#I have survived moral scrupulosity about shipping in my fandom
antimony-medusa · 2 months
Incidentally, because I have been seeing some wild guilt-tripping posts today to the point that I'm kind of concerned, if you are not reblogging every post you see you are not killing your fandom, you are not a terrible person who doesn't care about artists, and you are not destroying the culture of fandom space in general.
I'm a huge fan of reblogging, I do it all the time because I am a gremlin who likes sticking pictures of my blorbos on the walls of my cardboard box, and I like showing things to my followers. It's the hold up blorbo to friends emotion. I encourage people to reblog and also have fun making their blog their own with lots of fun posts. But I also see thousands of posts a day and I can only reblog like 250 of them, and I'm not always on social media, and sometimes I see art that contains a character I don't care for, or stuff that is intended for another audience, or jokes that don't do it for me, and I scroll past. I am firmly convinced that that is not an immoral way to do fandom. I'm not here to be an SEO optimized marketing machine, I'm here to be unwell about the blorbos for a bit. I am not ascribing a moral quantity to the way I reblog posts.
Reblog stuff you like! Without shame! Take those 40 pictures of a movie you just watched and inflict them on your followers, go for it! But also if you just scroll and like you are not going to be struck down by heaven for your sins. It's literally fine to be a lurker. I know plenty of people who lurk on one site and engage and keep their fandoms spinning on others. You're fine.
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