#I have become mush. a purple blob. I've been shattered and reformed by this man
krenenbaker · 1 year
Ikepri Opinions - Sariel's route (Romantic)
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Well, I finished it. I'm finished with Sariel's Romantic route, so I'm finally making an individual post to SCREAM about this man.
It was INTENSE. It BROKE me, then it made me whole once more (in a very different way than the other aspects of his route, though it's also accurate to say those destroyed me as well. I'm so similar to how Belle is written in his route, too... so I felt especially connected / drawn into what happened.)
The good and the bad, the softness and the cruelty, the light and the dark... everything in Sariel's route slowly snaked its way around my very being. I do think Auburn was right... I believe I've found him, my dearest man ♥
And gosh, the language in this story?? Absolutely GORGEOUS. I've added some of my favourite lines - both the beautiful and amusing - below ^_^ (they're out of context, but still, spoiler warning if you continue). Under the cut are the most spoiler-y things and lines from the Romantic epilogue, as well as my opinions on the events of the story, so... yeah. I've italicized my absolute faves :)
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Once upon a time, or so the story goes...
In every story I'd ever read, taking a devil by the hand and agreeing to his terms meant losing one's soul forever. Once you'd accepted whatever the devil offered you, you were doomed.
Sariel: Goodness me, did I accidentally speak my mind? I can't imagine how that happened.
Nokto: You're getting more and more Sariel-esque by the day.
Yves: Would you two stop with the over-apologizing already! (this one I will give a little context - it was directed to Keith and Emma. I also relate to this INTENSELY.)
He hadn't just stood up to them — he'd countered them with a violence far exceeding their own, turning predators into prey.
It's a longing... a desire to be there for you, to support you and keep you grounded.
There's no point thinking about what-ifs or maybes. They don't actually help anyone. All I can do is accept the reality I'm faced with, whether it's good or bad, kind or cruel.
Sariel: Once something is lost, there is no bringing it back.
Rio: Instead she went and threw herself into her work, obsessively determined to do anything and everything. (me fr, haha...)
Jin: Your apprentice is a terrifying woman. She's terrifying and brilliant, and as her master, I bet you know what she's planning next, right?
A gloved hand reached towards the woman, and her lips parted, but her scream caught in her throat, forever unvoiced.
I wanted to know the real you. I wanted to get past everything you were using to push me away, and get close to the man you are, deep inside.
Silvio: So go vanish somewhere else.
Silvio: Let me explain this in a way even a peace freak like you can understand.
That wasn't me signing a deal with the devil - that was the devil signing a deal with me.
it looked for all the world as if he [was] about to sacrifice himself in the fires of hell.
It wasn't a deal at all — it was a gentle promise, given to a dying king, a promise so pure and noble it made me want to cry.
Yves: Even I can tell that you're planning something, even if I don't know what. And I get it, but— Why are you and Sariel both so determined to rush headlong into these things all by yourselves! (ME FR ^^;)
Sariel: In all other matters, you are a brilliant woman, but I am somewhat concerned by your choice to stay with me.
The only people who knew that for certain were the man who'd eradicated him, and the man who'd banished him, knowing it would happen.
Sariel: So tell me, do you have what it takes to go on dancing with the devil, now and forevermore?
Yves: And ever since Emma officially became Sariel's apprentice, it's almost like there's two Sariels in the palace.
Sariel: I've grown quite fond of tea since you started brewing it for me while we're working.
His hair was slightly damp, and he smelled of the same soap I'd used earlier, and suddenly I was imagining how he might have looked washing himself with it.
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Okay, now for my THOUGHTS. First off... OH MY GOODNESS. The tension - intrapersonally, interpersonally, nationally, and internationally is so deliciously palpable and so strong. The fact that multiple people were so near to being executed or dying in other ways, the amount of national unrest, and the legitimate, imminent risk of Rhodolite simply no longer existing due to multiple foreign powers... that's good stuff, there! And the acknowledgement of other, distant countries??? OH HELL YEAH!!!
I also related HEAVILY with Belle/Emma in this route (and Sariel himself, in many, many ways, too). I was following a walkthrough, but every choice with the exception of maybe one or two is exactly how I would approach each situation. Even much of the phrasing is how I often speak... it was honestly a little eerie!
And I agree with the choice of king, considering how the issues surrounding the kingdom resolved. I believe that that choice will lead to prosperity for Rhodolite, and the surrounding nations. And the fact that summits are planned for the future between Rhodolite and its neighbours is a FANTASTIC thing! I also am so glad that there's now a new minister in the palace... especially one that's been trained so well! ^w^
I also appreciate how there are still things to learn about Sariel by the end of the route - he's familiar but still distant, in the same way that Emma is. It's honestly nice to know that they still have things to learn from one another, and are working together to open up to each other over time. Sariel's relaxed, and helped Emma to relax, too. They've given each other stability and comfort, a sense of belonging and home... a support so they have each other to lean on and share their burdens. They've provided exactly what the other needs, in a quiet way. And I find that extremely comforting, and beautiful in such a deep way.
And outside of the narrative, I just adore Sariel's character. He's polite and well-mannered, but an absolute tease. He's reserved, and clever, and resourceful. He's violent, but gorgeously composed and calculated in his brutality (HIS SCARS, OMGG). He's mysterious, and has grown and shifted, and bettered himself so many different times and different ways. He's strict, but he is so, so kind. Kind to the point of self-destruction. And he's just ethereally beautiful. I truly, honestly, and deeply love him.
I can not believe I've come to the end of his route... I honestly don't want to leave him :( I may just start his route over again immediately and read the Dramatic end, or I may just wait for Keith's route to release, and focus on events until then... I haven't decided yet. But there is one thing I have decided for certain: Sariel Noir is very dear to me ♥
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