#I had too much fun writing this one akljreajreakjrkaje
giggly-squiggily · 10 months
A New Kind Of Mystery (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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Whoops my hand slipped :D Heyo everyone! Today I bring you some Ranpoe cause I can :3 This is a gift for the amazing @intheticklecloset cause why the heck not? >:3 I hope you like it friend!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @cupcake-spice13 @t-wordiiish @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07, @sevenincubistolemyheart
Summary: Books are Poe's life, but so is Ranpo and all his antics. Stressed about both, he inadvertently finds a way to make both work.
“Eeheehehehhe, Ranpooooo!” Poe squeaked, nearly breaking his pen in half when fingers pinched his ribs. “Please, I’m wohoohorking!”
“You always say that!” Ranpo teased, snuggling closer to the shy author as he carried on kneading his sides, earning even more giggles and squeaks. “Play with meeeeee~”
“Ahehahahaha, R-Rahhahahanpo STAHP!” Poe twisted around, catching the detective’s hands with his. “I reahally need to gehet this done. I can’t play right now.”
“Okay.” Ranpo nodded, a touch of hurt coloring his smile as he got up to go. “Well…call me when you’ve got down time, okay?” He turned to leave, whistling as he walked to the door.
“R-Right.” Poe nodded, giving the other one last smile as the detective disappeared, shutting the door behind him. When he was out of earshot, the author let his shoulders droop, head hitting the desk with a low groan. Why did books have to take so long? Mysteries couldn’t write themselves, and he always wanted to give Ranpo his best self when presenting a new book. Breaks were rare, and even those mainly consisted of naps and remembering to eat; not much else.
Ranpo, bless his heart, was so patient with him, but Poe couldn’t shake the image of that sad expression. He needed to make it right! He started to get up-
The sound of a car pulling out stopped him in his place. Looking out the window, he watched Ranpo head back to the Agency.
Shit- missed his chance.
“Gggggggrr?” Karl hopped onto the desk, tilting his head curiously up at Poe. The author stroked his head, trying not to cry.
“Oh Karl…I’m the worst boyfriend ever!” He moaned pathetically, gathering the racoon up in his arms. “I can’t even make time for Ranpo! He just wants to play- and here I am working on books-”
Books. Wait a minute…
“Oh…OH!” The ideas were turning in his mind. Karl climbed up on Poe’s head as the author gathered his things- a notebook for outlining, his typewriter for the final product, and most importantly; a framed photo of him and Ranpo the other gifted him when they first started dating.
“Don’t you worry, Ran. What you’re about to read is gonna be my greatest work.”
Greatest probably wasn’t the best choice of words, but it was certainly his fastest work.
Poe all but leaped for joy the morning he finished it- it was rough around the edges and didn’t have a title, but it was perfect! He could refine the work later- for now he needed to get this to Ranpo!
Taking the world's fastest shower, he texted his boyfriend an assortment of words that he hoped conveyed “Meet me at the park” before flying out the door, running as fast as he could, Karl hanging on to him by the back of his coat. The cold winter chill colored his cheeks, and his breath was frosty without his usual coat, but he couldn’t wait a second longer.
To his glee, Ranpo was where he wanted him, slurping on hot chocolate and kicking his feet against the bench. When their eyes met, he raised his cup in greeting.
“Poe-” A crash! A flop- Poe came tumbling before him in a heap of limbs and cloth, Karl leaping for safety at the last second. When the world stopped spinning, he found himself on his back, Ranpo’s wide eyes looking down at him.
“Poe!  Are you okay?” Instead of answering, the author pulled out the book- holding it up to him.
“It’s done! Here.” He gasped out. “Please, take it.”
Ranpo blinked. Then his eyes narrowed, irritated. “I haven’t seen or heard from you for two straight weeks and this is the first thing you say to me?” Hurt swallowed his anger as Ranpo sat back, hiding in his hat. “And here I thought you were just excited to see me…”
Oh no- this is not how he wanted it to go! Poe sat up, scooting closer to his boyfriend. “I’m sorry, Ranpo- truly I am! I was just so determined to get this book done. It’s a gift for you.”
“A gift?” Ranpo looked at him, somewhat guarded. “Not just me reviewing it?”
“Well- I would like to hear your thoughts on it after you finish it, but yes. I made it especially tailored for you and you alone.” Poe nodded, shaky as he held out the present. “I understand if you don’t want it. Not after me ignoring you for so long-”
“I’ll read it.” Ranpo took the book, running his fingers along the spine. “But I have a condition.”
“After I read this- I want you to take a proper break from your work.” Ranpo gave him a stubborn glare, cheeks puffed some. “You’re my boyfriend, and I have a two week vacation coming up. I want to spend it with you. If you promise me that, I’ll give you my full attention to this book.”
Poe was..hesitant. He’d only ever taken short half day breaks from writing; never a full vacation. What would happen if he did stop writing for two weeks? Looking at Ranpo, a worse thought occurred.
What would happen if he didn’t?
“Okay.” He nodded, prioritizing. “Two week vacation.”
Ranpo seemed pleased, lightening up some. “Okay. Whenever you’re ready.”
Poe nodded, taking the book. He flipped it open and began the tale.
When Ranpo came to, he was in the usual setup. A mansion- old and Victoria. A handful of staff- maids and butlers and gardener’s alike. There was a dead body in the room to his left- he needed to figure out what happened.
A classic mystery, if not a little simple. He already knew who did it. He was about to voice the culprit-
But stopped. That wasn’t the deal.
“Okay Poe- I’ll play by the rules.” He decided, even if he was kinda disappointed. The way Poe all but crashed into him to deliver this book- how he made it out to be something special- he figured it’d be a bit more complex than this. He went over to the room where the body laid, ready to get this over with. “What’s in here- ehehehehehe!”
The second he touched the doorknob, something ticklish shot up his arm, making him retract and giggle. The detective stared, looking between the doorknob and his hand. There was nothing there that could do it, but it felt as if someone brushed his palm with a feather duster. He knew this was the right door, and yet…
Like a drop of pigment into clear water, Ranpo’s disappointment faded into curious excitement. “Now what is this all about?” He grinned, slowly reaching to touch the knob again. The second he touched it, he was giggling once more, barely hanging on as he twisted the knob. “Cohoohhome on, I knohohoohow this is the rohoohohohohoom!”
Eventually, he got it open. Sure enough, a body was there- dressed in fancy attire and wearing a racoon mask. Ranpo huffed for air as he rubbed his palm, eyes landing on a note pinned to the body.
So you found my victim. Can you find me?
~The Tickler
Ranpo snorted at the name, flipping the paper over to find the same racoon mask imprinted on the back. A feather hung off one of the ears in the drawing. When Ranpo looked up, the same feather was snug behind the mask on the body.
“So this is what you meant when you said it was for me.” Ranpo smiled as he gathered the soft item, twirling it in his fingers. “Okay Poe- you want to play? Let’s play.”
Ranpo carried on the mystery, growing more giggly as he went. Every correct clue he found had that same ticklish touch, sometimes on his hands if it was an item he had to gather, other times along his sides when he walked through the correct door. By the time he got to the culprit’s location, he was a flustered mess of laughter, rubbing his sides to rid himself of the ghostly feeling. “Ohoohohokay, Mr. Tickler. I finally found you!” He pushed open the door-
And was ambushed by a racoon!
“Ah! Ahehahahhahahaha! Geahahahahahhahah!” He squealed, trying and failing to catch the fluffy creature as it dug into his sides, back to his face so it’s fluffy tail swished and flicked against his nose and neck. “Kahhahahaharl, wahahhahait! It’s yohohohohohohohou!”
“So you figured it out.” The racoon cooed, sounding just like Poe as it carried on tickling him, nuzzling so much the detective was in pieces beneath him, struggling to curl up. “Didn’t expect little ol me to be so devious, did you?”
“Yohohoohohohu gohohohooohoht mehehehehehe! I shohohoohhuld have knohohohohown you’d be so dehehehehehvious!” The detective reached into his pocket with some difficulty, clenching his fist around a very important item. “Buhuhuhut you faahhahaailed to remememeeber ohohohohohone dehehehehtail!”
“Oh? And what would that be?” The raccoon asked, fur standing up when Ranpo shot his fist out. “What-Ah!”
“Yoohohohu forgot I hahahve a wehahapon!” Ranpo sat up, the feather in hand wiggling against the racoon’s face and ears as it squeaked and thrashed in his arms. “Now Karl- or should I say Poe. You’re the culprit!”
The world around them changed. Ranpo soon found himself once again in the park, Poe’s ability ending and returning him to the real world.  His body tingled with mirth, and the feather was no more. Before him, Poe was a mess of giggles on the floor, scrunched up and giggly. “Aheheahhaha…yohohou got mehehehe.”
“I sure did! Ehehehehe!” Ranpo raised his chin with pride, something soft replacing the feeling after. “You really did that for me.”
“Ohohof course I did. It’s the least I can do after ignoring you.” Poe sat up, hiding in his bangs as he pulled on his sleeves. “I prioritized my work over spending time with you, and I’m sorry for that. Going forward, I’m gonna work on finding a balance.”
Ranpo took it in, considering. Then he smiled, crawling over until he was side by side with his boyfriend, lying his head against his shoulder.
“I appreciate that. I don’t mind you writing; it’s your passion. Just…remember I’m still here, okay?” He felt Poe take his hand, squeezing it tightly.
“I will. I promise.”
“Good. Cause if you don’t…” Ranpo didn’t give any warning, shooting his hand out and squeezing his side. Poe yelped, falling backwards and taking the detective with him. “I’ll tickle you until you die!”
“Ah! Rahahhahanpo, the groohohohohund’s coohohohohld!”
“Is it now? I’ll just have to warm you up!”
“Hm…gotta warm those up too.” Ranpo giggled as he slid his hands up Poe’s shirt, delighted at how giggly he got. “Get ready, Poe. These upcoming two weeks are gonna be full of this stuff!”
“Ahehahhhahaha! Ihihihih’m alehhahhahahdy lohohoooohking fohohohhoward to ihihihihihit!” The words made Ranpo’s heart skip.
This was gonna be a good vacation.
Thanks for reading!
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