#I haven't seen the original and only own the joke dub with no subtitle option to watch in the original Japanese
an-aura-about-you · 2 months
Oh I've watched Samurai Pizza Cats! On youtube, a few years ago. ...I honestly don't remember much about it, aside from the guy changing his name from "Bad Bird" to "Good Bird". Also the theme song; that thing is catchy as fuuuuck, massive props to whoever wrote it.
Hell yes!! The show is actually so meme-able and I don't know if the people even know. The fourth wall breaks, Princess Vi constantly threatening to send people to Prisoner Island a la Miette, Lucille blowing shit up when she's upset, the mom and son that show up once per episode to comment on whatever zany shit is happening, nobody beating the furry allegations or the gay allegations, I'd even like to see how people would handle the more problematic elements. Frankly, I'm overdue for a rewatch since a lot of this is firmly nestled in my 90s kid childhood.
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