#I have 4 bras that I will simply wear until the sun expires
shastafirecracker · 5 months
23 👋🙂
Favorite piece of clothing - oh that’s an interesting question! Hmm. I have a fraught relationship with clothes bc of body image issues but I like this making me think about only the positives. I have a blue plaid flannel shirt that’s REAL flannel and well made that I love, and I miss it when it gets too hot out to wear it. Also a really nice hoodie from the computer game Myst. And I really like my shoes? I hate buying shoes and wearing different shoes so I tend to have a single pair of shoes that I wear for literally everything until they disintegrate, and these are black slip-ons from LL Bean. Second pair of the same type - I wore the first pair basically every day for 6 years until the soles came off. (Sometimes I think oh surely I’m not autistic, and then I think about my aversion to some changes to routine such as Having To Wear A Different Shoe for like 3 hours at an event, and how brain-wrecking that is… and then I’m like… ok I can have a little tism, as a treat)
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