#I have 100s of hrs in S/kyrm btw
opportunity-b · 9 months
I'm On Bethesda's Side For Once
interacting with more gamers due to Starfield made me realise there are people who think Skyrim is genuinely a masterpiece and that nothing Bethesda releases now could ever compare
this is hilarious because I always thought the consensus in the TES/Bethesda community was "Skyrim is a mid game that was saved by mods and fandom enthusiasm". but people ACTUALLY think base Skyrim is a masterpiece and they're mad at Starfield because they want it to be more broken and shallow like Skyrim
"I can do SO MUCH in Skyrim I barely can do anything in Starfield" and by so much they mean there's 8 different combat systems that barely function, and they would prefer 8 barely functioning combat systems, instead of a game that's more contained but is way more balanced and polished
Starfield is the first game in years where it feels like Bethesda actually put effort in and actually listened to fans, whereas Skyrim and FO4 were disappointing to anyone who had played FO3 and previous TES games. so many cut corners, such a bad job of balancing and implementing skills, so rushed, protag with no personality and barely any dialogue (Skyrim) or a voiced protag forced on you whose dialogue options were confusing, not intuitive, and still greatly limited (FO4)
Bethesda actually listened to these complaints. they brought back the unvoiced protag, they brought back depth and alternate choices even in mini quests, they made sure the combat and leveling system was contained, polished, and actually requires you to engage with it to keep leveling. all things we've been saying we wanted ever since Skyrim, but they're getting no credit for it and people are acting like Skyrim and FO4 were perfect and untouchable. lmao what
Starfield is also far from perfect. but it's a massive step in the right direction for Bethesda. their best game since Fallout 3. hands down. I feel like the only thing stopping people from admitting this is a combination of nostalgia and salt. because as much as gamers say we want new experiences, when devs actually attempt to give us that, we complain that it isn't like something else and harp on them about releasing a familiar title soon
I've rarely if ever been on Bethesda's side over the last decade but c'mon man. props where props are due
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