#I have vauge vague memories of the tree
welcometomybraincomics · 11 months
Dream Journal excerpt:
 There was some guy who was depressed or desperate or something and he said “I was so ( some word I don’t recall that was probably some sort of synonym for desperate) that I literally tried contacting the tree that you become in the future.” 
This part CONFUZED the HECK out of me and I found myself literally reading over those last words on a piece of line paper IN the dream (nobody was actually reading any paper I just saw the camera zoom in on the words “The tree that you become in the future” and lingering on “Tree” and “future” and it had a background that looked papery and the words looked as if written in pencil). 
When my dream self finally gave up on trying to decipher the sentence, the camera went back to the scene and the man was now a green (I think, that or blue) triangle or some sort of triangular prism floating in the air in front of the girl he was talking to. The man-now-thick-triangle was accompanied by a thick circle (orange or yellow) to his left and a thick square (red or blue) to his right and both were visible to the camera as the group was tilted at an angle or was staggered just so you could see everyone except for the square whose left side was kind of just… on the screen. 
The girl asked, “how do you know I become a tree in the future?” and the triangle responded “because I’m the one who forced you to become a tree (in the future). And I know it happened because I just relieved it (in a dream)” *triangle shutters* and some amount of his was actually written on his triangle body but there were only 2 words on there and I can’t remember what they said ( i think the triangle was blue and the square was the green one because I remember the writing on the triangle being light blue as if it was scratched into him.  Also, the handwriting was terrible like that of a 5-year-old or someone writing with a mouse) and the circle behind him commented “Shit.” (like “shit man, that’s fucked up” but all encompassed into the word “shit”) which was also written on his circle face below where you would expect eyes to be on a circle (the same went for the triangle).  And the girl jus commented “Oh.” 
This connected to some other dream SOMEHOW, but I can’t recall a dream where a guy forces a little girl that kind of looks like Isabella from Phineas and Ferb to become a tree.  And I mean a literal tree.  Maybe it was a previous part of this current dream? I don’t know.  I do remember something about someone being forced to be a tree though.  Which is weird.
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alyseofwonderland · 7 years
*whispers* yes please tell me more about Speirs' tattoos because i might be intrigued.
Okay so some of this is really vague and some of it i care about deeply so get ready for a bag of nonsense.
As stated before the first tattoo that Ron gets is the Screaming Eagle. He is coping Lipton but also Dick. Dick has talked about what the image means to him in the past and then Lip turned the eagle into a symbol for family and listen slightly broken teen aged Ronald Speirs was ready to hold onto that concept with both hands. 
So he gets the Eagle on like his pec/ shoulder area. It’s a bit more stylized than Dick and Lip have because our boy is kind of an edge lord at that age. Ron befriends the tattoo artist and the guy is telling small Ron about different types of tats that he has done, why people get them, and so on. 
Smol Ron 1) loves the feel of a tattoo, the pain is grounding for him 2) for a mostly street kid/foster care kid the concept of being able to take your memories with you everywhere is this amazing idea. 
(I cry a bit about my smol Ron in this AU)
Next one he gets is this Irish knot that is supposed to mean strength or over coming hardships. It’s for warriors. He mostly gets it because it looks really cool and he likes the lines. Dad Dick is like “stop doing this” which means Ron has to get another one. Also even number or tattoos are bad luck.
Next one he gets is the cross with the latin prayer. Our boy gets a death prayer because he thinks its the height of hilarity to get a prayer for the dead on his skin. (Oh yeah did i mention his parents are dead? I didn’t! AH! Yes smol Ron has no living relatives. Cry about it with me. I did this to him.)
Around this tattoo the artist is kind of like “Listen, buddy, pal, smol angry and dangerous boy, you are getting some generic shit. We can do better.”
Ron is so IN.
He had some work around his upper fore arms, I don’t have anything set for this area but maybe something original and geometric. Lots of dots and lines that make the muscles in his arms look HOT.
Those flow into some work on his inner biceps that is some water color abstract landscapes and skies. 
He has one on his hip that is actually a cover up of a really bad scar he had there. The cigarette burns are now part of a tree. 
On his back he has a pattern that seems kind of nonsensical but is actually taking from a rubbing of his parent’s graves. Because he wanted to have his past behind him but not gone. 
After meeting Gene he gets a few more in the coming years. He gets his ring finger tattooed with the morose code for Gene, it can only be seen when he takes his ring off which is never. 
as a joke for an anniversary years later he gets a bunch of french curses Gene has thrown at him tattooed on his feet. Gene, surprisingly thinks it’s hilarious.
Every few years he goes in and gets a new dot on his spine. Only he knows why he gets the dots. They are a way for him to mark time and events. He does get two in the months the fic takes place. Take that as you will. 
I feel like i should have reference pics but i want these to be vauge-ish so people can picture him with or without some of these.
Not Speirs Note: I picture Liebgott with full sleeves and finger tats in the fic. I dont know what they say. Maybe ‘kiss my ass’. I also think he has one of those pentagram tats because he likes that it upsets people. Chuck has the least amount of tats. Don Malarkey has a full back piece hardly anyone has seen. Rumors are that Joe Toye has some heavy inked words on one of his inner thighs and they can sometimes be seen during his fights and the internet is dying to know what they say. (even i don’t know. I’ll let @aces-low choose)
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