#I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow (Tuesday) to talk about meds
brain fog is depriving me of my ability to draft for the time being so you best believe I will be working on beta reader exclusive content in the meanwhile 🥲
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debbie067-blog · 7 years
Tuesday July 25
Wow, the 25th already, this month is going by quickly.
I had a Dr appointment today. This dr is a medical oncologist as opposed the the dr I saw yesterday that is a gp working with the radiologist oncologist. There are so many doctors, I get confused. Anyway, this guy was also very nice and easy to talk to. He was very impressed/shocked to hear that I had no trouble with my first round of chemo. He was also pleased with my overall health and attitude.
I spoke with him as well about my hair loss and he told me that it was probably because of the chemo. This cisplatin that I am taking doesn't usually cause hair loss, but it can. SO I don't know who to believe. I just wish that if I was going to loose any hair, it would be from my legs and pits! Come on.. can't a girl get a break!
I was able to get some of my oatmeal mix down for breakfast and a bit of pea soup for lunch. I am going to try some tuna for dinner, hopefully that will be a winner.
I have two more prescriptions for mouth wash/ pain meds. I hope they will do the trick. One is a numbing agent, so it should help to let me get some more food in me.
I went for a walk today with Loukia and Ivory. We were gone a good hour +. It was a gorgeous day.  I came back and had a bit of a nap, then went to the Bay. there big sale ends today and they had some shoes I wanted 1/2 price... I was successful in getting one pair, but they didn't have the flats that I wanted. I will check on line later.
I am back now, obviously, and just getting ready to have some dinner. Then I am going to sit and do some stitching. I have a very special project on the go, for a  very special person. that deserves a special surprise.. because they are reading this...I can't tell you what it is! It is killing me, because I am very excited about them. Also when I got home on Friday, I had two special packages in the mail. they are both Christmas gifts for 4 people reading this. So, again I can't share... don't ya hate that! I do  :)
 I guess that is about it for now. I will be quiet tomorrow, as I am in the hospital from 8:30 am until noon on Thursday (there is no wifi there). When I get back on Thursday afternoon, I suspect I will be very sleepy, if the last session is any indication. So, I may not post anything until late Thursday night or Friday.
I will still have my email and text.
Hope my golf ladies had a good day. From Joan's email it sounds like it was a great putting day for a lot of you! The greens must me in great shape.  Wish I was there!
All righty then... we will talk later.
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