#I have 35 followers if this somehow goes outside of my circle I'm just deleting it cus I ain't tryna fight about shit
cherrisherry · 6 months
tumblr I see u havent changed in the 6-7 years I stopped usin the site for
No, traumatizing yourself with horrific imagery and news stories doesn't make you a more effective ally or a better activist, it just makes you traumatized. Being able to keep an emotional distance from the horrors of war and genocide is a good thing to be the most effective at helping others. Practice empathy, but do not become a bleeding heart. It's a hard pill to swallow, but allowing sorrow and dread to overtake you will not make you an effective ally, you will just be one of the many casualties.
Yes, if a meme is what helps information to raise awareness of a serious matter spread more prolifically without traumatizing those who can help, it is an appropriate method of spreading the news. Making a shitpost about ways to help others and adding links for fiscal and material contributions to help those in the path of genocide and war is always good, as it allows the links to circulate more freely.
No, policing the tone in which someone tells you something serious does not make you a better activist, it makes you pedantic and childish and proves you don't care for the cause but rather care to feel that you're a good person. Ask yourself, in good faith, why might this person's tone come across as flippant and uncaring. Do they actually not care? Or is the fact they make jokes about something horrible happening because they've lost their entire extended family to bombs, firing squads and starvation, and these jokes are all thats helping them keep it together.
Yes, talking to people around you about serious events is important, especially if they don't know anything about it, but,
No, unprompted telling someone in a hostile tone that this thing is being boycott and they're supporting genocide for buying from there is not helpful, in the current online climate, people will just mark you as an anxious reactionary. Which fucking sucks and it's right to be angry, but understand the climate and culture of the internet. Not everyone is born to be an activist, this is why over a million people will sign a petition but only 10k will show up to the protest. Presuming everyone knows everything is doing a disservice to those who may be interested in joining you as that 10,001st but don't know what to read or where to start.
This isn't a cool kids club, this isn't a lecture hall, they're human beings. Fallible, imperfect human beings. To presume that people are inherently cold and self-centered just shows that perhaps you do need to step away for a while. Traumatizing and re-traumatizing yourself by spreading videos, threatening the lives of epileptics (I'm not tagging that this video has flashing lights in it because its about a genocide!!! Okay?? And if the epileptic has a seizure and hits their head on the way down and develops brain damage? Is the intended charity here organ donations cus that's fucked up), re-traumatizing people whose families are stuck there, watching their home streets, their home towns, their family hospitals, their family neighbourhoods be blown to shrapnel and dust. Is that the plan?
Say I'm a horrible person, or I support the genocide or what have you, I put my money and feet where my mouth is. And others who do the same are likely sitting in silence and not speaking on issues they have no right to speak on as well.
I know activism. I don't know the ins and outs of Israel and Palestine. Thus I keep my mouth shut to avoid dissemination of misinformation. It truly is that simple.
Free Palestine.
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