitated. “I promise, I will tell you everything…” He added. Tamaris nodded as she placed her hand in his. “Just not here.” In an instant they were somewhere else. 
It was a mountain top, a clearing with only a fire pit with a roaring fire and log near it. Solas gestured towards the log, waiting for Tamaris to go first but she didn’t move. Solas sighed. “Shivana will be fine, I promise.” Her violet eyes narrowed in on him silently questioning. “Her name was easier than you would have thought to find out, Leilana is not nearly as good as she believes herself to be.” He noted smugly and Tamaris chuckled. For a brief moment she forgot the pain. “Come… sit.” 
Once they were seated on the log, gazing into the fire Tamaris turned to him, her hand resting on his thigh. “I have to tell you this Solas, because I am sure you know about Cullen and I.” Solas nodded, he had known for quite some time about her relationship. “Please just know, no matter what you have heard. I still love you, I do not know why. I wish I knew. Cullen is a good man, too good for me in truth...he deserves so much better...” She was anxious, which made Solas smirk as he placed his hand over her’s. “I do care for him you know, but it’s not the same.” Tamaris mumbled as she looked down at Solas’s hand resting over her’s. She missed his touch, even now she longed for him to really hold her hand. 
“He is not too good for you, Vhenan… you are too good for him..” He stated softly as his stormy eyes lifted and gazed upon Tamaris’s face, it had softened some from before. The pain and rage behind her eyes replaced with profound sadness. He would have rather seen rage, for the sadness only made him feel guiltier. Solas squeezed her hand gently, “I never expected you to lock yourself away.” Tamaris shrugged and looked into the fire. “But, if I am being honest, when I heard… there was a moment..” 
“You were jealous…” Her head snapped back and she watched Solas nod, not wanting to willing admit the truth. There was a satisfied smirk across Tamaris’s lips. The fact he was jealous of Cullen gave her hope. “So did you hear of my pregnancy or Cullen first?” She asked softly. 
“Your relationship with the Commander came to my attention first, the pregnancy shortly after.” Solas was holding back the jealousy he still felt over the matter, but Tamaris could hear the bitterness in his words. “I assumed, I am sure like many did… that he was your child’s father but then the reports said you had an elven child… not elf-blooded… I knew the truth of the matter. That she was my child. Though, I heard all sorts of rumors including one rather amusing that implied that Iron Bull was the child’s father..” 
Tamaris let out a low, highly amused chuckle. “It was likely started by Bull himself.” Tamaris joked. “He did claim for a few days, in jest, that he was Shivana’s father.” Solas smirked as he shook his head. “I mean, it was funny at first… everyone was just trying to make me feel better about the situation.” 
“I know” Solas replied softly. “It is all my doing, all the pain, sadness and hurt.” His tone was so mournful it pulled at Tamaris. She scooted closer to Solas and rested her head on his shoulder. His arm slipped around her waist without either of them giving much thought to the actions. This is how they had spent many evenings by the fire during their time on mission together. Tamaris laced her fingers between his as released in the feel of his sweater under her cheek. Solas smiled softly for a moment, his thumb brushing the back of her hand before bringing it to his lips and kissing it. “Ir ablass, Vhenan…” He muttered against her soft skin. His eyes closed as he lowered their hands back to his lap as he spoke. “If I knew about everything before I left…” 
“We can not dwell on the ‘what if’, Solas.” Tamaris mumbled as buried her face against the soft knitted fabric of the tunic he always wore. “All we can do now, is find a way forward…” 
“What if there is no way forward?” The weight to his words were like a great hammer hitting Tamaris in the chest. Her breath caught in her throat as she wondered was that really a true statement. It couldn’t be, there had to be some hope. It’s all that had kept her going in the early days, still the hope of having her family whole one day kept her going. Solas sighed heavily and Tamaris shook her head. “There is so much you do not know, that if you knew…” he tried to explain but Tamaris wouldn’t hear it.
“Solas, there is nothing that you could tell me that would change my feelings.” Her declaration cut him off. The fact that fear still held him back upset her. “When have I shown you that I am anything but a rational, understanding woman…” 
Solas let out an amused but stifled chuckle. “I can think of several moments, but still… this is not you and Vivane arguing over the merits of the Circle.” He hesitated as he gazed down at Tamaris. He let out a long sigh before urging Tamaris to sit up. “Before I tell you anything, promise you will let me finish before you get upset and storm off…” 
As she sat up Tamaris nodded her head slowly as she watched Solas’s expression hardened for a moment as he willed himself to finally speak the words he had tried to say so many times before. He steadied himself with another deep breath as he began. “I remember you telling me that both your Grandmothers were Keepers of their respective clans… am I right?” Tamaris nodded, as did Solas before continuing. “So you heard many tales of all the Evanuris no doubt?”
“Yes, Solas, we have talked about this all before.” Tamaris pointed out a little confused. This had been a start to many of their conversations during their relationship. Tamaris began to wonder just how many times he had tried to tell her whatever deep secret he had held onto for so long. “Solas, I swear we have had this conversation before.” 
“I know, and we nearly have but there is a point to this…” Solas was getting a little flustered that Tamaris had interrupted him. He took a moment to focus his thoughts and continued, “So you have at least heard some of the tales of Fen’Harel…” 
“What little there is about him, other than he is the Trickster, the Liar… the great betrayer… he is the Dread Wolf… I know the Dalish keep wolf statues outside our camps. Mathras was afraid of it, I thought it was silly to be afraid of statue. I used to go sit by it and read because it was the only time he let me be on my own.” They both chuckled softly lightening the tense moment. Solas actually smiled a genuine smile for a passing moment. Tamaris sighed, “It was one of my many hiding places. Everyone said I was an odd child for it, the clan elders said it was because I was a dreamer. They blamed anything odd I did as a child on that.” Solas was watching her expressions carefully. The fact she didn’t seem afraid or upset while speaking of Fen’Harel gave him a glimmer of hope. She smiled before giving a little shrug, “Really,  the only story I ever remember hearing was one my father told the other hunters when he was drunk, he only ever told the tale when he was drunk..” Tamaris shook her head as she tried to recall the tale. “It was something about Andrul catching Fen’Harel hunting her Halla, then some fight with a Forgotten One… What was his name…”
“Anaris..” Solas interjected sharply.
“Yes… that’s right.” Tamaris said with a smile. “My mother would get so upset when he would tell it. My father made is all sound so torrid. He would shoo Mathras and I off if he ever caught us listening..” It was a happy memory from her childhood, one of her favorite in fact. “I do not think I have heard anyone else tell it. Just my father.”
Solas’s jaw clenched like he was recalling an unpleasant event as Tamaris stumbled through recounting the bits of the one tale of Fen’Harel she knew. “The truth of tale is far more sinister than some torrid story to tell drunk hunters, I can assure you of that.” 
Tamaris looked confused as she tried to understand what Solas ment. It had happened before, he would say something that just didn’t line up. “Oh, so you saw the real thing here… in some memory?” She asked rather confused about what any of this had to do with why he could not return. “Solas, this makes no sense… What does Fen’Harel… and stories my father used to tell drunk have anything to do with why you can not return to me, to Shivana?” 
“Everything…” Solas said flatly before taking Tamaris’s hands. He hesitated as he looked at her hands, his eyes focused in on the Anchor for a brief moment. Slowly, his eyes lifted. He let out a heavy sigh, resounding himself to finally tell her the truth, “I am Fen’Harel, I was Solas first, they gave me the name of Fen’Harel to mark me, because I would not bow, thinking it would make me hate myself but I took and made it something more.” Tamaris’s eyes grew wide, she didn’t question the statement at all. It was almost like all things that had been odd about the man she loved suddenly fell into place. She pulled her hands away from in shock, her brain still trying to process the information that she had just been given, but Solas took it as fear. He began trying to explain almost in a frantic manner. “I wanted to free my people from the tyranny of those who sought to enslave them, because they had gone too far.” Tamaris was even more confused but tried her best to listen. “They killed Mythal, for power… not out of spite or anger… but for power the worst kind of power. By her own children no less, while Elgar'nan stood and watched. Letting them because he was the worst of them.” His voice was filled with centuries of pent up anger. “No one did anything. No one was punished…” 
“So you took matters into your own hands?” Tamaris asked weakly. 
Solas nodded. “At first, I had planned to kill them all.”
“I do not believe that… you were never one to view death as an answer.” The Solas Tamaris knew lectured Mathras more than once about losing his temper and needing to step back and view the situation without attachment or emotions. Thinking back on those conversations and others like them, Tamaris wondered if he was trying to stop them from making the same mistakes he had. 
“It’s kind of you to still think so much of me, but it was my first instinct.” Solas sighed as he looked down at his hands thinking of how much he had changed. Lifting his head he refocused his attention on Tamaris. “I was younger then, headstrong, full of rage.” His tone was so matter of fact, like he wasn’t even speaking of himself. “I came to my senses though, after some missteps and failed attempts. Killing the first of our people is not an easy feat.” 
“But, I thought that they were immortal, how could they even kill Mythal?” Tamaris felt odd that in this moment the only things that stumbled out of her mouth were more questions, that would only lead to more questions.
Solas let out offhanded huff at her question, he often forgot for all her wisdom she had still been raised Dalish. With most of their ancestors history lost to them. “Our people had a natural, intrinsic connection to the Fade. The connection gave us immortality of a kind before the Veil was lifted. Though we were still mortal, could be killed in battle, murdered, illness was very uncommon but not unheard of. Death, just was not common place.” He explained as he watched Tamaris as she sat in shock. He could see her struggling to grasp everything she was being told.”There is more,” He continued and Tamaris threw her hands up in disbelief. How could there even be more? Her mind was already barely keeping up.
A long sigh escaped his soft lips as Solas turned away from the flustered Tamaris. He brought a hand to the bridge of his nose and pitched it trying to think of how best to tell her, he had already told her so much and he could see she was starting to get overwhelmed. Without looking up he began, his hand slowly lowering from his face as he spoke.  “I created the Veil to trap the ‘Gods’ to stop them from destroying the world with their lust for power… it was my last resort to save my people. I did not know that it would cost our people everything…” By the time he had finished speaking Solas watched as Tamaris’s eyes become glossed over with horror and sadness. He reached out and too her hands once more trying to get her to look at him as he spoke, trying to make her see. “I have to fix this mistake, I need to restore our people. Give us back everything we lost.” 
No sooner did he speak the truth did Tamaris have the stark realization that Solas likely had a major part in the Breech. Instantly she stood up, her body stiff her arms crossed defensively in front of her chest. Her eyes darted down to the Anchor on her left hand. Her mouth twisted into angry snarl. “You did it for yourself… you were behind it all…” Her voice was filled with confusion and rage. “The Temple of Sacred Ashes… Corypheus.. The Anchor…” She stammered her heart racing as her eyes shot up at him looking at him for answers. 
He quickly stood and reached out to try and calm her but Tamaris snatched her hand away. “I had not intention for any of that to happen, for you or your brother to get involved… any one for that matter.” Solas’s tone was desperate, pleading as he tried to get her to listen but Tamaris was just shaking her head as tears now streamed down her cheeks. “Corypheus was supposed to die in the blast, I was going to claim the anchor for myself…” 
“But I was there and destroyed your plans, took the Anchor you wanted… so what you decided to seduce me? To what? Get it back? Use me?” The pain in her voice could be felt it was so strong. She doubled over as she let out a guttural scream of anguish. “It was all lies… everything…” Tamaris’s head was spinning as balled losing herself to her own anguish. 
Seeing her reaction was almost too much for Solas to bare, he had known she would be hurt, but he never expected the normally composed woman to crumble before him. He never wanted to hurt her, of all people. I must fix this.. He told himself as he reached out and gripped her arms. “No!” Solas declared emphatically as he pulled her up and made her look at him. Tamaris turned her head away in defiance , yet Solas continued anyway. “I had no intentions of entering into any relationship or anything of the sort. Not with you or anyone else. I wanted to stop the breech and try to free you of this burden.” All his guards were down, something Tamaris had only seen when they had been locked in another kind of embrace. 
His hands gripped her shoulders tighter than he intended but she wasn’t sobbing quite so hard. She is at least listening. He told himself. He rubbed her shoulders as he continued. “Then, you came to me. Curious and kind. Willing to listen, and learn.” A brief smile flashed across his lips as he recalled just why he had fallen so deeply for her. “You were a dreamer, something I thought had died out in this world. I had wandered this world of yours for a year before I found the Inquisition and not once had I found someone who understood what was at stake.” His eyes watched as Tamaris’s expression softened urging him to continue,  
“I had given up all hope of finding anything in this tranquil world that would give me a reason to save it, then you come in and take me by surprise. So bright, full of a life I had not seen in ages, and the most beautiful creature I had laid my eyes on in a thousand years…” Tamaris was still sobbing only softer as Solas spoke, her face still turned away. His hands ran down her shoulders and over her arms before he lifted one hand to turn her face towards his. “Everything you and I had was real, when I said the you made me feel like the whole world changed… I was not lying.. It did change.”  His hand reached up and caressed her cheek. “Ar lath ma, Vhenan.” His words shook Tamaris, she had longed to hear those words from his lips for over a year. Not like this though, Tamaris told herself. Yet she leaned into his touch as he spoke again, “ I have never lied to you, Vhenan, I swear it.” He brushed away the tears that stained Tamaris’s pale cheeks as she tried to muster the will to push him away. 
Her hands moved to his chest, her bottom lip quivered as she choked out. “You did though.” Tamaris pushed him back weakly. Solas reached out and tried to grasp her hand but Tamaris clutched her hand to her chest as her eyes narrowed in on him. She was hurt but she still cared for Solas. Her emotions were tearing her apart, leaving only sadness to come through as she spoke. “You lied by not telling me who you really were before I fell in love with you, before we had a child together!” It wasn’t the fact that he was Fen’Harel, a figure she viewed as a god for most of her life that that upset her. It was that he thought she wouldn’t have understood, or listened to him.  “Do you not think I should have known my who my child’s father was? Really was?” Her expression softened as her heart willed her to take a step forward as she waited for his answer. 
Solas reached out and tried to take her hand again but Tamaris shook her head and pulled her hand away. She wanted her answers. Her jaw clenched as she waited. Solas let out a long sigh, “Vhenan, I tried.” There was a hint of defeat in his voice as he admitted this.  “So many times I tried to tell you but I was so afraid of losing you.” Tamaris was caught off guard when he stepped forward and took her hand before she had a chance to pull away. He looked deep into her eyes. “That day, in Crestwood. I swear I was going to tell you everything…”
“What stopped you?” Her tone was softer than just moments before but there was still the bite of anger to her words. 
“You…” Solas uttered softly. “Looking at me like you are now. I thought it would be kinder to end things than put you through this…” 
“Then why did you come to my room weeks later? Why did you lay with me again then leave like you did?” Tamaris asked the sadness building her voice again as Solas took her other hand. 
He shrugged and shook his head. “Because I am a weak man�� I missed you, longed to have just one more night as things were…” It had been such a night, it was also the night that Shivana was likely conceived. This was a fact they were both more than aware of. “I will never regret that weakness though,” 
“Shivana…” Tamaris said softly. Solas nodded and gave her a weak smile. “Why did you leave? If you would have said come with me, I would have. I still would.” 
“I know, Vhenan.” He began, his hand reaching up and pushing a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. “You do not know what it would mean, this is not the life for our child.” 
“You want to restore our people? Give us back what we have lost? Yes?” Tamaris questioned as she started to try and piece together a plan for them to be able to move forward together as a family. Solas nodded solemnly. “For our daughter?” She leaned in as she spoke softly. Her hand still in his. 
His eyes grew heavy with sorrow, “I want her to have all she deserves, all that is her birthright.” 
“Then let us do this together, as it should have been.” Tamaris said still unsure it was a path she was ready to head down herself. Solas shook his head. “You will need the Anchor…” 
“I will more than likely kill you…” Solas stated softly. He knew the truth, that there was no one but him who could have born the mark and lived, even if she did not help him she would still likely die do the effects. Solas had his theories why Tamaris was able to wield it wish such little damage for so long. He feared, however, that they were on borrowed time. He had been searching for any solution to the unique problem the Anchor presented, but what he had found was unthinkable to do to the woman he loved. He had made a promise to find another way. 
 It’s going to kill me if I help you or not, right?” Tamaris asked softly and Solas nodded mornfully. “Then let me die knowing my daughter is going to have a chance at the life she should have had…” Tamaris suggestion had the tinge of self destruction that caused Solas to scowl at her. “If I must die..” 
“No.” Solas said shaking his head. “We will find another way, if you join me I am not having you follow me to your death. Our daughter needs her mother, I will fix this… I will fix us...” His hand cupped her face as she gazed up at him. As upset as she still was, Tamaris leaned forward and pressed her lips against his catching Solas off guard. His hand tangled in her hair, pulling the carefully knotted bun loose as his other hand slipped around her waist, pulling her against him. He broke the kiss for a moment. “I promise you, no more secrets… everything I know, you will know.” Tamaris nodded as she slipped her arms around his neck, her hands running up the back of his neck, up his smooth head pulling him back into the kiss.
Tamaris had longed to kiss him for what seemed like a lifetime, all the hurt and anger aside she still wanted him more than anything else. Pulling back Tamaris smiled softly. “I want us to be together again… for real… where are you? I will take Shivana…” Her eagerness to reunite, so easily tossing any thought of Cullen aside made Solas smirk for a moment silently acknowledging that I won. Though he knew, she would have always returned. Cullen or no Cullen. 
His smile faded as he shook his head. “Not yet, vhenan…” His voice was filled with sadness. “I wish I could come to you in this moment and take my family back, but first I need to settle a few matters and make sure everything will be in place for you and Shivana when it is time.” Tamaris rested her head against his shoulder as she gazed up at him. “So, you need to just take care of our girl, stay with her when you are in the Fade. I will come to you.” Tamaris nodded though she wondered how she was going to be able to go about her life knowing that she had a future with Solas, a real one. 
“But what about Cullen…” Tamaris asked softly. 
Solas shrugged. “It could be some time before things are in order and we may have a use for the information he has access too.” Tamaris wasn’t fond of the idea of using Cullen but she nodded her head nonetheless. Solas leaned in and placed a tender peck on her cheek. “Shall we go back to Shivana?” Tamaris smiled nervously and nodded as she took his hand once more wondering what exactly she had gotten herself into. 
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vikingschristiansff · 5 years
Chapter Four
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Ivar was disgusted being in a Christian church, waiting to get married to a Christian woman. His brothers were not happy but they were better at hiding it. Bjorn and Leith stood at the alter repeating what Father Simon told them too. Leith remained stone-faced and regal, but inside she was breaking down. She wanted so desperately to scream, to cry, to slap this stupid Viking across the face. 
Once they were done Halfdan and Greer took their place. She was having a little more trouble holding in her emotions than Leith. Halfdan found himself feeling bad, he didn't understand why, but he wanted her to be happy. When Father Simon told them it was time to kiss, Halfdan thought nothing of it. He turned to kiss her and she gave him a quick peck on the corner of his mouth before returning to sit between Leith and their mother. The rest of the weddings went about the same, Ivar was more reluctant to repeat than his brothers were. 
The ceremonies were followed by a feast in the ballroom. Everyone was having a good time considering they were all drunk. The girls were all instructed by their father to sit next to their husbands and they sat down for supper. 
“When will you be living for France?” Edith asked Bjorn breaking a long-held silence among the table. If there was one thing that Edith was perfect at it was putting on a face. No matter how badly she wanted to treat the Vikings as the savages she knew they were she had to show everyone in attendance that she supported her husband in this decision.
“We will be leaving about three days from now, the weather should be best then,” Bjorn answered her. 
“How long will before you return?” Leith asked. 
“I expect we will be gone for about five months, we will rest her for a few days then we will all make our way to Kattegat.” The semi-lighthearted mood had quickly diminished after the mention of the girls leaving their home and going with their now-husbands to a foreign land. 
The rest of the dinner was uneventful. Per Bjorn’s command, his brothers and Halfdan did their best to cordial to their wives, and they’re way of being cordial was to practically ignore the girls. 
After dinner, it didn't take long for the girls to discard their shoes and dance around with each other like no one was around. They lifted the skirts of their dresses to get a range of motion. They wanted to enjoy themselves and forget the dread that the day had brought on. The Vikings were enamored, especially Ivar. He stared so intently on Bridget’s legs, how they moved, how softed they looked, how beautiful they were. 
His thoughts were knocked when a hand came down on his shoulder, “you seem, distracted brother,” Bjorn said. Ivar looked over, all his brothers, Halfdan, and Harald were looking at him. 
Thankfully, before Ivar had time to respond, the King demanded everyone's attention for an announcement. The girls huddled together once they stopped dancing, they knew what was coming. They had been warned continuously as they were growing up that this was going to happen. Everyone had made it sound very scary, but this was different. They were not married to normal, repeatable princes, they were married to Vikings which made the idea all the more terrifying. 
“I think that we have had enough fun this evening,” Ewan began. “It is time for the bedding ceremonies.” He continued to explain what would happen. He told the witnesses which chambers to go to as his daughters began forming tears in their eyes, he saw this. The wavering in his voice did not go unnoticed by anyone.
* * * *
Leith had changed into her nightgown and was sitting in her bed giving the men seated around her a hard and unwavering stare. She wanted them to feel just as uncomfortable as she did. There were five witnesses: two clergymen, and three lords. There were two maids that stood outside the door waiting to retrieve the sheets once the ceremony was done. 
The attention of everyone in the room turned as the door to Leith bathroom opened revealing Bjorn, completely naked. Leith immediately looked away, slightly angry that he clearly felt no embarrassment about the situation. He made his way and got into the bed with Leith, he wrapped one arm around the back of her knees and tugged so that she was laying down instead of sitting. She inhaled sharply, but quietly, at his action. He then attempted to start removing her sleep dress. 
She grabbed onto his hand, stopping him. “What are you doing?” she whispered.
“Taking off your clothes,” Bjorn answered confused. “For sex.”
Leith rolled her eyes. “Well don’t, just lift up the skirt, I don't want them to see,” she whispered and gestured to the men with a head nod. 
Bjorn obliged and rubbed up her legs, pushing the skirt up in the process. Hamish had had a meeting with the Rangnarssons and Halfdan a few days earlier, he told them the bedding ceremonies were to be quick and formal, they were for the legalities of the marriage, not pleasure. So, that's what Bjorn did, he entered her and got it over with quickly, though gently as he understood her fears. Once it was over, Leith quickly retreated to the restroom, and the maids came in to collect the sheets and replace them with new ones. Leith returned to the bed once everyone was gone, but no words were exchanged between the two. 
* * * *
Olivia left her bathroom after changing into her sleepwear, she walks into her chambers. The sight of Sigurd sitting in her bed made her skin crawl. She got into the bed next to him, covering herself quickly with the blankets not wanting to be goggled at by the witnesses any longer than was required.
“Can we please get this over with,” Olivia huffed after a while of Sigurd just looking at her. 
He didn't verbally respond, he just moved on top of her. Like Bjorn, he treated it as quickly and formally as possible. The maids entered the room, took the sheets, and remade the bed. Olivia got back into the bed and told Sigurd to sleep elsewhere. He naturally obliged, not wanting to be in the same room as that little witch (a nickname he had been calling her privately) any longer. 
 * * * *
Isla was in her bathroom changing into her sleepwear when Ubbe slipped in through the door. 
“Wha—,” she began to speak but was cut off by her new husband. 
“I can refuse if this is not something you want to do,” he tells her genuinely. 
“We have to, it's required of me,” Ubbe could clearly hear the sadness in her voice. “No need to worry, I have been told that this was coming for years.” Ubbe gave her his arm, she briefly hesitated before taking it. The walking into the bedroom, all the witnesses staring at them intensely. They got into the bed and consummated the marriage. The sheets were taken and replaced, like Leith and Bjorn, Ubbe and Isla shared the bed that night. 
* * * *
Elsie probably had the best experience out of all the sisters, even though she was the most terrified. Hvitserk had seen the sheer panic in her eyes when he had entered the room. He wanted to make her feel better, even though he did not understand why he felt that way. The entire time he made fun of the witnesses in order to try and make her more comfortable. It worked, but it made the witnesses far angrier, he made sure he told his jokes loud enough for everyone to hear. 
* * * *
Ivar had rushed to Bridget’s room before anyone could get there, he wanted to get into the bed before anyone could see his legs. He felt like he couldn't breathe, he had tried with Margarethe before but was unable to perform. 
Not long after he got into the bed Bridget came crashing through the door with one of her ladies, they immediately rushed into the bathroom where she changed into her night dress. The lady, who Ivar believed was named Mary, quickly rushed out of the room as Bridget hopped into the bed. 
“Just listen to me and no one will know that we cannot have sex,” she stated, breathing a bit heavily from her rushed pace beforehand. 
Without missing a beat, Ivar grabbed the knife he had on the table next to him and held it to his new wife’s throat, “Who told you I cannot have sex?” He asked angrily. 
“No one,” she said with disgust grabbing his wrist, pushing it back a little so the blade was no longer on her skin. “One of the maids saw your legs a few days ago when you were done bathing. She told me what they looked like. There was an old man who used to tend to our horses whose legs looked the same. He never married because he couldn’t…” her voice trailed off. “I have a plan so that no one will know, you just have to listen to me.” 
Ivar tugged his arm out of her grip and put the knife back on the table. “Why would you do this for me?”
Bridget let out a breathy laugh, “Please, this is not for you. If something goes wrong, or it does not work, I will be blamed. And I will be punished.” 
Ivar opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by the witnesses coming through the door, and taking their places around the bed. 
“I want all of one this side,” she said pointing to her left side. 
The men all looked at each other inquisitively, “The protocol is for the witnesses to surround the marital bed, your highness,” a clergyman spoke up. 
“What did you call me?” she asked.
“Y-your Highness,” the clergyman stubbled.
Bridget smiled, “Exactly, I am the princess, and listen to me. Now, all of you, to. my. left.” she stated firmly, all the men gravitated to where they were instructed. 
Ivar hesitantly shifted himself on top of Bridget and waited for her to give him instructions. 
“Just move like your actually doing it,” she whispered in his ear. 
Ivar did as he was told, he looked down and saw Bridget moving her hand down, he got nervous. Bridget put a finger inside of herself, scrunching up her face as she did so. She moved her finger around quickly in order to make sure she bled. She quickly ordered him to pretend like he was finished, and the maids entered the room. 
Bridget’s voice boomed, “The maids do not need you in there way while they change the bedding, wait in the hall.” Thankfully they did not argue, and Ivar crawled his way to the bathroom. 
Halfdan and Greer’s consummation went about normally, that is until they finished. Once they were done the King burst through the door with two maids following behind him. 
“Out! All of you!” he stated to the witnesses. 
“We haven't collected the sheets yet, your majesty,” one of them replied. 
“Do not disobey me!” Ewan shouted the witnesses scurried out of the room. One of the maids quickly shut the door and locked it as the other ushered Halfdan out of the bed. 
Ewan tossed the blankets off of Greer, and he grabbed a blade out of this belt. “Give me your foot, little bird.” Greer did as she was told, Ewan made a small cut on the side of her heel. He let the blood drip onto the sheets and smeared it around a little. One of the maids handed him a cloth that he tied around her foot to cover the cut. She got out of bed and the maids began to strip the bedding. 
“Halfdan,” Ewan walked over to the Viking, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You and Bjorn are like brothers, yes?”
He was confused, “Yes, Bjorn saved my life.”
“You want the deal to be successful for him?” Ewan asked, and Halfdan nodded his head. 
“Great. Then I trust what has happened here will stay between the five of us.” 
Halfdan looked at the fear, shame, and sadness in Greer’s eyes, “of course,” he replied, not breaking eye contact with his wife. 
Halfdan stayed with Greer that night. He wanted to know the full story but the best she gave him was, “I’ll tell you once I can trust you.” He tried to push it out of her, but it just upset her and she ended up ignoring him completely.
* * * * 
Little did anyone know, the first child to be born from these marriages was conceived that night.
* * * *
Which princess do you think is pregnant?
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