#I have 36 kudos but what does that actually translate into???
whothehellisdante · 2 years
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help I’m starving I need feedback so I’ll know if people actually like my fic. 
I'm not expecting a thorough plot analysis or constructive criticism omg please just some acknowledgment? a morsel of support? a crumb of approval? maybe???
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jemgirl86 · 11 months
Author Question Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @siancore & @six2vii ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
237,514 (gotdamn 😳)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
SamBucky SarahBucky SamSteve
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Don’t Look Any Further
Stolen Moments
You’re Blowin’ My Mind (With the Things You Say to Me)
We Need a Resolution
Since You Came In
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Ehh I used to regularly. I still try to respond to the comments on Stolen Moments, because it’s my Casablanca, my Godfather, my… Ferris Bueller’s Day Off lmaooo, though I’m kinda slow about it. Listen, in a perfect world, I’d respond to every comment, but at this point I’m just lucky if I get the fic posted. My readers know I love them (all five of them lol).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Your Secrets Are Safe With Me
I mean, it definitely had the most ominous ending lol. SamBucky’s relationship had nowhere to go but down.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all I do are happy endings. If I wanted to see my fave have a bad time, I’d just watch his show 😒😂 Anywho, I want to say Stolen Moments has the happiest ending, because they get to live happily (and safely) ever after, but… can that be the happiest if someone… Hmm never mind idk, I’m just gonna say Stolen Moments lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
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Yes lmaooo. Folks have lost their minds lol. Hell, sometimes it’s not even about the fic. Sometimes it’s just some idiotic college kid & their friends, pressed because I said it’s wild to ship the “he murdered her mom” fanon couple… in a post… on here… on my own blog, and so they try to come into my comment sections on ao3 being cunts unprovoked… Or it’ll be some unhinged Bucky stan, upset because I had the audacity to mention something that actually happened in canon, again, here on my own blog 😂😂 Anyway, that’s why my comment sections have restrictions on them now.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Umm no, not really lol. I think the closest I came was the restroom encounter in Wanted; does that count?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah. I have to stick to the rivers and the lakes that I’m used to.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Many many many moons ago
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah… I don’t think I have the… qualities needed for that lol.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Sheesh I’m just gonna say SamBucky ‘cause they’re my OTP of the moment.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I still have hope that I’ll finish my WIP that’s posted: Weep Not for the Memories, and I don’t want to jinx myself 🤞🏾
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm. I think I’m realistic when writing stories, or at least as realistic as the plot allows. Like, for example, you ever read a fic with a kid, and you can tell that not only has the author never talked to a kid (or even met a kid) as an adult, but they’ve also somehow forgotten everything about being a kid? Well, yeah, that’s not me lol. If there’s a kid in my fic, they’re gonna be more Huxtable than Griffin — not to use the word normal, but they’re going to be normal.
I also think I write family interactions pretty well. Plus I’m good at adding drama that’s soapy, but that could also totally happen. This is just a long winded way of saying, I can write characters that seem like someone you could meet, and that’s harder than one might think.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. Definitely smut. Enjoy reading it, feel super weird writing it. (It’s probably my inner cradle Catholic jumping out lol.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Okay, I think I’ve done this like once maybe. Anywho, I think it’s cool; I just don’t really ever end up doing it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Shoot, I enjoy tf out of all of my fics. Sometimes, I’ll be rereading them on the edge of my seat, waiting with bated breath for what’s gonna happen next 😭 Welp, this wasn’t the question, but let me just name three of my faves for y’all:
Stolen Moments: My almost 100K word SamSteve/SamBucky love triangle soap opera epic. It’s fun, if I do say so myself.
Your Secrets are Safe With Me: Over 5K words of Bucky being problematic in the name of love. This was my foray into something “dark” lol.
Tell it to My Heart (Tell Me I’m the Only One): The first fic in my Inspired by Reddit Posts series. Sam and Bucky are in the same Waffle House; is it big enough for the both of them??? lmaooo
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whyyouacknsocraycray · 6 months
fanfiction about me tag meme!!
I was tagged by @princeparakeet, thank you!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
36 fics! 35 are complete, and one is on hiatus. Currently, they are locked to users with an account.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
692,264 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, I am focused on RDR2 and Sekiro
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Naturally, it is my longest fics, and all RDR2 fics haha!
Rearrange the Stars - Isaac lives AU, Charthur
One Last Time - sort of has a Sadithur implied ending but mostly gen
Toil and Trouble - 2AM (Albert/Arthur)
The Morgan Family - Arthur Morgan/Mary Gillis
Freedom on the Canvas (ON HIATUS) - Charthur
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to every one, though some slip through the cracks.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably either Collapse (RDR2) or When the Time Comes (RDR2). Both are rough for Arthur emotionally.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings haha! Probably Rearrange the Stars, though.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on AO3. I have received nasty comments on FFN, though. That's part of the reason I don't post there anymore. The other reason is that FFN's user design is awful.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
No, unfortunately, I never like how it turns out. Implied sex only over here.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
No, but I've thought about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know about.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know about.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I've done mini-bangs where I've written fic based on an art piece. So co-created, I guess.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh gosh... for RDR2, I do like Charthur a lot, but lately I've been thinking more and more about Albert/Arthur. And I like Genikiro for Sekiro. I'm not sure which is my favorite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Freedom on the Canvas. To finish it, I would have to rewrite large chunks of it, so who knows if that will happen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Outlining, believe it or not! I can usually create the main plot path of a fic fairly well in advance of actually writing. Details end up changing, of course, but usually the main plot stays the same.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Long descriptions and metaphors. I know I don't neeeeeeed to have a lot of those, but sometimes I read fics with amazing, detailed descriptions of the environment and I want to work on my own.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Hmmmm it depends on a lot of different things. How much dialogue, is there an easy way to translate it for the reader, does current narrating character understand the language of the dialogue? It's very situational. Usually, if the character understands the other language but the reader likely doesn't, I put English in italics with a dialogue tag for which language it is. I did do romanized Korean for one fic because the narrating character didn't quite understand it, and that way readers could also try sounding it out.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ah, it was for a TV show called Person of Interest.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
How am I supposed to pick???? For Sekiro, it would definitely be Tea House. I'm not sure which of my RDR2 fics is my favorite.
I'm tagging @pipdepop @sentanixiv @emmithar-blog @altairattorney if you are interested! No pressure, of course!
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earlgreytea68 · 3 years
Tagged by @setting-in-a-honeymoon​!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
An even 200!
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
Um. 3,328,002
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Inception in the lead with 67 fics
Sherlock with 56
Fall Out Boy with 36
Doctor Who with 14 (this number is incorrect, I have written waaaaay more than that, they just live on LJ and DW)
and then one each for Sports Night and The Office (UK)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Nature and Nurture
Saving Sherlock Holmes
Working on the Edges
The Radovljica Apicultural Museum
John Watson’s Twelve Days of Christmas
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I get busy or depressed or sick, etc., and I fall behind, but I try to respond, for a number of reasons - they give me so much joy that I want to acknowledge that they have brought my joy; it is so wonderful to see what people to respond to and love and laugh at and cry over, it definitely makes me a better writer, and so I want to acknowledge that, too; and comments when I’m in the middle of posting a fic are especially helpful to me because they often result in me tweaking what’s coming next in response to questions I see people have that indicate I’m not being clear enough, or maybe I’m not hitting the tone I want, etc. And so I like to respond to be like, “Thank you! You have no idea how important and wonderful this is to me!”
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, wow. While I actually think I can write good angst, when I do it I try to have it in the middle of the fic, so that it gets properly resolved to give you a nice, happy ending. I’m sure someone’s going to be like, YOU ARE FORGETTING THIS HEART-WRENCHING THING YOU WROTE, but all I’m coming up with right now is that, in my long Doctor Who ‘verse I wrote, I did a fic in which their family dog died. That was pretty angsty. (omg I just scrolled down to see how I ended this story and OH MY GOD ahahah I forgot that I wrote this after I’d broken up with the Tenth Doctor and so it ends with Brem being like, “Plus, my father is useless so I have to hold the entire family together all the time” hahahaha what an extra-angsty ending, Brem, my love lol)
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do sometimes! I feel like most of my crossovers make some amount of sense. Like, okay, maybe you wouldn’t think to cross Inception with Fall Out Boy (this was a special request) but I think the premise of the fic makes total sense. And I once crossed Oliver with Brem, but those were my first two beloved precocious fic songs, so that made some sense, too. And I still think Inception and Sherlock crossed together made SO much more sense than actual seasons of Sherlock lol. So I guess if I had to choose the craziest I would go with the Doctor Who/Gossip Girl crossover I wrote lol. But wait, that one actually also made sense as I wrote it, I think, so I’ll go with the Sherlock/Fall Out Boy crossover because that was just bonkers.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. I wrote a fic that was really horrible to Mary in “Sherlock.” I hate Mary. I feel like I can say that now. I haaaaaated Mary. But in those days “Sherlock” was an incredibly tense fandom to be part of and if you didn’t say that you loved Mary all the time forever and always then people were like !7@((!*(@(!& at you. I have a million massive warnings in all caps all over the fic, like, DON’T READ THIS IF YOU LIKE MARY, and people still would leave rude comments on it lololol. And then we wonder why I left that fandom lol. (I mean, many people in the fandom were wonderful, and I don’t always have REASONS why I leave fandoms, it’s not like anything is that logical or rational. But it wasn’t a very fun time to be in Sherlock fandom. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do. My smut almost always has to be advancing some kind of emotional beat in the characters’ relationship. I’m never super-explicit because usually the whole point of the scene to me is what the characters are thinking and feeling, not really what they’re *doing.*
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sometimes my fics show up somewhere without my knowledge. People are really good about letting me know when that happens.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
This is like asking who my all-time favorite child is.
14. What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have this high school Peterick AU that I started at the beginning of the pandemic. For some reason, when schools shut down, all I could think about was all these bands that wouldn’t get formed because the kids couldn’t go to each other’s houses, like Pete Wentz couldn’t just show up at Patrick Stump’s to hear him play. So I started this story where Pete and Patrick meet right before the pandemic hits, and then everything locks down and they’re stuck Facetiming each other and coming to the realization that their soulmate is on the other side of the screen.
Anyway, I actually think this fic is super-hot?? And I never think I write hot things, but it’s got a hot phone sex scene and I’m really happy with it and I would love to finish the story...except that the pandemic turned out to be...this. And in my head, Idk, I thought there’d be this triumphant moment where everyone would be like, “Yay! We can see each other now!” and Pete and Patrick would reunite, and instead everything petered out into, “Can we see each other now........????? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “ and I didn’t know what to do with that in my fic, it made it not as neat as I was wanting it to be.
But I hate to lose that hot phone sex scene hahaha. And also after the hot phone sex scene Patrick adds “Hotline Bling” to his and Pete’s shared Spotify playlist they’ve been working on and I’M SORRY, I FOUND THAT SO CHARMING, PATRICK STOLE MY HEART WITH THAT MOVE, anyway, as you can see, I love so much about the fic and I really want to find a way to make it work and maybe someday I will the end.
15. What are your writing strengths?
My dialogue.
Also I think I write the same story over and over (person realizes that they’re deserving of being loved for exactly who they are), but I think I’m REALLY GOOD at that one story lol
Also I like to think that I write family relationship stuff fairly well, like, Idk, I love doing that stuff, whether found family or biological.
Oh, and I think I usually get the ratio of angst::happy ending pretty good (in my view for my personal preference lol).
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don’t think I’m especially good at smut. I’m terrible at paying attention to things like setting, what the characters are wearing, what the characters even look like, etc. As mentioned above, I tell the same story over and over and over, and I’m okay with that, but yeah, I’d be bad at telling a story where people aren’t, like, nice people who you’re rooting for.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think I couldn’t do it, because I don’t speak any other language, but I’m always happy when people translate my fics!
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who. Although maybe, like, New Kids on the Block self-insert stuff counts from junior high??? But Doctor Who was first published.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Please see above re: favorite child lol
I tag every writer who wants to do this and I hope every writer does this because I always think these are fascinating!!
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usercelestial · 3 years
tagged by the lovely @arrowflier and @gallavich-x
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
36 <3
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
111,708 (which is so weird to think about lol)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
If I Were Paralyzed / 292
Mickey’s Upset / 280 
Disney Movies and Breakfast in Bed / 269 
good / 259 
Safety in Names / 252 
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
i’m really bad at responding to comments, i always try to but i always forget to do it. if i don’t respond to your comment, don’t get me wrong, i do appreciate it so much, it always makes me feel better about my writing. love all of you so much <33
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
uhh, i don’t really write a lot of stuff with super angsty endings, though i would say some of my stuff with more open endings could be considered angsty so I guess Internalized doesn’t have a very happy ending, it’s def open ended but it leaves room for some healing or really anything from my All You Wanna Do series
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
probably either Sick and Snippy or Without You but legit most of mine are just pure fluff 
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i haven’t but i’ve always enjoy some of those 9-1-1 and Shameless crossovers 
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
nope ! you’re all so nice ! 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
never explicit, no. sometimes i do vague descriptions of it if it’s necessary for the story i.e. my All You Wanna Do series where ian has issues during sexual situations but no lol i could never write anything sexually explicit 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of, no 
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, not that i know of
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nah, but i have had someone offer before but when i write a fic, its pretty much spontaneous if its not a serious one 
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
probably either gallavich or esperastra (because my queer wlw heart cant be stopped)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
oof, my pain (won’t be forever more) thing. it was suppose to be a royalty, medieval kind of au but i wrote it when i was just starting out writing so its like really bad and im not into writing long, multi-chapter kind of fics so i probably won’t ever actually finish (sorry if any one actually likes it </3 but i look back and cringe)
15. What are your writing strengths?
im not really sure but i think i would say probably more serious character studies, specifically ian (which is kind of funny cause when i was first starting out, i wrote more for mickey) 
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
i think i have a lot tbh, i think i struggle with long form, structured ideas which is why i prefer to write about feelings rather than plot, does that make sense? 
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i’ve done it a couple times with ukrainian but i really dont think i’ll do it a lot cause i dont think ive ever done it even close to perfectly 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
oh god, im so sorry, it was supernatural </3
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
i really wanna write for trobed (troy barnes/abed nadir from community) but ive never been able to get the characters to sound right so i havent yet, im hoping to do it soon tho cause i have a lot of ideas for them
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
uhh, i hate like any kind of self promotion but i think my What We Deserve (and What We Don’t) and the apple are two of my better ones. 
im never sure who has been tagged already for these sorts of things so im hoping no one i tag has been already <3 @ianandmickeygallavich @mishervellous @sickness-health-all-that-shit
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marshmallowgoop · 6 years
A list of my story analyses and other commentary.
Some notes:
A ☂ beside a post is a warning for especially critical writing. That post is probably very negative. Proceed with caution!
Posts marked with a ✈ are quite old and may not accurately represent my writing style, thoughts, or opinions now.
I encourage disagreements and discussions!
This list is only updated periodically. Check out the ramblings tag for the most recent content.
If I’ve linked a response of mine to an ask/post/etc. of yours that you don't want on this list, please let me know, and I will remove it immediately.
Anime and Feminism
Thoughts On
BNA: Brand New Animal
BNA: Brand New Animal Thoughts, Speculation
BNA: Brand New Animal: A Disappointing Series
Cutey Honey
Re: Cutie Honey: “Your father loved you without a doubt”
Goop Watches: DARLING in the FRANXX Episode 1: Alone and Lonesome, More Episode 2: What It Means to Connect, More Episode 3: Fighting Puppet Episode 4: Flap, Flap, More Episode 5: Your Thorn, My Badge Episode 6: DARLING in the FRANXX (Outline Only)
Codependency in DARLING in the FRANXX
Do You Think DARLING in the FRANXX Will Have Several Tone Shifts?, DARLING in the FRANXX Has a Lot of Heart
Do You Think the FRANXX Will Only Operate with Certain Pistils?
English Simuldub
Ending Thoughts, Thoughts on Endgame Couples, Thoughts on Hir02
Episode 1: “And you weren’t frightened by my horns.”
Episode 3: “The hand she held out and the smile she offered to me alone came at a price.”
Episode 12 Quick Thoughts, Responses
Episode 13: Amazing Piece of Animation
Episode 13: Does Zero Two Recognize Hiro?
Episode 13: Zero Two Biting Hiro (and Hiro’s Response)
Episode 14: Reaction
Episode 14: Thoughts on the Ichigo Hate Train?
Favorite Moment from Kill la Kill and DARLING in the FRANXX?
Human/Non-Human Romance
Third Ending Sequence: Lily Flower Symbolism and Ikuno
Why Watch DARLING in the FRANXX?, Would You Recommend DARLING in the FRANXX?, Would You Recommend DARLING in the FRANXX and Kill la Kill to Someone Who Dislikes Fanservice?
X Symbolism
Zero Two: Manic Pixie Dream Girl? Detective Conan
Ai and Heiji: Should be BFFs
Ai Haibara: Will She Choose to Remain a Child in the End?
Danger Sense
DetCo DVD Saga: DCMK Blu-rays, Detective Conan Ads and the 10th-Anniversary “Conan Taisho,” Detective Conan versus Case Closed Packaging, Don’t Buy the Japanese DVDs Individually, DVD Selection 4: Formal Ai and Conan Art, Episode 425, Blu-ray Quality, and 10th-Anniversary Quiz Questions, FUNimation Art Box Releases, FUNimation S.A.V.E. Bootlegs, Image Quality Comparisons, Japanese DVDs versus FUNimation’s DVDs, Mixing an Old Anime Dub with HD Footage, Non-Chronological Episode Ordering of Japanese DVDs, Textless OPs and EDs Included on Music Albums
Episode 36: “The Monday, 7:30 P.M. Murder Case,” and Why Detective Boys Fillers are Good, Actually
Episode 48: “I wanna see if Kudo Shinichi’s really worthy of being compared to me.”, Heiji and Shinichi’s Friendship
Episode 49: “He told me there was a new detective in town, and that I should come see for myself.”
Episode 118: “Heiji’s always talking about you [Kudo].”
Episode 118: “Because some idiot told me... after cornering the culprit with your detective work, you can’t let them die.”
Episode 174: Heiji Falling Overboard
Episodes 406-408: Toning Down the Tsundere, Heiji Doesn’t Realize He’s in Love with Kazuha?
Episode 479: Conan Defending Heiji
Episode 479: Respect Women Juice?
Favorite Episodes
File 1090: That Heiji and Momiji Scene
FUNimation’s English Dub: A Loose Translation But Fun Production, Naturalistic Scripting, Officer Tome in Countdown to Heaven, The Over-Localization is a Shame
Heiji Hattori: The Initial Push to an APTX 4869 Antidote
Heiji’s Relationship with Shinichi/Conan: Looking Beyond the Surface, I... Like That Heiji Says “Kudo” So Much?
HeiShin: “Don’t Fall in Love”
HeiShin: Is It Really Onesided?
HeiShin Masterpost: Things I Love About Heiji and Shinichi
HeiShinRan, HeiShinRan Love Triangle?
HeiShin Ship Bingo
KaiShin Ship Bingo
Magnum (Misao Yamamura): Thinks Conan is Shinichi’s Younger Brother?
Opening 56: The Focus on Heiji’s Alcohol
OVA 9: Shinichi’s Conception of Heiji’s Future (And How He Thinks Heiji’s So Attractive That He’ll be Called “The Lady-Killer of Naniwa”)
Prelude from the Past Prologue
Protective Objects: Hats, Glasses, and Lucky Charms
Ran and Shinichi’s Best-Friendship (Three-sentence Ask)
Shinichi and Heiji: Rivals?
Shinichi and Heiji’s Parents
Shinichi Kudo: Hiding His Trauma, Episode 426
Thinking About English Translations of Detective Conan/Case Closed
Referenced in Kill la Kill? Naota’s Lemon Pop
Gurren Lagann
“The Sense of Wonder”
Kill la Kill
Has its own page
Flower Symbolism in Kiznaiver's Ending Sequence, Revised
Kiznaiver Episodes 1 and 2: Thoughts and Impressions
What is Kiznaiver About, Exactly?
Magic Kaito
Magic Kaito vs. Magic Kaito 1412
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Thoughts On
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Exact Opposite of Kill la Kill? ☂, Oversexualization in Madoka
SSSS. Gridman
AX Premiere Thoughts
Studio Trigger Anime
Gushing About Promare (Mega Spoilers!)
Promare and Greek Mythology
Promare: Quick Thoughts
What Kumoricon’s Promare Panel Told Me About Kill la Kill Space Patrol Luluco
Episode 7
Space Patrol Luluco and Kill la Kill Crossover Idea
Space Patrol Luluco’s Finale vs. Kill la Kill’s Finale ☂
The Ancient Magus’ Bride
Concerning Premise
Wolf Children
Choosing Between Two Worlds, More, Yuki’s Choice
Beauty and the Beast: “Please don’t leave me.”
Beauty and the Beast: Stockholm Syndrome Jokes Aren’t Funny
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Glossaryck as a Distanced Immortal
Miraculous Ladybug
“Glaciator 2″: “I’m so afraid I’m not the good person I thought I was.”
Samurai Jack
It’s not “Born Sexy Yesterday,” y'all
Concept  ✈
Steven Universe
Character Meme: Lapis Lazuli
Lars’s Character Development
Parallels Between Ryuko and Amethyst
“Sworn to the Sword”
The Legend of Korra
Character Rant: Bolin ✈  
Character Rant: Pema ✈
Eska Speculation  ✈
The Shape of Water
Elisa’s “F U” to Strickland
Elisa/The Asset and Ryuko/Senketsu (Kill la Kill): Similar?
More than “Fish Dick” Jokes
Seen as Worthy of Love
A Good Story Matters Way More Than Pretty Prose
Devaluing of Fanfiction
Including Japanese Honorifics and Titles in English Writing, More
Reblogging Fic Instead of Liking
Something Doesn’t Have to Be “Deep” to Be Worth Talking About
Unethical to Like an Anime Dub That Makes Dialogue Changes?
Writing Snobbery ☂
Being Thankful to Online Creators
But Do You REALLY Want to Be Internet Famous
Children’s Shows  ✈
Content Talk
Consider Creator Intentions?
Getting Noticed on Social Media
How to Twitter??
Monetizing Hobbies
“Not Enough Love”
Short AMVs Aren’t Inherently Effortless
“Something’s Not Worth Doing Unless You’re Good at It”
We Need to Change the Way We Seriously Discuss Fiction
“Wholeness” and Relationships  ✈
Why Are Monster/Human Romances Your Thing?
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scottmapess · 4 years
New Bitcoin Model Forecasts Explosion to $288K | Tim Draper Doubles Down on His $250K BTC Prediction
In today’s show, I’m going to be sharing with you the new stock, the flow forecasts, which puts the average Bitcoin price at two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars by twenty twenty four, introducing his latest revamp of the popular price model analyst Plan-B ads. Golden Silver and almost trebles his previous forecasts. He actually just published it and titled Bitcoin Stock The Flow Cross Asset Model. The latest version of the popular and thus far accurate bitcoin price model predicts an average price of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. And it could happen this year. I’ll be giving you the full scoop here in today’s episode. Also in today’s show, Bitcoin Bull Tim Draper doubles down on his two hundred and fifty thousand dollar Bitcoin price prediction. If Bitcoin does not hit two hundred and fifty thousand by early twenty twenty three, Tim Draper jokingly says he’ll eat a raw egg. I’ll be giving you the full scoop here in today’s show. We’ll also be taking a look at the overall crypto market. BTC is back in the green. Most the major cryptos are also in the green, whereas the bitcoin price likely to go from here. Find out all this. Plus, so much more in today’s show. Here at kripp, the news alerts, I drop a brand new episode every single day, so be sure to smash that subscribe button and click that Bell icon to receive notifications of the latest premium crypto news. And before we kick off today’s show, if interested in learning from America’s number one investor, take a toworry. The Wall Street legend who picked Apple in two thousand and three and Bitcoin in 2016 as he shares his number one pick for the twenty 20th. They’re calling it the investment of the decade. Right now, there is a mad rush in corporate America. It involves Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. They’re all betting on a new technology that the World Economic Forum projects will soar two hundred and ninety five thousand percent over the next seven years. But it’s not A.I., the Internet of Things or 5G to discover what it is. Click the link right below this video in the description. All right. Welcome back to another episode of Crypto News Alerts. I’m your host, Javy. And let’s dive right into today’s top story of the day. In a blog post introducing the third incarnation of the stock, the flow model on April twenty seventh analysts Plan-B revealed fresh calculations that are taken his forecasts even higher. And I’ll include this resource in the show, notes below the video in the description, so you can actually read it all for yourself and get it directly from the horse’s mouth. But now let me give you some of the highlights. Bitcoin stock the flow ex demands two hundred and eighty eight thousand per coin. That’s right. This time, gold and silver joined in, combining with bitcoin to create the new bitcoin stock, the flow cross asset model called Stop the Flow Ex Stock. The flow calculates a value based on the supply of new bitcoins entering circulation through mining versus the existing supply or stock. The retroactive application confirms that the model is extremely competent at charting Bitcoin’s growth. With even last month’s 60 percent drop still falling within its predicted range prior to stock the flow ex and updated stock, the flow chart put bitcoin at an average of around one hundred thousand dollars between twenty twenty and twenty twenty four with the release of the new version. However, that prediction has almost tripled overnight. Let’s go stock the flow, right? Here’s what he is quoted saying. The stock the flow ex-model formula can be used to estimate the market value of the next bitcoin phase cluster bitcoin stock. The flow will be fifty six in twenty twenty to twenty twenty four. Plan B. Summarize this translates into a bitcoin price given 19 million bitcoin and twenty twenty to twenty twenty four of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Personally, I love the stock. The flow model. Kudos to plan B for putting this together. It’s been the most accurate model over the past decade that I’m aware of inside this bitcoin space. And as you can see, the trajectory of the bitcoin stock, the flow cross asset model. This shows bitcoin monthly data. You can see the yellow dot is a bitcoin cluster, one which shows proof of concept. Then we have the more orange color which is cluster to show in payments and then a straight up orange which is e-gold. And then we have the red cluster, which is a financial asset, and then we have silver, which is silver. And then the gold color which represents gold stock. The flow ex introduces the idea of clusters for bitcoin as it moves between various use cases. According to plan B, the crypto has already been considered as a proof of concept for payments as e-gold and currently as a financial asset. Each tag company is a cluster of price points on the stock, the flow chart and each cluster gives a markedly different price forecasts. Each of the four identified bitcoin clusters has a very different stock the flow market value combination that seems to be consistent with havinga and changing bitcoin narratives, he continued. So far it is the financial asset cluster which has produced the largest stock. The flow value and market value twenty five point one and one hundred and fourteen billion respectively. Under stock. The flow ex and stock the flow value of fifty six Bitcoin’s market value should balloon to five point five trillion, corresponding to a price per coin of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. The update was not without its detractors. Having previously criticised earlier work, the high volume bitcoin trader known as Joe Double-O 7 took a fresh swipe at the stock the flow, arguing that Plan B should include more assets such as the controversial altcoin Bitcoin Satoshi vision. Here’s what he said. I think Plan-B made a step in the right direction by including more assets in his model solid work. As soon as the stock the flow ex is confirmed for a wide range of assets like ptw, Bitcoin, CentOS Vision and BCSE. It will have my enthusiastic support, highly scientific. Now here’s an interesting comment from Joe Double-O 7. He claims that Bitcoin’s upcoming having is already priced into the Bitcoin slash USD price and that next month’s event will precede a price crash. I disagree here, but I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. I personally do not feel that Bitcoin’s upcoming having is already priced in. I think we’re gonna get very. Bullish here shortly. But I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. A theory I’m co-founder Vitaliy Budarin, meanwhile, is also amongst those with reservations about the stock, the flow model. Now I’m going to include this resource in the show notes below the video and the description. This is that blog post with the update to the stock, the flow model, which shows all the math on how the price was derived. As you can see here, this translates into a bitcoin price of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Once again, it’s in the show notes right down below this video in the description. So be sure to check it out and shout out to Plan B. Now for our next story of the day. Tim Draper doubles down on his $250000 bitcoin price prediction. Before we break this down. Let’s take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin is up about three quarters of a percent. Trading just above seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars a theory. Um, and all the major cryptos are also back in the green with the theory. I’m up 1.3 percent, trading at one hundred and ninety seven dollars. SRP up 5.8 percent. Trading at 20 cents. Miss Litecoin up 1 percent. Trading at $44. BMB up point 1 percent. Trading at sixteen dollars. We got c.o.’s up 0.4 percent, trading at two dollars and seventy four cents. Satoshi vision up a half a percent. Trading at one hundred and ninety four dollars and bitcoin cash up 1.5 percent. Trading at two hundred and forty one dollars. I would like to see bitcoin break that seventy eight hundred dollar resistance. I feel once we do that we can continue climbing and surpass that eight thousand dollar level. Now let’s take a look at some of the largest exchanges by NANCE has about four billion in volume in the past 24 hours. Down 20 percent in the last day. OK. X is up over 50 percent in the past 24 hours with 2.3 billion in volume. Bit max down 36 percent with one point four billion in volume. And as you can see, these are all the major exchanges yesterday. They were all in the green the day before. They were all in the green. So this is just makes sense as we can’t stay in the green forever. Sometimes things need to settle and the volume will slow down as we’re witnessing right now. All right. Now for our next story of the day. Tim Draper saying he’s going to eat a raw egg at the Bitcoin price doesn’t hit a quarter million. I love it. Speaking at Virtual Blockchain Week, famed venture capitalist Tim Draper confirmed that he’s sticking to a six figure Bitcoin price prediction back in 2018. Tim Draper made a bold public call that the price of Bitcoin would reach a quarter million dollars by the end of 2022 or early twenty 2023 as it today. He’s sticking to it. Here’s what he said. That’s my prediction. Sticking with it. I’m very confident that this is going to happen. That’s happening. It’s kind of funny. He cites a couple of major reasons that might drive that kind of price action. Draper believes that the U.S. government’s massive stimulus package will debase the value of the dollar. I agree 100 percent and send people to crypto. He also expects that Bitcoin will see massive commercial adoption around the world within this timeframe. Here’s what he said. All of a sudden, retailers say, oh, you mean I don’t have to pay 2.5 to 4 percent to the banks? Every time somebody swipes a credit card to say what, crypto? They don’t have to. Draper says a company called Open NOAD, which he invested one point two five million, can make it happen. Open NOAD is building a bitcoin payment gateway on the a network known for extremely fast Bitcoin transaction settlements in time. Draper believes such services will prove their competitive advantage over the conventional players, such as credit cards, and will steal market share away from them the same way MasterCard and Visa took market shares away from then the dominant American Express. Draper also jokingly promised to eat a raw egg if his prediction falls short, an illusion of a more savage promise made by John McAfee, which I’m sure you all remember it Bitcoin doesn’t hit a million dollars by the end of 2020. I will eat my own what on national TV? Please don’t do this for the kids. Jon, please don’t do this. But with having countdown looming, there is rising mainstream attention on Bitcoin’s price movements. That’s a fact. Now let’s take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market cap. We’re sitting at two hundred and twenty three billion with one hundred and twenty six billion in volume in the past 24 hours. And the current BTC dominance is sixty three point seven percent. Yesterday it was 64 percent. So it took a step back just a little bit for today and taking a look at the top gainers within the top one hundred. We have ave up 17 percent trading at 4 cents. Stellar lumens up 12 percent. Trading at 7 cents detects futures up 11 percent. Trading at four point eight cents higher on up 7 percent. Trading at seventeen point eight cents. Synthetics Network up six and a half percent. Trading at seventy five cents. And D Central Lambe up 6 percent, trading at 3.3 cents. And now for the biggest losers for the day, hive down 31 percent. Trading at 52 cents. Steam down almost 8 percent. Trading at 20 cents. Made safe coin down 4 percent. Trading at nine point eight cents. Did you buy it? Down about 4 percent. Trading at one cent, one point one cent to be exact. Engine KOIN down three point eighty eight percent, trading at thirteen point two cents. And Quant down 3.8 percent. Trading at $4 and eighty six cents. And now checking out the Big Macs margins. Wow. Once again, when I hit the record button about 10, 15 minutes ago, shorts were leading superior. Now longs are back in control. Go bulls. Leading with about 7 million and superiority in the past 24 hours with longs leading fifty point three eight percent versus forty nine point six two percent. Shorts. Are you currently bullish or bearish on bitcoin? Let me know your thoughts in the comments right down below. And now checking out the crypto greed and fear index. It shows were rated at twenty seven in fear. Yesterday was at twenty six last week in nineteen and last month of fourteen. And if you’re not familiar with the crypto greed and Fear Index, extreme fear can be a sign that investors are too worried. That can be a buying opportunity. And when investors are getting too greedy. That means the market is due for a correction. And now for the bitcoin block reward having countdown. We have 13 days, 21 hours. Forty five minutes and fifty five seconds remaining until the estimated date for the Bitcoin having set to be May 12th. In case you missed yesterday’s episode of crypto news alerts, the sole focus of the entire show was the bitcoin having. I shared everything you need to know about this event, which is a rare phenomenon which only occurs approximately every four years. There’s a bit of code written into the DNA of the bitcoin blockchain, so the block rewards about to get cut in half. When this happens, it becomes twice as difficult to mine a single bitcoin. Right now, the current price for the average miner to mine a bitcoin is about seven thousand dollars. So in two weeks it’s going to cost them fourteen thousand dollars. So I am very bullish leading up to this. I don’t think the bitcoin price is already priced into the having, as Joe Double-O Seven shared in that recent article. But I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. I personally would love to see bitcoin test new all time highs this year. If you remember back in December of twenty seventeen, bitcoin went parabolic, rising all the way to twenty thousand dollars. Now this has happened two different times before. Back in 2012 there was a having one year later. Bitcoin skyrocketed and then the same thing happened in 2016. One year later in twenty seventeen, bitcoin reached a new all time high. Will it happen again? I think so, but I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. And I want to encourage you to check out the description right below this video by clicking show more in the description right down below for a detailed analysis of what’s going on in the market. This goes for all 400 plus videos right here on my channel. Also, have some very helpful resources for you to plug into, including the blog to my podcast, which could be found at Krypto News. Yes, dot com. This allows you to download the latest episode of the show every day and m_p_ three format so you can listen to it on your way to work or on the go when you’re out and about. Also, be sure to subscribe on YouTube if you haven’t yet already done so. This helps tremendously with getting more traction to the channel. And also we’re on all the major podcasting platforms, including Apple’s i-Tunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher Radio. So whichever podcasting platform you’re active on, please help support the show. It’s greatly appreciated. You can also follow us on Twitter to receive daily Krypto News alerts. My Twitter handle is Krypto News. Yes. And also I have a private Krypto Facebook group with over 17000 strong from all over the world to become a part of this. Simply click this link, request the join and I’ll be sure to plug you in and also have a private Krypto telegram chat. I’m very active on to become a part of this. Click this link from a mobile device and you’ll automatically be added. And I’m looking for a connecting with you on the inside. Well, that’s going to conclude today’s show. As always, I appreciate you tuning in and journeying along with me inside this incredible crypto revolution. If you gain value added today’s show, be sure to smash that subscribe button and click that bell icon to receive notifications of the latest premium crypto news. And real quick before I go, if interested in learning from America’s number one investor, Teka toworry the Wall Street legend who picked Apple and Two Thousand and three and Bitcoin in 2016 as he shares his number one pick for the 2020s. They’re calling it the investment of the decade. Right now, there’s a mad rush in corporate America and involves Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. They’re all betting on a new technology that the World Economic Forum projects will soar two hundred and ninety five thousand percent over the next seven years. But it’s not A.I., the Internet of Things or 5G. For full details on what it is and to watch this exclusive presentation with tickets, worry. Click the link right below this video and a description. Check it out and I’ll look forward to catching you on tomorrow’s episode piece.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/new-bitcoin-model-forecasts-explosion/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/new-bitcoin-model-forecasts-explosion.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
New Bitcoin Model Forecasts Explosion to $288K | Tim Draper Doubles Down on His $250K BTC Prediction
In today’s show, I’m going to be sharing with you the new stock, the flow forecasts, which puts the average Bitcoin price at two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars by twenty twenty four, introducing his latest revamp of the popular price model analyst Plan-B ads. Golden Silver and almost trebles his previous forecasts. He actually just published it and titled Bitcoin Stock The Flow Cross Asset Model. The latest version of the popular and thus far accurate bitcoin price model predicts an average price of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. And it could happen this year. I’ll be giving you the full scoop here in today’s episode. Also in today’s show, Bitcoin Bull Tim Draper doubles down on his two hundred and fifty thousand dollar Bitcoin price prediction. If Bitcoin does not hit two hundred and fifty thousand by early twenty twenty three, Tim Draper jokingly says he’ll eat a raw egg. I’ll be giving you the full scoop here in today’s show. We’ll also be taking a look at the overall crypto market. BTC is back in the green. Most the major cryptos are also in the green, whereas the bitcoin price likely to go from here. Find out all this. Plus, so much more in today’s show. Here at kripp, the news alerts, I drop a brand new episode every single day, so be sure to smash that subscribe button and click that Bell icon to receive notifications of the latest premium crypto news. And before we kick off today’s show, if interested in learning from America’s number one investor, take a toworry. The Wall Street legend who picked Apple in two thousand and three and Bitcoin in 2016 as he shares his number one pick for the twenty 20th. They’re calling it the investment of the decade. Right now, there is a mad rush in corporate America. It involves Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. They’re all betting on a new technology that the World Economic Forum projects will soar two hundred and ninety five thousand percent over the next seven years. But it’s not A.I., the Internet of Things or 5G to discover what it is. Click the link right below this video in the description. All right. Welcome back to another episode of Crypto News Alerts. I’m your host, Javy. And let’s dive right into today’s top story of the day. In a blog post introducing the third incarnation of the stock, the flow model on April twenty seventh analysts Plan-B revealed fresh calculations that are taken his forecasts even higher. And I’ll include this resource in the show, notes below the video in the description, so you can actually read it all for yourself and get it directly from the horse’s mouth. But now let me give you some of the highlights. Bitcoin stock the flow ex demands two hundred and eighty eight thousand per coin. That’s right. This time, gold and silver joined in, combining with bitcoin to create the new bitcoin stock, the flow cross asset model called Stop the Flow Ex Stock. The flow calculates a value based on the supply of new bitcoins entering circulation through mining versus the existing supply or stock. The retroactive application confirms that the model is extremely competent at charting Bitcoin’s growth. With even last month’s 60 percent drop still falling within its predicted range prior to stock the flow ex and updated stock, the flow chart put bitcoin at an average of around one hundred thousand dollars between twenty twenty and twenty twenty four with the release of the new version. However, that prediction has almost tripled overnight. Let’s go stock the flow, right? Here’s what he is quoted saying. The stock the flow ex-model formula can be used to estimate the market value of the next bitcoin phase cluster bitcoin stock. The flow will be fifty six in twenty twenty to twenty twenty four. Plan B. Summarize this translates into a bitcoin price given 19 million bitcoin and twenty twenty to twenty twenty four of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Personally, I love the stock. The flow model. Kudos to plan B for putting this together. It’s been the most accurate model over the past decade that I’m aware of inside this bitcoin space. And as you can see, the trajectory of the bitcoin stock, the flow cross asset model. This shows bitcoin monthly data. You can see the yellow dot is a bitcoin cluster, one which shows proof of concept. Then we have the more orange color which is cluster to show in payments and then a straight up orange which is e-gold. And then we have the red cluster, which is a financial asset, and then we have silver, which is silver. And then the gold color which represents gold stock. The flow ex introduces the idea of clusters for bitcoin as it moves between various use cases. According to plan B, the crypto has already been considered as a proof of concept for payments as e-gold and currently as a financial asset. Each tag company is a cluster of price points on the stock, the flow chart and each cluster gives a markedly different price forecasts. Each of the four identified bitcoin clusters has a very different stock the flow market value combination that seems to be consistent with havinga and changing bitcoin narratives, he continued. So far it is the financial asset cluster which has produced the largest stock. The flow value and market value twenty five point one and one hundred and fourteen billion respectively. Under stock. The flow ex and stock the flow value of fifty six Bitcoin’s market value should balloon to five point five trillion, corresponding to a price per coin of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. The update was not without its detractors. Having previously criticised earlier work, the high volume bitcoin trader known as Joe Double-O 7 took a fresh swipe at the stock the flow, arguing that Plan B should include more assets such as the controversial altcoin Bitcoin Satoshi vision. Here’s what he said. I think Plan-B made a step in the right direction by including more assets in his model solid work. As soon as the stock the flow ex is confirmed for a wide range of assets like ptw, Bitcoin, CentOS Vision and BCSE. It will have my enthusiastic support, highly scientific. Now here’s an interesting comment from Joe Double-O 7. He claims that Bitcoin’s upcoming having is already priced into the Bitcoin slash USD price and that next month’s event will precede a price crash. I disagree here, but I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. I personally do not feel that Bitcoin’s upcoming having is already priced in. I think we’re gonna get very. Bullish here shortly. But I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. A theory I’m co-founder Vitaliy Budarin, meanwhile, is also amongst those with reservations about the stock, the flow model. Now I’m going to include this resource in the show notes below the video and the description. This is that blog post with the update to the stock, the flow model, which shows all the math on how the price was derived. As you can see here, this translates into a bitcoin price of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Once again, it’s in the show notes right down below this video in the description. So be sure to check it out and shout out to Plan B. Now for our next story of the day. Tim Draper doubles down on his $250000 bitcoin price prediction. Before we break this down. Let’s take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin is up about three quarters of a percent. Trading just above seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars a theory. Um, and all the major cryptos are also back in the green with the theory. I’m up 1.3 percent, trading at one hundred and ninety seven dollars. SRP up 5.8 percent. Trading at 20 cents. Miss Litecoin up 1 percent. Trading at $44. BMB up point 1 percent. Trading at sixteen dollars. We got c.o.’s up 0.4 percent, trading at two dollars and seventy four cents. Satoshi vision up a half a percent. Trading at one hundred and ninety four dollars and bitcoin cash up 1.5 percent. Trading at two hundred and forty one dollars. I would like to see bitcoin break that seventy eight hundred dollar resistance. I feel once we do that we can continue climbing and surpass that eight thousand dollar level. Now let’s take a look at some of the largest exchanges by NANCE has about four billion in volume in the past 24 hours. Down 20 percent in the last day. OK. X is up over 50 percent in the past 24 hours with 2.3 billion in volume. Bit max down 36 percent with one point four billion in volume. And as you can see, these are all the major exchanges yesterday. They were all in the green the day before. They were all in the green. So this is just makes sense as we can’t stay in the green forever. Sometimes things need to settle and the volume will slow down as we’re witnessing right now. All right. Now for our next story of the day. Tim Draper saying he’s going to eat a raw egg at the Bitcoin price doesn’t hit a quarter million. I love it. Speaking at Virtual Blockchain Week, famed venture capitalist Tim Draper confirmed that he’s sticking to a six figure Bitcoin price prediction back in 2018. Tim Draper made a bold public call that the price of Bitcoin would reach a quarter million dollars by the end of 2022 or early twenty 2023 as it today. He’s sticking to it. Here’s what he said. That’s my prediction. Sticking with it. I’m very confident that this is going to happen. That’s happening. It’s kind of funny. He cites a couple of major reasons that might drive that kind of price action. Draper believes that the U.S. government’s massive stimulus package will debase the value of the dollar. I agree 100 percent and send people to crypto. He also expects that Bitcoin will see massive commercial adoption around the world within this timeframe. Here’s what he said. All of a sudden, retailers say, oh, you mean I don’t have to pay 2.5 to 4 percent to the banks? Every time somebody swipes a credit card to say what, crypto? They don’t have to. Draper says a company called Open NOAD, which he invested one point two five million, can make it happen. Open NOAD is building a bitcoin payment gateway on the a network known for extremely fast Bitcoin transaction settlements in time. Draper believes such services will prove their competitive advantage over the conventional players, such as credit cards, and will steal market share away from them the same way MasterCard and Visa took market shares away from then the dominant American Express. Draper also jokingly promised to eat a raw egg if his prediction falls short, an illusion of a more savage promise made by John McAfee, which I’m sure you all remember it Bitcoin doesn’t hit a million dollars by the end of 2020. I will eat my own what on national TV? Please don’t do this for the kids. Jon, please don’t do this. But with having countdown looming, there is rising mainstream attention on Bitcoin’s price movements. That’s a fact. Now let’s take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market cap. We’re sitting at two hundred and twenty three billion with one hundred and twenty six billion in volume in the past 24 hours. And the current BTC dominance is sixty three point seven percent. Yesterday it was 64 percent. So it took a step back just a little bit for today and taking a look at the top gainers within the top one hundred. We have ave up 17 percent trading at 4 cents. Stellar lumens up 12 percent. Trading at 7 cents detects futures up 11 percent. Trading at four point eight cents higher on up 7 percent. Trading at seventeen point eight cents. Synthetics Network up six and a half percent. Trading at seventy five cents. And D Central Lambe up 6 percent, trading at 3.3 cents. And now for the biggest losers for the day, hive down 31 percent. Trading at 52 cents. Steam down almost 8 percent. Trading at 20 cents. Made safe coin down 4 percent. Trading at nine point eight cents. Did you buy it? Down about 4 percent. Trading at one cent, one point one cent to be exact. Engine KOIN down three point eighty eight percent, trading at thirteen point two cents. And Quant down 3.8 percent. Trading at $4 and eighty six cents. And now checking out the Big Macs margins. Wow. Once again, when I hit the record button about 10, 15 minutes ago, shorts were leading superior. Now longs are back in control. Go bulls. Leading with about 7 million and superiority in the past 24 hours with longs leading fifty point three eight percent versus forty nine point six two percent. Shorts. Are you currently bullish or bearish on bitcoin? Let me know your thoughts in the comments right down below. And now checking out the crypto greed and fear index. It shows were rated at twenty seven in fear. Yesterday was at twenty six last week in nineteen and last month of fourteen. And if you’re not familiar with the crypto greed and Fear Index, extreme fear can be a sign that investors are too worried. That can be a buying opportunity. And when investors are getting too greedy. That means the market is due for a correction. And now for the bitcoin block reward having countdown. We have 13 days, 21 hours. Forty five minutes and fifty five seconds remaining until the estimated date for the Bitcoin having set to be May 12th. In case you missed yesterday’s episode of crypto news alerts, the sole focus of the entire show was the bitcoin having. I shared everything you need to know about this event, which is a rare phenomenon which only occurs approximately every four years. There’s a bit of code written into the DNA of the bitcoin blockchain, so the block rewards about to get cut in half. When this happens, it becomes twice as difficult to mine a single bitcoin. Right now, the current price for the average miner to mine a bitcoin is about seven thousand dollars. So in two weeks it’s going to cost them fourteen thousand dollars. So I am very bullish leading up to this. I don’t think the bitcoin price is already priced into the having, as Joe Double-O Seven shared in that recent article. But I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. I personally would love to see bitcoin test new all time highs this year. If you remember back in December of twenty seventeen, bitcoin went parabolic, rising all the way to twenty thousand dollars. Now this has happened two different times before. Back in 2012 there was a having one year later. Bitcoin skyrocketed and then the same thing happened in 2016. One year later in twenty seventeen, bitcoin reached a new all time high. Will it happen again? I think so, but I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. And I want to encourage you to check out the description right below this video by clicking show more in the description right down below for a detailed analysis of what’s going on in the market. This goes for all 400 plus videos right here on my channel. Also, have some very helpful resources for you to plug into, including the blog to my podcast, which could be found at Krypto News. Yes, dot com. This allows you to download the latest episode of the show every day and m_p_ three format so you can listen to it on your way to work or on the go when you’re out and about. Also, be sure to subscribe on YouTube if you haven’t yet already done so. This helps tremendously with getting more traction to the channel. And also we’re on all the major podcasting platforms, including Apple’s i-Tunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher Radio. So whichever podcasting platform you’re active on, please help support the show. It’s greatly appreciated. You can also follow us on Twitter to receive daily Krypto News alerts. My Twitter handle is Krypto News. Yes. And also I have a private Krypto Facebook group with over 17000 strong from all over the world to become a part of this. Simply click this link, request the join and I’ll be sure to plug you in and also have a private Krypto telegram chat. I’m very active on to become a part of this. Click this link from a mobile device and you’ll automatically be added. And I’m looking for a connecting with you on the inside. Well, that’s going to conclude today’s show. As always, I appreciate you tuning in and journeying along with me inside this incredible crypto revolution. If you gain value added today’s show, be sure to smash that subscribe button and click that bell icon to receive notifications of the latest premium crypto news. And real quick before I go, if interested in learning from America’s number one investor, Teka toworry the Wall Street legend who picked Apple and Two Thousand and three and Bitcoin in 2016 as he shares his number one pick for the 2020s. They’re calling it the investment of the decade. Right now, there’s a mad rush in corporate America and involves Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. They’re all betting on a new technology that the World Economic Forum projects will soar two hundred and ninety five thousand percent over the next seven years. But it’s not A.I., the Internet of Things or 5G. For full details on what it is and to watch this exclusive presentation with tickets, worry. Click the link right below this video and a description. Check it out and I’ll look forward to catching you on tomorrow’s episode piece.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/new-bitcoin-model-forecasts-explosion/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/616735614606458880
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
New Bitcoin Model Forecasts Explosion to $288K | Tim Draper Doubles Down on His $250K BTC Prediction
In today’s show, I’m going to be sharing with you the new stock, the flow forecasts, which puts the average Bitcoin price at two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars by twenty twenty four, introducing his latest revamp of the popular price model analyst Plan-B ads. Golden Silver and almost trebles his previous forecasts. He actually just published it and titled Bitcoin Stock The Flow Cross Asset Model. The latest version of the popular and thus far accurate bitcoin price model predicts an average price of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. And it could happen this year. I’ll be giving you the full scoop here in today’s episode. Also in today’s show, Bitcoin Bull Tim Draper doubles down on his two hundred and fifty thousand dollar Bitcoin price prediction. If Bitcoin does not hit two hundred and fifty thousand by early twenty twenty three, Tim Draper jokingly says he’ll eat a raw egg. I’ll be giving you the full scoop here in today’s show. We’ll also be taking a look at the overall crypto market. BTC is back in the green. Most the major cryptos are also in the green, whereas the bitcoin price likely to go from here. Find out all this. Plus, so much more in today’s show. Here at kripp, the news alerts, I drop a brand new episode every single day, so be sure to smash that subscribe button and click that Bell icon to receive notifications of the latest premium crypto news. And before we kick off today’s show, if interested in learning from America’s number one investor, take a toworry. The Wall Street legend who picked Apple in two thousand and three and Bitcoin in 2016 as he shares his number one pick for the twenty 20th. They’re calling it the investment of the decade. Right now, there is a mad rush in corporate America. It involves Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. They’re all betting on a new technology that the World Economic Forum projects will soar two hundred and ninety five thousand percent over the next seven years. But it’s not A.I., the Internet of Things or 5G to discover what it is. Click the link right below this video in the description. All right. Welcome back to another episode of Crypto News Alerts. I’m your host, Javy. And let’s dive right into today’s top story of the day. In a blog post introducing the third incarnation of the stock, the flow model on April twenty seventh analysts Plan-B revealed fresh calculations that are taken his forecasts even higher. And I’ll include this resource in the show, notes below the video in the description, so you can actually read it all for yourself and get it directly from the horse’s mouth. But now let me give you some of the highlights. Bitcoin stock the flow ex demands two hundred and eighty eight thousand per coin. That’s right. This time, gold and silver joined in, combining with bitcoin to create the new bitcoin stock, the flow cross asset model called Stop the Flow Ex Stock. The flow calculates a value based on the supply of new bitcoins entering circulation through mining versus the existing supply or stock. The retroactive application confirms that the model is extremely competent at charting Bitcoin’s growth. With even last month’s 60 percent drop still falling within its predicted range prior to stock the flow ex and updated stock, the flow chart put bitcoin at an average of around one hundred thousand dollars between twenty twenty and twenty twenty four with the release of the new version. However, that prediction has almost tripled overnight. Let’s go stock the flow, right? Here’s what he is quoted saying. The stock the flow ex-model formula can be used to estimate the market value of the next bitcoin phase cluster bitcoin stock. The flow will be fifty six in twenty twenty to twenty twenty four. Plan B. Summarize this translates into a bitcoin price given 19 million bitcoin and twenty twenty to twenty twenty four of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Personally, I love the stock. The flow model. Kudos to plan B for putting this together. It’s been the most accurate model over the past decade that I’m aware of inside this bitcoin space. And as you can see, the trajectory of the bitcoin stock, the flow cross asset model. This shows bitcoin monthly data. You can see the yellow dot is a bitcoin cluster, one which shows proof of concept. Then we have the more orange color which is cluster to show in payments and then a straight up orange which is e-gold. And then we have the red cluster, which is a financial asset, and then we have silver, which is silver. And then the gold color which represents gold stock. The flow ex introduces the idea of clusters for bitcoin as it moves between various use cases. According to plan B, the crypto has already been considered as a proof of concept for payments as e-gold and currently as a financial asset. Each tag company is a cluster of price points on the stock, the flow chart and each cluster gives a markedly different price forecasts. Each of the four identified bitcoin clusters has a very different stock the flow market value combination that seems to be consistent with havinga and changing bitcoin narratives, he continued. So far it is the financial asset cluster which has produced the largest stock. The flow value and market value twenty five point one and one hundred and fourteen billion respectively. Under stock. The flow ex and stock the flow value of fifty six Bitcoin’s market value should balloon to five point five trillion, corresponding to a price per coin of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. The update was not without its detractors. Having previously criticised earlier work, the high volume bitcoin trader known as Joe Double-O 7 took a fresh swipe at the stock the flow, arguing that Plan B should include more assets such as the controversial altcoin Bitcoin Satoshi vision. Here’s what he said. I think Plan-B made a step in the right direction by including more assets in his model solid work. As soon as the stock the flow ex is confirmed for a wide range of assets like ptw, Bitcoin, CentOS Vision and BCSE. It will have my enthusiastic support, highly scientific. Now here’s an interesting comment from Joe Double-O 7. He claims that Bitcoin’s upcoming having is already priced into the Bitcoin slash USD price and that next month’s event will precede a price crash. I disagree here, but I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. I personally do not feel that Bitcoin’s upcoming having is already priced in. I think we’re gonna get very. Bullish here shortly. But I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. A theory I’m co-founder Vitaliy Budarin, meanwhile, is also amongst those with reservations about the stock, the flow model. Now I’m going to include this resource in the show notes below the video and the description. This is that blog post with the update to the stock, the flow model, which shows all the math on how the price was derived. As you can see here, this translates into a bitcoin price of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Once again, it’s in the show notes right down below this video in the description. So be sure to check it out and shout out to Plan B. Now for our next story of the day. Tim Draper doubles down on his $250000 bitcoin price prediction. Before we break this down. Let’s take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin is up about three quarters of a percent. Trading just above seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars a theory. Um, and all the major cryptos are also back in the green with the theory. I’m up 1.3 percent, trading at one hundred and ninety seven dollars. SRP up 5.8 percent. Trading at 20 cents. Miss Litecoin up 1 percent. Trading at $44. BMB up point 1 percent. Trading at sixteen dollars. We got c.o.’s up 0.4 percent, trading at two dollars and seventy four cents. Satoshi vision up a half a percent. Trading at one hundred and ninety four dollars and bitcoin cash up 1.5 percent. Trading at two hundred and forty one dollars. I would like to see bitcoin break that seventy eight hundred dollar resistance. I feel once we do that we can continue climbing and surpass that eight thousand dollar level. Now let’s take a look at some of the largest exchanges by NANCE has about four billion in volume in the past 24 hours. Down 20 percent in the last day. OK. X is up over 50 percent in the past 24 hours with 2.3 billion in volume. Bit max down 36 percent with one point four billion in volume. And as you can see, these are all the major exchanges yesterday. They were all in the green the day before. They were all in the green. So this is just makes sense as we can’t stay in the green forever. Sometimes things need to settle and the volume will slow down as we’re witnessing right now. All right. Now for our next story of the day. Tim Draper saying he’s going to eat a raw egg at the Bitcoin price doesn’t hit a quarter million. I love it. Speaking at Virtual Blockchain Week, famed venture capitalist Tim Draper confirmed that he’s sticking to a six figure Bitcoin price prediction back in 2018. Tim Draper made a bold public call that the price of Bitcoin would reach a quarter million dollars by the end of 2022 or early twenty 2023 as it today. He’s sticking to it. Here’s what he said. That’s my prediction. Sticking with it. I’m very confident that this is going to happen. That’s happening. It’s kind of funny. He cites a couple of major reasons that might drive that kind of price action. Draper believes that the U.S. government’s massive stimulus package will debase the value of the dollar. I agree 100 percent and send people to crypto. He also expects that Bitcoin will see massive commercial adoption around the world within this timeframe. Here’s what he said. All of a sudden, retailers say, oh, you mean I don’t have to pay 2.5 to 4 percent to the banks? Every time somebody swipes a credit card to say what, crypto? They don’t have to. Draper says a company called Open NOAD, which he invested one point two five million, can make it happen. Open NOAD is building a bitcoin payment gateway on the a network known for extremely fast Bitcoin transaction settlements in time. Draper believes such services will prove their competitive advantage over the conventional players, such as credit cards, and will steal market share away from them the same way MasterCard and Visa took market shares away from then the dominant American Express. Draper also jokingly promised to eat a raw egg if his prediction falls short, an illusion of a more savage promise made by John McAfee, which I’m sure you all remember it Bitcoin doesn’t hit a million dollars by the end of 2020. I will eat my own what on national TV? Please don’t do this for the kids. Jon, please don’t do this. But with having countdown looming, there is rising mainstream attention on Bitcoin’s price movements. That’s a fact. Now let’s take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market cap. We’re sitting at two hundred and twenty three billion with one hundred and twenty six billion in volume in the past 24 hours. And the current BTC dominance is sixty three point seven percent. Yesterday it was 64 percent. So it took a step back just a little bit for today and taking a look at the top gainers within the top one hundred. We have ave up 17 percent trading at 4 cents. Stellar lumens up 12 percent. Trading at 7 cents detects futures up 11 percent. Trading at four point eight cents higher on up 7 percent. Trading at seventeen point eight cents. Synthetics Network up six and a half percent. Trading at seventy five cents. And D Central Lambe up 6 percent, trading at 3.3 cents. And now for the biggest losers for the day, hive down 31 percent. Trading at 52 cents. Steam down almost 8 percent. Trading at 20 cents. Made safe coin down 4 percent. Trading at nine point eight cents. Did you buy it? Down about 4 percent. Trading at one cent, one point one cent to be exact. Engine KOIN down three point eighty eight percent, trading at thirteen point two cents. And Quant down 3.8 percent. Trading at $4 and eighty six cents. And now checking out the Big Macs margins. Wow. Once again, when I hit the record button about 10, 15 minutes ago, shorts were leading superior. Now longs are back in control. Go bulls. Leading with about 7 million and superiority in the past 24 hours with longs leading fifty point three eight percent versus forty nine point six two percent. Shorts. Are you currently bullish or bearish on bitcoin? Let me know your thoughts in the comments right down below. And now checking out the crypto greed and fear index. It shows were rated at twenty seven in fear. Yesterday was at twenty six last week in nineteen and last month of fourteen. And if you’re not familiar with the crypto greed and Fear Index, extreme fear can be a sign that investors are too worried. That can be a buying opportunity. And when investors are getting too greedy. That means the market is due for a correction. And now for the bitcoin block reward having countdown. We have 13 days, 21 hours. Forty five minutes and fifty five seconds remaining until the estimated date for the Bitcoin having set to be May 12th. In case you missed yesterday’s episode of crypto news alerts, the sole focus of the entire show was the bitcoin having. I shared everything you need to know about this event, which is a rare phenomenon which only occurs approximately every four years. There’s a bit of code written into the DNA of the bitcoin blockchain, so the block rewards about to get cut in half. When this happens, it becomes twice as difficult to mine a single bitcoin. Right now, the current price for the average miner to mine a bitcoin is about seven thousand dollars. So in two weeks it’s going to cost them fourteen thousand dollars. So I am very bullish leading up to this. I don’t think the bitcoin price is already priced into the having, as Joe Double-O Seven shared in that recent article. But I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. I personally would love to see bitcoin test new all time highs this year. If you remember back in December of twenty seventeen, bitcoin went parabolic, rising all the way to twenty thousand dollars. Now this has happened two different times before. Back in 2012 there was a having one year later. Bitcoin skyrocketed and then the same thing happened in 2016. One year later in twenty seventeen, bitcoin reached a new all time high. Will it happen again? I think so, but I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. And I want to encourage you to check out the description right below this video by clicking show more in the description right down below for a detailed analysis of what’s going on in the market. This goes for all 400 plus videos right here on my channel. Also, have some very helpful resources for you to plug into, including the blog to my podcast, which could be found at Krypto News. Yes, dot com. This allows you to download the latest episode of the show every day and m_p_ three format so you can listen to it on your way to work or on the go when you’re out and about. Also, be sure to subscribe on YouTube if you haven’t yet already done so. This helps tremendously with getting more traction to the channel. And also we’re on all the major podcasting platforms, including Apple’s i-Tunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher Radio. So whichever podcasting platform you’re active on, please help support the show. It’s greatly appreciated. You can also follow us on Twitter to receive daily Krypto News alerts. My Twitter handle is Krypto News. Yes. And also I have a private Krypto Facebook group with over 17000 strong from all over the world to become a part of this. Simply click this link, request the join and I’ll be sure to plug you in and also have a private Krypto telegram chat. I’m very active on to become a part of this. Click this link from a mobile device and you’ll automatically be added. And I’m looking for a connecting with you on the inside. Well, that’s going to conclude today’s show. As always, I appreciate you tuning in and journeying along with me inside this incredible crypto revolution. If you gain value added today’s show, be sure to smash that subscribe button and click that bell icon to receive notifications of the latest premium crypto news. And real quick before I go, if interested in learning from America’s number one investor, Teka toworry the Wall Street legend who picked Apple and Two Thousand and three and Bitcoin in 2016 as he shares his number one pick for the 2020s. They’re calling it the investment of the decade. Right now, there’s a mad rush in corporate America and involves Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. They’re all betting on a new technology that the World Economic Forum projects will soar two hundred and ninety five thousand percent over the next seven years. But it’s not A.I., the Internet of Things or 5G. For full details on what it is and to watch this exclusive presentation with tickets, worry. Click the link right below this video and a description. Check it out and I’ll look forward to catching you on tomorrow’s episode piece.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/new-bitcoin-model-forecasts-explosion/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/new-bitcoin-model-forecasts-explosion-to-288k-tim-draper-doubles-down-on-his-250k-btc-prediction
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
New Bitcoin Model Forecasts Explosion to $288K | Tim Draper Doubles Down on His $250K BTC Prediction
In today’s show, I’m going to be sharing with you the new stock, the flow forecasts, which puts the average Bitcoin price at two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars by twenty twenty four, introducing his latest revamp of the popular price model analyst Plan-B ads. Golden Silver and almost trebles his previous forecasts. He actually just published it and titled Bitcoin Stock The Flow Cross Asset Model. The latest version of the popular and thus far accurate bitcoin price model predicts an average price of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. And it could happen this year. I’ll be giving you the full scoop here in today’s episode. Also in today’s show, Bitcoin Bull Tim Draper doubles down on his two hundred and fifty thousand dollar Bitcoin price prediction. If Bitcoin does not hit two hundred and fifty thousand by early twenty twenty three, Tim Draper jokingly says he’ll eat a raw egg. I’ll be giving you the full scoop here in today’s show. We’ll also be taking a look at the overall crypto market. BTC is back in the green. Most the major cryptos are also in the green, whereas the bitcoin price likely to go from here. Find out all this. Plus, so much more in today’s show. Here at kripp, the news alerts, I drop a brand new episode every single day, so be sure to smash that subscribe button and click that Bell icon to receive notifications of the latest premium crypto news. And before we kick off today’s show, if interested in learning from America’s number one investor, take a toworry. The Wall Street legend who picked Apple in two thousand and three and Bitcoin in 2016 as he shares his number one pick for the twenty 20th. They’re calling it the investment of the decade. Right now, there is a mad rush in corporate America. It involves Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. They’re all betting on a new technology that the World Economic Forum projects will soar two hundred and ninety five thousand percent over the next seven years. But it’s not A.I., the Internet of Things or 5G to discover what it is. Click the link right below this video in the description. All right. Welcome back to another episode of Crypto News Alerts. I’m your host, Javy. And let’s dive right into today’s top story of the day. In a blog post introducing the third incarnation of the stock, the flow model on April twenty seventh analysts Plan-B revealed fresh calculations that are taken his forecasts even higher. And I’ll include this resource in the show, notes below the video in the description, so you can actually read it all for yourself and get it directly from the horse’s mouth. But now let me give you some of the highlights. Bitcoin stock the flow ex demands two hundred and eighty eight thousand per coin. That’s right. This time, gold and silver joined in, combining with bitcoin to create the new bitcoin stock, the flow cross asset model called Stop the Flow Ex Stock. The flow calculates a value based on the supply of new bitcoins entering circulation through mining versus the existing supply or stock. The retroactive application confirms that the model is extremely competent at charting Bitcoin’s growth. With even last month’s 60 percent drop still falling within its predicted range prior to stock the flow ex and updated stock, the flow chart put bitcoin at an average of around one hundred thousand dollars between twenty twenty and twenty twenty four with the release of the new version. However, that prediction has almost tripled overnight. Let’s go stock the flow, right? Here’s what he is quoted saying. The stock the flow ex-model formula can be used to estimate the market value of the next bitcoin phase cluster bitcoin stock. The flow will be fifty six in twenty twenty to twenty twenty four. Plan B. Summarize this translates into a bitcoin price given 19 million bitcoin and twenty twenty to twenty twenty four of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Personally, I love the stock. The flow model. Kudos to plan B for putting this together. It’s been the most accurate model over the past decade that I’m aware of inside this bitcoin space. And as you can see, the trajectory of the bitcoin stock, the flow cross asset model. This shows bitcoin monthly data. You can see the yellow dot is a bitcoin cluster, one which shows proof of concept. Then we have the more orange color which is cluster to show in payments and then a straight up orange which is e-gold. And then we have the red cluster, which is a financial asset, and then we have silver, which is silver. And then the gold color which represents gold stock. The flow ex introduces the idea of clusters for bitcoin as it moves between various use cases. According to plan B, the crypto has already been considered as a proof of concept for payments as e-gold and currently as a financial asset. Each tag company is a cluster of price points on the stock, the flow chart and each cluster gives a markedly different price forecasts. Each of the four identified bitcoin clusters has a very different stock the flow market value combination that seems to be consistent with havinga and changing bitcoin narratives, he continued. So far it is the financial asset cluster which has produced the largest stock. The flow value and market value twenty five point one and one hundred and fourteen billion respectively. Under stock. The flow ex and stock the flow value of fifty six Bitcoin’s market value should balloon to five point five trillion, corresponding to a price per coin of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. The update was not without its detractors. Having previously criticised earlier work, the high volume bitcoin trader known as Joe Double-O 7 took a fresh swipe at the stock the flow, arguing that Plan B should include more assets such as the controversial altcoin Bitcoin Satoshi vision. Here’s what he said. I think Plan-B made a step in the right direction by including more assets in his model solid work. As soon as the stock the flow ex is confirmed for a wide range of assets like ptw, Bitcoin, CentOS Vision and BCSE. It will have my enthusiastic support, highly scientific. Now here’s an interesting comment from Joe Double-O 7. He claims that Bitcoin’s upcoming having is already priced into the Bitcoin slash USD price and that next month’s event will precede a price crash. I disagree here, but I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. I personally do not feel that Bitcoin’s upcoming having is already priced in. I think we’re gonna get very. Bullish here shortly. But I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. A theory I’m co-founder Vitaliy Budarin, meanwhile, is also amongst those with reservations about the stock, the flow model. Now I’m going to include this resource in the show notes below the video and the description. This is that blog post with the update to the stock, the flow model, which shows all the math on how the price was derived. As you can see here, this translates into a bitcoin price of two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Once again, it’s in the show notes right down below this video in the description. So be sure to check it out and shout out to Plan B. Now for our next story of the day. Tim Draper doubles down on his $250000 bitcoin price prediction. Before we break this down. Let’s take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin is up about three quarters of a percent. Trading just above seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars a theory. Um, and all the major cryptos are also back in the green with the theory. I’m up 1.3 percent, trading at one hundred and ninety seven dollars. SRP up 5.8 percent. Trading at 20 cents. Miss Litecoin up 1 percent. Trading at $44. BMB up point 1 percent. Trading at sixteen dollars. We got c.o.’s up 0.4 percent, trading at two dollars and seventy four cents. Satoshi vision up a half a percent. Trading at one hundred and ninety four dollars and bitcoin cash up 1.5 percent. Trading at two hundred and forty one dollars. I would like to see bitcoin break that seventy eight hundred dollar resistance. I feel once we do that we can continue climbing and surpass that eight thousand dollar level. Now let’s take a look at some of the largest exchanges by NANCE has about four billion in volume in the past 24 hours. Down 20 percent in the last day. OK. X is up over 50 percent in the past 24 hours with 2.3 billion in volume. Bit max down 36 percent with one point four billion in volume. And as you can see, these are all the major exchanges yesterday. They were all in the green the day before. They were all in the green. So this is just makes sense as we can’t stay in the green forever. Sometimes things need to settle and the volume will slow down as we’re witnessing right now. All right. Now for our next story of the day. Tim Draper saying he’s going to eat a raw egg at the Bitcoin price doesn’t hit a quarter million. I love it. Speaking at Virtual Blockchain Week, famed venture capitalist Tim Draper confirmed that he’s sticking to a six figure Bitcoin price prediction back in 2018. Tim Draper made a bold public call that the price of Bitcoin would reach a quarter million dollars by the end of 2022 or early twenty 2023 as it today. He’s sticking to it. Here’s what he said. That’s my prediction. Sticking with it. I’m very confident that this is going to happen. That’s happening. It’s kind of funny. He cites a couple of major reasons that might drive that kind of price action. Draper believes that the U.S. government’s massive stimulus package will debase the value of the dollar. I agree 100 percent and send people to crypto. He also expects that Bitcoin will see massive commercial adoption around the world within this timeframe. Here’s what he said. All of a sudden, retailers say, oh, you mean I don’t have to pay 2.5 to 4 percent to the banks? Every time somebody swipes a credit card to say what, crypto? They don’t have to. Draper says a company called Open NOAD, which he invested one point two five million, can make it happen. Open NOAD is building a bitcoin payment gateway on the a network known for extremely fast Bitcoin transaction settlements in time. Draper believes such services will prove their competitive advantage over the conventional players, such as credit cards, and will steal market share away from them the same way MasterCard and Visa took market shares away from then the dominant American Express. Draper also jokingly promised to eat a raw egg if his prediction falls short, an illusion of a more savage promise made by John McAfee, which I’m sure you all remember it Bitcoin doesn’t hit a million dollars by the end of 2020. I will eat my own what on national TV? Please don’t do this for the kids. Jon, please don’t do this. But with having countdown looming, there is rising mainstream attention on Bitcoin’s price movements. That’s a fact. Now let’s take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market cap. We’re sitting at two hundred and twenty three billion with one hundred and twenty six billion in volume in the past 24 hours. And the current BTC dominance is sixty three point seven percent. Yesterday it was 64 percent. So it took a step back just a little bit for today and taking a look at the top gainers within the top one hundred. We have ave up 17 percent trading at 4 cents. Stellar lumens up 12 percent. Trading at 7 cents detects futures up 11 percent. Trading at four point eight cents higher on up 7 percent. Trading at seventeen point eight cents. Synthetics Network up six and a half percent. Trading at seventy five cents. And D Central Lambe up 6 percent, trading at 3.3 cents. And now for the biggest losers for the day, hive down 31 percent. Trading at 52 cents. Steam down almost 8 percent. Trading at 20 cents. Made safe coin down 4 percent. Trading at nine point eight cents. Did you buy it? Down about 4 percent. Trading at one cent, one point one cent to be exact. Engine KOIN down three point eighty eight percent, trading at thirteen point two cents. And Quant down 3.8 percent. Trading at $4 and eighty six cents. And now checking out the Big Macs margins. Wow. Once again, when I hit the record button about 10, 15 minutes ago, shorts were leading superior. Now longs are back in control. Go bulls. Leading with about 7 million and superiority in the past 24 hours with longs leading fifty point three eight percent versus forty nine point six two percent. Shorts. Are you currently bullish or bearish on bitcoin? Let me know your thoughts in the comments right down below. And now checking out the crypto greed and fear index. It shows were rated at twenty seven in fear. Yesterday was at twenty six last week in nineteen and last month of fourteen. And if you’re not familiar with the crypto greed and Fear Index, extreme fear can be a sign that investors are too worried. That can be a buying opportunity. And when investors are getting too greedy. That means the market is due for a correction. And now for the bitcoin block reward having countdown. We have 13 days, 21 hours. Forty five minutes and fifty five seconds remaining until the estimated date for the Bitcoin having set to be May 12th. In case you missed yesterday’s episode of crypto news alerts, the sole focus of the entire show was the bitcoin having. I shared everything you need to know about this event, which is a rare phenomenon which only occurs approximately every four years. There’s a bit of code written into the DNA of the bitcoin blockchain, so the block rewards about to get cut in half. When this happens, it becomes twice as difficult to mine a single bitcoin. Right now, the current price for the average miner to mine a bitcoin is about seven thousand dollars. So in two weeks it’s going to cost them fourteen thousand dollars. So I am very bullish leading up to this. I don’t think the bitcoin price is already priced into the having, as Joe Double-O Seven shared in that recent article. But I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. I personally would love to see bitcoin test new all time highs this year. If you remember back in December of twenty seventeen, bitcoin went parabolic, rising all the way to twenty thousand dollars. Now this has happened two different times before. Back in 2012 there was a having one year later. Bitcoin skyrocketed and then the same thing happened in 2016. One year later in twenty seventeen, bitcoin reached a new all time high. Will it happen again? I think so, but I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments right down below. And I want to encourage you to check out the description right below this video by clicking show more in the description right down below for a detailed analysis of what’s going on in the market. This goes for all 400 plus videos right here on my channel. Also, have some very helpful resources for you to plug into, including the blog to my podcast, which could be found at Krypto News. Yes, dot com. This allows you to download the latest episode of the show every day and m_p_ three format so you can listen to it on your way to work or on the go when you’re out and about. Also, be sure to subscribe on YouTube if you haven’t yet already done so. This helps tremendously with getting more traction to the channel. And also we’re on all the major podcasting platforms, including Apple’s i-Tunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher Radio. So whichever podcasting platform you’re active on, please help support the show. It’s greatly appreciated. You can also follow us on Twitter to receive daily Krypto News alerts. My Twitter handle is Krypto News. Yes. And also I have a private Krypto Facebook group with over 17000 strong from all over the world to become a part of this. Simply click this link, request the join and I’ll be sure to plug you in and also have a private Krypto telegram chat. I’m very active on to become a part of this. Click this link from a mobile device and you’ll automatically be added. And I’m looking for a connecting with you on the inside. Well, that’s going to conclude today’s show. As always, I appreciate you tuning in and journeying along with me inside this incredible crypto revolution. If you gain value added today’s show, be sure to smash that subscribe button and click that bell icon to receive notifications of the latest premium crypto news. And real quick before I go, if interested in learning from America’s number one investor, Teka toworry the Wall Street legend who picked Apple and Two Thousand and three and Bitcoin in 2016 as he shares his number one pick for the 2020s. They’re calling it the investment of the decade. Right now, there’s a mad rush in corporate America and involves Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. They’re all betting on a new technology that the World Economic Forum projects will soar two hundred and ninety five thousand percent over the next seven years. But it’s not A.I., the Internet of Things or 5G. For full details on what it is and to watch this exclusive presentation with tickets, worry. Click the link right below this video and a description. Check it out and I’ll look forward to catching you on tomorrow’s episode piece.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/new-bitcoin-model-forecasts-explosion/
0 notes
photomaniacs · 7 years
Tumblr media
A Forgotten Solution to the Problems of Zoom Lenses http://ift.tt/2uDsEzg
For a few years now, I’ve had in my collection one very strange lens. I bought it primarily for its value as a collectible so, up until now, I haven’t really spent much time playing with it. Made in 1975, this manual focus Minolta MC Rokkor-X 40-80mm f/2.8 lens is one strange puppy.
When it was first introduced, no other zoom lens could top its image quality and it really didn’t have much competition until more recent years. This is largely due to its very unique gearbox design that sought to overcome the problem with zoom lenses that we still face today.
Way back in 1959, the first commercially-available 35mm still camera zoom lens, the Bessamatic-mount Zoomar 36-82mm f/2.8, was released by Voigtlander. Its mechanical design would not be unfamiliar to you since the focus and focal length were adjusted via a few round-turns of the lens barrel. This simple helicoid design remains the only common method manufacturers use to make our lenses zoom in and out and focus.
When you twist the zoom/focus ring(s) of a lens, the optics are carried forward or backward through a threaded barrel. This design results in a fixed movement ratio of the optical groups mounted inside that helicoid.
The problem with this is every focal length requires a slightly different adjustment of the lens element/group spacing to properly correct aberrations, and the fixed ratio of a helicoid cannot provide that kind of variance. The helicoid is relatively simple, easy to make, and its shape tailors to a fitting physical design of a lens. If a lens were designed to have as few compromises as possible, it might look vastly different from what we see sitting on store shelves.
For simplicity though, manufacturers have stuck with the helicoid and instead invested in overcoming its mechanical shortfalls with optical solutions. Over the years, lens designers, aided by computers, have learned how to improve the optical designs of the zoom lens to work around most of the limitations of the locked-ratio helicoid. Modern zooms still aren’t quite as good as a prime lens but, with aspherical lens elements and fancy coatings to help out, they’re getting pretty darn close.
Back in the early 1970s, Minolta’s engineers, armed with their slide rules and cigarettes, had a go at thinking outside the box to come up with a lens design that would allow for precise positioning of the optical groups in a zoom lens. What they came up with was so clever that it required they put it inside a box — a gearbox, to be precise.
Rather than work with the limitations of a helicoid design, this clever bunch decided to abandon that whole concept and create a new one where lens groups would be blessed with the freedom to move independently of each other. They came up with this unorthodox gearbox design that drives 12 optical elements in 12 separate groups along linear, gear-operated rails. With the chains of fixed-ratio movement cast from them, the entire lens design could be “geared” for precise positioning of the optics to best correct for aberrations throughout the range of focal lengths.
What they did was figure out how to make a handheld zoom lens that is as well corrected across its range of focal lengths as a fixed focal length lens would be at its one — that’s the theory, anyway.
In spite of the weird and wart-like appearance of their solution, Minolta’s engineers achieved with this lens something that is truly unique and special. There is no mistaking this lens for any other, that’s for sure.
Weighing in at 19.75 ounces (560 g), it isn’t particularly big or heavy. In fact, even with all the metal machinery inside this lens, it’s almost exactly half the weight of Nikon’s current 24-70mm f/2.8 VR.
Focus is adjusted by turning the big wheel while focal length is controlled by moving the lever arm. Both controls are very smooth and easy to move across their fairly short range of motion. The focus wheel features a precise distance scale with Infrared Index.
The lens has a 55mm diameter coated front element. Here you can see the profile of the gearbox which is fixed to the left-hand side of the lens body.
Did I mention it has a macro mode? The lens has a metal stem poking out of the gearbox which, when twisted anti-clockwise and pushed in, shifts everything inside the lens out toward the front, essentially putting more space between the film/sensor plane and the rear element (same thing an extension tube does). The result of this forward-shift is a reduction in the Minimum Focal Distance from 3.3 ft (1.01 m) to 1.2 ft (.37 m) @40mm.
In this image, the stem is in its Normal position
Here, the stem is shown in the Macro position. When pushing in this stem, the focal length lever shifts forward with the internal glass. What a cool, whacky design!
Let’s see how well all of the engineering effort translates into actually making images with this lens.
My sister told me about this row of old silos that sit alongside a two-lane road not too far from where I live. Yesterday, I had to go by it while I was on errands. On the return trip, I pulled over for this shot. I had the lens set to 40mm and the aperture was wide-open at f/2.8 on a Sony a7R Mark II. This was the first shot I took and I kind of hurriedly grabbed it because of the unique lighting. That isn’t vignetting in the grass. Passing over head was a thick, dark cloud that cast the strangest light over this scene. No sooner I had shot this and the sun was back out in the open.
On the same errand run, I came across this old Chevrolet police car. Focal length was 80mm @ f/8.
I was very interested to see how well the lens would control chromatic aberrations when shooting this brightly lit chrome. I’ve not used a pre-1980s zoom lens that didn’t produce some purple-fringing in a shot like this. Kudos to Minoltas engineers because there was none. Zoomed 400% in the 42-megapixel RAW file I could see nothing but bright chrome and colorful rust. 80mm @ f/4
The Jelly Palm in our front yard is full of fruit this time of year. I shot this with the lens’ Macro mode enabled. 40mm @ f/2.8
Just a bowl of bananas on the dinner table. Shot somewhere around 50mm @ f/5.6
The Magnolia tree in the yard is sprouting new buds. Macro mode, 40mm @ f/2.8. In the shade and backlit, color and contrast are good and the out-of-focus background is pleasantly smooth and non-distracting.
My second oldest daughter was kind enough to pause a moment for this final shot. 80mm @ f/2.8
What can I say? The lens is awesome. All the effort put into designing this strange gearbox-driven lens seems to have resulted in an excellent mid-range zoom lens. When I first started shooting with it, I did find it a little fiddly using a lever and wheel to make adjusts but after awhile I grew fond of it; it’s actually really fun to handle.
You don’t hold this lens like you would a traditional zoom, with your hands wrapped around the barrel. I keep it propped with the gearbox resting on the up-turned palm of my left hand and use my thumb to move the focal length lever and index finger to turn the focus wheel. The travel distance of both is just right so that you aren’t moving your fingers outside their natural range or having to make repetitious movements.
I can highly recommend this lens to anyone wanting to own a piece of history and/or turn some heads on their next photo walkabout. Comparing this to my favorite zoom lens, the incredible Minolta MD 35-70mm f/3.5, I would say it at least equals it. They’re both around the same size and weight and have a similar range of focal lengths.
In fact, this Minolta 40-80mm f/2.8 lens is the antecedent to the 35-70mm f/3.5 (thus, for giggles, I used it to shoot the lens photos). Minolta likely found that the unusual design and complexity of making this gearbox lens was cost prohibitive and went back to the drawing board to come up with a balanced compromise.
They only made two versions of it before canning the whole idea. The lens I have is the 1st Gen ‘MC’ version. An ‘MD’ version was made in 1977 and after that, they called it quits. Both versions can still be found for sale online but I’ll warn you, this lens is priced for the committed collector.
About the author: Tom Leonard is an amateur photographer, engineer, and father of 9. You can read his musings and follow his travels on his blog. This post was also published here.
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The post A Forgotten Solution to the Problems of Zoom Lenses appeared first on CameraFreaks.
August 14, 2017 at 10:05PM
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New "Smart" Diabetes Software from Medtronic Identifies Trends & Recommends Actions
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/new-smart-diabetes-software-from-medtronic-identifies-trends-recommends-actions-36/
New "Smart" Diabetes Software from Medtronic Identifies Trends & Recommends Actions
Today Medtronic announces what is sure to be the first of a whole new generation of diabetes management software: its CareLink® Pro 3.0 Therapy Management Software — the first system to include algorithms capable of analyzing data from a patient's insulin pump, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device, and blood glucose meter "to identify the most important patient information in one easy-to-use dashboard."
Take note that this first 3.0 version is for clinicians only, but similar programs will surely be available to patients directly very soon.
The addition of a smart "Dashboard" does away with the need for your doctor or you to manually pour over stacks of data reports to make sense of trends; it provides "a snapshot of ... key insulin delivery and glucose information on one page, ... pinpoints the exact times the patient experienced a low (hypoglycemic) or high (hyperglycemic) glucose pattern and prioritizes these patterns making it easier to identify what actions/behaviors tend to lead to these events."
(click the images for a closer look)
The part that analyzes high and low events is called the "Episode Summary," and it goes a step further by actually making therapy recommendations "so that clinicians can make the most informed treatment decisions possible."
"By reducing the amount of time it takes to interpret patient data, clinicians may have more time to spend with patients fine tuning and making adjustments to therapy and behavior," the company points out.
On top of that, Medtronic's announcement quotes its Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Francine Kaufman, as saying: "We believe decision support is a key advancement toward developing an artificial pancreas, which will rely upon automated decisions to make adjustments to patients' therapy, and are excited to bring it to the medical community."
I'd have to agree that from the AP perspective, this is exciting. This summer I wrote a two-part series about how important it is to make our diabetes data speak to us. I stand by what I said then: "Reams of glucose data are only as useful as our ability to interpret them and to understand what to do about what we've learned."
I was so heartened to hear manufacturers buzzing about "data interpretation" at the annual ADA conference in June! So it's no surprise to see that a key feature of next-gen logging software is the ability to automatically alert users to trends. In the consumer version, we hope that takes the form of simple messages ("You were running high the last 4 days between 3-5pm") and straightforward recommendations to combat problems ("Check lunchtime insulin:carb ratio; account for afternoon snack?").
Kudos to Medtronic for being the first to debut smart D-management software; there will surely be bugs to work out.
As I said in summer: It could just make all the difference in the world if our BG data records could be translated into meaningful recommendations for us, and not just weeks after the fact. Obviously, using a built-in algorithm doesn't guarantee that the system would always suggest the right moves, but the alerts themselves would make all that stored data "come alive." Bring it on.
btw, Medtronic's CareLink is part of its MiniMed Paradigm Revel System, the only FDA-approved integrated system combining an insulin pump with CGM.
With that whole proprietary system in mind, I must note: I hope vendors are paying equal attention to the 2nd pillar of my "real diabetes management" series: the burning need for interoperability and standardization: There ought to be a standard protocol so that all products storing diabetes data can 'talk to each other,' and connect to each other and to computers and Smartphones using standard data formats and standard cables.
As a PWD who struggles to juggle multiple devices, I'm just sayin' ...
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
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