#I have Yelan but I'm still trying to get a grasp on her personality via her voice lines and her cutscenes from that last archon quest
kudamono94 · 2 years
Thinking about a modern AU where CEO Ningguang sees the director of the funeral home (Hu Tao) a few addresses down from her office building try a ‘company bonding day’ with a picnic in the park while playing laser tag or smth.  Seeing how dull the her own office is in comparison, Ningguang gets to thinking about doing something nice for all the hard workers on her director’s board, and finally decides to invite Keqing, Ganyu, Yaoyao, Yelan, and a few select others to Dave & Buster's for a mandatory ‘day of fun’ to boost company morale
You know, like how offices do on sitcoms and stuff
It goes...about as well as you expect it to...
Yelan and Yaoyao seem to be the only ones having a great time there period, although given how easily tired Yelan gets, she ends up taping out an hour into the ‘event’ and ends up driving home so as to avoid potential embarrassment from said condition.  Meanwhile, Yaoyao ends up getting into occasional heated debates with the staff every time she tries to go to the bar for another beer OR whenever she tries to play a seemingly age inappropriate game, and after this happens one too many times, also decides to tap out after calling a taxi.  She is oddly satisfied that her car is still parked on the premises if only because she thinks that it is a minor inconvenience to the establishment.  (It’s really not as Ganyu will just end up driving her assistant’s car back to the latter’s house later so that Yaoyao can still show up for work tomorrow on time)
Although she insists on remaining sober the entire duration of the event so as to play the role of the designated driver should any of them need a ride home, Keqing is left oddly defeated once Yaoyao and Yelan dip, and spends the rest of the time there just...hanging around Ganyu as the former has absolutely no idea what she should be doing.  Thankfully, the blue haired woman doesn’t mind her company, and aside from playing a few rounds of bowling with their boss, both girls spend the majority of their time there catching up on their personal lives
Given that Ganyu is also just as sober, the two end up having some meaningful conversations with one another, and aside from giving a few of the easy looking games a try, decide to more or less just sit and eat some pizza in a corner booth where they aren’t bothered by anyone else while enjoying each other’s company.  That said, by the time it starts getting dark outside, and they along with Ningguang seem to be the only people left, they (especially Ganyu) try to get Ningguang to leave with them and, although the girls are reluctant to leave without their boss in tow, they eventually leave to mill around in the bookstore next door for a few hours in the event said boss wants to change her mind about leaving with them. 
However, when it quickly becomes apparent that this isn’t happening as the sun begins setting in the evening sky, Keqing and Ganyu end up parting ways before heading home, happy that at least the day they spent with one another wasn’t a total waste of time they could have spent working
At least until Ganyu comes back later around 9 for Yaoyao’s car anyway XD
Lastly, Ningguang, the one who booked a time there and set up everything to begin with, doesn’t mind the screaming children or the large crowds there, but she deeply ends up regretting insisting they all eat there... 
She honestly spends a good portion of the ‘event’ either trying to balance the company’s budget so that her employees can have a good time without worrying about work (she didn’t think everything would end up being so expensive and had thought using the company’s credit card would work as far as paying for everything was concerned) OR tries to get into playing smth like bowling and getting distracted by trying to make sure that this event is a success, that everyone is a having a wonderful time~  Despite all this, she is still the last to leave and refuses to let anyone pay for either their game tickets, food, beer, etc., and even ends up bribing the guy at the prize counter to let her get some work appropriate souvenirs so as to commemorate the occasion (which she will distribute at the morning meeting the following day, as well as some aspirin should there be any potential hangovers)
Overall, while the entire ordeal isn’t the huge success her employees would be talking about for decades like Ningguang had hoped, everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves to a certain degree in the end, and as far as she’s concerned, this particular endeavor is a win in Ningguang’s eyes...
Just...maybe next time they could do something much less loud and a lot cheaper lol
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