#I haven't memorized their names yet so I'm referring to them by their dates for now lol
infriga · 7 months
My friend and I started watching Bodies cause we were curious about it and had just finished House of Usher so we were the mood for something else to watch, and we clocked the 1890's detective as gay so fast it's kinda hilarious. Sir you did not need to eye fuck the journalist like that.
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Okay, so this is...round 3? Of me attempting to make a pinned post for this blog. It's. really hard. I want to make something that perfectly encapsulates what to expect on my blog, so...well, pretty much entirely so I hopefully diffuse any difficult situations before they happen.
But I'm tired.
And we're doing this;
Hey! o/ Welcome to my blog! You can call me Tobi.
For a quick TLDR;
I am a she/her adult
I do not tolerate any kind of bigotry
This blog is firmly anti-censorship, and highkey shippy and dark.
The blog name is not ironic. There is, guaranteed, at least 1 picture of that nature if you go poking around, so do so at your own risk.
There will likely be other kinds of inappropriate posts, and I'd frankly prefer you err on the side of caution rather than get mad at me for posting.
Detailed stuff under the cut;
I am 21+
My pronouns are she/her, I identify as a girl. Please do not refer to me as "ma'am", "miss", "lady", nor with "they/them" or "he/him". Also, please do not use pet names with me, I do not like them. (hon, sweetie, girlie, etc.) (For anyone who feels like being cheeky, this is all simply a matter of preference. And for anyone who does it out of habit or unsuredness or anything like that, I won't hold it against you! Accidents happen, we're all human, and if you're not interacting with me very much, I do not expect you to have this memorized.)
I am aromantic, aegosexual (experiences sexual attraction but only towards situations where I'm not involved) + fictosexual (only experiences sexual attraction towards fictional characters). To further explain; I'm only attracted to fiction characters, but I do not wish to date or fuck them myself. (I like using other characters for that.) (I do completely support selfshippers/other fictos that do have F/Os, however!!)
I am a multishipper, with a huge love for horror, angst, hurt/comfort, whump, other kinds of dark content, villains, tragic backstories, and redemption arcs. I love to write and draw, and initially made this blog for...well, gore drawings primarily, but it's kind of not panning out that way due to my currently limited ability to draw. Still; if anyone needs/wants something blacklisted and that I haven't yet done, please feel free to ask! (Politely.)
I also love other kinds of more lighthearted content, and I think if anyone's going to mistakenly wander onto this blog thinking my username's intentionally ironic, it's probably for future posts of this nature.
I go in and out of hyperfixations like an absolute bitch, so right now this is primarily a Genshin Impact-focused blog. I might switch the focus later, or it might get really quiet in here, it kind of remains to be seen. But I currently should be in this hyperfixation for quite a while longer.
The purposes of this blog is for me to post whatever the heck I feel like posting whenever the heck I want, so no I will not be taking any "why post x when you can post y?"-type asks, and I will only tag and label things, not remove them. If you send me this kind of thing, you will be blocked.
If anything here is a deal breaker for you, do feel free to block me! I will not come after you or ask why or make passive aggressive vague posts or anything like that.
Things this blog will NOT tolerate and WILL get you blocked immediately if I see it;
Any kind of exclusionist behavior (homophobia, aphobia, biphobia, panphobia, transphobia, etc)
Sexism, regardless of towards men or women
Ableism, any hate towards any mental illness at all
Any calls to harassment or attempts to incite harassment/drama
Ship hate of any kind + Character bashing of any kind
Blatant refusal to curate your own experience, and/or deliberately going into tags you KNOW stress you out and getting mad that the content exists
Threatening violence, rape, or murder against real people, or slinging allegations at people over fiction.
I will not be getting on people's cases for their fictional preferences, (ie if you don't want my fav character/ship or a trope I like or whatever being brought up in your ask box, I will not be upset about that), however.
-> Other Noteworthy Stuff
Basically any time I get really into writing a character, I tend to append a tragic backstory to them (if canon doesn't provide one), and they can wind up a much, much more softened/sympathetic version of themselves compared to canon. This...isn't fully intentional, it just keeps happening.
At some point, I'll probably add a specific tag to blacklist so if anyone doesn't want to see my versions of this or that character, they can just...avoid it like the plague-- If I do make that tag, it'll go here!
Feel free to send me asks about...basically anything! But do be prepared for an infodump if I feel strongly enough about something. (I'll try to keep the infodumping to positive things, however!)
I do take prompts, but not full-blown requests; bear in mind, any prompts are fully subject to my specific characterizations!
Keep in mind; we like canon here. We are hyperfixating on canon because we like and enjoy it. Lots and lots of AUs and seemingly completely off characterizations are kind of my MO, but they are being done respectfully and with love, not out of spite for canon. There may occasionally be some ignorance towards canon involved but please allow me to figure that out myself, or mention it kindly if desired.
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