#I haven't in days but neither could I fully focus on drawing
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I need to focus on other things, I can't really draw the siblings' dynamic I'm desperate to showcase so have it tossed down bellow
-Hornet still calls Hollow by "Knight", as they have no name and she doesn't feel like it's her place to give them one. She also refers to them in it/its or they/them pronoun, kind of switches between the two
-Hollow's way of communication is body gestures and movement. They can write but it's been too long, they are somewhat relearning how to. They write in short sentences, not because they can't or don't want to communicate, it's their current headspace of just kind of existing normally that's new to them. They also eventually develop a sort of sign language of their own that only Hornet picks up on (at the time).
-Hornet is the one who introduced them to other bugs to see how they socialize, also being forced to do the same herself. She is not doing so well lol! Hollow, while not really knowing to pick up on social ques as well, is still doing better due to still carrying the basic training of being a knight (and polite towards bugs they were meant to "keep safe and serve")
-While she feels like took a lot on herself to help Hollow adapt, it's their interaction that sort of bounce off of each other and proving to be helpful to her as well. She still has a need to be protective of them in any situation, though, taking a lot of responsibility on herself while not needed and this can have a counter effect on Hollow, making them step away from her when she acts too much like that.
-Hollow doesn't like physical contact, not because they're afraid or not trusting enough because physical contact outside of combat is foreign to them. Hornet learned this (as shown in the comic) and is mainly allowing them to make the first step if she reach out (tugging on Hornet's cape to get her attention, a soft pat on the head as a thank you that they picked up from ~someone :)~ etc.)
-Hollow is recovering and learning but they are still highly trained, fully capable of taking enemies down. What they lack is a sense of drawing the line when to stop, not dealing with enemies who aren't void construct or high skilled like the great knights. They can gravely injure or kill someone very VERY fast and Hornet has to warn and stop them for not accidentally going too far
-They use World Sense to know and see things Hornet can, so randomly they would act a little out of it as if zoning out or mediating in the middle of doing something. Hornet doesn't usually disturb them when they do but she hates when they run off somewhere without her knowing if they decide to go investigate what they 'saw'
-The enemies Hornet tries to keep a secret are these strange bounty hunter bugs that are coming after for some reason *wink*. She thinks Hollow isn't aware but they are secretly keeping an eye out for her
-Hornet learned Hollow refuses to fully sleep rest the hard way (as in she tried all sort of assurances and methods to let them know they're safe but they would act in panic so she would stop trying or insisting)
Uh, I might add more in future self reblogs if I remember more, have this for now~
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aylacavebear · 7 months
Stockroom Antics - Chapter 12
Maria had changed jobs numerous times over the last five years, more to keep herself safe than anything else. Her mother had told her she was a fairy but she thought it was just her mom being weird. Honestly, though, she had no other way of explaining what had happened to her that stormy day before she'd gone into a coma for two weeks.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 1828
Pairing eventually Dean Winchester x OC
Warnings: Angst
A/N: This one's written a little differently than my last one. Let me know what you think. It's the first time I've tried this type of writing. Chapters will alternate viewpoints as well. I also looked into an actual area so this one could feel more realistic. This one is taking on a life of it's own in a turn I hadn't anticipated, so adding a new tag.
----------------------------------------- Stockroom Antics Chapter 12
Sam had noticed that the books had been moved the moment he and his brother went out to the library and immediately suspected her.
They didn’t know much about her, only what Dean had learned during their “date” and what they had found online. It wasn’t much to go off of. She at least had seemed like a decent person. Sam’s other concern was what Crowley had said, that Dean had feelings for her, even if his brother had denied it.
When she came out and brought those two books with her, it surprised both brothers. Dean could only watch her. He had so many questions but didn’t want to cross that line. She was his case, not just some random girl he met on the street for some fun or anything else. He had to stay focused. 
Both of them could tell something was bothering her. Sam even tried to get her to talk, but she was staying somewhat quiet or keeping her answers short. When she asked them if she was just a case to them, he wanted to say something, but he didn’t have an answer for her. His brother's answer wasn’t any better.
And now Dean was mentally berating himself for the answer he’d given her, even if she didn’t seem upset by it. It wasn’t what he wanted to say to her. He wanted to tell her that he did feel something, something he couldn’t explain.
That even with the sigil drawn on him, he still felt a draw to her. All he could do was clench his jaw and grab one of the books she’d set down on the table. Sam had grabbed the other one, which talked about a Pari and its soulmate.
The three of them sat in silence for almost an hour before Dean got up and headed into the kitchen. He needed to do something physically, and she needed to eat, even if she hadn’t even brought up food. His mind was reeling with his thoughts, which only frustrated him further. Before realizing it, he’d made three sandwiches, cleaned up, and returned to the library.
“Eat,” he told her, setting one of the plates down on the book in front of her. Then he gave his brother one. He sat down in his seat and forced himself to eat as well.
She looked over at him, mostly without expression, possibly some curiosity or even some confusion, but didn’t argue. Dean watched her out of his peripheral, making sure she ate. She moved the plate off the book but ate while she read, not looking up.
“Thanks,” she said, mostly quietly, without looking up from her book.
Dean tried to focus on the book in front of him. He’d even come across the chapter about unlocking her powers. If it wasn’t for the fact that Rowena was Crowley’s mother, he might have considered calling her to see if she could do one of the spells in the book. He finished the chapter about the same time he finished his sandwich.
“Sam, check this out,” he told his brother, somewhat gruffly, handing him the book that was opened to the chapter he’d just finished.
“Yeah, same. Trade me,” Sam agreed, handing him the book he’d been reading.
Neither of them noticed her glance at the two of them without fully looking up at either of them. She finished her sandwich, though, and then a cup of soda appeared on the table in front of her book. 
Dean traded books with his brother and started reading where it was open to. He barely kept a straight face when he read the part about the soulmate, then wondered if there was something in the bunker that could explain that further. He looked up at Sam and opened his mouth, then shut it quickly. 
He’d have to wait till she wasn’t around. If she’d read this information, he didn’t want her to think something weird about him. Dean already felt weird or like some creep with the thoughts that kept drifting into his mind when it came to her. None of them were even sexual thoughts. He just wanted to be close to her, hold her, and somehow comfort her through this. 
The brothers both noticed how she got up and went over to the bookshelves, scanning the titles. Neither was quite sure what she was looking for, though.
“Looking for something specific?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Something about angel and demon powers,” she mumbled, focusing on the books.
Dean and Sam shared another unspoken conversation through a look, “We know lots of stuff about those. If you want, we could just tell you,” Sam offered, wondering if it had to do with her powers and what he’d just read.
“It would help to read it too, but sure,” she replied, seeming nonchalant about it.
Sam got up and went over to another bookshelf, pulling down around ten books, then set them all on the table near where she’d been sitting, “That’s the best place to start on angels and demons,” he told her.
She looked over at the stack, although she’d been watching him out of the corner of her eye, “Thanks.” They both returned to where they’d been sitting, and she opened the top book. Neither of them realized she was using her powers to find the information she was after, wanting to know what angel and demon powers consisted of.
Sam then proceeded to tell her what he knew of angels: how they possessed people but needed permission to do so, flying, immortality but that they could be killed, how they could locate someone who wasn’t warded against it, how they could heal themselves and others, time travel, how they could put someone to sleep, that they were strong. He even chuckled a little, remembering back to some of their interactions with Cas.
“Oh, and they can enter people’s dreams,” Dean piped in, remembering how Cas and other angels had done that to him on several occasions.
“Huh…” she mused, not looking up from the book.
Why does she have to look so adorable, Dean thought to himself as he noticed how a few strands of her hair fell just over her face as she read. She closed the book and looked at the stack, grabbing one from the middle carefully. He wanted to ask her why she went for that book in particular but couldn’t seem to get the question to pass his lips. He also really wanted to know what was going through her head.
“Demons are similar, just meaner about it,” Sam continued, deciding to switch topics. 
He noticed her nod, seeming to be listening to him. Sam explained that demons, too, could possess people but didn’t need permission. They could also fly, were immortal but could be killed, that they weren’t affected by something that would kill a person even if they were possessing someone; they were extremely strong, like angels; they weren’t required to eat or sleep, and they could throw someone across a room with just a wave of their hand.
“Hmm…” she mused, again not looking up from her book, then sipped the glass of what looked like soda.
“Where’d that come from?” Sam asked as she hadn’t gotten up, and neither of them had gotten her anything to drink.
“I just thought about wanting some soda,” she answered fairly nonchalantly again.
“Have you ever done that before?” Sam asked curiously.
“No. Figured I’d give it a try after I read that book earlier,” she replied casually, not looking up from her book.
They didn’t realize that she was putting the pieces together for herself. Their job was to somehow keep her safe and away from Crowley. The last thing they needed was for Crowley to have a Pari with its powers fully activated in his arsenal. To them, she didn’t seem like the kind of person who would help anyone do something mean or cruel, but again, they hardly knew her.
Near dinner time, Dean went into the kitchen again, starting with getting himself a beer. He needed it at this point. His mind hadn’t stopped. He wanted to talk to her, get to know her, entirely outside the case. Even with all that he had read, he still had no idea how to keep her from Crowley.
He let his mind wander as he cooked burgers for dinner. She was beautiful in a way he hadn’t seen before, and the pull to be near her tingled through his nerves again. When Sam finally joined him in the kitchen, he was almost relieved.
“What the hell is a soulmate?” Dean asked relatively quietly so that she couldn’t hear them.
“I’ve heard of that before. It explains why humans carry that Pari gene, too. I’ll have to go through the lore, see what I can find,” Sam answered, knowing exactly what his brother was curious about.
Neither of the brothers had ever looked into the soulmate thing. It had come up a couple of times, but they just brushed it off, not needing the information at the time. 
“Can you give me anything?” Dean almost pleaded as he flipped the burgers.
Sam sighed, “It has to do with being drawn to someone. I think soulmates can feel each other sometimes. Other times, it’s harder. One of them might not believe in it, and it blocks that connection. Other than that, I have no idea,” he explained, trying to remember back to the little he did know.
Dean furrowed his brows as he looked down at the cooking burgers. He’d never thought about a soulmate, primarily because of his job but also because it was something he never heard about growing up. He wondered if maybe it wasn’t a human thing or just something that wasn’t widely known.
“Let me know what you find out,” Deam mumbled, only partially wanting to know.
Sam just nodded a little, giving his brother an understanding smile before he headed back out to the library and got on his laptop. His main search, soulmates.
When Dean brought out dinner, he set a plate down for each of them, as well as a beer. She thanked him and even gave him a friendly smile, which he involuntarily returned before he sat down. It was frustrating to him that it felt like he had no control over certain things, like that smile he gave her. 
“This is really good,” she stated, sounding almost surprised.
“I can cook, Sweetheart,” he chuckled, unable to help himself.
He missed her rolling her eyes and quickly turned his attention back to not only his dinner but also to the book he currently had in front of him. This lack of control was seriously beginning to bother him. So, he ate in silence, doing everything he could to not even look at her out of the corner of his eye.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 13
Tag List: @djs8891
Link to the series Master List
A/N: If you'd like to be tagged in future chapters, leave me a comment, and I'll make sure to tag you.
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neotelenta · 7 years
3/6/18 (BONUS) OC Tables (Part 1)
1: Voirade The (Brilliant) Thief
2: Baxter Prague
3. "The Soul Designer"
4. "The Soul Designer's Assistant"
5. Storyteller
6. Walter Edgemond
7. Guy Gridley
8. The Servant of Sound
"Walter Edgemond finds themselves locked into a malfunctioning elevator with "The Soul Designer's Assistant". What happens?"
Walter: Shoot! The blasted thing's stuck! Ugh…
*Walter looks over at the Assistant to find that he's glowing in an impressive multitude of colors*
Walter: Well I gotta admit, Assistant, you sure know how to light up a dark room. You could easily pass for a popular idol here in Strength.
Assistant: Thanks. I'll try and take that as a compliment. Although I'd rather we focus on our current situation, if you don't mind.
Walter: Right, right. Always terse and to the point. Hey, help me out here. Maybe we can get this door open. And climb out, presuming we're near a floor.
Assistant: Sure. Here. Stand back for a second.
*The Assistant brings up what looks like a holographic 3D grid in front of him and overlays it with the crack in the door. The grid turns red in warning, but a moment later, a metallic blob appears in the grid and solidifies into a stake shape, with the pointed end facing directly in between the elevator doors. Moving forward ever so slightly, the stake gets jammed in between, and slowly opens them.*
Assistant: Now. I'll hold it here. Open it up the rest of the way.
Walter: Okay. Let me just….Hrrrrnnnngh!
*Walter, with his calloused hands and significant upper body strength, makes use of the opening and separates the two doors, revealing that they hadn't completely left the floor, and there's room for them to get out from the bottom. Assistant dematerializes the hologram, and the metal stake disappears with it.*
Walter: Hahah! There we go! Not bad teamwork, if I do say so! Classic stuff…
Assistant: Let's just get out of here. I don't like these small spaces.
*From outside the elevator, a voice calls out.*
Designer: Hey! Pixie! Are you alright?
Walter: Uh...You talkin' about your Assistant? Bwahahaha! Yes, he's fine! I'm fine, too, thank you!
Designer: Oh! Walter! Sorry, I didn't know you took the same elevator.
*Walter, in the meantime, crawls out from the bottom and drops down to the floor, with a little bit of help from Designer. Assistant soon follows.*
Assistant: Well that was different. Shall we proceed to the meeting?
"Storyteller goes to 'The Soul Designer's funeral."
Storyteller: ...I don't see any reason for this to happen. No. Let's go back a bit. There's no need for this. D=
*The scene fades to a paper-textured cream color, and you hear the sound of wind and fluttering pages.*
Storyteller: Cameron doesn't want to do this one, so neither do I.
"Guy Gridley has to fight Walter Edgemond."
Guy: I really don't see the point in this.
Walter: Haha! Maybe you don't, but you're looking like a mighty proud conniving villain if you ask me! What reality show are YOU from?
Guy: ...I'm no villain, Mr. Edgemond. I'm not trying to be, anyways. You must understand that I'm doing this for the good of EVERYONE.
Walter: Doing what? Convincing depressed and degraded people to commit SUICIDE? Have you lost your mind?!
Guy: I have lost a lot of things, Mr. Edgemond, but in fact, my mind is one of my most prized possessions. I pay a lot of attention to it. Try to think of things from my perspective. I know I do with yours.
Walter: What do YOU know?!
Guy: That all of this is pointless. The countless heroes and villains you deal with. The money. The fickle fame that comes with drawing the attention of millions of people for short periods of time. The fear-riddled culture this whole place reeks of. The only way you cope with all of it is by always showing that you're tough, and that if you pretend you're not afraid, maybe you won't be afraid at all. That if you play by the rules and don't cross any lines, you have nothing to be afraid of. But you KNOW that isn't true. Because the lines will get drawn closer...and closer...And closer...Until even people like you are thrown out like the trash. And you'll be picked clean. I know what it's like, Walter. Please.
Walter: Nnngh…...You just really like to put things in those tidy life boxes with your words, don't you? It's infuriating to hear stuff like that come from someone I barely even know beyond his misdeeds. What do you want from me, huh?
Guy: Your life. But not for me. For yourself.
Walter: Oh, come on, Gridley…
Guy: Yes. Here I am giving you a lecture on why you should die. What's the problem? I can make it look convincing. You won't have to take a SINGLE scrap of blame. No-one will know but me, and I make it a solemn point to never share personal details like this to the outside world if I can help it.
Walter: ……But...I have people to ca-
Guy: Do THEY care about you? They only like you because they see you as a resource. And they treat you as just some person. When was the last time one of your coddled protagonists ever asked you about how your day was going? They never do that, do they? Or what about all of the literal garbage you begrudgingly buy from them to stay in line with what the reality shows want? They say the profit you make is from the 'heroes' themselves, but the 'heroes' don't tell you any of the other stuff they do, do they?
Walter: ……
Guy: Walter, please don't do this to yourself. If you die, it will finally break the system. They'll realize what they've done and what they're missing. That you, and anyone like yourself shouldn't be pushed like this. You will be the great sacrifice that helps TRULY save this town. You won't be missed. You'll be revered. I will see to it that everyone knows about you.
Walter: …...Let me go. Please. I don't want to look at you.
Guy: I...Hm.
*Guy raises his gun at the back-turned Walter and fires*
Guy: May this world be blessed with your understanding.
"Voirade and The Servant of Sound go on a quest to save Baxter Prague."
*Voirade and TSoS are riding in the back seats of a monorail train.*
Voirade: ...It's been too long, see? I can't believe it's been years, already…
SoS: TTS_Yes.mp3
Voirade: ...I'll be damned if I haven't been wantin' to return Snatcher to you ever since that day. They was wantin' to destroy your music, see? I couldn't live by that. Kekeke...Nah, not me. I'm a thief, but I has me limits.
SoS: TTS_I'm_Glad_You_Kept_Him_Safe_For_Everyone.mp3
Voirade: Yeah, me too, see? We gotta find Baxter, though. Only he can put the two of you back together again. Then maybe we'll get to finally see what it was like when you were fully human. Kekeke!
SoS: …
[[[The other prompts will come later. This was all I could do for today. Thank you again for reading.]]]
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