#I have a thing for Lieutenant's who protecc
ferally-ships · 2 years
Whoa, I didn’t know how long you’ve been attracted to Nate Fick! Thought I was pretty alone in having long term HBO crushes, good to know I’m not the only one. Bill Guarnere in BoB is my biggest HBO 6-year crush… Totally my kind of guy, irl and out. Hold onto your comfort character 😊
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...Yeah. It's a problem... or solution to depression, I don't know XD It's his fingers and the way they position on his rifle, resting or gripping... or just holding a pen... those long fingers that can do things... It's his puppy-dog green eyes that are always stressed and carrying the weight of the world... It's his nose...his kissable lips that, when he smiles, it's the softest thing ever... The way he swears... I don't like when men swear much but when he does it... Oof it's something happens. Don't even get me started on how he protects. .... I'll stop.
Nope. Guess you and I have been loners for a while. So hi, nice to meet someone who's got long-term HBO crushes!
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I have a weird soft spot for Guarnere. He's not my favorite...very low down on the list... Mostly because I see him as a slut XD but he reminds me of a 'family' member.
See, one side of my family is Italian. The other is British. I share equal qualities but will always choose British over Italian. My heart lies in England, and my humor is dry and that of typical British/Australian/NZ humor... But I have heavy-set Italian features... anywho - My family are friends with another group of Italian-background people, who are like an extended family. Me and this particular guy kinda had a forced friendship. Felt obligated to, to keep our grandparents happy. It was a lot of petty sibling rivalry. He'd say shit to me... But the minute someone else said the same things he would, similar or worse - he came tearing across from the other side of the room and placed himself in front of me, going face-to-face with the other person. There was a soft side to this guy. And it came out occasionally when we weren't bickering over extremely stupid stuff. TL;DR his protectiveness reminds me of Guarnere. I see Guarnere a lot like that. But that's probably also my little HC too. I don't know. I feel like I'm talking to much instead of just replying to your original ask of 'OMG SAME!'
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