#I have no clue how to tag this- like it’s *technically* based on DialTown but I’m not aware enough of DT lore to know if it fits?
ducktr0ducin · 1 year
Jack you are single-handedly dragging me into dateable hell [positive]
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Rambling under cut-
OK SO HERES MY INSANITY (in no particular order)-
- Ben is a trans autistic man
- Whenever Ben has a sensory overload, he shuts his casing and doesn’t open it until he’s calmed down
- Ben has really poor peripheral vision, and tends to accidentally bump his casing into shit
- That jacket stays on all the time- Ben would rather suffer in the heat than look less fly
- Ben has a chain from his bow that clips to his belt, and he tends to fidget with it whenever nervous
- Rather ironically Ben is awful at keeping track of time
- Ben loves having his casing polished, but tends to need help to fully get the outer casing
- A tad self absorbed, but he’s trying his best to be considerate of others
- Has like 50 copies of the exact same outfit. If he’s not wearing his regular outfit then he’ll feel weird until he can change
- If you try to move Ben’s face hands, he will not hesitate to throw hand hands
- Sleeps with like fifty pillows- literally a pillow nest he flings himself into to sleep
- The kind of mfer to spend 3 hours in the bathroom to get ready for the morning with their 50 step skin care routine
- He always makes soft ticking noises, however it’s a lot more prominent when he sleeps
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