cannibalvomitparty · 13 days
this isn’t an Adam account, but I thought this was pretty funny
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cannibalvomitparty · 16 days
Today we published photos after the shooting in Texas, by a certain Salvador Ramos.
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cannibalvomitparty · 17 days
The “do not condone” part of tcc makes me cringe incredibly. Shut up.
“If you’re tcc and commit i crime ur cringe btw”
You’re a pathetic fake, hopping onto a niche trend to be different. You aren’t psychotic or different for judging peers who idolize the same persons as you do. Atleast they have the goddamn guts.
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cannibalvomitparty · 2 months
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“I don’t want my dreams to become a reality, I want my dreams to be sprayed all over the wall.”
One of my favorites (artist unknown)
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cannibalvomitparty · 2 months
Here you go hungry piggies.
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cannibalvomitparty · 2 months
Stupid bitches
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cannibalvomitparty · 3 months
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The anti terrorist of America
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cannibalvomitparty · 3 months
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when nothing matters at all you can do anything
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cannibalvomitparty · 3 months
andre after cal read his poem
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cannibalvomitparty · 4 months
I remember in the early 2000s seeing two boys pretty often, they were awkward and relatively unpopular. One of them was incredibly antisocial, his only friend was the other boy it seemed- i think he knew this, because he clung to his friend like a queer. The other boy had some friends, he was good at writing ive heard, good with words.
Anyways, i was a senior that year, they were juniors and once i moved away and started college i heard that they did some horrible things.
I watched the tapes, all of them. It felt like i knew them better than i had when i was their peer, it felt like a peak into their lives— how everything could’ve been normal and instead they fucked it up because they fucked up their heads, enabling each other. Upon talking to some friends who knew them personally they explained that one of the boys was holding in so much resentment for the school, so much so that when he was offered friendship he turned it down to maintain his misery. I hate people like that, who hold in their anger for so long that they completely explode and hurt everyone else. That kid was a complete psycho, his friend was too— but in a masochistic way, he just wanted to fucking kill himself.
Someone could’ve saved them, could’ve payed more attention to the pair. Instead they waged short warfare, and for what? To burn in hell.
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cannibalvomitparty · 4 months
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cannibalvomitparty · 4 months
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Dylan stands weird in this tape— his back protrudes in bad posture for the duration of his short phone call which is less than a minute long before he hangs up and crosses his arms. Still maintaining the posture.
It looks incredibly uncomfortable.
Additionally: in the video he cracks his knuckles and cant keep his hand still.
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cannibalvomitparty · 4 months
Hard truth but some young peers into True Crime wanna be like their favs so bad they actually threaten to shoot up their schools or public spaces and do not realise they come off as pathetic attention seekers rather than an actual danger. Coz let’s be honest, what can a pre adolescent that thinks Eric and Dylan were dating or transmascs do other than be retarded and embarrassing online. Finish school first damn
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cannibalvomitparty · 4 months
I feel like shit for Harris, I'll probably die saying this.
He has never felt wanted or accepted his entire life, that's obvious, read his diary and you will see that this is the realest thing written there. Eric Harris did not feel loved, accepted or included.
So he dies. Klebold's mother speaks out, writes a damn book, goes to interviews, she talks about Dylan. Dylan Dylan Dylan most information we have is Dylan, his vulnerable diaries, his evident depression, memories that Sue exposes. But what about Eric?
No, no one talks about Eric, his parents stay quiet, whether out of shame or privacy. Nobody talks about Eric Harris, as if he were a demon that if you repeat his name 5 times he appears and and pulls your foot at night or something.
Eric never felt accepted in life, nor before nor in death. In the end, he will be eternally excluded — from the "fun things", the family group, the groups of friends. Eric Harris is forever excluded, otherwise, completely misunderstood by those who confuse him with Reb.
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cannibalvomitparty · 4 months
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Shut up
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cannibalvomitparty · 4 months
Hot take but i always see people draw Cal with sh scars but when i watched zero day i felt like they both would sh, ESPECIALLY andre. Idk and this is from a cutter
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cannibalvomitparty · 4 months
happy pride
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