#I have so many headcanons thanks to feh being an ongoing game you have no idea
dentos-wife · 1 year
Day 2: Relationships
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Art by @/RitDelba on Twitter
Day 1: Introductions here
When Alfonse tells Jane not to befriend the heroes she summons, she does the opposite because she no longer wants to listen to anyone. Most of the time it's fine and she gets along with mostly everyone; there is the occasional person she doesn't but it's nothing bad. Until she summons Grima and goes through hell trying to get him to listen to her; partially because she's stubborn and partially because everyone told her to send him home he's too dangerous. And she wanted to prove them wrong.
Let's talk about the ones in this image here:
Grima: Becomes Jane's special partner but the start was rough, her snarky attitude pissed him off and she taunted him to do his worst. Once he found a loophole in the summoners contract, the summoner is only protected physically not mentally he tried to break her spirit in various ways. After finding out her hidden hatred of humanity in one of his cruel attempts became curious about her and the two came to an understanding. He's like her shadow always there, even if it's a meeting he can't be a part of.
Leo: Jane's first summoned hero and her advisor. She doesn't listen to his advice most of the time however. It's his job to keep her in line and prevent her from getting into too much trouble. Enjoys being in charge for it allows him to step outside of Xander's shadow a bit. Sees Jane like another sister and butts heads with Grima and his "ideas" often.
Corrin: Jane's best friend in the new world, always willing to lend a hand. Full of trust. It's her heart and kindness that prevents Jane from going too far and saves the team from a lot of trouble. Also sees the summoner like a sibling, a sibling from another world. Really wants to befriend Grima and might be making progress with the Fell Dragon the more they interact as a team.
Azura: Quiet and reflective usually is the one to deal with the messes the group gets into. Her song can both calm and invigorate. Really interested in music from Jane's world and fascinated with the different styles. Once she learns of Jane's hidden secrets she is able to understand having secrets of her own about Valla.
And some others not in the image
Alfonse: Great friends with Jane but exasperated with her tactics of act first think later. Despite this he still trusts her with his life. Once he discovered she does the opposite of what he asks often he plays mind games with her and asks her to do what he doesn't want knowing she'll do the opposite. He has a 50/50 success rate of this tactic.
Plumeria: Someone agrees humans are disgusting? As a sex repulsed asexual Jane feels awful for Plumeria having to do that job because she sure couldn't do it. They're able to bond over this. With Askr Plumeria is slowly able to stop the job she hates and gives fluff instead of smut. Gains the nickname the Sugar Plum Fairy with her new purely romantic dreams.
Eir: Is the one to convince Grima and Jane to take over Hel so it has a ruler while she rebuilds Ymir her true home. Considers the order to be her new home. Gets really into magic girls after learning about them from Jane
Robin: Jane's tactics teacher; the only reason she does more than running headfirst at the enemy. Used to wake her up for her tactics lesson with a bucket of cold ice water, because she refused to wake up early but stopped once Grima moved in. Originally not very happy about the summoning of the Fell Dragon but over time the two are like twin brothers, and they fight over who is older.
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